Thursday, October 11, 2007

In-Progress At Charlotte: Busch Qualifying And Cup Happy Hour

Friday at Charlotte ESPN2 will present Busch Series qualifying, NEXTEL Cup Happy Hour, and then NASCAR Now beginning at 4PM Eastern Daylight Time.

Scheduled to host the Busch version of the Infield Studio is Allen Bestwick. Dr. Jerry Punch, Rusty Wallace, and Andy Petree are calling the practice and qualifying. On pit road is Mike Massaro, Jamie Little, Dave Burns, and Shannon Spake. This line-up may be slightly altered by the network prior to air.

NASCAR Now will be hosted by either Erik Kuselias or Ryan Burr.

This page will host the comments about this block of ESPN2 programming. You may add your TV related comment before, during, or after these programs. Please read the rules for posting on the right side of the main page. You comment should address the TV coverage, the personalities, or the comments already posted.

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  1. Shannon Spake & Jamie Little need to be canned ... How funny it is that Jamie had on a pink 43 wristband today?? Guess she must've gotten it from Bobby Labonte last night or today ...

    WHY isn't Allen Bestwick down on pit road with Mike Massaro?? This is insane ...

  2. Kertus Davis-why Kertus why?
    Why did you let them do that to you?
    Dosen't he have a pr person?

  3. Did they show the footage of Kertus from Bristol where he was dancing outside the hauler??

    Okay, the worshipping of Reutimann and other newbies has got to stop ... It's beyond annoying ...

  4. And you thought they were finally done with that terrible Aerosmith video...

  5. What does Aero loose Smith have do do with the Nationwide series Dr. Punch? Stop voicing bs promos as if Stephen Wallace brought the ride home intact.....

  6. Hey, ESPN--I don't care "what it took" to produce a music video!

    I'm here to watch practice and qualifying.

  7. Couldn't we just have Suzy Kolber do a pole dance with one of Tyler's scarfs....blah F----ing blah D- I'm sure Gilligan loved it in Fontucky

  8. Look how they filmed that annoying Aerosmith clip just what I wanted to know. Now's the time they should have should those video clips that covered up qualifying. But wasn't that AB I heard maybe ther is hope.....oops no back to the booth

  9. Weak Allan weak....(not your fault...)...that was awful....ESPN-----you blow right rear with no inner liner...

  10. LMS has NOT "earned" the nickname "Beast of the Southeast," Jerry.

    Humpy suddenly decided it should be called that. Recently.

    But you'd know that if you knew NASCAR.

  11. Nice to see somebody else notice the Jamie pink wristband.

    Yes, both dames need canned.

  12. I happen to think Shannon is a very solid reporter. Jamie on the other hand.....

  13. Here we go again.
    The cars are on the track. That is what we tune in to see. Cars on the track. Not the booth guys, not the pit reporters, not video clips. Cars on the track.

    We want to see the cars on the track!

  14. Matt - There's video of Shannon looking like a starstruck teenybopper drooling like an idiot over Kasey Kahne ...

    Noooooooooooooooooo ... Not the stupid Pizza Hut / Reutimann gig again ...

    Seven hours is too much time for Mickey Mouse to try to fill ... When's Hannah Montana coming to NASCAR ?? LOL

  15. Qualifying coverage is going fairly well. They just replayed the Reutimann pizza delivery piece from last night. This is where it belonges. I could live without all the video clips from races several years ago. JG from 2005 does it realy matter now

  16. How about a clip from the earlier practice when Burton hit the wall. Guess they were not there. You would have thought that there would have been a few cameras around in case somethin important happened like one of the chasers hit the wall but noooooooooo

  17. Fox Sports would have had a camera running.

  18. hey guys, guess who reads this blog.....?

    hint...wristband :)


  19. JOHN, now that Dale Jarrett will be retiring early next season do you think it is likely he will be MUCH more visible on ESPN - and maybe even replace Rusty for Nationwide races?

  20. John,
    I hope you know how much we appreciate this site. I'm just sorry I didn't find it until mid-season. :)

  21. DJ in the booth would be fantastic. I might even be able to watch the race without the laptop for needed information

  22. how can Rusty not know hom much time is left shouldn't they have a timer up there. How can they comment on how someone is doing at the end of practice if they don't know when the end in near

  23. word...ABSOLUTELY.

    lisa, thanks a lot for your kind words.

    DJ's announcement is one reason why tonight and tomorrow night should be very interesting in the TV booth.

  24. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  25. Anon 7:05PM - Please re-post and talk about the things you think are right and the things that you think are being picked-on too much.

    You have a perfect right to voice your opinion here as a fan. Give it a shot.


  26. shameless promotion for Sportscenter DURING CARS ON THE TRACK.

    Viewers tune in to see CARS ON THE TRACK!

  27. Anyone else notice that Jr. didn't smile during the interview? Of course, Mike starting out with, he hasn't won in # races doesn't help.
    He isn't the only announcer that does that, start out an interview with a negative.

    I keep hoping that one of the drivers will say, "and you haven't asked an intelligent question in # races".

  28. I'm glad that Jamie is trying to make ammends. She and Shannon didn't do themselves any favors with their, ha ha pink car and ha ha pink firesuit.

    Doesn't anyone prep these rookies?

    Maybe they should start having rookie practice for the ESPN crew!

  29. [b] Lisa Hogan said...
    I keep hoping that one of the drivers will say, "and you haven't asked an intelligent question in # races".[/b]

    I nominate Tony Stewart to say this. Actually sounds like something he would say.

  30. Didn't annoy me as much as qualifying but ESPN please SHOW THE CARS ON THE TRACK!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't need to see Jamie McMurry win from 200?

  31. I can NOT stand Dr. Punches voice! Sounds like a fake radio voice from back in the 70's. And the way he pronounces the word 'series', like seer-ee's, it's not two words!!
    There goes those finger nails on that blackboard again.....

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