Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Wednesday: Letters and Comments

The Daly Planet encourages readers to leave comments on any post and forward email directly to for suggestions on articles or additional comments on the NASCAR TV partners. Thank you for all of the feedback.

Sean in Comments: Totally agree with you 100%. Please (help ESPN) make NASCAR fans happy, NASCAR Now is the only show us fans get to see daily on the sport. Great article, and I look forward to reading more.

GinaV in Comments: Your articles are great. This is a sport with lots of things to watch and talk about, but ESPN needs someone who knows what to talk about.

CRU on Comments: Its most important to encourage you to continue examining TV reporting, and ESPN in particular. Please keep up your good work, it is needed!

Mike via Email: Thank you very much for your comments regarding (ESPN's) NASCAR Now. They are the total truth and I emailed ESPN with almost those exact words.

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