Friday, August 21, 2009

Live Blogging The Nationwide Series From Bristol, TN (ESPN2 - 7:30PM)

The "A team" returns to the Nationwide Series on Friday night for ESPN. All hands are on deck as the two Bristol night races hit the ESPN family of TV networks on consecutive nights.

Allen Bestwick will start the coverage with the NASCAR Countdown show from the Infield Pit Studio. He will be joined by Rusty Wallace and Brad Daugherty, both just back from their Wednesday trip to the White House and an audience with the President.

Wallace is deeply involved in the Nationwide Series and has been offering the best information for TV viewers on the series. Bestwick always gets his facts straight and Daugherty is a NASCAR cheerleader, so the pre-race should be solid.

Once the action starts, Jerry Punch will return to call the race after an absence. Last week, ESPN did not use a play-by-play announcer at Michigan. Marty Reid has been calling the races prior to that since ESPN started the Sprint Cup coverage.

Punch will be joined by Dale Jarrett and Andy Petree in the booth. These two have been working well together this season and have become solid at jumping in and trying to add their own excitement to the race telecast when Punch lags behind.

On pit road will be the NASCAR on ESPN foursome that has been taking their lumps from the fans. Dave Burns, Vince Welch, Jamie Little and Shannon Spake are going to be dealing with some very loud conditions and cramped quarters.

As I mentioned last week, tempers are tight this time of the year and sometimes the pit reporters get the wrath of the drivers when they ask a "how do you feel about that" kind of question. ESPN struggled in the pits back in year one. It would be a shame if this weekend gets things pointed right back in the same direction.

At Bristol, TV viewers want to watch cars racing at them and not away from them. It take a lot of work from the director to continually cut the cameras in a pattern that make sense to the viewers. There has also been a tendency to keep the action low and not insert high camera shots to keep a perspective on the track.

Once the sun goes down, the pictures really get good and the action picks up. This track does not lend itself to in-car camera views live, but they are great for replays. The fixed "speed shots" also do not work well because the laps are just so fast. The simple challenge for the TV team in the production truck is to keep ahead of the action on the track.

This post will serve to host your comments about the Nationwide Series coverage on ESPN2. To add your TV-related opinion, just click on the comments button below. This is a family-friendly website, please keep that in mind when posting. Thanks for taking the time to stop by and share your thoughts with other NASCAR fans.


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glenc1 said...

let's just say the 07 team shows us where the tire was cut...? A rookie who's never been here before. I'd need more than that to indict the guy. Mark Martin came in a lap before a race was over once...just saying...if the tire was going down he's probably never been on banking like that. And I know nothing about him, just playing devil's advocate...

SalB said...

Gotta leave lots of time for the talking heads.

WickedJ said...

bad day for JGR

glenc1 said...

Palmetto, someone gave me a list this morning, but it's too long to put here, and I don't know where it came from. If you google it you should find it, though. Mark Martin has 'For those about to Rock', lol...and Marcos has 'Land Down Under'...those were my two favorites.

Andrew said...

Did someone spike the drinking water here tonight?

Sophia said...

Ok this is really catty to say but reading the Kyle Busch comments here were worth the price of admission.

Thanks JD!


oh and thanks Labbie for the additional point on the Mars hoax bad. My sister had a client bring her the article in hard copy. not an email..cause I asked her to send me the link to check it.

I won't be doing that again and thankfully deleted my comment so no evidence of my stupidity. :-)

Zoom out. PLEASE. Even folks on Twitter are Tweeting about the *&^%$^# camera work.

I need a second glass of Wine.....

The Loose Wheel said...

Man, hopefully JGR has the bad luck out of the way tonight.

New sponsor for that group too...Brad ain't done well for 'em so far...

SalB said...

Lots of tire problems tonight.

Anonymous said...

gee whiz

steven wallace again

battling for 15th

must be no one else in the pack



MtnVwJay said...

Kyle Busch interview was actually good and...calm! There's hope for him yet. And, YES, I'm a definite Kyle fan.

Palmetto said...

glenc1 and others, thanks.

The Loose Wheel said...

Danny O'Quinn in 14th...wonder if he'll get a mention

Dave in OKC said...

Marcos and 'Down Under' great!

Maybe ESPN should adapt another Men At Work song - 'Overkill.'

Anonymous said...

David - They are having a GREAT run so far, but BSPN is completely ignoring him. That team is still looking for a full time sponsor & air time would be appreciated!

Daly Planet Editor said...

Seems good at first and then it just gets tighter and tighter until we just see one or two cars.

Weird...lots of

Anonymous said...

lots of empty seats on the backstretch!!!!!!!!!


SalB said...

The TV coverage doesn't help most teaqms at all. Unless you have a Cup driver you get no mentions on air. Unless you're one of the top teams you get no mention. why sponsor a car if you never get on screen?

SalB said...

Brad K back up to 11th place. No mention?

Charlie said...

Attention camera person. Zoom all the way out, all the way out.
Now zoom in until you see the difference in the colors on the cars.
Then stop.
We don't need to see the numbers on the cars every time. We know enough about these cars to tell who is who by the color of the car.

Vicky D said...

SalB - it's a crying shame! There are former champs sitting at home watching the races with all these cup guys in them.

glenc1 said...

bray, they often block the backstretches to make the fans sit in front to make it look more full (at least they do at Richmond & Dover).

Anonymous said...

or unless your Daddy is an announcer ork!!!on the netw

Anonymous said...

maybe great camera work can give the announcers something to talk about.

SalB said...

The Bus...sorry, Nationwide race rarely sells out. Back stretch seats as Bristol are great. Mostly because they get shade earlier than the frontstretch. at this time of year in Bristol that's a plus.

TexasRaceLady said...

bray, for the N'wide race, they usually don't sell some of the backstretch.

It's my understanding that about 100K tics were sold for tonight.

That still leaves a whole lot of empty seats.

PammH said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

look at the seats going into turn 3!!!!!!


SalB said...

Usually people at the night race have season tickets. They don't close off any seats at Bristol

Patrick said...

Two "in case you just joined us..." in less than 2 minutes. He goes down from here? too much excitement in that 1st 95 laps? doesn't bode well for 500.

Daly Planet Editor said...

Wow, this is rugged from the Director tonight. Just rugged.

Rich T said...

2 of the empty seats are mine,first time in ten years we are not at the race in Bristol

The Loose Wheel said...

61 in the top 20, kenny wallace top 20 as well.

disappointing they aren't pumping up some excitement into this. id almost rather have AB and Brad call it from the studio

SalB said...

Amazing how ESPN can look as if this is their 'first rodeo' when they were the network that really brought stock cars to TV.

Anonymous said...

this is gawdawful

30-odd cars running and we watch steven wallace



SalB said...

RichT, two other are mine. First time in 9 years.

WickedJ said...

09 in the wall, no mention of it

TexasRaceLady said...

Please, we do NOT need to focus on one car just because they are being talked about.


Anonymous said...


With you on that

ESPN must have stevie wonder as their guest director tonite

The Loose Wheel said...

33 almost got turned by the 12, no mention either

Sophia said...

If somebody has an ONLINE PRN radio station, PLEASE email me.

I can't TAKE the !#$%? camera work.

Rich T said...

SalB--Bummer, looks like a fun race tonight

Daly Planet Editor said...

This is the ONE track where this kind of single car recap does not work...and they finally do one!

Charlie said...

UP to Speed = filler

Anonymous said...

a nice iso on the 09

credit where due


The Loose Wheel said...

This broadcast went as flat as Brad Coleman's tire.

Just wow.

Bring back the B team!

WickedJ said...

Wish i knew who the guy group was doing Lollipop in the Dell commercial

Sophia said...


I made a comment about Stevie Wonder weeks ago running the booth, lol...last week I even mentioned Helen Keller.

Deaf, blind...and DEAD.
She could choose better cams.

SalB said...

It's truly frightening to think they can be this clueless...or this stupid when it comes to televising races, isn't it?

glenc1 said...

Jason Keller's in the race? I never would have known.

SalB or RichT...are all the seats for NW reserved, or is it a mix of reserved & General admission? Just curious.

TexasRaceLady said...

I don't mind the recap, I just mind that they can't show the racing going one.

Is it too hard to have someone talking while showing something else?

Anonymous said...

I think everything at Bristol is reserved now.

Anonymous said...

Pit reports are improving. They just need to cut "xxx told me yesterday", "the car was xxx in practice", & Dave Burns rambling about the crew chief on the #29. Just say how the car is handling, what adjustments will be made & any pit strategy plans.

Dot said...

Good one dear Sophia. However, I do like the overhead shots.

He's baaaaaaack.

Vicky D said...

Marty would have this telecast going much better and make it exciting for the viewers. They are just showing the cup guys and a couple of NW drivers. Here we go back to the Kyle show.

Patrick said...


I hope that's for straglin' purposes. I have sped up my mute time because of 'Lollipop'

Dave in OKC said...

And there's Kyle - 2 days late for the Modified race...

Rich T said...

This one race where TV can not do it justice, you have be there.

WickedJ said...

Whats a fuel run? how about tires? has that been mentioned?

The Loose Wheel said...

There were walk-ups available tonight. That was the word via SIRIUS wed. from the track prez.

SalB said...

That #18 looks like what USED to be a 'typical' Bristol car!

Daly Planet Editor said...

Keselowski is the story of the race. Nothing from ESPN.

This is realllllly bad TV coverage.

WickedJ said...

Poor Danny O Quinn

The Loose Wheel said...

Man! DOQ toast. =(

Patrick said...

Nice one OKCDave

WickedJ said...

its called chrome horn, you held up the leader for far too long

Welcome to Bristol

SalB said...

At Last! Am Old Time Bristol move!

Anonymous said...

there's the danny ogwynn mention
he only had to wreck to get on tv


The Loose Wheel said...

Wicked, 2 lead lap cars trying to stay on lead lap or battle for LD. Harvick was just soooo much faster than them made it tough. That was I think 11th and 12th place he was lapping.

Dave in OKC said...

Let's see how JP handles the last 100 laps with so few cars on the lead lap.

WickedJ said...

Yeah. they held the leader up. nothing weve never seen at bristol

glenc1 said...

fine for the 99, but Danny wasn't to blame...that's why I never liked Bristol. Too many innocent bystanders.

Anonymous said...

the empty seat remind me of what tv announcers say bout our local nba team

"Good seats available for Sundays game and bad seats are also still available"

Dot said...

@ trish, funny.

Dave in OKC said...

A few more cautions and Derrike Cope could have a top 20 finish tonight.

Anonymous said...

thank god for petrie and jarrett

if only bestwick were up top too

punch should be punched out

The Loose Wheel said...

Yup Glen. Its better then its been though, just a tough place. If you get through here and keep the fenders on though, its normally a certain top 15. Look at the 61 and the 01 before the wreck. Still bummed Roush let Danny go, but I understand why they did it.

Daly Planet Editor said...

Anyone missing Marty Reid and Randy LaJoie right about now?

Dave in OKC said...

JD- That was a rhetorical question, right? :-)

PammH said...

I'm still stunned by Kryle, which mean I have to leave! But please keep the overhead shots-the in-camera just kills the coverage.

WickedJ said...

3 wide wreck for the lead? lol

PammH said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dave in OKC said...

Townley spins again - and STILL can't get on TV.

glenc1 said...

I met Danny at the Glen a few years ago. Very polite, nice guy. It was too bad, it was just the sponsor thing, like with so many other talented guys.

Definitely enjoying Bristol more than I used to.

Vicky D said...

JD, maybe the couple of NW races that Marty, Randy & Rusty did got a better reaction from the viewers than the cup race so ESPN didn't want them doing the Bristol race. Randy would be a riot tonight and Marty would be telling us what was really going on PLUS he would make sure a lot more NW guys were mentioned and seen.

The Loose Wheel said...

David said...

This broadcast went as flat as Brad Coleman's tire.

Just wow.

Bring back the B team!

Patrick said...

Please tell us that Marty will be back next week and will never leave us again. Hold me.

WickedJ said...

did ESPN seriously miss two cars wrecking right in front of them

The Loose Wheel said...

How did they miss this wreck in progress?!

Anonymous said...

2 cars wreck in front of the booth & we get silence from all 3.

Vicky D said...

Man, there goes one of my favorites into the pits. Dang.

Dot said...

@ wickedj, why, yes they did.

The Loose Wheel said...

JD, I think JP is having an adverse affect on JD and AP. They used to look out the window and NOT at the monitor. Now it appears they are staring at the monitor and not out the window. Sure they are really at Bristol, TN and NOT Bristol, CT?

Dave in OKC said...

Anyone else see this? When they showed the 11 car heading to the infield a moment ago, there was a glimpse of the parked 91 car, with tape for the car number instead of lettering?

Or am I losing the drinking game tonight? :-)

Vicky D said...

David, I think these guys are looking at their monitors not out the window - I bet Randy would definitely be watching the track that's for sure.

WickedJ said...

"Hey, Jerry, whats going on right in front of us"
"hell if i know, im watching the monitor"

Daly Planet Editor said...

After a while, you can actually tell the exact point where JP loses it for the night.

That was it...

The Loose Wheel said...

Dave, in qualifying the 91 did not have tape numbers so I dunno what you just saw. I didn't see it though

Vicky D said...

David I think it was the 91 pit box but it was tape.

Dave in OKC said...

Thanks David. I'm switching back to Coca-Cola...

Patrick said...

JD said 'That was it..."

I say it was when he said, "in case you just joined us" twice in a matter of minutes around lap 95

Anonymous said...

Dave, I think it was the oil-warming machine the teams use while the cars sit on pit road before qualifying. MSRP Motorsports just slapped on a red tape #91

The Loose Wheel said...

thanks vicky. it could very well be tape then on the pit box lol. didn't figure they had a pit box nor needed it.

Dave in OKC said...

Thanks for the clarification, folks.

Anonymous said...

maybe JP bedtime is 9pm. kinda like my wakeup time is 10ish

The Loose Wheel said...

trish, explain michigan then

Charlie said...

About time for the spotters to all start yelling together on a restart.

Anonymous said...

some are surviving Bristol and I am surviving espn.

SalB said...

If they had panned that crowd shot up to the terrace seats I would have been seeing the race from my old seat!

glenc1 said...

David, I think a pit box is required. Not a crew, though. The S&Pers at the Glen all had toolboxes.

Dot said...

@ Charlie, there you go.

WickedJ said...

i cant stand this full throttle thing

The Loose Wheel said...

Ah, 77 got loose and washed up the track in front of Brian. That's why Brian said Peyton stopped in front of him. Racing deal.

Charlie said...

Did I call it or what.

Patrick said...

dammit Charlie. I blame you for that.

SalB said...

Charlie, we're blaming you for this one!

TexasRaceLady said...


Your words to ESPN's ears. LOL

Sophia said...


HOW did you know they were going full throttle...sigh

we are missing the DFR you maroons.

This is a trainwreck.

Vicky D said...

It seems like DJ is being critical to some of these rookie drivers tonight.

SalB said...

I was thinking th same thing about DJ. Funny, since I can remember at least 2 races I attended and watch DJ do slow motion low speed impacts with other cars! : 0

WickedJ said...

bobpockrass Kevin Harvick's crew chief said rain is 45 minutes to an hour away. The race should be over by then. #nascar #sprintracing

Patrick said...

Kryle couldn't break the bumper cam in his wreck. I hate him even more now.

Nice comment by DJ saying, "kyle's modified"

Anonymous said...

@david maybe JP gets up late as well.

or maybe he justs gets bored easily

Patrick said...

Ragan takes the lead during the break. of course.

The Loose Wheel said...

wow, if it rains right after this one that will really be something! threatened all day and for once we dodged it. gonna make for a crazy start tomorrow though if it washes the track green.

kinda intrigued about the rookie thing. Thinking back, Mike Bliss went from trucks to Cup, then got the deal in the #20 to run Busch. He never ran a rookie stripe until he went to a track he had never been at before in a Cup car or Truck. I think even Hornaday did it once his full season of Busch.

Wondering when these full-time Cup vets got away with running yellow stripes all year long and if that started with Andretti cheating the ROTY status or what.

Nice Ragan. Got almost that whole thought typed during that commercial...

Patrick said...

night and day difference in the energy between the infield and the booth

Dave in OKC said...

AB offers more excitement in a 2-lap recap than Punch offers for the entire race.

Dave in OKC said...

Wow. DIdn't we just come back from commercial?

Patrick said...

weren't we just at a commercial break less than 3 minutes ago. I checked. backed up the dvr. says 3:30 as i hit 'post'

glenc1 said...

yes, David, Hornaday was like the oldest rookie in history. They made a lot of jokes about it at the time.

ooh...a 'gaggle' of cars...

WickedJ said...

stupid race is getting in the way of my commercials

Dave in OKC said...

And a gaggle of commercials.

The Loose Wheel said...

WHAT THE (EXPLETIVE)!!?!?!?!??!?!??!?!??!?!?!??!?!??!

Sophia said...

ANOTHER commercial...I need a snack...I don't even care anymore.:(

Vicky D said...

Another commercial? It seems like they aren't even over before they come back to the race. What a strange broadcast tonight.

Patrick said...

back from commercials for 1:3o, then more commercials. BS BS BS!!!

Charlie said...

If there are 5 or 6 cars running in a pack ahead of the leader that is passing one car at a time, why not show the cars racing in a pack?

TexasRaceLady said...

How dare they interrupt my commercials for this racing stuff.

Dang, people.

The Loose Wheel said...

Glen, I don't think he had the yellow stripe all year though. just for a certain number of races he had not raced at in a Cup car

Vicky D said...

OH NO not Tim now!!!!

TexasRaceLady said...

How many times have we heard this burning off fuel explanation?

Dave in OKC said...

Jeez. Just tell us why a team usually punts on fourth down.

Vicky D said...

Guess we'll see all the cup guys now except BK til the end.

The Loose Wheel said...

JD, what do you want us to say today?

FOX and TNT have listened for the mostpart this year...ESPN just seems clueless as a whole. Do they just not get it or just don't care?

Charlie said...

I can't believe there is no racing on this track.

WickedJ said...


NASCAR you amuse me

Dave in OKC said...

Debris caution. Whoda thunk it?

Daly Planet Editor said...

Your comments after the race have really been shaking folks up.

Without my opinion first, it really shows just how much you guys care about the TV coverage and how it directly affects your opinion and enjoyment of the sport.

Once again, before you pack it in tonight, just go back to the main page and add your race wrap-up to the "Your Turn" page.

Really appreciate you all helping with this new project.


Dave in OKC said...

Keselowski behind Edwards on a late-race restart. Remember Talladega?

WickedJ said...

Wait, i thought the in race reporter was Kasey Kahne?

Anonymous said...

I thought Kasey Kahne was the in-race reporter?

WickedJ said...

Brad will be on the outside

Anonymous said...

JD, if we're shaking things us, we certainly aren't shaking things loose! ESPN is really as arrogant as Nascar itself. If they care at all about the people who are forced to watch their telecast they certainly disguse it well.

Anonymous said...

JD, if we're shaking things us, we certainly aren't shaking things loose! ESPN is really as arrogant as Nascar itself. If they care at all about the people who are forced to watch their telecast they certainly disguse it well.

Anonymous said...

Are you sure Jerry feels okay-?-he hyped the 4 laps left as if he was talking about running down to get the mail---see he mentioned medication...

TexasRaceLady said...

Gee, are you guys channeling the booth.

An explanation why we were taking to Carl.

Dave in OKC said...

I forgot about the leader option...

SalB said...

Sorry about that. finger slipped. Must have been my outrage at the poor broadcast.

WickedJ said...

did Jerry forget about last week?

Dot said...


Sophia said...


I have nothing more to add anymore ya know?
Camera work gets more maddening the more we voice our concern and ONGOING major disappointment.

all year, no change. :(

It's like some sick jerk and they enjoy SPOILING this sport.

WickedJ said...

dump the pacecar and lets go racing ffs

Sophia said...

SOS ain't what is should be. car cam during DFR.


I give up

WickedJ said...

bad night for Justin lol

Anonymous said...

useless hype espn.

WickedJ said...

...Where was Justin involved in this?

Charlie said...

No view of where anyone finished but the leader and a few back.

Dave in OKC said...

Okay, so the last-lap yellow was anti-climactic, but that is the LEAST enthusiastic winner call I've ever heard in my life.

Sophia said...

OOPS! meant to say some sick JOKE instead of jerk.

Freudian slip?


SalB said...

Several Nationwide regulars and youngsters in the top 20. Not that we know that from watching the race, of course.

Dave in OKC said...

Sophia, you had it right the first time. ;-)

Sophia said...

I spose since it wasn't a top CUP driver, they don't wanna show any love for David R.

That's a SHAME!

Daly Planet Editor said...

If you have to scoot, drop us a quick comment on the Your Turn post before you go. Thanks.

Patrick said...

I don't have kids, unless you count the 4-legged kind. So, its good there aren't any around because I'm using George Carlin's list about now.

glenc1 said...

last restart from the in car...ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....

Dave in OKC said...

Michael Annett 8th, Matt Carter 12th. How big is the post-race window?

Anonymous said...

Patrick, my cat got so disgusted with the race that she decided to look out the windpw into the dark rather than watch! ; )

Anonymous said...

Patrick, my cat got so disgusted with the race that she decided to look out the windpw into the dark rather than watch! ; )

Patrick said...

5 minutes to tennis. Is it live? doubt it. i already feel rushed.

Sophia said...

Dave in OKC

Yea, I guess I did...subliminal mind at work. ;-)

I don't like to take to name calling...TEMPTING as it is...

Congratulations to David Ragan.

Patrick said...


my cats don't care, but the big dog runs to the guest bedroom every time i raise my voice.

Sophia said...

My cat decided to lick ....give himself a bath instead...other is asleep on hassock near a wide windowsill. :-)

I think he's lookin' for Mars to appear soon..supposed to be the size of the MOON YA KNOW...sigh

still -embarrassed-Sophia

WickedJ said...

4 minutes of post race. 90 minutes of pre race


Charlie said...

Did they show the finishing line up or just the ticker finish.
I didn't see the finishing line up.

Daly Planet Editor said...

Thanks for stopping by everyone! See you guys tomorrow for the big show. That should be wild.

Full NASCAR TV schedule on the right side of the main page for tomorrow and the weekend.

Have a great night all!


WickedJ said...

only one replay of that last wreck? WTH? not even a check to see if any of them are ok

glenc1 said...

I appreciate Brad's apology long after the fact. goes to credibility. Probably have scared the cat during a race. Definitely during Giants gamss. Why are playing this song; David's from Ga.

Labbie said...

I'm glad I took an hour off to watch Eureka on SciFi...this wasn't just a train wreck, it was a dinosaur-killer asteroid impact of a broadcast.

How can ESPN believe that after 2.5 years that Punch is a PxP guy? His legacy from pit road is completely lost...he will now forever be "that lousy PxP guy" to me. And I know that some will diasagree with this, but DJ and Andy are almost as bad as Punch. They are both just as lost in the broadcast, but that may just be because there is no leader in the booth and no direction from the truck.

JD, if we're shaking things up, the shakeup must be starting from the bottom; did they fire that intern yet? ;)

Patrick said...

I'm going to miss y'all tomorrow night (sorry I won't be the source of info i was last week with all the info i gathered from the official's channel, RaceView, PitCommand, etc.). We have to visit the parents (Mom's b-day next week, Dad's GBM).

I could do my normal thing while at their house, but i get disconnected from conversation and it would be a little rude.

So, I'll see the rest of you in two weeks.

Daly Planet Editor said...

I like the fact that the late caution flag threw them for a loop.

Kept the race ticker up the top, never showed the flying headshots, never called the finish.

Never told any of us who was where.

If you or I performed in our real jobs like ESPN performed tonight...we would be fired.



The Loose Wheel said...

I am livid. No full field rundown after the fact. Having to look at a ticker?! If I were a full-time NW driver I would honestly boycott talking to ESPN since they obviously don't care about the backbone of the series. Cup guys come down and run, its NOTHING new nor nothing fascinating. Now Matt Carter finishing 12th?! Both new AND fascinating!

3 interviews after the race? I'm just sick. sick to my stomach. Thank you SPEED for showing everyone how it is done Wed night. Sure, we had a few too many tight shots, but since that seems to be the "in" thing to do in 2009 at least they got all the other fundamentals right!

ESPN is just in a single word a JOKE

Sophia said...

Blogger Labbie said...

I'm glad I took an hour off to watch Eureka on SciFi...this wasn't just a train wreck, it was a dinosaur-killer asteroid impact of a broadcast.

I take back my trainwreck comment and hope I can remember your description for tomorrow's race! Meow Hiss! Phhffft.


Sophia said...

yes Patrick you will be missed but have fun with the family! :)

Labbie said...

LOL Sophia, that was the worst diaster I could think of...and with your astronomy reference just fit tonight's braodcast.

And speaking of cats, mine usually enjoys watching the cars go round and round...tonight she went to the closet to sleep!!! She just came out, now that the race is over. LMAO.

Anonymous said...

It would be unfair to tennis fans to have NASCAR overrun its timeslow then the race was over. All of those called off restarts robbed the viewers a couple of interviews

Sophia said...


My 15 week old kitten has glimpsed at tv a few times for the races if I am watching from bed...but tonight just seemed bored. :)

I am going to wait to leave comments on your post JD. I am too frustrated.

Besides, I am not wild about the booth guys lately but STILL say the bigger issue is the &^%&$& camera direction and I've said that umpteen times already.

Though I appreciate us having our say so others can't think we are being "led into our comments" so to speak.

Daly Planet Editor said...

Jump over to the main page and leave us your comments on the race coverage if you would be so kind.

Thanks, see everyone here Saturday night for another live race blog.


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