Sunday, August 16, 2009

Live Blogging The Sprint Cup Series Race From Michigan (ESPN - 1PM ET)

Allen Bestwick begins ESPN's Sprint Cup Series coverage from MIS with the NASCAR Countdown pre-race show at 1PM. Rusty Wallace and Brad Daugherty join Bestwick for this one hour program. Race coverage begins at 2PM, with the green flag falling at 2:16PM.

There are a lot of potential topics on the menu for this program. Saturday's Nationwide Series race ended with a bang both on and off the track. Race winner Brad Keselowski will be in the Sunday Sprint Cup Series event. So will Kyle Busch and Brian Vickers, the pair who led most of the race only to lose it on the final laps.

MIS is known as a fuel mileage track, but today the new NASCAR restart rules may add a twist to the single-file fuel runs. Pit stops will also be critical, both under caution and green flag conditions.

It will be Jerry Punch calling the action for ESPN with Dale Jarrett and Andy Petree alongside. Jarrett and Petree handled the play-by-play for the Saturday Nationwide Series race as a part of ESPN's "Backseat Drivers" coverage. Punch struggles on big tracks like this where multiple storylines have to be juggled from the start.

This is the time of the year when tempers are tight in the Cup garage. The ESPN pit reporters are going to have to think before they speak to avoid the kind of moments that ESPN has recently experienced on pit road. Dave Burns, Jamie Little, Shannon Spake and Vince Welch are the reporters.

Three elements have pushed ESPN's NASCAR coverage in a strange direction. The ill-advised use of in-car cameras, the use of pre-recorded material under green and the strange belief that the playback of old team radio conversations is important.

In-car cameras remove the perspective of the TV viewer. They are awkward to use after restarts or when cars are racing in a group. Cutting to them because they are available seems to be the current practice. Higher and wider shots made TNT's summer coverage exciting. Frequent in-car camera shots are ruining ESPN's efforts.

Since ESPN's Sprint Cup coverage began, the network has been playing back "soundbites" from drivers who are seated in front of a video window. While the recorded material plays, the live race is shoved in the video box. Instantly, the excitement of the racing is gone while viewers listen to dated comments on various topics. Nothing sucks the intensity out of high-speed racing like this feature.

Many NASCAR fans use the technology available online to listen to their team's radio channel. TNT even offered a free audio feed during the summer races via RaceBuddy. ESPN records the radios and then stops the telecast to have a pit reporter introduce the audio clip about to be replayed. By the time all of this happens, the race has moved on. Either use it live or lose it.

Multiple storylines will continue at MIS. Teams racing for the win with nothing to lose, those racing to make The Chase and some trying to put on a good show simply to survive. Tires, fuel and strategy will be a key challenge for the TV team.

This post will serve to host your comments about the Sprint Cup Series telecast on ESPN. To add your TV-related opinion, just click on the comments button below. This is a family-friendly website, please keep that in mind.

Thanks for taking the time to stop by The Daly Planet on this weekend.


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bevo said...

Poppins makes me think of Arrested Development with Charlize Theron :)

A great show would be to put a camera on Hoots for an entire race

Vicky D said...

Give Doc a cup of espresso!

MikeC said...

When they went to commercial, was that the first time TV told us about his latest rain shower?

The Loose Wheel said...

its not an on the fly rule that carl got dinged on. Remember ORP?

Labbie said...

MikeC said...
Punch sounds like he's wore out. Like he's drained and it's affecting his concentration level.

August 16, 2009 4:45 PM

Yeah, Doc gets that way after a couple of hours of calling out cars numbers and driver names.


red said...

@tracy: i feel your pain. we're making the college run on tuesday and weds, 25 and 26 august, from philly to buffalo. but i'm thinking we'll get it all into one van.

Patrick said...

#77 & #47 are the only cars on the track not on the lead lap. 34th & 35th, respectively.
#2 still in garage (Don't know if he'll make it back out with the damage he got)

Anonymous said...

Not that I'm a prude---however about a 1/2 hour back did you get a tv commercial for a movie with the main part of the spot being a guy taking a massive bong hit? Wonder if it's a local (Southern California) male demo cable (COX)
spot...Just figured out why Jerry Punch is horrible as a pxp guy---He has never called any sports on radio as a pxb guy (basketball-baseball-football) When your a radio guy learning your trade---you make things exciting...he is a major downer---everythings a woalk in the park mono---

SalB said...

I sold my tickets. Didn't renew season tickets for next year. The races there have been too PC and polite since the crapshoot.

Haus14 said...

wow evidently Radio Shack has decided that it is time to do some marketing. I have seen more commercials for them in the last 10 days than in the last 10 months combined.

Sophia said...

Dang, I did not count UP TO 15 before they switched to in car cams.&^%#$#
so much for DFR if we can't SEE THEM.

Vicky D said...

Jerry, but the tire is only flat on the bottom!

Sophia said...

JPM cut tire

WickedJ said...

it looks like its lightly raining, i see it on Junior's roof cam

red said...

JPM did a masterful job of holding on to that car all the way to the pits! nice job, JPM!

Patrick said...

Where's Brewer? Do you need air in the tires to keep the asphalt into the tires?

Sal said...

2 races in a row that the #9 has caused other drivers problems? Is he trying to compete with Ragan?

Tracy D said...

SalB, the spring race wasn't too thrilling either. I just like the atmosphere, the crowd, the country.

Kasey into Montoya again? Sheesh, JPM has every right to be really ticked off.

Anonymous said...

Anon 4:49 PM:
I think I know the commercial. I'm in SoCal and it's some commercial for a movie - I don't remember the name.

aak.. rain.. ugh.

Anonymous said...

rain caution - how soon til booth gets it

Sal said...

Tracy, I did, too. But after the last few years of yawners, I decided to pass this year. Last August Ileft with 85 laps left to go. Having a hard time staying awake at Bristol is not something I ever thought would happen.

WickedJ said...

Junior: Took you long enough to give up on that damn rubber
Lance: We'll talk about that later
Junior: Heh, im sure by then youll have your defense ready

Haus14 said...

apparently the guys in the booth don't listen to the scanner replays on the broadcast either...JG came on the radio and said it was raining pretty good what did you hear from the booth? Nothing, but the continuation of their conversation. Caution comes out and they are shocked because it is for rain. HELLO!!! You guys get paid enough that you can afford to pay attention!

Vicky D said...

Patrick, maybe TB can show us putting air in a tire.

Anonymous said...

going back to 77 and gassing twice - dont cars top off on cautions? especially like now with 53 laps left and pit window at 47 laps?

Has that ended?

Sal said...

Can't when they get the charity lap.

DrTeplisky said...

Anon 4:49--good observation. Hard to do radio p-b-p when you are sewing folks back together in an Emergency Room...not a lot of time to prepare.

How about MRN's Joe Moore for a p-b-p tryout? He's done all the work on pit road and can certainly paint a picture...and has TV experience
(and he's an AFRTS alum like me)

TexasRaceLady said...

Looked at the radar --- no rain within 2 counties --- except for the little one right on top of the track. ArGGGGGGGGHHHHHHH ! !

red said...

just an observation following the harvick/childress and earnhardt/mcgrew exchanges: seems "we'll talk about it later" is becoming the new way to say "hey! people are listening, remember?"

Vicky D said...

Anon I don't think lucky dog cars can fuel twice during a caution.

The Loose Wheel said...

Annon, see my explanation.

He cannot pit more than once as a LD car. He did, therefore penalty

Dot said...

@ hauw14, Radio Shack is now The Shack. They want everyone to know. JP called them Radio Shack earlier.

WickedJ said...

Anon: When the Free Pass was first used at Dover a few years ago Ryan Newman got it and kept coming down pitroad and topping off every lap under that caution. i think he mightve gone on to win on fuel milage

so NASCAR put a stop to that and said you can only put fuel in the car once when you get the free pass

Holmes said...

"Patrick, maybe TB can show us putting air in a tire."

Maybe we can get a closeup of a tire's valve stem.

Dot said...

Sorry haus14, spelled your name wrong. Dang desk top.

The Loose Wheel said...

well there u go. got your valve stem.

splitter didn't cut the tire though. Kahne's rf fender did. Look at how far up he was on the #42

brad said...

everybody asked for Brewer and there you go. LOL

red said...

Holmes said...
"Patrick, maybe TB can show us putting air in a tire."

Maybe we can get a closeup of a tire's valve stem.

better yet: maybe brewer can use two die-casts and show us how a splitter can cut a tire valve stem. . .

OMG! i was only kidding, brewer! i didn't really want you to show us that!

Dot said...

What are the odds that the splitter would actually hit the valve stem?

Patrick said...

Anon 4:56

David explained it perfectly earlier. When they started the Free Pass, Newman got his lap back and kept topping of his tank until they went green. Since it then became an unfair advantage, the Free Pass car cannot add fuel a 2nd time.

Patrick said...

Medic being called to the #98 pit box39.

The Loose Wheel said...


Zero. The splitter is down on the racetrack, at best it cuts the sidewall just like 98% of tire issues like that based on contact

Sophia said...


I heard earlier in the year Pizza Hut just wants to be known as "The Hut" ??

Not that I like their pizza but found that odd marketing. What else they famous for? we make our own or get small mom and pop stuff around here.

Now back ot the race.


Daly Planet Editor said...

So, here we go down the homestretch. Should be interesting to see if they can get it sorted out. I am pretty much lost right now.

Vicky D said...

I think it would have been better if TB could have blown up the tire with all his hot air!

Tracy D said...

Patrick, keep us in the loop - hope it's nothing bad.

The Loose Wheel said...

Well JD, what you see on your screen is ESPN's dramatization of what a NASCAR Sprint Cup Race is "supposed" to be...nuff said.

WickedJ said...

i can tell you the 00 is the leader, 20 is third and 88 is 4th 1 is 5th..they all stayed out looks like

WickedJ said...

ah, Hamlin is second

red said...

@dot: surprisingly good at these speeds. seems odd, i know, but it's unbelievably easy. figure how fast a tire is rotating, factor in how fast the car beside you is going and how many seconds of car to car contact there is and it's easy to see how that valve gets knock off or cut by the splitter. only takes seconds at most.

(course, kahne may be sharpening his splitter, too! just kidding!)

Sophia said...

wonder what happened on pit road w injury. Have not heard on MRN but just refreshed water for birds and squirrels.
(Outside, not in case you thought I was an Elly May Clampett)

brad said...

The voices on my tv are just adding to the chaos the pictures are creating. and with that announcement there will be no post race. Hope you enjoyed this broadcast. What a joke!

Patrick said...

Is TV reading my posts? When I asked for Brewer, I was being sarcastic. I am noticing that one of the problems with the Tech Center is the camera work (Big surprise) is starting too far away and zooms too slowly. Makes for a longer segment than necessary. They need to work on the close, tight shots with proper lighting. Make your point in 5 seconds and leave.

red said...

@david: depends on whether they're hitting a bump on the track or are on a curve, doesn't it? that splitter doesn't sit flush to the track all the way around and if the 9 car was moving and bouncing, it would be easy to hit that valve stem.

Tracy D said...

Plse keep the darned camera on Rooty fighting it out with JR?

Sophia said...

MRN guys EXCITED on restart with Jr!

red said...

wait!? dale's at the front. hold on: i have to pay close attention to this -- 'cause i don't kow when it might happen again.

WickedJ said...

for us Junior fans this is a bittersweet might be awhile before we see this again :|

MikeC said...

DJ's calling the play by play, with Petree's analysis. JP is just sitting back throwing in a stat or 2.

Tracy D said...

Jamie - "Oh, wait...

Sal said...

ESPN and Baby Brian must be jumping for joy with Jr out front.

brad said...

My hopes got up for a second then I remembered Jr has to stop again. Well only 2 months till Dega.

Patrick said...

Wow! That's my boy out front. Just goes to show what clean air will do.

Sal said...

Heluva save for stremme!

Tracy D said...

What happened to Stremme? Just Stremme being Stremme?

The Loose Wheel said...

red this is true, i just have a hard time buying that was all splitter, looked like it was ahead of his left rear and it was kasey's fender but thats my guess.

stremme. shocker.

who stops and who doesnt.

red said...

well that was fun for us dale fans! hope he's smiling big 'cause i am!

and JPM's back on the lead lap: excellent!

Sal said...

Wonder if the caution will help those close on fuel?

WickedJ said...

Lance wants to stay out

Junior wants to pit

Sophia said...

DRAT! Jr is leading and a freaking caution...sigh...though it was legit

MtnVwJay said...

Burton came down on Stremme who then went into Boyer

red said...

@wickedj: in re: dale and mcgrew disagreeing: quelle surprise! but looks like pit it is. now he needs to get up on that wheel and make it all work out today!

Tracy D said...

Maybe there's modern math? What does that mean?

red said...

@tracy; wonder if that's like tom lehrer's "new math"?

Patrick said...

#2 is back on the track. Don't know when this happened. I must be punchdrunk.

WickedJ said...

Indeed, Red

Lance wanted to pit at the last second

Junior reasoned that if they pit now theyll be good to go and bank on some of the other guys running out..which would be the method i would choose, none of this saving fuel hard and go for broke

The Loose Wheel said...

idk where jp is getting his points updates. pit command shows vickers 73 back of 12th

Tracy D said...

I remember MM saying Ryan Pemberton was one of the smartest crew chiefs in the business. We'll see!

WickedJ said...

Holy carp! thats insanity

Tracy D said...

Wasn't Evernham part of this broadcast? Has he taken off for the day?

red said...

@wickedj: i SO agree! if the man wants to run and not worry about fuel, give him the opportunity. it may not work but at least he can race and not go into "fuel conservation" mode.

brad said...

when did they put a yellow line in the middle of the track Jerry?

Vicky D said...

Tracy maybe Ray went on vacation early! This is the points is ruining the telecast (and I use the term loosely).

Sal said...

Looking at the crawl, it seems tha jr. can pass cars...going in the right direction. for us fans, that is.

Daly Planet Editor said...

Be nice for them to peel back and let us see the racing right now. Update the stories.

WickedJ said...

@red, hes faster than everyone around him but hes kind of boxed in..he runs up on the 9 and has to let off or run him over

i must say i enjoy this free HotPass, restarts have been nothing short of chaos of three and four wide

Anonymous said...

Guess that "no passing the leader before the line" rule doesn't apply to Jimmie, huh?

Patrick said...

I won't be able to figure out why a medic was called to the #98 pit a while back. There's no reason any more information would be discussed on the Official's Channel. I tried to listen to the #98 radio, but it was louder, more talkative and was drowning out my other sources. sorry.

Sal said...

I hate that crawler! It takes so long to get thru the entire field to update where cars are running, if they are going forward or back

Tracy D said...

Aha, Ray is back!

Daly Planet Editor said...

We will again be putting up a "Your Turn" post for your comments right after the checkered flag.

This has been a big hit and is being read by lots of folks. Please take a moment to give us a summary when the race is over.


brad said...

It is nice for Jr to actually be earning "positive" comments with on track performance.

Tracy D said...

Thanks, Patrick.

Daly Planet Editor said...

Sal, IMHO that just lets TV not have to review the race by position. Nothing more. Almost impossible to watch all the way through.

red said...

@wickedj: thanks -- and i am jealous! all i want for that team is a good finish.

@patrick: thanks for trying to get that medic update for us. guess we'll never know what happened. hope all is well.

sure would like for this NOT to come down to fuel yet again.

OSBORNK said...

The 48 gets to go by different rules than everyhone else but tje 88.

Tracy D said...

Petree's explanation just now -thank you!

Anonymous said...

@JD - is it posted yet? Those of us who left early from tv could get started.

brad said...

I think Jr has been penalized as much or more than anyone else except maybe Robby Gordon

red said...

"Daly Planet Editor said...
We will again be putting up a "Your Turn" post for your comments right after the checkered flag.

This has been a big hit and is being read by lots of folks. Please take a moment to give us a summary when the race is over."

sigh: what will it change?

but ooooo-kay, i will -- but not until later tonight so all of you folks who are planning to read our comments, make certain you keep checking back all tonight and thru tomorrow, ok?

WickedJ said...

x-( @ NASCAR's live leaderboard, stupid thing is slower than a Geo Metro

Patrick said...

#2 officially OUT now, accident. Couldn't gain any more spots.

Tracy D said...

I missed pre-race. Is Eury Jr. on the box for BradK?

Tracy D said...

PAtrick, what would we do without you? Thanks for the update on the 2.

Daly Planet Editor said...

OK Jo, it's up for your comment.

brad said...

Why is it tv must talk about a car driving up into the top 5 when it is obvious pit stops by others put them there and then being in traffic is what keeps them behind when they run in the same area they were to start with.

The Loose Wheel said...

Tracy, yes. Has been ever since the swap

red said...

@tracy: i believe so. pops yesterday, tony jr today.

WickedJ said...

@red Junior was the fastest car on the track that lap 41.95 to leaders 42.16

Anonymous said...

@JD - thanks - could you get espn to be so responsive?

red said...

@wickedj: GREAT news! keep pedalling, son!

Patrick said...

#88 fastest on the track (via Lance).

So, maybe this is where Dr. Punch has been all year. He must be Junior fan like me. This is where his animated self has been.

Sophia said...


I need to just copy my comments from your last column. Even tho listening to MRN, my eyes can see the MAJOR problem that continues to happen on ESPN

brad said...

Do you think JP will be able to get excited if Jr is coming to the checkered flag for the win. Unfortunately I doubt it.

Anonymous said...

NASCAR 101 - Jerry Punch has to explain The Chase to us. Isn't this the 6th season for the Chase?

WickedJ said...

Good news: Fastest car on the track

Bad news: 4 1/2 seconds back

Sal said...

Be nice to see a big smile on Jr.s face, wouldn't it? especially with the way the media has been hounding him. Wonder why they don't give cousin Carl as hard a time for not winning this year after winning 9 races last year?

red said...

best news: not in 33rd place but actually in sight of the leader -- who may run out of gas.

Sophia said...

MRN said "setting sail"

Isn't that what jP says a lot?

Tracy D said...

Sal, I think Carl is taking the no-win questions with aplomb. No news since he doesn't get ticked off.

WickedJ said...

@Red, Amen brotha!

red said...

@sophia: i think that's a rusty-ism.

Sal said...

Tracy...Matt Kenseth may not agree with you on that!

Tracy D said...

Rooty - go for it!

Patrick said...


did you say 4.5 secs? How long ago. There's one of those seconds.

WickedJ said...

41.92 to JJ's 42.30

MikeC said...

Looks like they front-loaded commercials to show us all these laps to the finish. That's why it seemed like there were a lot of commercial breaks in the first half of the race.

WickedJ said...

Patrick, Leaderboard on is hella slow. HotPass took down the graphic of how far back he was. (it came back as i type this.. 3.1 sec)

Tracy D said...

Sal, that was Martinsville year before last, wasn't it? I think CE learned his lesson there. The backlash wasn't pretty. Nor did it make for pleasant working conditions at Roush, I'll bet.

red said...

as far as i can figure, it's out of his hands right now. all he can do is keep hitting his marks, be patient and make no mistakes. if someone else screws up, it's not on him and he just needs to keep racing.

Tracy D said...

I LOVE Andy P.

Daly Planet Editor said...

One key issue is how many interviews we have after the race now that the telecast is into SportsCenter time.

WickedJ said...

Pretty much, Red, 3 seconds back..he needs a little help from the leaders

red said...

@wickedj; how about the top 3 all run out of gas? would that help?

brad said...

does Jr have enough time??? 9 to go.

Patrick said...

An hour-and-half Sportscenter. Couldn't they reduce it to an hour and give NASCAR to the top of the hour?

The Loose Wheel said...

playing up that jr is fast. everyone else has just backed off. jr has a huge gap on the guys that he pitted with, but if a yellow came out, much different race.

red said...

48's rear mirror driving i suspect.

Patrick said...

Junior hasn't picked up much time in the last few laps. Still 3 secs back.

Well, it was 3, now. 2.7

Tracy D said...

What's the gas situation for Harvick, et al closer to the p10?

MikeC said...

A 4-lap caution with 6 laps to go would be the meal ticket for the 48

Sal said...

Wouldn't it be cool if Jr. could pull a 'Keselowski' amd pass for the lead the last lap?

Patrick said...

Jr. -2.8 sec

WickedJ said...

a GWC would be a deathbed for the top 3

The Loose Wheel said...

Patrick, everyone else picked it up. Jr is a 5th-10th place car who just has the ability to run full tilt.

Wish we had Larry Mac, he would tell us what the 48 did in the June race and how many laps he went. ESPN seems as clueless as the rest of us.

brad said...

Jr ran the good off of his tires. Not gonna happen unliess someone runs out.

Newracefan said...

Did you ever notice that gas mileage laps and the longest in Nascar. I'm heading toward chest pain right now

Anonymous said...

If Jr wins Sportcenter better be cut short!!

MikeC said...

Johnson is done, unless he has enough fuel....a caution now would guarantee a GWC

Sophia said...

JJ's out!

WickedJ said...

bye 48!

Junior - too tight!

red said...

do not show us this gas and go, you morons!!!

WickedJ said...

i wont complain too loudy about 3rd place

Newracefan said...

We'll guess the heart attack hit, Damn poor JJ

Sophia said...

Man i really wanted Jr to win darn it.

But if BV ends, will Kyle B congratulate him :)

Vicky D said...

gonna worry about Matt but they are not showing him.

Dot said...

I told Dan before the race started that a Toy would win and it wouldn't be Weed.

red said...

woooo hooo! 3rd place and BV wins!
take that, young mr busch!

way to go, 88 team, way to go!

Sophia said...

They could NOT hold the cam on finish line for 10 seconds?


I gotta eat dinner before I post on JD's blog

brad said...

where is the rest of the field????????? It's not hard ESPN. hold shot of the finish line.

Patrick said...

Damn, I hate those flying heads. Can't see who finishes where.
Also, the ticker almost never finishes the full order before it disappears.

The Loose Wheel said...

Nice call Ryan Pemberton!!!

Sal said...

3 Childress cars in the top 12!

Sophia said...

YAY! Jr had a great car and finish at the end.

HAS to be a morale booster for him. :0

MikeC said...

The credits are rolling

WickedJ said...

Looks like Mark ran out, 31st

Tracy D said...

I"ll bet KyBu is chewing screws.

Patrick said...


Sophia said...

MRN interviewing Jeff Gordon..who immediately went over to Jr before interview. Sweet

now Jr on TV...DUMB QUESTION!!
How bad did you need this win for MORALE? is that not already known? Does her IQ reach the double digits??

Tracy D said...

JJ is being very gracious. Good for him on congratulating Vickers.

Sal said...

But he finished ahead of Brad K...maybe he will be happy about that!

Sophia said...

Jr much happier sounding on MRN

Newracefan said...

I wonder if BV's contract just added some dollar signs perhaps they should have locked it up sooner.

JJ class act for someone who just finished 33rd.

brad said...

there goes your postrace folks. Glad we tortured you for 4 hours and now you don't deserve to see post race interviews. Now to sportscenter!

Tracy D said...

So why doesn't Vickers have a contract with RB? Hmmm>>>???

Patrick said...

Special thanks to:
MRN Live Leaderboard
the Twitterverse
No thanks to ESPN.

Daly Planet Editor said...

If you are just stopping by, we have a new post up for your final comments on the ESPN telecast of the Cup race from MIS.

Thanks for chatting with us today!

Sophia said...

Kyle B could learn wonders from JJ about how to be gracious AND most disappointed.

congrats Brian!!!!!!!!!!!!

Vicky D said...

Really nice interview with JJ and good going BV.

Holmes said...

Flying heads instead of the finish of the race. Lessee, the placekicker attempts the game winning field goal and as his foot makes contact with the ball the camera changes to the coach's face to show us his reaction. That is not rational. The flying heads across the top of the screen while we see men jumping around is not rational. We have waaay too many liberal art majors in the production truck to ever adequately televise a Cup race.

The Loose Wheel said...

Brian said, he has signed his half, RB hasn't signed theirs

red said...

Sophia said...
Jr much happier sounding on MRN

he does not like espn reporters one little bit.
not at all.

they've earned his disdain and he does not forgive easily, my driver.

Daly Planet Editor said...

Hey, take your flying heads and go over to the new post on the main page!

Dot said...

All they talked about was who was where in the points and they didn't even show the list. WTH?

red said...

Daly Planet Editor said...
If you are just stopping by, . . . "

you make me laugh!

Daly Planet Editor said...

Red, glad to see someone gets my limited sense of humor!

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