Saturday, September 15, 2007

Craftsman Trucks At New Hampshire: In-Progress Comments

This afternoon, weather permitting, SPEED will telecast live the Craftsman Truck Series racing in Loudon, New Hampshire. The pre-race show will begin at 2:30PM Eastern Time, and the race will start thirty minutes later.

Krista Voda will host The Set-Up, along with Ray Dunlap and Adam Alexander. Rick Allen and Phil Parsons will call the action with Dunlap and Alexander working pit road.

This post will serve at the place to leave your comments about the race while it is in-progress, and The Daly Planet will then have a full article about the telecast a short time later.

Please restrict your comments to the TV presentation of the event, but all areas of that are up for discussion. The rules for posting comments are located on the right side of the main page.

To leave a comment on The Daly Planet, simply click on the COMMENTS button below, and follow the directions. There is no membership requirement, and you do not have to leave your name or email address. Thanks again for taking the time to stop-by.


  1. **SOPHIAZ said**

    Well, Silly me thought I could ESCAPE the CHASE HYPE for the truck race but they have Biffle with Voda.
    Sheesh. he drove trucks 7 years ago so what? *sigh*

    I really do not like all this and there is TALK of bringing the chase format to the Busch and Truck series!

    PLEASE, Noooooooooooo!!!

  2. New Hampshire really needs to get a new person to do the National Anthem. The lady who does it now kinda butcher's it.

  3. I caught this race late. Was there a rain delay?

  4. Did Michael Waltrip just relate the conflicted feelings Harvick must be feeling watching one of his trucks leading while the other was being pushed behind the wall to his own personal experience as an owner?????

    He certainly understands the "pushing behind the wall" part. The leading part... not so much. Unless he was talking about the 1 lap Reutimann led at California during green flag pit stops, LOL.

  5. Cup practice and truck qualifying got rained out this morning, but the truck race went off as scheduled at 3:00.

  6. Well let's see. All this talk of how Truck racing should be covered more by ESPN, etc. yet it seems there was not much activity here during the race. Compare that to the number of posts the Cup race will get tomorrow.

  7. Perhaps there aren't as many comments here for the Truck race because the coverage was actually GOOD? The entire field was mentioned, stories were followed, restarts were LIVE, announcers had energy and made sense. You getting the picture here?

  8. jfs-va

    You have a point. But total ignoring of any type of truck racing by ESPN is what most people are talking about. Unless Craftsman sponsors part of NASCAR Now it gets NO attention on the show.

  9. The reason I haven't commented on the Speed coverage? Because they do a great job. Good camera work, a director who knows when to switch to the proper camera, no gimmicks meant to impress other tv people, full field rundowns, informative pit reporters, great play-by-play and color (except for Waltrip) and a host who knows what she's talking about.

    Imagine that! Qualified people commenting and producing a race with no goofy stuff thrown in (except for Waltrip). Not so difficult is it?

  10. I just wanted to say I also think SPEED does an OUTSTANDING JOB..when they are showing a race and a wreck in TURN TWO HAPPENS, the announcers say it in an excited voice..and one today was immediately followed by BIG CRASH..and within a couple seconds, they know who it is!!

    I enjoy Waltrip though I know not all do but I would pick him anyday over the dunces in their monotonous drones at ESPN.

    Oh, I did not have the computer in the tv room on during the race and like Bevo mentioned...I was busy ENJOYING THE RACE as they were not clogging up the race with STUPID GRAHPICS of draft TRACKER or premade videos.

    On SPEED truck series, it's about the races! Oh, and they do not quickly throw out the caution like they do in Cup either.

  11. Yep, if there was something to complain we would certainly complain.

    ESPN still avoids the truck series like the plague. During qualifying Punch made some comments about how running the Busch Series lately has been helping A.J. Allmendinger. No follow-up talking about the fact that he was also running the truck series this week and his laps in that truck right before qualifying might have helped him make the show. They also made some comment about J.J. Yeley running in "every series that is here this weekend", I think they mentioned Cup, midget cars, and modifieds? He certainly wasn't running the truck race but to ESPN that series doesn't exist and was nowhere near New Hampshire this weekend.

    Great job by the Speed guys and gal.

  12. Thank you for the comments, its amazing what a nicely produced TV race can do to reduce website traffic.

    A column about this race, along with the NEXTEL Cup race from NHIS, will appear on Sunday.


  13. I enjoyed the race.
