Wednesday, November 21, 2007

As Dick Vitale Would Say: We Need A "T.O." Baby!

UPDATE: After the comments, I just had to add the pic. It is a small world.

A good coach knows when to call a time-out, so I am calling one right now.

This has been a non-stop run since February, and I certainly appreciate all of you coming along for the ride. This is a good time to take a couple of days and get back to the family and relax with some football.

The Daly Planet will return on Sunday with a new column and take the week to finish the topics that we need to review from the 2007 NASCAR season.

Then, we will begin a series where you can ask questions of different NASCAR TV personalities, and they will answer them...imagine that.

To start off, we are going to speak with Steve Byrnes, Randy Pemberton, and Wendy Venturini when the banquets are over. There will be three or four more names added to that list shortly. Start thinking of your questions for the first three.

Note: For those of you browsing this site for the first time, the comments section is still open on each column. Please feel free to add your opinion.

If you would like to pass along some Thanksgiving words to the hearty group of Daly Planet readers that have kept this site going all year long, this would be the place. I hope everybody has a safe and wonderful holiday, and we will see you on Sunday.

To add your comment, simply click on the COMMENTS button below and follow the intstructions.


  1. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family JD. Enjoy a well-deserved time-out from the fantastic work you do with "The Daly Planet".

    I hope every other reader in the U.S. that chooses to celebrate Thanksgiving has an enjoyable holiday as well.

  2. JD! Beautiful Photograph!!

    Happy Thanksgiving to you, and all the others on this board. I have enjoyed so much sharing and reading info with many like minded people.

    Thanks for all the folks who who have answered my many questions or enlightened me when I have been off base.


  3. I've enjoyed you're columns throughout the year JD. Great job and hope you keep it up in '08. Can't wait for Daytona! Happy Holidays!

  4. First Let me wish you J.D. & your family wonderful, blessed, Happy Thanksgiving. Enjoy your hard earned break!
    To everyone else who has survived this season, Happy Thanksgiving & enjoy the day! May the driving be easy, the gas cheap & all your memories pleasant!

  5. Happy Thanksgiving to all my fellow readers and bloggers. JD, enjoy your time off. You deserve it!

    Lisa in San Antonio

  6. Have a great weekend! Take care see you next week :)

  7. Happy Turkey Day everybody! Don't eat too much. I'll look for all the regular posters back here next week.

  8. The best Thanksgiving day to John and all you posters. Looking forward to many more interesting articles in the days ahead.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. To JD, and all the other wonderful people that inhabit this little corner of NASCAR world ----

    Have a wonderful, and safe, Thanksgiving. May you and your families be blessed with good health and happiness.

    On a personal note, MrTRL and I have successfully survived the first 24 hours of the 3 1/2 yo grandson, so things look good for the remainder of the weekend. LOL

    Edited because I had a "senior moment"

    JD, I'm looking forward to your continuing this column, in some form or another. It has been so nice to see intelligent(for the most part) conversation about the airing of the sport we all love so much.

  11. I love NASCAR so much and thanks to you I have had a place to express my feelings. Thanks so much. There will be a certain vacuum in my weekends until Daytona, so it is nice to know that a little of the sport will be carried on here. I'm anxious to hear what the personalities have to will be fun.
    Thanksgiving to you and all the other NASCAR fans out there who love this sport as much as I do.

  12. To all who posted great comments and to JD for having this blog for us to vent - a very Happy Thanksgiving! Vicky in Houston aka

  13. It was super to know that others cared and listened. Thank you JD. Your foresight and insight are more than amazing. Thank you.

  14. Happy Thanksgiving, JD--and all readers of The Daly Planet!

    I found this site at the beginning of the season, and I've been coming back ever since. Thanks, JD, for hosting such an informative, entertaining site.

  15. Ugh, Dick Vitale annoys me to no end. You've got to wonder how much Duke/UNC pays him to always talk about them....

    Anyway, have a great thanksgiving everyone!

  16. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  17. Alex said...
    Ugh, Dick Vitale annoys me to no end. You've got to wonder how much Duke/UNC pays him to always talk about them....

    GOD, the bashing never ends!
    Glad the klan has a leader and a place to spew!

  18. The funny thing is, you would be hard pressed to find a nicer guy in TV sports thank Dick Vitale.

    Even with his big success, he is a family man who still goes to church every Sunday and treats everyone with great respect.

    His energy is always on, and he was wonderful to me when we both worked very long days during the many seasons of the NCAA Hoop Tourney when it was on ESPN.

    One day, my brother met him on an airline flight and mentioned me, even thought I am sure Dick had no clue about me after all these years. Vitale said a lot of nice things and the next day an autographed copy of his book arrived at my brother's office.

    That's a nice touch from a class act.

  19. Happy Thanksgiving to you and all who visit this site. Sometimes we are so busy with life that we might not take time to express how many things we have to be thankful for.

    I want to especially thank any readers who have family members who could not be home because they are serving in the military. May God bless America and all those who serve to protect her.

  20. I have always liked Dickie V. and even more so since he autograghed a picture to me at the request of my daughter when he was doing a UK basketball game a few years back.

  21. JD, hope you have a wonderful holiday. Thank you for giving RACE fans a place to express our opinions and ideas. It's nice to know that someone, somewhere, is listening to the fans. I hope you can continue this blog. For many of us it's theraputic to have a place to vent!

  22. Finally, a month ago, I found this blog...and found people saying exactly, Exactly, EXACTLY! what I was feeling about the horrible job ESPN was doing with NASCAR broadcasts. Whoo..this helped relieve my yelling-at-the-TV stress.

    I'm no writer...and appreciate all the bloggers stating their opinions in an interesting way. Thanks to you, JD, for your providing this forum, and especially your professional observations. LP in KS

  23. Hey Gang,

    Thanks for all the kind words, vacation is over and its time to get back to the NASCAR TV beat.

    There is so much behind-the-scenes TV stuff going-on its hurting my little male brain. My GF keeps reminding me of the little male brain part.

    New columns up every day this week, and I look forward to your comments.


  24. Geez JD, we just want to thank you for giving Nascar fans a place to vent!! Seems T-Day went well for you & God bless your GF for letting you post to all of us!!!
    Can't wait to connect w/the TV folks we love & appreciate (heart you) for that, bud!!!! It's much appreciated by a TON of fans, even tho they just read & don't post! I an just brave when I've had a few drinks...still luv ya!!

  25. Whose the other person in the picture with Erik and Dick?
