There is going to be a very interesting race tonight. Not only from a NASCAR perspective, but also from a TV perspective.
The Nationwide Series event from Daytona will be a full dress rehearsal for ESPN's Sprint Cup coverage that begins in just a couple of weeks.
Network executives will be watching the "A team" of Dr. Jerry Punch, Dale Jarrett and Andy Petree call the action on this superspeedway. The chemistry between these three is going to be the key to ESPN handling the pressure of the Cup Series down-the-stretch.
Fans do not have to think very hard to recall the Brickyard disaster of 2007, as this column reflected. ESPN went on to have a rough Pocono race, and the troubles continued all the way to Homestead. What a NASCAR TV season to forget.
Now, Jarrett has breathed new life into the ESPN line-up in the booth and his magnetism has been contagious. Petree has been having his best season to date, and Jerry Punch is trying to regain his focus and stay energized for the entire telecasts.
The cast has also been set for the Cup Series on pit road. Mike Massaro is the veteran, although put in some difficult positions last season by the production staff. Dave Burns continues to fly under-the-radar and produce good information without the comedy routines that used to be his trademark.
Both of ESPN's female pit reporters have been put on the spot, and responded. Jamie Little is having her best season ever having lowered the volume and the intensity. She seems to be enjoying herself this year and it is coming across on-the-air to viewers. Shannon Spake is clearly the rookie and she continues to work hard to keep her focus and not be intimidated by her surroundings.
There is no doubt that the biggest smiles from the ESPN bunch are reserved for Allen Bestwick. Doubling as both the host of NASCAR Countdown and the one hour Monday edition of NASCAR Now, Bestwick has been a war horse for the network since February and shows no signs of stopping.
If there is anyone who is going to take the lead and guide the ESPN NASCAR team through the final seventeen weekends of the season, it is Bestwick. Televising both the Nationwide and Sprint Cup Series during this stretch is brutal and last season Jerry Punch showed the effects of handling the races, practice and qualifying with very little help from the infield.
This season, seated in the infield for ESPN will be one of the most respected NASCAR TV veterans in history. Earlier this season, viewers watched Bestwick and company fill hours of rain delay with no problem. Bestwick welcomed guests to his studio set, used the pit reporters for interviews and allowed the announce team in the booth to take a well deserved break. This is the winning combination for ESPN where NASCAR is concerned.
Friday night in Daytona, ESPN will expand the NASCAR Countdown show to one hour. Bestwick will be faced with the task of dealing with topics from Mark Martin at Hendrick to the shrinking fields for both the Cup and Nationwide Series. ESPNEWS has been running the exclusive interview with Mauricia Grant, so doubtless Bestwick will have to touch on the subject of Grant's lawsuit.
As you watch the telecast, keep an eye on Jarrett's emerging role as more than just an analyst. The ESPN production team has been allowing Jarrett a lot of freedom. He often asks questions of fellow analyst Andy Petree, he speaks directly with the pit reporters and is often called upon to help Jerry Punch when he gets tongue-tied at certain moments. Jarrett has the ability to do a lot on TV and that certainly opens-up some interesting possibilities.
ESPN may have solved their problems of 2007 with a couple of personnel changes and some flexibility in the production truck. This Daytona Nationwide race should be a good indication of what fans will be seeing from ESPN when they cross-over to the big time for the final seventeen weeks of the season.
This post will serve to host your comments about the Nationwide Series telecast on ESPN2. To add your TV-related opinion, just click on the COMMENTS button below and follow the easy instructions. The rules for posting are located on the right side of the main page. Thanks so much for taking the time to drop by The Daly Planet.
1 – 200 of 202 Newer› Newest»Hey all, anyone got the weather radar up?
I'll miss the pre-race to watch the Prelude on Speed. I really like Dr. Punch but this just isn't working. He has more emotion throwing to a commercial than he does calling the race. He really seems lost calling the action, don't know if it's just too many people talking to him or what but he's just not a traffic cop in the booth.
BTW JD how about on your coverage posts putting a sub-headline with time and channel info like "ESPN2 - 7:00 p.m. EDT"? Just a suggestion :)
Weather looks good, rain out towards Ocala. Check weather.com and go to Interactive Weather Map, you can center anywhere you want and choose a map view or satellite view. Loop is about 50 minutes.
Good idea about the times. I also agree about Punch. Hope he can pull it off tonight.
I just wanted to second Bevo's most EXCELLENT IDEA, JD!!
It's cooler here but so muggy this house could be a humidor..if you can keep cigars in cooler weather..67 outside...house still 76 but I digress.
I am not watching the pre race. I already saw video on Gibbs grandson...I am very sorry he is sick but thought it might be a repeat.
I had insomnia again until after 5AM and I HATE to say this but Punch could put me to sleep during the race.
Man, I have the attention span of a gnat tonight, sorry JD...Hope I can watch the race after I eat something. I love Daytona but they better keep the energy up in the booth.
oh, a certain racer is annoying me with his lack of retirement and back to full time ride??..I know it goes against the grain to not like this guy so I won't mention any names. =:-).
Hope a NW driver wins tonight. Or some other underdog. AND that the weather stays away.
LOVE NIGHT TIME racing at Daytona.
Don't understand why they had to show the Gibbs child story yet again..nice story & all, but still..
JD, it should be interesting what Doc does when this race starts going single file. Every single driver has said that the track is slick(just like every July Daytona race)
Absolutely. He really struggled with qualifying. Sometimes he read promos and introduced features with excitement and then was bored and confused for on-track action. It was quite strange to hear his voice get loud and realize he was reading a promo.
Pretty good pre-race show they could have shortened it a bit without showing the repeated segments. National Anthem had to be muted in this house yet again. Andy & Dale will be the focus in the broadcast booth they should do a great job. Hope the drivers have a safe race too. Happy Independence Day racing fans.
The one hour Countdown show was definitely overkill ...
They repeated the segment on Gibbs ... And IF they were going to do the 1 hr show, they should've focused on the teams that get little to no airtime ... Not the team that's gotten so much airtime that they should change the name of the series for ...
Why didn't DIS get bigger named talent for this weekend's performances of the National Anthem ???
JD - There's anther display of lack of love towards NASCAR by a Seattle media outlet ...
KRKO-AM is the MRN/PRN/IMSRadio affiliate ... But, they're airing the Aquasox minor league baseball game tonight & tomorrow ...
Though, they are gonna air the Cup race on Sunday morning at 9am tape delayed ... Sorry, but who wants to listen on the radio to a race that ended 12hrs earlier ?? That's just nuts ...
WOW. Sorry Seattle is getting screwed out of the race again. That's amazing?!
I have said many times Punch is more excited about promo's or going to commercial. Makes no sense at all. I would love to know what that is all about.
Here we go.
My friends at MRN are going to love that. Amazing.
I have to agree with whats been said here - Mark is a nice guy but make up your mind and stick to it already.
The Gibbs story has been aired 3times now we get it from Coaches view. Enough! He is doing well, and looks pretty good. Enjoy it!
The anthem was muted here too.
Why don't they get people who can really sing - its not the easiest song to sing so get someone who can handle it.
And the difference between Doc & AB was really pronounced today I hope Doc does better tonight - if not maybe DJ will take over.
you can tell this is not TNT...too much IN CAR cam already.
Sigh..split screen with lead change
They're doing the split screen commercials tonight, or just tomorrow?
Bad camera work, need more wide shots. Too many questions being asked between each other in the booth as well
just tomorrow the open coverage minus local commercial breaks...about 3 or so minutes an hour..I am sure JD can correct me if I am wrong. That's TNT that will give us that gift.
DJ and Andy are dominating this broadcast, and we are getting no input from Punch
Glad somebody else noticed the bad camera work.
ESPN could LEARN from TNT's camera directors. WIDE SHOTS are VERY IMPORTANT but especially at big tracks.
Is Doc still there? Haven't heard him
I'm about to utter a phrase toture couldn't have gotten me to say last year.... I wish this was on TNT, I wish I had RB, I wish espn had a real director who liked racin so we get wide shots!
I SECOND your comments!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That graphic didn't have to be there - did it?
is anybody hearing a slight background chatter over/behind the announcers? It's subtle but there.
it is interesting that DJ seems to be the one "throwing" to the pit reporters
The tight shots are killing me. Just doesnt work at a Superspeedway like this. :(
Ok it's the pit folks I am hearing the second line of chatter.
wow...the camera work must be from Fox.
Meow Hiss~~~
I need to make a special dessert to signify tomorrow's TNT broadcast.
it will be our LAST HURRAH of fantastic camera work for the year.
We wouldn't be saying that last year, lol. Even with their promo's I will take them over the bottom ticker, constant camera change, over use of tight shots and the proverbial in car/bumper cams we will see this evening.
and I am not drinking caffeine JD but wine. :-)
Yes there is chatter I don't know what it is, thought my new tv was having audio probs, its not its espn.
DJ - my hero- has taken over ! And doing a great job.
And boy does this track need repaved!DIS must be going broke
JD don't you have a hot line to the tv folks! man the constant camera change...things are not as smooth as they could be.
And the split screen during tech center....sighs...oh boy, gopher cam show.
CRipes. :( And replay over green flag racing. I think this is the IRL bunch filming tonight. Bumper cam for WAY TOO LONG.
Maybe ESPN decided to keep JPM as the cameraman and he's the one that caused the bad camera angles. TB's explanation is hard to understand for me. Yes, DJ & AP doing a lot of the broadcast, JP sounds depressed.
Jo - I think they're planning on tearing up the track & repaving it after this weekend ...
JD - KRKO-AM has pulled this stunt with pre-empting the races since they got the coverage back from the station that turned into AirAmerica ... The owners/GM don't understand which races rely on the radio most to fill in the tv blanks ... They also boot some of the races once college football starts ...
Vicky D said...
Maybe ESPN decided to keep JPM as the cameraman and he's the one that caused the bad camera angles.
July 4, 2008 8:50 PM
Too funny you get an A+ for paying attention and giving espn an excuse!
WIDE SHOTS!!! its not a drink at the bar people!!! Wide Camera shots PLEEEZE
Who is JPM? It can't be Juan.
glad I am not the only one screaming for more WIDE SHOTS.
Hello, is this thing on??
Give us more AB and WIDE SHOTS. The commercials seem shorter but we are seeing less racing due to bad camera calls.
What a difference a network makes. :(
Anonymous said...
Jo - I think they're planning on tearing up the track & repaving it after this weekend ...
July 4, 2008 8:51 PM
Thanks for info - I hope so for the drivers sake, its as bad as Darlington was
lol vicky I think you're right about Montoya operating that camera. DJ and Andy communicate very well together, but can't with Doc. I don't think anyone can
#!^^!*(^!#*!(^# Another BUMPER CAM?
**** !
They focus on Kelly Bires, and look a lead change. Will they ever learn that this isn't Atlanta or Texas?
For TV purposes and viewing at home, Dega and Daytona are my favorite..but with the camera work tonight, we could be watching Bristol
I bet this is the FOX crew..remember, their producer does what HE WANTS...sad...two and three cars on my tv at Daytona?
Where is Race Buddy when we need him. Fricking bumper cam.
more bumper cams
and pavement shots
sean 8.58
As I said in my column, this is really a full-scale rehearsal for ESPN's Sprint Cup coverage.
All the execs are watching. Too bad Doc is having a tough time. DJ and Andy seem to be doing it all.
Why does ESPN insist on those canned bumpers to & from commercial?? They should show the race as much as they can ...
Sophia - JPM = Juan ... Yes, they had him playing with the cameras ...
Doc had more enthusiasm in his voice going to commercials than talking about the race. I wish they would show just a snippet of the guys running 15 - 20 just a snippet ESPN, please.
Do the execs read this? Cuz if this is a dress rehease for CUP we viewers are #$%$#@ed !!
Wide shots, pay attention to lead changes, no we don't want graphics covering the screen No excessive toys, animal cams, pavement shots or interviews during GREEN flag Racing!!
Go thru the entire field quickly - the field is more than the top 10 or 12.
Just switched over to the race, judging by the comments so far I'm glad I missed it. Maybe they'll improve for the rest of the race.
BTW not many folks at the race tonight from the blimp shaot.
Great a video showing JR(one that I've seen before)and we miss positions changning
Anon 9:03PM,
Believe it or not, this is better than last season. They would do interviews on-camera under green to promote ESPN or ABC shows.
They used music video clips to and from break and insert ESPNEWS/SC updates. Even though I still object to having two moving tickers on the same screen, this is a big impovement from 2007.
ESPN has been trying to force the pit reporters into the broadcast a lot more. It has been OK sometimes, but what we are missing is a Mike Joy or Allen Bestwick to call the race with some excitement.
This isn't dress rehearsal, this is the real deal, I take it.
We are so ****** when ESPN takes over and knows they have us hostage.
Never in a million years would I be dreading the end of TNT coverage. but I am this year.
Trust me. You are not watching the dress rehearsal.
July 4, 2008 9:11 PM
I hope you are not giving me false hope Anon.
I really hate the double tickers!
WIDE shots!!
What is that other audio in the background? High pitched, sounds like a cb radio.
Bevo I was thinking about the same thing - I wonder how many folks paid money for their tickets and then actually showed up.
JD - I know this is better than last year ... But, the canned bumpers are still annoying ...
WTH...more bumper cams.
I give up. ESPN does not care one whit what we want. :(
and for the record that bottom ticker just adds to the annoyance...but the lack of wide shots and over use of bumper cams and in car cams RUINS DAYTONA.
i miss racebuddy . . .
I think ESPN is trying to compensate for the Doc's inabilities, thus bringing pit reporters all the time
I noticed a background audio in when the pit folks speak...is that what you mean? I went out and got some vanilla ice cream and mushed some oreo cookies in it to help my mood. It's hard to pay attention when it's all tight shots, or bumper freaking cams.
But this broadcast is not working for me.
The weird part about the canned bumpers is I thought they were intended to show the faces of the Nationwide regulars. Everyone already knows the Cup guys...that is still weird.
Wow. Are these the same people that praised ESPN and said they couldnt wait for cup? A couple of bad shots and your ready to throw thme under the bus. I still think ESPN is a step above FOX and TNT. Tonight could be going better. It makes me wonder if some of the production crew is on vacation and they have some rookies directing the race tonight.
I think a lot of you are reacting to the fact that the TNT Director has been so good. Nice wideshots and lots of coverage of groups of cars including the back of the pack.
This up front only coverage is tough to take. Not even a recap of the field, only the ticker.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Who is the director tonight?? Scrooge McDuck?? Goofy?? Pluto?? Tinkerbelle ??
To quote my favorite line from the movie "The Odd Couple"..tonights director is F.U.
Felix Unger. :-0
Anonymous said...
Wow. Are these the same people that praised ESPN and said they couldnt wait for cup? A couple of bad shots and your ready to throw thme under the bus. I still think ESPN is a step above FOX and TNT. Tonight could be going better. It makes me wonder if some of the production crew is on vacation and they have some rookies directing the race tonight.
July 4, 2008 9:20 PM
Yes. When someone does good we say so, when we get this ###ed up messy junk we say so.
Tonight has been horrid - not just a few shots missed.
Yeah, on some of the pit reports. It's not the PA.
I think Jrs in car cartoon graphic needs to take up half the lower screen..not just the lower 1/3...she said sarcastically..and I love Jr.
Yes, JD, this camera work just shows how OUTSTANDING TNT's camera work has been. TNT was like watching CLASSIC car races...tonight, it's back to the modern "everything but the kitchen sink" coverage...well, almost.
31 laps to go and I feel I haven't seen squat. One could hardly guesss if this is Charlotte or Daytona.
Yeah, JD, the booth guys are completely ignoring 3/4's of the field. I wanted to see the #37 car's new sponsor but only a nanosecond that I could see so far.
I can't believe there's still an hour of booked time ... These guys need to slow the pace or Disney's gonna be scrambling like last week ...
and the booth guys continue the misconception that toyota has 10-15 hp more than the rest of the competitors. someone needs to read the two latest columns on stockcarscience.com!
Every time they run that Castrol commercial and the doorbell rings my dog runs to the front door, sounds just like mine :)
I can't believe there's still an hour of booked time ... These guys need to slow the pace or Disney's gonna be scrambling like last week ...
Thats a good thing. Longer post-race coverage.
I wonder if Jr needed a yellow (like his other car needs) whether Nascar would find some debris and have a caution - but only if I was a conspiracy theorist.
Funny about your dog! LOL
Very nice triple splits on the yellow flag pit stops, but not so much with the double video boxes.
The action is too fast and it is impossible to look at the other cars racing in the smaller box.
Full screen makes the most sense under green probably.
Maybe I'll just Tivo the commercial and replay it over and over, sit in a chair and walk the dog at the same time ;)
Bevo, my doggy starts barking and drowns out the broadcast.
Poor Vickers! bad luck again.
Good replay on the 32 in the pits.
Do you remember how much time they spent (especially Daugherty) telling us about the big one tonight?
And the problem with that tonight would be...???
i dunno, jd. seems so disjointed on these pitstops to me. they're just now getting around to the problem w/ the #32 that was evident during his pitstop.
the in-car cameras are irrelevant and should not be utilized so much.
and even tho' it's daytona and they happen so quickly, lead changes are just being missed consistently.
i'm seriously underwhelmed.
Daly Planet Editor said...
Do you remember how much time they spent (especially Daugherty) telling us about the big one tonight?
July 4, 2008 9:35 PM
Yup and if it happpens we will be watching commercials or a pit crew pushing a car
What kind of dog? Color.
Ok. I was hoping for a NW driver to win. I am gonna have to close the windows..distant fireworks and my black and white cat enjoying soft perch and fresh air..other black and white is gonna freak when they do the finale of fireworks.
could anybody understand Kyle B about the 20 waving?? they need cc for the radio's sometimes. :)
This race is going fast..Hope they do better interviews than TNT and don't leave early
I thought 43 cars started the race ... All I'm hearing about is about half a dozen ...
bevo said...
Good replay on the 32 in the pits.
only peoblem for me is they were finishing up the coverage of his pitstop and i watched the crew pushing the car, which always means trouble. but then the shot was pulled away and it was several minutes before they returned to the #32's problem.
so, yes, a nice replay. but they had it live as it happened and pulled off of it.
Can't say this has held my attention tonight. Flipping over to the Astros game during the commercials.
Of course if they had the split screen for commercials...
Anonymous said...
I thought 43 cars started the race ... All I'm hearing about is about half a dozen ...
July 4, 2008 9:38 PM
Thats cuz according to espn they don't really matter or have any fans.
JD I've really been spoiled, this needs RaceBuddy
And during green flag talk to a driver sigh
Cars are strung out...is this the track ? No COT to whine about tonight.
That peanut commercial with the unibrow girl is creepy.
Brian out of the race...stinks.
Boy, these guys up front are really racing and Punch is not calling the action at all. Its like he just does not get it...he is the play by play guy.
and too much clutter on the screen. it's narrowing the actual racing to a samll band in the center of the screen.
Bevo we could be switching over to the Astros too but their games have been very disappointing. Might as well be watching those Castrol commercials and listening to (70 lb.) doggy barking.
sophiaz, i understood KB just fine it was the Boyer transmission towrards the beginning of the race that was complete inaudable.
These new X-Games commercials are some of the stupidest commrcials i have ever seen.
9 laps to go...time for another commercial.
Underwhelmed at tonight's broadcast is the word. :(
Dang. We better all be getting out the good snacks and drinks for Daytona. It's going to be tough to see TNT go after their fantastic broadcasts...well, as far as bringing us the ACTION and the VIEWS to the fans at home.
I feel like there are only 4 to 6 cars in the race.
Have I mentioned the camera work is bad??
I agree, just meant they had good camera and sound to show what happened.
13 year old female black lab- rottweiller mix, very smart except for the doorbell thing :)
SEVEN LAPS and more bumper cams...anybody wanna even bet about the finish line...SHEESH.
How about more than 4 cars on my tv...it's a 31 inch...
YEAH! draft track is back!!
I like Dr Punch ...
The problem with this race is that it's only Jr / Kyle / Denny / Carl / Bowyer ... and Gibbs ...
One can only say so much when the coverage is focused on 6 guys ...
oh dear lord, now we have 'draftlock"! i thought that was long dead.
OH NO!!!
thanks haus on cam explain.
Call the action Jerry! please!!!
No big one tonight...unless
Wow..Jerry really off his game
Anyone want to bet how many cars get shown crossing finish line?
I got 1 winner
Another race where we have to email ESPN to have Mike Wallace report on the Nationwide only drivers.
should be 1 the winner only
well, that's probably the only thing that could have redeemed this race: a green/white/checker.
Draft Trax with 5 laps to go, man this is getting pretty hilarious
Well...it's a little one, not the big one..hope a NW guy wins.
Tired of the cup guys winning.
DJ and AP are doing more play by play than Dr. Punch.
well, i was not looking for a GWC...i was wanting this race to be over...JP left his "A" game in Bristol.
I think its been a great race. This green/white/checkered makes it even better!
See? He gets all pumped up when he is throwing to commercial, but not when the cars are racing...weird.
Pumped up for commercials lol
well more noise from fireworks and one cat under the wingback chair. Windows now closed and tv louder.:)
fan on to help tune out rumble.
agreed, jd, about punch's throw to commercials vs. his in-race work. i was pondering if he was still IN the booth b/c i just wasn't hearing his voice at all.
Doc gets excited when they go to commercials, because he doesn't have to call the race then. =)
VERY ODD how JP gets juiced up for the commercials???
JD you are right it is weird. He sounded like his old self. how weird
Poor Doc. :( Its unfortunate ESPN put him in the wrong position and he faces all this scrutiney. He should be lead pit reporter.
Not really brent, I'd rather be on my massive ranch bar-b-queing with $100 bills :)
Hopefully we don't see one fo those bunch um up on the restart and then they wreck before evening crossing the line to get the restart.
and the 18's crew chief ponders if they "just don't have enough friends"? now THAT'S funny right there.
Bite your tongue!
r u kidding me??? pit report on a GWC?
no finish line because a car spins???????????????????????????????????????
OK, I am sold that it is Bestwick in the booth time. Anyone else?
Did my eyes deceive me at the finish?
Well this ending stank for camera work..and IMMEDIATELY to the pits.
We are so screwed for the rest of the season.
Well, very disappointing ESPN is only showing the cup drivers. Maybe they all parked already . . .
daly planet editor said...
OK, I am sold that it is Bestwick in the booth time. Anyone else?
waving my hand in the air over here!
Poor Mike Wallace and the Gecko :(
JD, I've been sold since ESPN took over the cup coverage last July
They showed all the cars crossing the line. Whats the issue?
100% agree JD. And I hate it because I like Dr. Punch so much.
Was that David Stremme or Steven Wallace that wrecked Mike Wallace. For Stevens sake I hope it wasn't him. thats a new low. "I'd wreck my own uncle to win a race" lol
ESPN should change the "in-race reporter" to the "before race reporter".
That's too bad for Mike though
So we get no cars other than winner cross the finish. I guess the graphics were supposed to make us happy. NOT.
A perfectly junk end to a badly covered race at Daytona, bad camera shots chosen by the director, a non existant play by play.
The saving grace was DJ & Andy.
An these Xgames commercials are awful.
You know, if he does that for the Brickyard this season when ESPN is doing Cup coverage he is going to be laughed off the planet.
How can you not speak up and call the action with excitement when you are the play by play announcer?
Then, all of a sudden you start yelling as you introduce a commercial. That was tough to take, thank goodness DJ and Andy were good.
Think Bestwick is rolling his eyes?
JD is there any truth to the rumor that Allen isn't in the booth because he doesn't get along with the people he works around?
But, would AB want to be associated with such terrible coverage?
Terrible coverage? One bad race and its terrible coverage?
I'd swear Jerrry Punch is in a studio in Conecticut.
Hey, Jerry, look out the window!
You should NOT need to wait until action shows up on-camera to know it is happening and describe it.
Anonymous said...
But, would AB want to be associated with such terrible coverage?
July 4, 2008 10:05 PM
Good point
And now we get Cup drivers interviews.
Allen Bestwick did TERRIFIC work with NBC Sports. We can only hope ESPN listens to us over the off-season like they did with Rusty Wallace and swap Allen and Jerry Punch around. PLEASSSSE ESPN!
LOL at JR thinking that was Tony Stewart in that 20 car
hmmmm. earnhardt jr is focusing on the bodies of the toyotas, not the engines. hmmmm.
(and i wouldn't want to be the pit crew for the #88 on monday! both pops AND dale 'unhappy' with their perfomance.)
Good insight by JR though on the body's of the JGR cars, interesting
No truth to that at all. If every TV crew that did not get along was broken-up, there would be lots of sports series without announcers.
Don't start me on Jon Miller and Joe Morgan!
ESPN stuck with Kuselias and Kolber last season util the end, I expect they will stay with Punch and make any changes during the off-season. This has to be driving Jerry nuts, this is not his thing and it shows.
ESPN, please replace Punch with Bestwick.
Punch is awful and unwatchable (or unlistenable)--Bestwick is very, very good.
JB - Eric Clueless has been on Mike & Mike show on ESPN this week in case you missed him on the Nascar Now broadcasts.
I think the only reason Punch got the play-by-play job is because he has seniorty. He stuck with the network even after they lost their NASCAR Rights. If Bob Jenkins would have done the same thing and not gotten fired, he would be the play-by-play man right now.
If they did replace AB and Punch, it would erase the "terrible coverage" label instantly.
I have always been an AB fan, and always will be.
AB, Andy, and DJ could easily become the new trio for ESPN that we will remember for years.
Yes I agree JD...they need to put Allen BACK in the booth!
I NEED someone who when I'm not paying attention gets me jumping out of my seat to see what's going on!
I like Dr. Jerry but it's just not working :(
The race was boring ... Too predictable ... I knew that the 18 or 20 would win, when the coverage was all Gibbs focused in the pre-race show ...
If I was in the booth, I'd be bored to tears ... It's NOT fun or entertaining when it is the same couple of guys in the lead & winning every week ...
I knew the Disney coverage would be bad when they signed the contract ... based solely on their old coverage ...
I meant JD. Sorry on my previous post.
AB called one of the greatest moments in Nascar history when JR won the Pespi 400 in 2001. He is one of the best in the business, but doesn't get the praise he deserves for some reason
Please put AB in - for all of our sakes! and Docs.
We need excitement during the race not going to commercials.
And Wide Shots would be good too.
And mention all the drivers, go thru the field & less technocrap
graphics. Please - ESPN have mercy.
(and maybe Santa will bring us all ponies)
Jon Miller, great on the radio. I remember when he was here calling the Rangers games. I listen to Giants games on XM just to listen to his call.
Sorry - back to NASCAR talk now
The race was boring....
Im sorry. But what race were you watching? Its the most lead changes this race has seen in years. Were you not around in 2003? One leader only.
Has anyone here ever met Allen Bestwick in person? Is he a nice guy off the camera as well?
WOW. Steve wrecked his uncle..but the camera replay now missed it.
OUCH on both counts. Mike is MAD....GEEZ
OMG! Mike looks like hes gonna kill someone.
Well it was nice to see a vertical drop-down of the finishing results, unfortunately it wasn't used properly. Only after the clone of the Fox method of showing the winner from the infield (or across the track or wherever that camera angle comes from) and then half-heartedly showing the back part of the field crossing the line did we see the vertical drop-down of the cars we missed seeing finish live. Another absolutely terrible sign looking ahead to the Brickyard. These last few Nationwide races before Indy should be the dress rehearsal for the big return to cover Cup, and if today's qualifying and race productions are any indication we're in deep trouble.
JD, I'm glad to see that you have now 100% joined me beating on the "get AB in the play-by-play position drum" that I've been playing for over a year now :)
In my opinion if it was AB, Andy, DJ that trio could be the equivalent of Jenkins, Ned Jarret, and BP
Wallace Family reunion ought to be fun this year :)
I have a great deal of respect for Jerry P. - but it was past time for Allen B. at least 4 years ago.At least Jerry P. is better than Bill Weber.
Poor Mike..SO very frustrating on the last part of the race.
Geez Jamie..did you really expect Mike to answer the family question??
Classy answer Mike.
I like this guy the more I hear him.
Uncle Mike's not a happy camper :(
One bright side to tonight - Extended post race show.
Wallace family 4th of July fireworks & picnic.
Mike "expressed himself to Steven in back" OUCH.
Very good summary
Why was Jamie pushing Mike Wallace to throw his nephew more under the bus than he already was??
I'm sorry ... But, Jamie pushing things like this gives female reporters a bad name ...
Jamie saw that Mike was upset that he got wrecked ... even more upset that it was his nephew ...
Does Jamie remember TMS with the IRL 2 yrs ago when she was chasing after Dan Wheldon & grabbed his should ... and Dan swung around real fast about to deck her ??
She needs to learn how to back down off certain subjects & people ...
Is this Dale Jr Shifting gears a REPEAT (following the race) does anybody know?
sophiaz: yep. new episodes air 24 and 25 july (or maybe 23 and 24?) all i know for certain is tonight is a rerun.
Agreed that Jamie's question was inappropriate. WRONG PLACE and wrong time to ask.
Just solidifies why she gets on my nerves. Cringeworthy moment. Good for Mike for handling it the way he did..he was HOT.
Thanks, Red! for the answer.
STeven W has left the building...he better be running...sigh.
@anon 10:16--my friend did. He was in Seattle after he was "released" of his IWC duties. She says he's really nice and friendly :). He definitely seems to be and really does his homework. I know many a time on IWC he'd state how he was chatting with the crew members on the plane and always great to get their side of it all.
I don't care who old Jamie to go for the second question.
There is no reason for it IMO.
Sorry folks but that is why I cannot like her reporting.
That question is fishing for the explosive answer. I started to say all of them have to ask those kind of questions, but some don't. They just let it go.
I don't look forward to the last 10 cup races.
Good job to DJ, AB, AP and RE. I do love Brad's excitement, move him to the booth for Doc.
Anon @ 10:16 PM - Yes, I met AB a few years ago ... He's a very nice & friendly man ... He was not happy about getting the boot from SPEED Channel over Inside Nextel Cup in favor of Despain ... He's the kind of guy that won't speak bad of others (even if he feels that way) ...
AB is very nice, great dry sense of humor.
Remember when the ESPN guys pushed Massaro to ask Junior too many questions last season after he missed The Chase?
I got that same feeling tonight with Jamie and that interview.
They need to let Brad out of his contract ... Sorry, but he just does NOT add anything to the broadcasts ... He comes off too staged & phoney ... Too much sucking up to certain teams ...
13 of 19 Nationwide races this season have been won by the 4 Gibbs kids ... even when they're not in a Gibbs car ...
Bowyer was right ... A monkey could win in that 20 car ... Where's Mojo??
Does anyone know why on the broadcast they showed BK finishing 5th and then on nascar.com shows him finishing 10th? I didn't hear anything about it yet. Thanks.
I just looked at the finishing order @ NASCAR.com.
There are so many names there that I don't recall being mentioned on tonights broadcast. Not good!
I agree about all the names we never heard. Sigh.
I also want to know why Brad K was interviewed and now listed 10th??
The coverage tonight does NOT make me want to keep watching any of the Disney coverage ...
And I'm NOT blaming Dr Punch ...
I'm blaming the director ... and only the director ... He's the one that tells them who to talk about ...
Sure there might've been a lot of lead changes, but it was the same handful of guys ... Throw in the field getting stretched out because of the lack of parity & cautions ... It turned into a 5 car race ... Kyle / Denny / Jr / Carl / Bowyer ...
I agree. Dr. Punch is just a part of the problem.
The director STANK UP THE JOINT.
To be honest, had we not had such FANTASTIC Camera work on TNT, we would have no clue what we have been missing for YEARS on NASCAR race.
Count me OUT as a fan of anything Disney as well. I thought ESPN was improving..but after watching some IRL races, I have changed my mind.
also I DO REMEMBER last year, the Busch series improved but the CUP never did. We still had too many toys/graphics/gimmicks/LOUSY camera work and the kitchen sink thrown at us. :(
Jerry Punch was never that great a pit reporter. He was very unprofessional. He sold himself to the fans by always calling every driver he interviewed "my dear friend", "my very good friend" and selling himself to the fans that he was the ultimate insider. Alan Bestwick was always so much better. Punch was not offered a booth job by Fox or NBC, and chose to stay with ESPN rather than take the pit reporter job with those networks, and to save face went on and on about his loyalty to Espn thereby if they didn't offer him a booth job they would look bad. They've given him more than a fair amount of time, but he's just not booth material. Espn needs to put Bestwick in the booth starting with their first race this season.
Doc and AB need to switch rolls. does anyone else notice how many times DJ says UMMMM. if you haven't....I"ll help you out... A LOT!
Draft track sucks and with 5 laps to go ...WHAT? the only thing I like about draft tracks is listening to DJ and Andy try to explain it.
FOX can you please come back and do the rest of the season!!!! did anyone else think dale jr.'s interview was awful? very led zepplin ...ramble on!!!! I'm not sure he knew what he was saying!
thank god its over!
This is risky and I'm not sure ho you would go about trying it, but it would be fascinating to see DJ try and take the lead on the play by play, since he seems to jump into it anyway. Would be new to Nascar and maybe a move for a standalone NW race or something, but when the mighty Keith Jackson retired from ABC, Dan Fouts migrated to play by play.
Anon 11:47PM,
Would you please stop reading my mind!
This is probably too late to ask as most of you will have read this thread, and moved on to others.
I did read through the entire 194 comments, so this isn't something that hasn't been covered. On the pre-race, I heard D. Hamlin say he wouldn't be back in the 20 this year, or probably ever. There was no follow up to that. Does anyone know what that is about? Is there some issue going on at JGR? Or, am I pulling an ESPN reporting practice, and creating a controversy when there is none?
Curious minds(!) want to know!
Rockin Rich,
I did watch the reair on espn. I only remember Denny H saying it was his last time in the #20
And that was in the post race interview. I heard no reason as to why.
I was watching the NW race with friends some fans some not. While the non fans were impressed with the way the cars ran so close together the fans and I were thinking it was a boring race because we only saw the front runners and most of the racing was going on somewhere else. I blame part of this on what ESPN was chosing to show and part on the guys in the booth for talking about what was on TV and not forcing the camera to find the action they are discussing like Fox does. The camera angles were awful and they lack of excitement in JP's voice kept the conversations rolling and the eyes off the hugh HD TV on the wall even thought the seating centered around it. I wonder what would have happened if AB was doing play by play?
I am aware that Denny isn't scheduled the remainder of this year. It was the "or ever" comment that caught my attention. Maybe the "plan" is for Logano to run the car full time in Nationwide in 2009. This would seem to point toward him not being in a Cup car? Tony is staying? Another driver is lined up for the Cup 20 car? Sounds like fun time is in full swing!
I wasn't following Sophiaz123's regimen of having some wine, (or beer), while watching the pre-race or race, so I am very confident I heard the "or ever" statement.
BTW, I am NOT slamming anyone about a little recreational beverage partaking. I just hadn't started yet at that point!
Maybe Jayski will touch on D. Hamlin in the next day or so.
If Mr. Bestwick was calling, it would be an attention getter. But if ESPN holds true as JD has said, It will not be til 09 til we see a change. I am thankful that I have other options that I multi task with.
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