ESPN has pulled out all the stops for the Brickyard 400. Allen Bestwick is in as lap-by-lap announcer. There is a new graphics package. Nicole Briscoe is hosting the infield studio. Dual-stream technology will allow two in-car camera views from the same car. The "Bat-cam" that runs 80mph on a wire above pit road is back.
The big question is will all that make a difference if the production of the race is once again horrible?
Since 2007 ESPN has struggled with this event. It's really not clear why. The network produces all different kinds of live sporting events around the world. What is the challenge at Indy?
Briscoe will kick-off the coverage at noon ET with Rusty Wallace and Brad Daugherty alongside. Wallace is coming off a disjointed Nationwide Series telecast on Saturday night that saw him pick his brother Kenny to win the race and then watch as his son Steven destroyed both of the RWR cars in a violent wreck of his own making.
Daugherty has become increasing isolated on these telecasts, especially once the actual racing begins. At one time, Bestwick called Daugherty "The voice of the fans." It may well be that next season Daugherty is a fan on a full time basis.
Tim Brewer will once again be in the Tech Garage. It should be interesting to see how ESPN gets him into the telecast if long green flag runs are the order of the day.
Putting Bestwick in the booth was a hint to the reality of the continued struggles of Marty Reid in that position. There was never a mention by ESPN that any change was coming, it just did. Over the past five seasons, Bestwick has been the best thing that ESPN has going for it on the NASCAR trail.
The pressure on Bestwick is to balance the reality of this "no passing" style of aero-driven racing with the spectacle of the Brickyard. He has been in these situations before and makes no bones about being a pro-active supporter of the sport.
The two items that Bestwick repeats over and over again are simple to understand. NASCAR cars racing at speed on any track are not boring. Secondly, every race is not over until the checkered flag. When some media folks offer boring racing as a problem, Bestwick disagrees. His checkered flag scenario has proven itself time and time again.
This is a big shift for ESPN. Bestwick is not "their man." The loyal soldiers Jerry Punch and Marty Reid were used long before ESPN took a glimpse at Bestwick. The only reason this move happened is because ESPN realized the coverage was at risk with Reid at the helm.
The big story overshadowing this race is the status of Carl Edwards. Lee Spencer of FOX Sports reported Edwards is going to the #20 for JGR with a huge signing bonus and contract. Now, media outlets are reporting that Ford Motor Company is trying to out-bid JGR and keep Edwards at Roush. It's no secret the Roush sponsorship picture is not a pretty one for next season.
The vast majority of passing will be done on pit road. Jamie Little, Punch, Dave Burns and Vince Welch will be the reporters. Bestwick is a stickler for information, so look for him to ask a lot of questions and want details from the four TV veterans patrolling that area.
Saturday night, it only took ESPN about ten laps to return to the problems of last season in terms of directing the coverage. Rather than open the cameras and show all the racing on the track, ESPN zoomed-in tight and showed two-car battles all night long.
Late in the race, the network went to commercial with Justin Allgaier's car on fire and still circling around the track. By the time the coverage returned, Allgaier was gone and the entire complexion of the race had changed. ESPN missed everything.
The top challenge for the network today is to keep the larger perspective in frame for the fans, especially if passing is at a premium. Just like ESPN does for the Indy 500, use the wideshots and aerial views to continue to keep fans interested.
This post will serve to host your comments on the ESPN coverage of the Brickyard 400. To add your TV-related opinion, just click on the comments button below.
1 – 200 of 446 Newer› Newest»Biggest pressure on ESPN for a good telecast ever. Contract negotiations start shortly, this is their feature race.
Hi everyone, here we go!
This is ESPN's crucial hour. This is their make or break race. They need to decide whether they will stay in good graces with fans.
Getting AB in the booth is a start.
Tom Rinaldi! Here we go. Edited feature.
Anyone else think Rusty Wallace looks horrible with that tie on...just saying
It's interesting for sure.
I used to be one of those Indy car snobs. Thought it was a sacrilege that NASCAR thought they were good enough to race there. (I am from Indy and was at the track almost whenever it was open during May). THEN I saw Dale Jarrett 'kiss the bricks'. I took that as a mark of respect for 'my' grand old track. Have not missed a Brickyard 400 since.
Oh - and Lucas Oil Raceway Park will always be IRP to me!! :)
Not watching Countdown.
Still have R.Wallace's voice in my head from last night. Please, somebody, make it stop!
Oh - and I agree about Rusty - but I think he looks and is awful most of the time
Rusty just got thumped for his performance last night. I would not be surprised if he and Brad went bye bye for Ricky C. and a player to be named later.
Heh. Fans hate in-car cams...so we're now rolling out TWO AT ONCE! Woo!
Cuz we care.
ESPN: "We wuv yooou!"
Been a fan of this sport for 40+ years. I can remember a time when I watched live and recorded - on VHS no less - every NASCAR race on TV and went through the replay all week. I have not watched a complete race - either live or recorded - in the last 2 seasons. I am really going to try to live watch all of this one. Its getting to be "make or break" time for me and NASCAR.
We'll see...
Nice spot of Kyle Busch - too bad they already aired it on NascarNow last week
JD - Who would you place in the position instead of Daughtery?
Also what's happened to John Kernan as of 2008 or so? If we need pit road veterans, someone who really fits in nicely for any channel.
Re. Busch: Thought the race had started!
If they gave smaller teams 1/64th the attention they might actually get sponsors and not quit to run race shops or whatever.
Daly Planet Editor said...
Rusty just got thumped for his performance last night. I would not be surprised if he and Brad went bye bye for Ricky C. and a player to be named later.
July 31, 2011 12:14 PM
Can you expound on this?
I could use some good news :)
ESPN is setting the table for non race fans to explain who these folks are....aka "cliff notes" for non-race fans....tough to watch--everyone has a "story"....the good the bad, the ugly...the obnoxious...with a Rascal Flatts soundtrack...
No clue who would step in for Brad, but Ricky C. worked the NNS race side by side with Rusty last night and blew him away.
Had to be a reason they put the two drivers together instead of adding a crew chief like Brewer or Petree.
It's all about "storytelling." What a load of garbage.
Just point the cams at the cars and relax.
Oh boy, two in-car cams on the same driver at the same time. Another arcade feature. In-car cams do not show the passing as well as a zoomed out camera shot.
Was hoping we would see the new dual-stream in-cars during the pre-race show.
Len I am with you - fan of NASCAR for over twenty five years and at one time also recorded races etc. Used to go to one or two races each year but will not get to any race this year.
I used to make my buying decisions on NASCAR sponsors but that has also faded. Geico may have been the last one. No mor4 Chevys for me. I jest but you do not see drivers in commercials any more.
I do not watch much NW anymore and barely watch Truck or ARCA - in fact the ARCA the other night put me to sleep.
With this said I am looking forward to AB calling today as he was the first PxP I listened to on the scanner at Watkins Glen in 2001 - with BP and Wally when he was pertinent. Bestwick used to talk during commercials directed at scanner listeners.
Just imagine the pressure on AB. He had no clue this was coming until they told him.
Nothing like having to save NASCAR Now, then the infield studio and now the entire live telecast series.
We watched two different networks show the same track two nights in a row, the SPEED CWT race had a real booth issue, the ESPN NNW had a direction issue. The camera HAS to show the on track action and ESPN failed miserably, they had a great last 50 laps of racing and just blew it! How can they possibly go to commercial when a car is on fire? AS far as Rusty goes, Ricky Craven brought the level of the booth to a technical explanation of what was actually happening on the track, only he was missing the necessary video to complete the package! The 66 car fiasco is Rusty's undoing, If he cannot afford to finance his sons career, who could blame him! The truck race was outstanding, but the three people in the booth killed the experience trying to out communicate the other all night long! The saddest part of it all was the way Austin Dillon was crashed out of both races through no fault of his own! Never was a story. The racing is supposed to be story not the on air talent.
Countdown to Green is very good today. The science of sport was really good. I could have lived without the Harvick piece but that's just me.
THIS is what it's like to tell a story through beautiful zoomed-out establishing shots. THIS is how you make NASCAR exciting... Just call the racing as it happens!
I miss Bob & Benny :'(
It will be hard for AB to save the day when his troops consist of the 3 Stooges and Goofy.
Please ESPN, I beg you, get Brad Daugherty off my TV. Enough of this experiment. It doesn't work.
Pretty good pre race show from ESPN. Nicole Briscoe fitting in well.
I think Reba's song was on Memorex.
You just gotta love REBA
Has anything been said/shown about Hope Solo being in pace car today?
signed, US Women's National Team fan
red, got some pics on Twitter. She is hungover from her birthday party, wearing a ratty t-shirt, cut-off jeans and cowboy boots.
Boogity, boogity, boogity. Amen.
thought Reba was lip synched also
I guess Nascar and ESPN think that burying us under pieces on how 'hallowed' the track is at Indy, it will make us think that a (potentially) dull race has some special significande beyond one of the biggest purses of the year?
No "smoking hot wife" in the prayer this week.
saw those! not exactly the spiffiest i've ever seen miss hope and i know we don't usually see or hear about the honorary pace case driver but c'mon! it's hope effin' solo!!
i am clearly a minority of one on this. sigh.
not a rascal flatts fan but not a half bad anthem. sweet harmonies.
Preacher was reading his piece.
Nice anthem. Thank you, Indy.
They tried it last year. ESPN cannot acknowledge that we have been watching since February.
When they start, it's like the first race we all have ever seen.
Very weird.
No punches pulled @ Indy. Reba, Rascal Flatts, Hope Solo.
Anthem gets an A to wrap up the weekend.
I guess they figure it's just too complicated to figure out racing. Makes me wonder how I did it all those years ago without all the stupid graphics, & 'Nascar garage for dummies' bits. Just BP and Bob Jenkins, and I had it figured out in no time. It really ain't rocket science. Tho', these days with all the engineers and computer simulations, it might be getting there.
not gonna lie: i may be irrationally exuberant about having AB in the broadcast booth today!
If this race is so important why have we not sceen the crowded stands full of fans? This show is lucrative for the teams, great purse, not so great a race.
And so the Allen Bestwick chapter of the ESPN coverage begins.
Here we go! Love the new graphics!
Well if we are "starting over" and have to endure the Tim the Toolman Brewer" basics, I'm gone.
I know tires are round and rubbery Tim.
Me too, red. I know he can't single handedly save the broadcast, but at least expect to be talked TO, not talked AT.
all that puffed up corniness about the history and hearing the drivers talk like melodramatic idiots...I *hate* that stuff...
You know, I actually thought last night a few times it felt like Ricky C was throwing it to Rusty trying to help him come up with good things to say. And it didn't work. I think Rusty is just gonna have to admit, it's not his thing. Maybe if he goes back to focus more on his race teams he'll be doing them a bigger favor.
Rascal Flatts was good. Nice job.
That is why the trucks work soooo well. Fewer cameras, pit reporters and an agenda of showing the best racing on the track.
She's still kickin
Glen, you caught that too? Ricky was really trying to help Rusty once the wheels came off for him.
At least once this potentially boring race and crappy broadcast is over, we'll have some rallycross racing.
Here's hoping Nascar can be the highlight of the weekend and steal Pastrana's spotlight.
And where the heck is Jim Neighbors???
Man, she looks rough. Not Betty Jane France rough, but rough.
With Nascar's new 'eco friendly' plan, is releasing hundreds of balloons into the air a responsible thing to do?
LV156, that is the no-fenders weekend.
Is the reason Allen in the booth is because of the disastrous Marty Reid experiment.
Jim Nabors - only Indy 500 and Back Home Again in Indiana. THAT is too much of a tradition for 500 to do for anything else.
OMG - Have watched Mari Hullman say Start your Engines for years - she just keeps getting OLDER! (hmm - like the rest of us?)
"Tim the Toolman Brewer"
LOL!!! Good one, Anon!
A tip of the hat to Nicole.....she did well.
BTW, JD who will take her place on Nascar Now?
believe Jim Neighbors is still in Kentucky - still in traffic - trying to get to the track.
I just can't get into the pre race stuff anymore. I had Race Day on for less then two minutes before hearing..."race fans..." and I turned off the TV. I tried to listen to the last thirty minutes of Nicole, Rusty, Big Brad and Tim Brewer. They were all awful although I did get to see and hear what a shock absorber was. The singers and bands were enjoyable. AB, DJ and Andy were really good earlier this weekend. Hopefully they can do as well today. Let's hope it's a good race.
Mute button - In-race reporter time.. Waste of air time.
Edwards as the in-race reporter...[groan]
JD, it was actually painful to watch. Made me like Ricky even more though. It shows what he could do with a better partner.
I like Rusty, I thought he would be good at this given his gift for gab, but it's just been a miserable failure.
why cant the twitter question be something like "why does ESPN do this dumb segment with fans on twitter asking stupid question?"
No new personality announced for NASCAR Now yet because these changes just happened.
Look for a BIG house cleaning after the season.
I was at the 2003 Brickyard 400, and they went full out 500 tradition, but didn't do it in 2004. Maybe cause 2003 was the 10th race or something. Ah well.
You'd think someone with so much money can get their hair done before the big race!
Looks like ESPN has followed TNT's lead. Throw in new toys when the racing looks to be boring.
We got to see the two in-cars cams. How well will that show racing.
Wait and see.
That split-screen in-car may be interesting if shown at the right time and not overused.
They can't hide the hugh number of empty seats at this track.
hate to say it, but Nabors is a nice fella, but I cringe every time he gets behind the mike. Thank goodness it's only once a year.
I see HAAS is the sponsor on the #39. Does that mean they couldn't find a company to sponsor the car for this 'tradition filled, monumental, better than ever' race today? Wow. Lot's of empty seats. Ouch.
Crowd looks really sparse. I am ready for AB. Let's do it AB
Question: Since you can only see about 1/2 the track from any seat, do you only have to pay half price?
did hollywood just say "Marty"?
The pit guy called AB Marty.
Would you really like to sit in 90 degree heat and watch cars go down a straighaway at 190-200 mph and call that entertaining?
yep... Blaney's crewguy just said "Marty"
and there's my desired hope solo mention! thanks, guys!!
Our lonely Troll is back for another day!
Even our troll is fashionably late today! What's up trollster?
there are sections of the stands i have never seen empty before
That crowd size is bad news for the IRL.
a co-worker used to have seats at this race and said he would never go again for reasons mentioned.
Anon, they sold tickets like other NASCAR tracks do. When one section was full, they opened another.
Reporters were talking about how different that looked.
Sally, Haas is a company. They make CNC machines (toolmaking.) Could be they chose to sponsor this one.
I guess with so many seats at the track there's going to be a lot of empty seats today. DJ is breaking my heart telling us how hard these drivers work at this race.
No bottom ticker with scores about sports we don't care about or watch? Hooray!
glenc1...they are also part owner of Stesart-Haas racing. Hendrick does the same thing when they don't have a sponsor.
And it didn't take long for the troll to show up!
Our very own, pathetic Don Rickles wannabe.
No lower third sports ticker makes such a big difference on the screen.
Sally, we have got to get that boy a girlfriend! Skateboards are just not doing it for him anymore.
They were racing like crazy in the back while we were stuck on the 24. Things started to tank with a Paul Menard in-car. But thankfully ESPN showed us the racing half a lap later.
agreed in re: no lower screen ticker. also enjoy the top ticker being in black and white. lack of gimmicky "stuff" is refreshing -- so far.
Still alot of wasted space at the top of the screen
wide shots are nice.
A very good first segment.
So far the video has been good
So far, so good. Keeping fingers crossed it continues.
Nice to have Allen in the booth, but I can't believe they've gone to commercial just 9 laps in!
anyone else have trouble getting trackpass to start up? I had to close everything down and upload some java plug in.
it finally started for me --I hate nascar.com
Sally, I am aware of that...but it's a very large, very legitimate company; sometimes they choose certain races where they may have a customer presence (lots of tool companies in the Northeast, for example.) It may not be just a 'we have nothing else to put on the car' sponsor.' For that matter, Rick H has said business always picks up at his dealerships when he runs that sponsorship.
I didn't watch any of the pre-race stuff. No rusty and brad for me.
Sally, note how AB is always reviewing the action and what has happened no matter what pics are on the screen.
That is where Marty fell down.
I loke that "battle for' graphic. I'ts actually useful!
Happy Race Day Planeteers <3
Gina--shouldn't be surprised their average is 8 to 9 laps to commercial :(
Isnt it funny that ESPN had to include a Gordon t-shirt in that 24-bingo commercial - cause no one got it. B-24 bingo and NASCAR do not mix.
A lot of wide shots & a lot of pit reports.
see, that JG pass for second would have been ideal for the dual in-car cam, i think.
but i honestly have no serious complaints so far. AB doing a great recap each lap, DJ & Petree sound relaxed & comfortable.
i'm liking AB tossing Qs to pit road, DJ & Petree -- & then being quiet as the answer comes.
Just a few observations:
Truck race fantastic. When pictures are good announcers not as annoying. Say what you will about MW, at least he loves the sport and is enthusiastic. Thank you Speed.
ESPN. Love new graphics. Quals. Listened while doing other things and watched a little. Good job. I liked AB's tone. NW race. No so good. Tight pics. Couldn't tell was same track as truck race. Sorry, Rusty has to go. Really offers little or insight. Just not his thing.
Nicole B...good job! KH & the mirrors...dumb.
Will try to watch race on ESPN but have HotPass also on DVR just in case.
Last comment: ESPN...you are not story telling. You are calling a sporting event. Do you do this with MLB, NFL, NBA, etc? I think not. Please just treat this as a sporting event.
I also appreciate the times given along with the running order. Lets you kinda keep track if a driver is colsing on the car in front or losing ground. Then you don't need the booth to tell you!
Di, I wish the live video extended beyond the top ticker and scoreboard and filled the entire screen.
What a pleasure to have PxP ask the right question and the answer comes with knowledge. Allows the "team" to do their job, instead of trying to show how smart they are much more professional
Agree. Kinda defeats the purpose of a wide screen TV, doesn't it?
Director of the cameras has to listen to AB a bit closer.
AB tried to include the infield studio. But Rusty's point made no sense. How does the track surface affect damage on the car? Then Brewer...
Sooo every 9 laps we go to commercial. Good to know for bathroom breaks. Geez....
Told you AB would keep those pit reporters hopping!
I have to note this, its 1/8 of the race through and we're blowing up the comments list, over 115 and its only 20 laps in.
Nice to see Jeff trying to catch Kasey down and see AJ Allmendinger have a good race.
Is it possible that someone has realized that, if you have a competent PxP man, the cameras/production truck and due off him?
Just like last year, when the track is green it seems much quicker to break.
Actually, 5 min segment and 2 min commercial is the mix. Some breaks longer with promos.
RaceBuddy is really going to be missed.
That should have been: can cue off him? Cat in the lap not good for typing.
So far, so good for ESPN. Definite improvement where TNT and Fox have fallen backwards.
If you have DirecTv Hotpass you can see the numerous number of empty seats today.
long commercial break p over four minutes and now a race break. bathroom break?
JD, I would think that the ESPN pit reporters would be glad to be getting some use compared to how underutilized the Fox pit crew was this year.
Oh noooooooo
too soon for this side bar with Hope. Fans still aren't hooked into this broadcast. You just killed any booth momentum you gained from the first 2 segments.
and now hope solo in the booth! oh, thank you so much, espn guys!
(yea, i know: i'm a soccer geek.)
Told you we would see her! It's ESPN.
Did Rusty just call her Brad?
Dont give a f&8k about Hope Solo.
Revenge for loosing the World Cup by driving the pace car??? Why did she say that!!!!
I'm glad red's happy, but don't see the point of having HS in the house.
gymmie, yeah, every 8 or 9 laps is going to be the norm I think.
Heard AB catch up the racing action - awesome! Now if the camera guys will do their job and show the actual track and more than one car at a time - well, wouldn't it be awesome.
I watched the truck race, but didn't get on the computer as there was a tremendous thunderstorm going on in my area and didn't feel like blowing up my computer with the power flickering off and on.
It was pretty decent race despite the guys in teh booth talking over each other.
Totally missed the Nwide race, had stuff to do, but I'm not surprised to hear Rusty was a bust, he and Brad are worthless IMO. If I get a poll question on that from NASCAR, they are going to get my honest very negative opinion.
I'm so sick of SPORTS having cross promotion about stuff that has NOTHING to do w the sport I'm watching. Soccer??
My tv on Mute cause it's Indy but listening to Reds on radio. #SportsBroad
So much for no distracting graphic at the bottom of the screen.
for the record: i would have been happier if they'd chatted w/hope at some point during the pre-race when it wouldn't have interfered w/green flag racing.
ESPN once again demonstrates they have no clue. They think they must show something "interesting" while a this red neck event (certainly not a sport) is on their air.
watching HotPass Edwards channel - having ignition problems - Will pit road reporters report this - hes pitting this now
anon, yeah, not a brilliant interview by Hope. maybe she is still hungover.
Is that Han Solo's little girl? She doesn't look a thing like Carrie Fisher.
Bill, I wasn't sure if it was brad or babe?
I prefer her brother, Drum Solo.
There's more action on pit lane than on the track
KoHoSo --LOL, brilliant!
She looked rougher in her RaceDay interview. Rut tried to make her kick a soccer ball and she was not having any of it.
I must say ESPN ticker is MUCH easier to read than that CLUSTER mess on Fox & Speed. Nice fonts, good sized, less fancy junk.
There I said something nice about ESPN's race coverage. xoxo
That is appreciated esp since when I have race on, it's on mute..least during Reds game, except for commercials. Haven't had a chance to hear AB yet. Taping Race on DVR
kohoso, will you be here all wk??? :)
gonna channel hop during commercials if they keep this up.
Actually talking with the guy who did the ESPN graphics package on Twitter today.
He was on there looking for feedback.
Got to tell ya, Twitter is blowing up with NASCAR stuff. Talked to Brad K and JJ last night on there.
Free and easy to use. Heck, if I can do it anyone can.
8 second lead? I smell a DEBRIS CAUTION!
She drove the pace car so I didn't mind that much having Hope on so early in the race, but none of the infield crew seemed prepared for the interview at all
Cautions out. Twist tie on the track
LOVING that AB interrupts whatever stat was coming our way to point up the caution flag!
see, it's the simple things that make a difference.
And they showed debris on the track. Are we sure this is ESPN?
Holy cow! The instant I published the comment, out came the yellow!
Remember, all the action happens on the restarts.
Question-how did that water bottle get to where I didn't see any fans? Years ago, they'd show if a driver tossed it out. Just got my answer--Kyle Busch.
18 got caught!
A pit off graphic with the number of tires each car took would have been nice.
not only did they show the debris, they showed who tossed it!
(but i'm still flipping over to my phillies at each commercial break!)
Bill, can you give me the lottery numbers for this week, please? If you're going to be prescient like that, it would help my bottom line.
"Twist tie on the track" LMAO
So Kyle's throwin' coke bottles out so his team can adjust on his car?
At least he tried to throw it into the grass. Wonder if he might get a tail end of longest line for that?
Has anyone seen passing out on the track other then on the starts/restarts?
Busch, they whiffed on that one. Wonder what the problem was.
Anon 1:59 watch the 24 car he is passing lots of cars
Nice of ESPN to use their pit reporters. they seem to be actually covering the race.
oh my! what a wonderful shot there of the re-start!
and is NASCAR going to penalize him for that? If not, why not?
Fantastic reset by AB.
Great wide shot! ESPN is blowing me away so far!
Junior up to 11th?! and no mention. Don't ignore the fans of the most popular driver!
NASCAR should mandate that all teams keep litter bags in their cars. Showing their heroes littering sets a bad example for the kids.
Me thinks ESPN changed more than one man in the booth.
This has been a very good broadcast so far.
Hope I don't jinx it
Let's be real Dale Jarrett. Where's the passing?
Bill, NASCAR is going green, didn't you know?
@SALLY so much for 11th place
Bill...I had to tweet that comment...hilarious!
OK, that's it. Junior Nation is going to fund a project to have the entire infield at Indy paved. They're not havin' any more of this "grass in the grille" crap.
At least it's early in the race. Maybe he can get back up front...if he doesn't blow the motor.
McDowell, Nemechek, Speed, Skinner, T Labonte, Bell, R Gordon all parked. I'm surprised with Robby Gordon & Terry Labonte.
@Gina- Of course I did. I just don't want to unleash the full power of my brain on everyone all at once.
wow, I think the troll has been drinking or smoking!
Ned Jarrett would be ashamed.
Bill, that's right, you have to pace yourself or you'll blow up the power grid.
I think you should put your paving idea out on NASCAR.com, I'll bet the Jr fans would jump right on that.
OOOH! I like this view of pit road!
4 CAR split screen COOL
Montoya & Kahne fail on the new Quad, which I like, by the way.
Again, no graphic on who was first our of the pits and how many tires they took.
Nice quad-shot with pit road in the middle.
our = out
anyone hear David Hobbs on the F1 race talking about Twitter? LOL. I'm right there with him. He was actually in fine form doing Dario & Jackie Stewart impressions in a Wind Tunnel promo.
That was different! Nice shot of pit road with that angle. Is the race off pit road graphic in the dumpster?
New toys at work!
Nice quad-shot with pit road in the middle
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