NASCAR fans only had a small slice of Kyle Petty this season as he worked on the TNT portion of the Sprint Cup Series races. Petty also appeared on SPEED, but unfortunately that was on the NASCAR Smarts trivia show with Rutledge Wood.
While the six races in the TNT package drew positive reviews, Petty stood-out for his plain-spoken opinions and his high level of interactivity with the fans. Petty was one of the first Twitter-friendly NASCAR personalities. That fit right in with the overall high-tech approach of TNT to NASCAR on TV.
Sunday, the Turner family of networks gives Petty an opportunity to extend his personal brand. CNN Headline News has been renamed Headline News (HLN) and the host of the morning show is named Robin Meade.
As the end of the year approaches, Meade is set to host a one-hour special featuring Petty and several other Turner network announcers. Charles Barkley is a TNT favorite on the NBA coverage and is well-known for his outspoken style and interesting life story. Dennis Eckersley is the MLB veteran known for his colorful playing days and controversial comments as an analyst.
This is an interesting project. Meade will let the panelists talk about various topics in the news during 2010, including Tiger Woods, Bernie Madoff and President Obama. During the Tiger Woods discussion, guest Spike Lee joins the panel.
Petty made himself known to a new group of NASCAR fans when he took over for Michael Waltrip on the SPEED program series Tradin' Paint. This hour long show matched Petty up with a NASCAR journalist or media personality for a discussion of topics in the news. Petty had monumental meltdowns with the likes of Bob Pockrass, Jenna Fryer and Randy Pemberton.
Unfortunately, SPEED cancelled that show and replaced it with NASCAR Smarts. This season, instead of talking about NASCAR topics, Petty was now guessing at trivia questions while Rutledge Wood made faces at the TV cameras.
Perhaps, this Sunday night TNT program titled With All Due Respect, might show executives at SPEED that Petty is worth involving in additional NASCAR programming for 2010. Petty made a guest appearance as a panelist on RaceDay, but did not participate in programs like Race Hub and This Week in NASCAR .
SPEED has not yet advised us as to whether or not the Monday night franchise will be back for next season. Michael Waltrip is now a full-time multi-car team owner and Jimmy Spencer never clicked as the third panelist. Petty might be an interesting anchor to a new line-up should TWIN return.
It should be interesting to see Petty working on topics outside the sport on TV. Meade is a veteran host and Petty's personality would seem to fit right in with both the group assembled and the program's format.
With All Due Respect airs at 10PM ET on Sunday, with a re-air on Christmas day at 6PM. Viewers can also catch it at 7 and 10PM on December 26th and 27th.
If you have some comments about Kyle Petty and his TV presence, feel free to offer them by clicking the comments button below. This is a family-friendly website, please keep that in mind when posting. Thank you for taking the time to stop by The Daly Planet.
JD, I still feel that "meltdown" is too strong a characterization for KP's reactions to media errors. I do recall his telling Bob P (and I believe Jenna Fryer) that the reporter did not know what he was talking about, but I do not believe KP was ever out of control. As the show went on, it seemed to me that the reporters were careful to be avoid comments that they had no support for. I really enjoyed Tradin' Paint and feel its cancellation was another dumbing-down of SPEED.
KP was also a semi-regular rotating panelist on PRN's Monday night NASCAR show last season.
I did not say media errors had anything to do with the classic KP meltdowns.
When KP took over from Waltrip, this series quickly became known in 2007 for Petty losing it when talking to media members.
He told Jenna Fryer repeatedly that she made up content and disagreed with her so much she almost left one show.
Bob Pockrass was told he was full of BS and had a smoke machine for blowing smoke up people's rear ends with his BS reporting.
While Kyle calmed down in 2008, this was the only show on the air where active discussion on topics was shown.
Race Hub has good potential to lead itself down a road that involves spirited conversation, but that will take the right host and some input from more NASCAR media members than just the SPEED staff.
JD, No, "media errors" was my characterization - and my recollection is that KP reacted to something Bob P or Jenna F said on air - or possibly that he recalled their having said in the past. I am not aware of any recurring sports or news show on TV where writers are asked to defend what they have written.
After Ryan McGee and Marty S., Bob Pockrass and Jenna Fryer are 2 of my 3 favorite NASCAR writers.
I like Petty, and I like him on-the-air. His opinions are fresh and needed.
What I hate is that hat with the 45 crossed out on it. It's a reminder that "hey, this guy is still really bitter." I get it, but does he need to advertise his bitterness with every appearance? Why not just wear a 45 and pay tribute to your career/car? Why cross it out with a black marker... it just seems angry.
@ Anon 11:04, I heard that the black tape is for Adam but, I could be wrong.
I like Kyle's attitude. No apologies from him. Love him on Twitter.
The crossing out is in remembrance of his son Adam. Similar to when police officers put a black band around their stars or shields to remember a fallen comrade.
He has worn that since his son passed (over 8 years now), it has nothing to do with him being booted from his ride.
I think the entire show nascar smarts is an abomination why not just play a game of corn hole or beer pong. It makes me sad to have KP degrade himself in that way. I never missed a Trading Paint, Ive watched 10 minutes of Smarts.....
Never was a KP fan as a driver, but I sure do enjoy him on tnt and other serious programs.
p.s. JD thanks for twittering about the ARCA stuff today!
Yes, 45 was Adam's car number, KP took over Adam's car after his passing, and my understanding is that the black stripe is in memory of Adam. KP needs to be on TV more.
I agree KP needs to be on TV more.
I wish SPEED would tell us about TWIN. Still love that show.
SPEED does not need more junk fake reality shows!
Can't get into hub myself...quirky odd set & no pattern to the show to make a good flow. Take away the gimmicks and give me some comfy chairs and or a desk. And a consistent appealing host instead of playing musical chairs with hosts du jour.
I do prefer IN studio shows...don't need more stuff at the track where fans are encouraged to yell & wave annoying signs in the background. I like HEARING the hosts/guests talk w/o distraction or impossible to hear. That aspect of hub is good. Its in a studio.
KP was great in the booth and is fab on Twitter.
2X SOPHIA!Get rid of "Mr.Not so Excitement" keep everyone else and ad Mr.Petty.No waving,wooing fans,no uptight telecasts like NN,fireworks and laffs a plenty.
2nd.thought. Don't have any prob. with ex drivers like M.Waltrip or K.Petty appearing on shows,and as ownwers.I think Brad.D. does a good job of being neurtal.Bring back the"the hot seat" and invite the start and park owners to sit there.
I'd enjoy seeing more Kyle Petty on TV. Not in that silly, if not embarrasing show Nascar Smarts. I've seen it. It's dumb, boring, and Kyle should be embarrased to be associated with it.
He would be great on TWIN. With or without Waltrip. Kyle comes across as fare minded, honest, and factual to me.
And his work with Victory Junction Camp is wonderful. He could talk an hour about it and I'd listen. Why it was started (Adam), what the kids do, how their families are treated while there. Why the kids are there (terminal), the list could go on on approaches to this subject.
Great job Kyle, great job. I honestly look up to you and the service you have done your community.
Hope to see you on more TV in 10.
Obviously SPEED gave no thought
to the time slot. Why put it
against Sunday Night Football, especially with the home town
Panthers playing Farve/Vikings?
There are plenty of slots early in
the day that would get more viewers.
I too wish that SPEED would can
the SMARTS farce and get Petty into
a more fitting scenario.
Should TWIN return and based on Speed's past record of dumping drivers who are in-between rides or going to racing part-time, Waltrip will probably be dumped. This would be the perfect time to bring Kyle Petty in.
I think Kyle did a great job on TNT during their 6 week coverage and wish that the powers that be would give them a longer stint of broadcasting. Based on the poor coverage and commentary last season, I feel that both Faux and BSPN need to give up 6 races each to TNT so we fans can have at least some real race coverage and commentary during the season without having to resort to listening to PRN or MRN.
@Anon 10:50
Agreed that the other two need to give way to TNT, but I don't think NASCAR gives contracts based on quality and fan morale, but based on money and who works where. That needs to change.
If NASCAR was competent enough, contracts WOULD be given out based on popularity.
Not interested in the program. I would love to see drivers talk 'bout non-racing news topics, but KP? Never cared for him.
Plus, I don't watch a news network that has a nightly celeb gossip/tabloid show on it!
I get the feeling Kyle really hates the Nascar media. He had one of his outbursts during that interview with Dustin Long while condemming Sirius Nascar Radio hosts. Now while he is right, they are truly pathetic, he said it and when he was on the show he backed up faster than Micheal Waltrip does on race day.
I've kind of been mad at Kyle Petty ever since he made a comment on Trading Paint that allowing NASCAR fans to have input into how the sport was run would be like "having the inmates run the asylum". I took offense to that remark considering that IMO there are a lot of fans with pretty good ideas that would make the sport better - or at least no worse than what the current NASCAR management is doing. After that, I stopped watching Trading Paint. I never watched the stupid show with Rutledge. My brains would have run out of my ears.
I thought Kyle did a good job on TNT's broadcast and the fact that he was willing to be more interactive with the fans made it a nice plus.
I will probably set the DVR up for the program so I can watch it at my leisure since I would like to hear what Kyle has to say now during the off season. If the renew TWIN, I'd like to see them keep Steve Byrnes, can Mikey (since if he comes back I won't watch the show). Petty might add something to this, but since he's not an "active" driver, he may not fit Speed's criteria, but then again, Mikey won't be either.
"JD, I still feel that "meltdown" is too strong a characterization for KP's reactions to media errors"
But thats JD M.O., hyperbole, anyone he doesn't really care for (even though he'll swear he's got nothing against whom ever he's shredding at the moment, 'I personally like -insert name here- and have no problem with them at all, I'm JD, I love everyone') he'll go out of his way to take a dig any chance he gets...
One man's "meltdown" is another man's "passion", and I saw passion.
AndyPandy, I agree. I believe JD and I agree to disagree re KP and the media reps on Tradin' Paint - but then I know none of the participants personally.
So far first segment this show is way over edited and mainly sound bites, no real dialogue.
Choppy as hell..disappointed so far.
Not enough with the three panelists. Didn't need guests at all. Way too many commercials. I like Charles Barkley though and wish Kyle had had more or a chance to speak.
Yep, needed more real dialogue, too and less sound bites. Just should've been host, KP and CB, man those two could've been a blast together with real discussion allowed. The butchered editing, along with the rotating guests was not good.
This show was beyond disappointing to me. I enjoy a good talk show but this wasn't it. . .
I want my hour back. What a monumental waste of time that was. An hour program with maybe 4 or 5 minutes of what might be considered "content". Yes, good to great panelists with differing opinions but about what? I thought it was supposed to be about news stories in 2009, not whats next for "reality" programing. Sometimes it felt like one big promo for somebodys TV show, the next it was a love fest for someone. I heard two things in that hour worth mentioning: yes, people do deserve a second chance and never, ever hit a woman. Hey, I knew that already. I still want my hour back.
YES, wasted opportunity. I was looking forward to hearing the 3 panelists on HLN discuss sports - and would still like to. Demonstrates why CNN is and should be sinking.
oh boy, based on those posts, I guess I'll delete the recorded program unwatched and not waste the 20 minutes or so it would take me to FF'd through it. Well, it sure did sound like it had potential
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