Thursday, August 2, 2007

Thank You To Dave Moody And Sirius Speedway

We would like to thank host Dave Moody and his entire gang at Sirius Speedway for allowing me to stop-by and talk TV on Wednesday. Also, thanks to everyone who forwarded an email about our topics, and the fact that we could probably spend several hours talking about the NASCAR TV happenings from this season.

Due to a family illness, no column was posted yesterday, but a new column is being finished and will be posted shortly. In the meantime, if anyone would like to suggest a topic for a future discussion or column, please feel free to post it here.

In the upcoming weeks, we will be addressing the fact that Friday NEXTEL Cup first practice is gone for ESPN, the races ESPN has decided they will allow SPEED to do practice and qualifying, and the issue of online video from various Internet sources competing with cable TV networks. Thanks again for all your support this season, it certainly has been interesting!

The Daly Planet welcomes comments from readers. Simply click on the COMMENTS button below, or email if you wish not to be published.


  1. Ok...I want clarification.

    Are you saying John that SPEED WILL have the FRIDAY PRACTICE and Qualifying again?

    I am not sure I understood your sentence.

    sorry if I sound like a doofus but this sounds too good to be true if SPEED gets Fridays back!!



  2. JOHN- Hope everything's OK.The insulting, low-quality NASCAR coverage by TNT and ESPN would be MUCH less bearable without your knowledgeable insight. How about a column on why ESPN does not use Allen B. or Mike Massaro much more on NASCAR NOW? I can sort of understand not using Allen (he's not one of theirs), but Mike M. soldiered on for ESPN relentlessly while NBC was involved. Thanks again.
