Tuesday, February 5, 2008

ESPN Answers Your NASCAR Comments

We really appreciate the ESPN guys for getting right back to us after the first day of the new season of NASCAR Now.

There were lots of questions and comments on a variety of ESPN topics recently posted by readers, and here are some updates on those topics.

The host role of NASCAR Now will be fully shared by Allen Bestwick, Ryan Burr and Nicole Manske all season long. Bestwick will host the one hour Monday shows, once they begin. The other two "talent" will alternate studio hosting and traveling to the Sprint Cup races to report for the show.

Update: Allen will be hosting the first one hour NN show from the Bristol studios on Feb. 11th at 6PM. Then he will go to Daytona for the special Sunday night show.
The first time for Bestwick on NASCAR Now will be Sunday night, February 17th. This 10PM show will originate from Daytona on ESPN. (That is correct, this show is on ESPN.)

Bestwick will then travel to Bristol, CT to host the Monday hour show at 6PM from the ESPN2 studios. That show will contain the first ESPN "roundtable," which will feature ESPN personalities discussing NASCAR topics.

Ryan Burr will be hosting all the NASCAR Now shows through February 13th, as Nicole Manske is in Daytona.

Manske's first time on-air for ESPN will be Thursday on the ESPN News Network for Media Day from the Daytona International Speedway. After that three hour show with Rusty Wallace alongside, she will then host the NASCAR Now episodes from Daytona on Friday through Sunday.

Finally, ESPN reminds us that despite the fact that Dale Jarrett will drive in the first five Sprint Cup races, he will be on-the-air for ESPN beginning with the Nationwide coverage in Daytona.

Thanks again to the ESPN Media Relations staff for this information.


  1. ok, but if espn wants me to watch nascar now they will have to put AB in the chair full time sorry no other way around it. I turned it on, he wasn't there, I gave it five minutes and turned it off Bur is dismal. oh well, hello to another great season at espn.

  2. Its good to hear that ESPN is being responsive. NASCAR Now has been ok for the first couple of days, but I would still prefer more news content than what they've given us.

  3. I still wish a NASCAR veteran like Allen Bestwick was the full-time host so this show could have some credibility. Tuesday's show with Ryan Burr hosting had a very uncomfortable feel for me. Putting aside his opening proclamation that "OUR Super Bowl is coming soon", I just shook my head as Burr asked Bobby Allison question after question about his memories of the 1988 Daytona 500 when most veteran fans of the sport realize that his Pocono accident has tragically erased all of his memories of that great event. Somehow I have to believe that a credible NASCAR knowledgable host would have done a much better job with that interview.

    Burr does an excellent job with ESPNNEWS and his other obligations but I think this show would be better served with a NASCAR guy that actually knows most of the current and former drivers.

  4. If you compare a year ago to now ESPN is giving us way more coverage from Daytona. The round table sounds very cool. It is awesome they will devote three hours to NASCAR Media Day on ESPNNEWS. I think they finally get that NASCAR deserves the coverage and hype.

  5. I also was VERY uncomfortable w/Bobby Allsion being asked those questions. It kinda broke my heart..The rest of the show was good, imo. Amazing to find out Ryan has 16 dogs in his house now (but not surpriseing, if you're a fan)& I didn't know he followed the Big E. Better questions than yesterday..

  6. JD, please convey my thanks to ESPN for clearing up the confusion about the hosting of NN.

    I, also, thought Ryan belabored the non-memory questioning a bit. However, I really enjoyed seeing Bobby and listening to him.

    The interview with Ryan Newman was enjoyable. Even the 10 questions were interesting --- with equally interesting answers. 16 dogs!!!

    All-in-all, a much better show than Monday.

  7. Today’s program was good. It showed a short clip of JJ and Chandra visiting with President Bush. It’s nice that NASCAR champions get the same respect and are invited to the White House as are NBA, NFL, MLB champs.

    There was a nice exchange with Clint Boyer and Mark Martin. Mark as always was very positive about DEI and the prospects for this new season. Then David Newton was asked about the real scoop about DEI-Ginn. I just have to believe that there are still some feelings of uncertainty among the troops.

    As they started yesterday, they went on to the #9 best Daytona 500. They showed the end of the race and chatted with Bobby Allison just as they did DW on yesterday’s show. I like this segment that will continue till the 500. (I’m surprised no mention of showing the race in NY at Central Park in the big ESPN screen).

    Ryan Newman was the last interviewed. We found out he has 16 dogs right now at his house. Got a 1949 car ?? for his birthday and speculated who first called him rocket man.

    The show was fast paced and really flowed well today. Bravo.

  8. I watched NN tonight with 6 people. They are all NASCAR fans, but they are young. They are all college students. Not one of them knew about Bobby A and were glad to know something about his life. They had heard his name and seen it but were touched by his misfortunes.

    The focus is on the Daytona winners, so bring it on.

    I'm glad I was with a group of people, because I was wondering why I was rather enjoying the show when it seems that most here hate it. Of course the group I watched it with is the most prized group by networks. They seem to have a more positive outlook on everything.

  9. Thanks to ESPN for the answers.

    "Bestwick will then travel to Bristol, CT to host the Monday hour show at 6PM from the ESPN2 studios. That show will contain the first ESPN "roundtable," which will feature ESPN personalities discussing NASCAR topics."

    I really enjoy Bestwick. My watching will depend on which ESPN personalities show up on the set!
