Monday, September 10, 2007

Monday's "NASCAR Now" On ESPN2: Your Comments Please

Monday at 5:30PM ESPN2 aired a one hour edition of NASCAR Now that focused strictly on The Chase...and Dale Earnhardt Junior.

Now that the original airing of the program is over, The Daly Planet would like to know what those of you who viewed it thought about the content and host.

To leave a comment, just click on the COMMENTS button below. The rules for posting comments are on the right side of the main page. Thanks again for stopping-by.


  1. I didn't see it, but I am watching ESPN's "College Football Live" right now. The first ten minutes of the program were about Notre Dame and Michigan, who haven't won a game yet (and play this afternoon on ABC!)

    It wasn't until the second segment (12 minutes in) until they talked about LSU and the other teams who actually deserved to be talked about.

    See any parallels????????????????

  2. They need to use Marty Smith more. He gives the fans what they want, and most of the time what he says is accurate.

  3. I thought the junior-worship would slow down, what with him not making the chase and all.

    guess I was wrong. ESPN needs to understand one thing:

    YES, Dale Jr. is the most popular driver in the sport... but do the producers think his fans really want to constantly be reminded over and over again that he didn't make the chase??

    Funny how their experts, when talking about the hottest drivers coming in to the chase, neglected to mention the driver of the #2 Miller Light car.

  4. I'm being serious here. I haven't watched the pre-race and "NASCAR Now" more than once or twice. So I have to ask a serious question:

    Has ESPN ever done a story about or an interview with Clint Bowyer?

    He's in The Chase, but focus groups like Junior better. So no Clint Bowyer for you. Ever.

    This is why I hate ESPN and its "celebrity athlete" coverage.

    And before you tell me that "that's what the fans want," remember that ESPN creates a lot of the demand. I insist that people would care about Clint Bowyer if they actually talked about him every now and then.

  5. I did not make an effort to watch the show and tuned in to see Marty and that woman interviewed....and Erik wanted to tie Ashley Judd's name into the Dario and Hornish Jr story (rolls eyes)

    Then I did some channel surfing and noticed that the GOOD, the BAD and the UGLY on Jr was coming up. Click.

    I love Jr and he is one of the handful of many drivers I root for and others I enjoy following. But honestly, the Jr fans are disgusted with this EXCESS coverage.

    Nothing like trying to kick a guy when he is down..the Jr HATES are getting fed up, and the ones in between are becoming ill as well.

    This is NOT how to endear NASCAR fans.

    This over kill on Dale Jr is NOT WARRANTED.

    If YOU are sick of the hype, IMAGINE being in Jr's shoes.

    He knows there is NO WAY to live up to his father's legendary status.

    But somehow, the PitBulls at ESPN just can NOT LEAVE HIM ALONE.

    I was disgusted with Massaro after the Cup race but honestly, was not happy with Dilner on Speed asking Jr about winning in the remaining races.

    Even Jr said 'man, you guys won't let me forget how long it's been since I won' or something like that.

    At this point, I am sure NN loved putting down what a dreadful year Jr has had so far.

    Frankly, I can't stand to see him flogged anymore for DARING to miss the chase.

  6. I HAVE seen segments on Clint B but honestly, can't remember if it was on SPEED or back when I was still trying to watch NASCAR NOW regularly.

    I am thinking Clint was on NN for a segment.

    Also, IIRC, NN did an interview with DAVE BLANEY that was embarrassing.

    so even when they do focus on other drivers, it's still a train wreck somehow.


  7. Erik interviewed Mike Massaro in some sort of "Home Depot Garage" at ESPN that had a cut-a-way Tony Stewart car and tool boxes in it. I was channel surfing during some of NASCAR Now because of "Jr, Jr, Jr" so I may missed an introduction as to what that thing was and why it's there. It looks like it could be a great asset to the show, if used right. My only question is why invest so much into a studio in CT when you could spend invest the same into a studio in NC, the heart of NASCAR?

  8. So, does Erik (with a 'K") now claim (a) he made a literary reference about which he clearly knows nothing, or (b) "Hey, I don't write this stuff," and also fails to read it in advance?

    Dickens, Erik. Not Shakespeare. Very basic.

    And ESPN portrays NASCAR fans as dumb rednecks....

  9. Now that the original airing of the program is over, The Daly Planet would like to know what those of you who viewed it thought about the content and host.

    John - I rely on you and the other commentors to tell me what happens on Nascar Now. I have watched that show maybe twice. Noticed something this weekend, my Tivo has it marked with 3 thumbs down. Smart Tivo

    Bill H

  10. I liked the video at the end of the show that documented the season until now. Im surprised Erik hosted it today, since he was on MIke and Mike this morning filling in for one of the Mikes. And of course, didn't ever mention NASCAR.

  11. The "Insiders" are the best part and only reason I have the show on at times.

  12. " Matt said...

    Erik interviewed Mike Massaro in some sort of "Home Depot Garage" at ESPN that had a cut-a-way Tony Stewart car and tool boxes in it. I was channel surfing during some of NASCAR Now because of "Jr, Jr, Jr" so I may missed an introduction as to what that thing was and why it's there. It looks like it could be a great asset to the show, if used right. My only question is why invest so much into a studio in CT when you could spend invest the same into a studio in NC, the heart of NASCAR?"

    Because it would cost a lot more. Clearly that car and boxes are in the corner of a studio that already exists. On top of that, did you notice how many "Home Depots" are on that set, and that the car is a #20 cutaway. My guess? They didn't pay a dime for any of it. Home Depot agreed to sponsor it, sent them the car and some signage, and ESPN spent a few hundred bucks on some cheap toolboxes and some tools.

    Could be a good asset but only on the rare occassion when Brewer or someone else is in there who knows what the heck to do with the car. Could you imagine EK or even Ryan Burr trying to explain anything technical with that car? Since it came in so late in the season, I'm guessing that Home Depot just finalized their sponsorship hence it shows up so late. Or, it's planned as a set to be used in the Silly Season versions of NASCAR Now.

    One thing to point out, the car was both a Chevy and a standard car. Guess Gibbs is gonna have to send over a Toyota COT in a few months.

  13. The Junior coverage was ridiculous, but you have to give ESPN credit for sending Shannon Spake and a crew to Talledega to have footage from the COT testing - which in my opinion was the biggest NASCAR news of the day.

  14. I usually tape NN, because I do like to listen to Marty Smith and Angelique Chengalis and I can fast forward through the rest. They usually have good up to date news. I am a Huge Dale Jr fan, enjoy hearing news about him, but am tired of hearing over and over how he missed the chase. We all know he did, he knows he did, and next year will be much better. I am also a fan of a lot of other drivers, and would like to see some segments about them.

  15. @anonymous 7:22--I want to say they have MONTHS ago, but it could be that I'm mixing it up with Raceday. In fact, I truly doubt that they would be able to pull him out of a lineup if they had to.

  16. this is not about Monday's show, but while watching the show today, I saw a different Home Depot studio. Do they have a new studio?

  17. Monday night's NN was a train wreck, as usual. We were treated to another tape glitch during a highlight segment as they went to the first commercial. Later on, Klulesas told us something about the Whelen Modifieds, except that he pronounced it “Waylon”. When reviewing the results of the viewer poll on possible Junior car numbers for next year, he noted that not many people voted for #28. Somehow, I’m pretty sure he has no idea why that number might not be the most appropriate choice.

    On another note, would it have killed them to have someone interview David Ragan and Johnny Sauter on Saturday night? Even if they didn't have time to show the interviews after the race, they could have held them for Monday's NN. It seems like these ESPN people aren't even trying...

