Thursday, September 13, 2007

A Big Thank You To Becca Gladden

During this season, as things have unfolded at The Daly Planet, I have been trying very hard to stay in the background. This site is not about me, its about you.

My daily column is meant to spark an on-going discussion about one aspect of this huge NASCAR TV package that began back in February. The key to this conversation is readers like you taking the time to contribute.

This week, after many requests for some additional information about me, I did an interview with the talented Becca Gladden of Insider Racing News. Hopefully, the facts about my life and the items I discussed in this article will help to put the why and how of this site into perspective.

I have put this post up to provide a link to her article, and also to allow for anyone to add comments about their experiences this season with The Daly Planet.

Thanks again for taking time out of your life to put thoughtful opinion on this site for others to share and debate. Hopefully, we can make the best of the remaining ten weeks of the season and then see what life brings.

Here is the location of her story at Insider Racing News.

To add a comment, simply click on the COMMENTS button below. There is no membership, and you do not have to divulge your email address. The rules for posting are on the right side of the main page. Thanks again for stopping-by.


  1. Mr Daly, I really enjoyed reading your artice. I have to say some of your solutions from tv coverage to tv analist were right on. Some made me look at it in a different light. Hopefully someone will listen and put NASCAR fans out our misery.

  2. Thanks for posting the link to that story, JD. I think a lot of us have been curious about the details of your own past experience in the industry. Though you have given out some information here and there in your various posts and comments over the past few months, the interview helped to fill in some of the blanks for us. Even if your blogging was done anonymously, it would still be interesting to read, but knowing these details about your background helps to put your opinions in context.

    I’ve often wondered if NASCAR would follow the lead of the NFL and create their own network. Unfortunately, it would be a double-edged sword for the fans. While we would have virtually guaranteed access to around-the-clock NASCAR programming, it would most likely be even more tightly constrained and sanitized than the current coverage by NASCAR’s “broadcasting partners” already is. A NASCAR Network would probably end up being a lot like SPEED, but there wouldn’t be any such thing as “Tradin’ Paint”, Kenny Wallace would lose any remaining semblance of objectivity, and Robby Gordon’s face would never be seen (OK, maybe that last one would actually be a positive).

    You would think the actual race broadcasts would be better on a NASCAR Network, but even that wouldn’t necessarily be the case. Anyone watch the regular season games that were broadcast on the NFL Network on Thursday nights last year? The technical quality of the broadcasts left a lot to be desired, and Bryant Gumbel (the lesser of the two Gumbel brothers, in my humble opinion) made Jerry Punch sound like Bob Jenkins!


  3. John,

    Very nice article. You should keep a permanent link to it on the front page so we can point anonymous posters to it when they question your qualifications in the comments.

    You provide a great service here and we appreciate being able to add our two cents worth. Keep up the great work, it's always a pleasure to read your thoughts on the coverage of a sport so many of us love.

  4. If Nascar follows NFL Network, I think it would be bad...I had NFL Network last year and thought game coverage was bad..The worst thing was that for this year the NFL Network was moved to a higher tier on cable, which you had to pay extra for. There would be no way cable systems could pay the NASCAR rights fees and put the channel on Basic Cable ie..ESPN,SPEEDTV so It would be a good chance it would go on the hgher tier with NFL..Regional Fox Sports costing all to pay extra...

  5. Good article. Those folks who have been as (generally) frustrated as we have been this year now know there's someone else on heir side.

  6. I really enjoyed reading Becca's interview with you. It answered a number of questions about your background in the broadcast industry.

    You've led a very interesting life, I must say. LOL

    Your poking holes in NASCAR TV have really made me start watching more closely. And I'm beginning to see the glaring mistakes being made.

    Keep up the good work. You are educating us, and we like it. :)

  7. Hey JD -

    I liked that little nugget about Chris Berman. I wonder if the current crop of SportsCenter hosts even bothers to try and learn anything about NASCAR at all...

    Did Berman ever give out any of his famous/infamous nicknames to any of the NASCAR drivers back then?


  8. Great article by Becca! It was good also to find out the history behind the great commentary on the NASCAR television coverage. I always get hits off your very kind link on your page, John. Hopefully some are coming back your way, too.

    Mike Irwin
    Editor, Stock Car Gazette E-zine

  9. Thanks for the link and submitting to the interview. I'll echo the other comments that it was nice to have some of the blanks filled in regarding your background. Well done well written Becca!

    I also agree with cwebs that a NASCAR-owned & operated network would be a rather sanitized thing. A sanctioned channel however, that might work.

    Look at the outstanding results of the Sirius radio channel. XM floundered along with what was essentially a one person show for years(and I'm just not a Claire B. fan even a litte so I quit listening). I got Sirius because the moment I saw the lineup they were building with known NASCAR media personalities I knew they were serious (forgive the implied pun). I enjoy all the daily shows and Dave Moody and the gang have flat-out one of the best radio talk shows I've ever heard, regardless of the subjet. I tell people that aren't even NASCAR fans about that show to listen just because they that good.

    If somehow a NASCAR channel could be created in that mold... well now that would be something to watch.

  10. Very, very nicely written article. I appreciate knowing your background and experience, Mr. Daly. It adds more credence to the well considered opinions that you offer.

  11. JOHN, I was under the impression at one time that there was a plan to transition SPEED into more NASCAR focused - but now there is virtually no NASCAR coverage during the week until Friday afternoon when SPEED can carry practice and qualifying. Did I misunderstand OR what happened? MANY thanks for trying to look out for the fans.

  12. Enjoyed the article. (We once swapped e-mails when I asked you about your work history.)

    I agree with your general opinions of the quality of the competing broadcasts and the sources of their problems.

    I do NOT want to see a NASCAR Network if it would carry the races (as opposed to magazine or news shows and the like). All the announcers would be sycophants and never dare criticize the "boss."

    Some of the coverage this year was really weak, but I think in the long run having competition among the networks should help improve them all.

    Keep up the excellent work! TV people, please listen!!
