Sunday, April 6, 2008

In-Progress At Texas: Sprint Cup Series On Fox

There is a great scenario developing for the NASCAR on Fox gang Sunday afternoon at the Texas Motor Speedway.

A spectacular crash in the Sprint Cup Series qualifying has been replayed countless times on TV stations across the country. It has been seen on ESPN and all of the cable news networks. The Cup race comes along while that memory of NASCAR is still fresh in the minds of these casual fans. Ratings may be affected by this additional exposure, the good weather and the potential for great racing.

Chris Myers, Jeff Hammond and Darrell Waltrip will open the program from the Hollywood Hotel. Look for Hammond to be in full Texas mode. Myers will have to review a lot of NASCAR news stories that are of a serious nature in the pre-race show.

The Petty Enterprises situation, the aftermath of the McDowell accident, and the resurgence of Dale Earnhardt Jr. at Hendrick are mandatory topics. The sponsorless Yates cars, the failure of the open-wheel drivers and the impending driver moves at Ganassi are also on the list. This is not normally the type of content that Myers enjoys discussing.

Waltrip will transition to the booth to join Mike Joy and Larry McReynolds. These three were on-the-air live during the McDowell accident, and did a wonderful job of handling the incident. Now, they are rewarded with what could be the best Sprint Cup Series race of the season.

The pit reporters will be Matt Yocum, Steve Byrnes, Krista Voda and Dr. Dick Berggren. This group has consistently been the best on pit road, and this big and fast track should present a good challenge to this team. If Fox continues to use the 4-car video box effect on pit stops, it should be interesting to see how the pit reporters handle calling the action.

Fans should be alert to the integration of "Digger" the track-level camera into the live action and how much air time this feature gets on the telecast. In addition, this track has been known for great finishes throughout the field. It should be interesting to see how the Fox production team has decided to handle the last lap and the field crossing the finish line.

This page will serve to host your comments about the Sprint Cup Series race from the Texas Motor Speedway on Fox. To add your comment, simply click on the COMMENTS button below. The rules for posting are on the right side of the main page. Thank you for taking the time during the race to share your opinion.


  1. A prerace show is already underway on the local Fox affiliate in the Dallas - Fort Worth area.

  2. bring onn the digger show boys

  3. On Nascar chat we try to pick when the 1st caution will fly, maybe we need to pick what lap Digger cartoon will play.


  4. wow...what a tough way to start a long broadcast.

  5. Maybe FOX will get the hint on the digger cam. Lets enjoy the race.

  6. Someone posted the other day that they wanted to watch/hear Michael's crash with the true noise from the wreck which Fox just played. It makes it even more impressive that he walked away. It's nice to see that both Speed and Fox have picked up on that Dale Earnharts death saved Michael's life

  7. Same feature we saw on SPEED about Bowyer and the monster trucks.

    This pre-race show has been off-balance. With all the things going on in the sport right now, to be seeing a monster truck feature ten minutes into the pre-race show is an interesting choice.


  8. JD Don't worry Bill Murray is coming up to help sell Digger T shirts that should help LOL

  9. I like the decision to start the broadcast by talking to Michael McDowell and showing the safety of the race cars.

    Maybe I'm the only one that thinks this way and am way too sensitive on the subject, but I really wish a TV announcer would not compare a crash they just saw with the name "Earnhardt". I don't need to be prompted to think back to Dale's crash and visually compare the two crashes. Just like Rusty Wallace at California last year after Keselowski's crash, I think it's very insensitive to draw a comparison between a crash where a driver walked away and a crash that was famous for ending the life of a legend. Sure that image is still in my head every time I see a bad crash but I don't need to be reminded verbally to "remember Dale's crash". The obvious implication is "as you may remember, a similar impact killed a driver before" and to me tt's unnecessary to draw that specific comparison to a fatal accident.

    Also, please tell me I DID NOT just hear them say Bill Murray would be sharing his thoughts on Gopher Cam. Please please please tell me I didn't just hear that. ENOUGH ALREADY!

  10. Has anyone heard from TVGuy since Atlanta? I miss his insightful, behind-the-scenes comments on what's going on in the truck. All of us on the "outside" would like to hear more...we learn with each post he makes...except for JD...he already knows it all. Please come back, TVGuy...and get a T-Shirt printed that we can buy to wear when our Digger shirts get dirty.

  11. Time to get over Digger. It's here to stay.

  12. What ever happend to "Virtual Crew Chief" where thye would have a poll during the race and the fans could vote? I miss those. FOX does not do it anymore this year :(

  13. The "over / under" in Vegas on Gopher Cam is 110.

    any takers ??

  14. Ken-Michigan said...
    The "over / under" in Vegas on Gopher Cam is 110.

    any takers ??

    April 6, 2008 1:56 PM

    Ken, which hour of the broadcast is that number for again? Whichever hour it is I'll take the over.

  15. So, they showed the Bowyer feature. And the Johnson feature again. Talked about Digger.

    There is a story that only SPEED picked up on briefly yesterday. There is an ACTIVE crew chief (#22)that is going over the wall today as a rear tire changer. Now, that's what I call interesting.

  16. Has anyone commented ON AIR that Mcdowell's accident might have been affected due to NASCAR's lack of "cleaning the track" after a previous qualifying car had trouble?

    I haven't caught anyone suggesting that the track wasnt in proper shape for the next qualifiers.

    Get ready for some lengthy cautions today ( if there are any ) to allow for "proper clean-up" of the racing surface.

  17. I thought NASCAR Now showed the monster truck thing, not SPEED channel?

  18. Stricklin -

    I truly think the FOX produtction team has found their "limit" in using Gopher Cam.

    By the end of today we will all be surprised at the dramatic DECREASE in the Gopher Cam's use.

    It can compliment the broadcast when used at the proper times with VERY LITTLE animation.

  19. Ken Greg Biffle said it friday something like it's a shame that Nascar sent that kid out when they did. I've heard a few other small comments but nothing big.

  20. Would love to see them use "CRANK IT UP" at the START of every race.

    First 2 laps, should be announcer FREE and allow us to CRANK IT UP !!

  21. Ken,
    I can not remember when on Friday. But I thought it was mentioned. And when I say mentioned it was or maybe (you had to be quick to catch it)in passing by the FOX crew. Not sure though

  22. I miss the dyas when they actually asknowledged the starting order.

  23. TV guy is busy on this type of track. This is a very labor intensive race from start ro finish.


  24. Thank you Mike Joy for not only alerting us about John Andretti's unscheduled stop but for also telling us the reason for it. Fantastic.

  25. my ears are still hurting from that gal screaming "gentlemen start your engines" too. Several segments we have seen before but all in all I guess it is ok. Let's see how the broadcast goes through the first hundred laps.

  26. They were all over the Scott Riggs pit stop as well. The booth is definitely on top of their game early on. Thank you very much guys.

  27. How lucky can we get the 55 spins just before a commerical

  28. I hate it when they always switch from a normal camera to the in-car camera when one of those guys is in the process of crashing. They should save that shot for the replay. We can't see a thing when that shot is used live.

  29. good point stklinfan
    Kingston, NY

  30. Hey,

    Did they say anything about the Gopher Cam?


  31. Worthless 4-box pit coverage. Not everyone follows those 4 cars. Still would like to see the 3-view stacked on the left, and pit road on the right.

  32. After Jeff Gordon's backstretch incident earlier this year at Bruton Smith's Vegas track, I find it kind of surprising that the backstretch inside wall has NOT been outfitted with the S.A.F.E.R. barrier at Bruton's Texas track.
    (similar configuration)

    Lets hope this wont get tested and therfore documented on todays broadcast.

  33. I sure was bummed about the pit stops. The 4-box had to be abandoned because all 4 were done and driving away. Then, by the time they took the wideshot the race off pit road was over.

    Maybe they will cut it differently on the next caution.


  34. JD, just 1 so far don't give them any ideas

  35. hehe...I was wondering if they were having trouble with it because they did not even use it under caution.

  36. Yep, the 4-box and the 1997-style scoring crawl technology continue to be eye-sores on these Fox broadcasts.

    I still don't see why ESPN is able to update the position changes and intervals up to the milisecond on the scoring crawl while Fox continues to use either no intervals at all or static, outdated intervals. Don't both networks get the same exact information from NASCAR Timing and Scoring????

  37. JD, trust us. Some of us do not miss the gopher cam on a regular basis.

  38. Fox has been at commercial for at least 2 lead changes their timing is off today and for the replay we get it from the incar camera. When is someone going to understand we can not tell what is going on as well from that shot.

  39. Are the announcers taking email questions during the race? Where did that come from?

  40. There is a ask Larry and Jeff email prompt on, I think it's part of the "ask the pro's"

  41. On-camera under the green flag at this track...amazing.

  42. Why the hell are we seeing Jeff Hammond's dinner on the entire screen under green? WHAT THE HELL ARE THEY DOING???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

  43. Why are we in the Hollywood hotel for dinner during green flag runs

  44. Yeah...where did TVGuy go? I liked his explanations of why they do what they yellow flags for debris and we don't see any debris...TVGuy, please join us again from our great state of Texas. JD says you're too busy on a track like this...I buy that excuse in Bristol and Martinsville, but I think JD doesn't realize this track isn't much different from ATL when TVGuy kept us informed. And I second the TVGuy T-shirt.

    Texas T

  45. Ridiculous HH if you have to advertise food, SPLIT SCREEN

  46. I wonder if that was actually just a paid for commercial for the Lonesome Dove Restuarant

  47. As poor as some of Fox's decisions may be so far, I flipped over to ESPN during the commercial and they are having an absolute disaster.

    Trying to race on a street circuit in a rain, but the IRL says there's too much standing water, so they're about 10 laps in and still under full course caution.

  48. Maybe TV Guy didn't get permission to post here in advance. He was posting just to be helpful - but maybe his superiors would prefer he didn't. I can't think of another sports program where a person working on the broadcast blogs about the broadcast and camera/replay choices -good or bad- during the broadcast. The producing directing team may have issues or mistakes that they want to keep to themselves, so no TV Guy.

  49. I still love the element of Fox keeping the leader on the track in one box at all times during green flag pit stops.

  50. I used to live over there, and it is amazing that they are running this race at this location.

    I hope that the new IRL will get back to the "real" classic tracks and mix the ovals and the road courses.

    We may well see Mr. Franchitti back among them by then.


  51. well, it's disappointing the PRN guys are on radio this weekend (Prefer MRN guys) but geez, that dinner deal and shilling for Texas restaurant was ludicrous?????????????

    The beginning of the race was too much gopher cam for me so I went outside to sweep the patio. Got the radio on out there and taping the race.

    Too much aggravation to sit thru 334 laps of a bunch of baloney PROMOTION during green flag, Gopher gizmos and odd camera angles.

    Off topic, the Indy race in St. Pete has been interesting,they started off in the rain!

    back to the patio and radio for me. It's just sad to see the same aggravations week after week. AND WILL WE SEE THE END?

    Or will the WWF style of producing win and our right to see the cars over the line is superseded by somebody's "fantasy story" pre written in their head.

    Not to get snippy, I'm just saying.
    Glad I missed most all the preshow from being outside...didn't miss much.

    Always GREAT to check in here on this fine blog and get the real feel from the real fans.

    We criticize because we care !!


  52. Very nice use of SPLIT SCREEN during green flag stops.

    Split screen SHOULD HAVE BEEN USED for the Pork Chop Hollywood Hotel segment as well.

  53. We may well see Mr. Franchitti back among them by then.

    Very funny comment. But again on the Fox pre-race show they reported Chip Ganassi is angry at his team members and blaming them for Dario's poor runs.

    Maybe it's time for Chip to look in the mirror and realize that his Cup team hasn't won on an oval since 2002, LOL.

    Soph, by the way it's the WWE now, not WWF :) The World Wildlife Fund made Vince McMahon change the name of his company to World Wrestling Entertainment, LOL.

  54. I'm a little slow on the uptake today. DVR'd Raceday and NN and haven't watched. What's the deal with Ganassi drivers, especially Franchitti?


  55. Again put Hammond ina box we are missing green flag racing

  56. Anon 3:08-
    You really are TVGuy, aren't you? C'mon, give us a little's not like you're doing a lot of replays in this race. I guess you need to stick to the show...and please stop doing all the things that make Sohiaz123 so angry and do the things that make her happy. She only has so much time in a day to complain on each of JD's blogs. BTW, have you ever met Digger in person?

    Texas T

  57. Commercial...and 24 spins, goes behind the wall! I'll bet they come back with a cartoon of the wreck!

  58. JD, you realize that you maybe starting something w/the Franchitti comment for future blogs

  59. Both Yates cars are still on the lead lap. It would be nice of Fox to show those cars on the air at some point and show the average of "11 million people" watching the blank cars with nothing but on them.

  60. Why would JD be starting something? It was Ganassi who blasted his teams saying he might make changes. It's known that Dario is basically running on week to week sponsorship right now. Ganassi can make all the team changes he wants, but with no sponsor, Dario might not want to stick around much longer. It depends on how much money he's been guaranteed. JPM said Dario wouldn't tell him how much money he's making so he thinks it's a lot, ha.

    Anon 3:08-
    You really are TVGuy, aren't you?

    No I am not TV Guy. I just posted a theory as to why he might not be posting after multiple posts during that race.

    While I appreciated his information as a race fan, as a supervisor I know I don't appreciate any info from my dept getting distributed except through me or indivuduals I designate. I figured it was unlikely he would post again.

    There have been some anon posts from people saying they work on the broadcasts before, but they have been vague enough that we didn't know their job functions. Those posts were also fun to read and helpful. That's probably a better path to take, for their sakes.
    = Anon 3:08

  61. Strickfan

    I stand CORRECTED, LOL. WWE not WWF!

    Just ate a snack and now out to the patio for zoom photos of birds and critters and LISTENING to the race on radio.

    THANK GOD I have an FM station that carries the CUP race, at least!

    Tough day for Jeff

  62. So Fox is telling me THAT bumping of the wall by Robby Gordon caused that yellow flag?

    Yikes, either Fox missed something or NASCAR is really really ridiculous when it comes to being "trigger-happy" with that on-off switch for the caution lights.

  63. It was nice of Fox to listen to my suggestion on the Yates situation. I wouldn't expect them to give them air-time if they were running 41st without a sponsor but they are certainly running well enough to earn the mention they got.

    I'd love to see both of those cars get some sponsorship and it's very nice of Fox to try to help them out.

  64. Top Ten run for # 1 Truex almost all day long and he's had about 10 seconds of TV time.

    Give a call to Truex !!

  65. Nice job by Eddie Gossage of hiding all of those empty backstretch seats by putting ads over them.

  66. I wonder why during a Truck race they always say the sponsors name every time they mention a certain truck for example the Camping World 33 truck but in the Nationwide and the Sprint series they don't use that same style identifying a car. They could say - the Home Depot 20 car.

  67. This is the type of race where they should do a continuous Through the Field/Up to Speed on the lead lap cars, plus reports on anything unusual with anyone's car and lead changes. Really, what better things do they have to do right now?

    Chip is going to have to pay Franchitti for the whole season no matter what happens, so he probably wants Franchitti in the car. Similar to Allmendinger is guaranteed minimum $3 million a year, in car or not. Which is why he'll be back in the car soon (next week I think). Dario probably is guaranteed more than that.

    But Allmendinger is the guy who should go to Indy Car after this season is over. He's very young, he's American, he's shown he could win in openwheel. He'd be a huge star.

  68. This comment has been removed by the author.

  69. Attention Fox production truck:

    This would be a PERFECT opportunity to bring up the top 35 in owner's points. That 96 car is probably going to get knocked out after that crash.

    Oh, by the way, how about telling us the final outcome of that battle at the end of the race this week?

  70. Even the Fox guys aren't bothering watching the Nationwide race, instead going to a baseball game. What a ringing endorsement of that series.

  71. Strick I think they are paying attention

  72. Thank you for the top 35 graphic. Now I remind you again, it's not enough to just show us those standings "as of now".

    You absolutely MUST show us the final outcome of that battle between the time the checkered flag falls and the time you leave the air.

    Last week we saw the "as of now" graphic with 20 to go on a short track and things changed drastically by the end of the race... and you, Fox, never showed us that change before you left the air. With 140 to go on a superspeedway I don't think it's rocket science that things will change drastically again between now and the end of the race, SO SHOW US THE FINAL OUTCOME this time.

  73. Ugh... we're under green and seeing an extended full screen "Brady Bunch" camera of 9 driver cams simultaneously. Are you kidding me with this crap?????

  74. To Ken-Michigan: Biffle yesterday said in a pit road interview that "it was a shame they sent that kid out before they got the track cleaned up," referring to McDowell. I didn't notice anyone picking up on his observation.

  75. tracy,

    Biffle will be with Michael Waltrip on TWIN on Monday. It should be interesting to see what he says about that issue.


  76. Again, the "leader on the track" box during green flag pit stops is a brilliant idea. ESPN, please take notes on this.

  77. Great story brewing over at St. Pete on ESPN. Heads up!

  78. Fox production truck:

    The Daly Planet's resident NASCAR nerd (me) also remembers Jeff Gordon finishing last at Atlanta in the spring of '97, so Jeff Gordon has finished last more than once in his career.

  79. While on the subject of STATS.....

    Impressive milestone today for MARK MARTIN:

    Today's race will be the 600th time in Cup competition that Mark Martin has been RAF (running at finish )

    703 total starts since 1981.

    I looked it up, now YOU dont have to.

  80. Anon,

    Great story over on ESPN and very bad Victory Lane interview!

    Who is that young lady?


  81. Good job of the booth to foreshadow possible engine problems for Carl Edwards based on his issues at Atlanta and his teammate Greg Biffle falling out today with engine failure. I was thinking the exact same thing myself right before they said it themselves.

    Those 3 guys in the booth are definitely having an outstanding day.

  82. JD,

    I saw that too on ESPN.

    Brianne Petigo ((or something thereabouts).

    Why in the world wasn't Jack Arute in victory lane?

    In the NASCAR world, it isn't quite as important anymore because all of the Fox pit reporters are pretty well respected, but . . .

  83. I should say engine problems for Biffle, not engine failure. I thought Mike Joy said he had an engine failure but according to the Leaderboard he's still out there running, 2 laps down.

  84. Reut must have more problems than overheating he's off the track and now 40th. So much for getting back in the top 35

  85. "stricklinfan82 said...
    Thank you for the top 35 graphic. Now I remind you again, it's not enough to just show us those standings "as of now".

    You absolutely MUST show us the final outcome of that battle between the time the checkered flag falls and the time you leave the air."

    You don't actually think that the "Fox Truck" is reading this blog during the show and doing what you ask...either you are heavily medicated, delusional, or have an ego the size of Texas. They might, and I stress might, read this and 700 other blogs during the week, but they do not read and react. Any time you suggest something, and it happens on the air is totally coincidence. Give me a break!

  86. Anonymous at 5:06 hasn't been around very long has he.

  87. Yeah Biffle's still running and actually running faster lap times than the race leaders on some laps.

    I guess Fox's report on Biffle having engine problems was greatly exaggerated then eh?

    Things that make you go hmmmmmm.......

  88. Brienne Pedigo is the name of the lady

  89. You don't actually think that the "Fox Truck" is reading this blog during the show and doing what you ask...either you are heavily medicated, delusional, or have an ego the size of Texas. They might, and I stress might, read this and 700 other blogs during the week, but they do not read and react. Any time you suggest something, and it happens on the air is totally coincidence. Give me a break!

    April 6, 2008 5:06 PM

    LOL, very strong words for someone that obviously has no idea what they are talking about.

    JD, would you like to toot your own horn here a little bit and explain to this anonymous poster what the Fox production truck reads on their laptops during these races?

    I guess that's the advantage of being anonymous though, you can make all the ridiculously inaccurate statements you want and never be held accountable for them since you blend in with numerous of other "anons".

  90. Think we will see the debris this time?

  91. Doesn't a Texas Motor Speedway safety truck have to drive out to pick up the debris during the yellow?

  92. And as a follow-up to that anonymous poster, I'm not naive enough to believe EVERYTHING they do after I suggest it is a result of what I say, I mean it's not like they're clueless.

    At the same time though I'd like to think that they occasionally do react to the suggestions of some of the posters here and since they DO read this during the race I don't see anything wrong with praising them for including an element that I desired seeing, whether the idea came from me or not.

  93. Anon 5:06PM,

    I already had a nice note about my column talking about the McDowell crash from the Fox guys.

    We have been quietly working hard for the last 15 months to keep this effort focused on the TV aspects of the sport.

    Luckily, our efforts have been working very well and we have very good relationships with the NASCAR TV partners and the NASCAR Media Group.

    I would invite you to cruise through out archives, including the off-season interviews with Mike Joy, Wendy Veturini and Steve Byrnes.

    I hope you like this blog, and return to voice your views.



  94. I think Mike Joy, DW & Larry Mac are having a good broadcast. I think Larry always gives us a lot of information about the cars. With these COT cars it seems like less and less cars are on the lead lap or maybe it's just me not paying attention.

  95. Thanks to Mike Joy for another Biffle follow-up. I was confused about the Biffle situation after he was back to running lap times comparable to the leader for a while there but obviously there was some sort of strange off-and-on engine issue since he's behind the wall now.

  96. Next Saturday, Fox could have an ESPN problem with a shinking time window and collapsing pre-race show.

    NASCAR at Phoenix will be preceded by the Fox Saturday Baseball game of the week (which is actually games of the week that vary by location).

    First pitch isn't until 3:55 PM this year and the highlight game is Yankees-Red Sox. Those two are notorious for unmanageably long games that run well beyond 3 hours

  97. What has been driving me crazy all day is the tracker at the top of the screen is about a lap off. You can see how the cars are running and the three mouths are talking about the positions while the tracker shows a different result.

  98. Well, I was outside enjoying the fresh air for a good bit listening to PRN but MAN, those guys are not NEARLY as good as MRN (I already knew this) but sheesh...lacking in lots of info as they play comedians and potty humor about bean dip in a small booth (rollseyes) Thank God the Fox and ESPN tv guys haven't stooped to such humor.

    Anyway, I am sad to see so many drivers I like struggling (and on radio, David Reut sounded downright depressed! was he interviewed on tv...he usually is so upbeat and grateful sounding no matter what)

    I will have to read thru the comments on the over or limited use of Gopher cam.

    THink we will see a wonderful ESPN Finish across the line? Or a "WWE" finish.

    I turned off the radio and wanted to hear the Fox guys voices today. Too bad the boys in the booth can't control the stuff shown over green flag racing.

    ENOUGH CAM time inside Truex car. SHOW US THE TRACK!!

    thank you....

    bummer his car is blowing up?


    Thanks for the heads up about Sat nights ESPN type issues with FOX's baseball game...I shall be out listening to Cajun music with family and will have two VCR's going (and calling home to room mate to check on both!! LOL)

  99. No Krista. That was wrong. Stewart said "he's blowing up" meaning Truex. False info there. I'm listening to his radio.

  100. Okay it's crunch time again. Let's hope Fox fixes their two biggest problems from the end of last week's broadcast:

    1.) show ALL the cars cross the finish line

    2.) show us the final outcome of the 35th place bubble battle, we need to know who's in and who's out

  101. sophia,

    zydeco is the real deal! Have fun.


  102. HA! Tony didn't say HE was blowing up - he said Truex was blowing up! Greg/Mark told him to go because it was for position. No problems with the #20.

  103. Am I the only one feeling CHEATED with all this IN CAR CAM use? What' the heck's happening on the track? I have not seen a group car shot on my tv in ages??

    Sorry to whine...finally with 8 laps. more cars.

    Thanks, JD. It's mostly CAJUN with a little Dixieland and some zydeco. But PHOENIX NIGHT RACING! Wah.

    For the record, does FOX have a back up channel for NASCAR or what would happen if the baseball ran late JD?

  104. Just a reminder, we have been watching the post-race coverage this season on ESPNEWS.

    They carry the press conference from the Infield Media Center and often carry portions live.

    This has been a very positive note for that network this season. Last week, they had Mike Wallace on the set. It should be interesting to see if they have a NASCAR personality on the set.

    It would be great if it was Randy LaJoie, but WindTunnel on SPEED has already said they were going to have LaJoie on tonight.

    Should be interesting!


  105. I'm shocked! A yellow flag at the end. WWF again.

  106. I have to say, I enjoy the sounds of the FOX guys in the booth over PRN guys.

    Larry Mac is so good at given us the last minute rundown on things. :)

    Thanks for the note on WT.

    JD you have any connections to give Dave a longer show? WT is the fastest hour on SPEED. Just kidding.

  107. I'm shocked! A yellow flag at the end. WWF again.

    I guess you missed the part where Martin Truex blew up "big time"? This was hardly a phantom debris caution.

  108. I get home (haven't rewound yet) and there are 11 cars on the lead lap. If not for their very fortuituous caution (and something tells me if the race had been close they would have just let Truex head to pit road without a caution) it would be a total dud.

    Is this what we have to look forward to on mile and a half tracks this year? If so we and the TV crews are in a whole lot of trouble.

  109. Anon

    About your WWF comment...I used that a lot about NASCAR and was told it's now WWE.

    Stricklanfan set me straight earlier on this blog, lol


  110. Remember the nightmare at New Hampshire a few years ago with the long extended caution period with extra extra overtime?

  111. That white stuff that looks like that the jet dryers blowing down SPEEDY dry or blowing the SPEEDY dry around...this is kind of scary...hope the track is DRY.

    Me I was really hoping Jr would win but I don't think there is a chance of that many cars getting flat tires in two laps to give Jr a chance, HA.

  112. The Sprint Cup races on Fox are distributed over local TV stations through the Fox Television Network.

    There is no back-up scenario in place, Fox will deal with the scenario on the air by themselves.

    FoxSportsNet and SPEED are not in this scenario.


  113. Anonymous said...
    If not for their very fortuituous caution (and something tells me if the race had been close they would have just let Truex head to pit road without a caution) it would be a total dud.
    April 6, 2008 5:44 PM

    What race are you watching? Do you see all the speedy dry out there? On Hotpass they documented there was a ton of oil coming out of that car.


    The tv cam just showed Carl's mom.

    : - )

  115. Anyone catch Mike Joy's little New England native sponsor plug for the "Whelen strobes" atop the pace car.

  116. "I guess you missed the part where Martin Truex blew up "big time"? This was hardly a phantom debris caution."

    But he was blowing up for several laps. If they didn't want a caution, they would have blackflagged him. They kept him out there in hopes he would blow and they wouldn't have to have another "debis" caution. A caution near the end is a 100% bet.

    I guess I'll have to do NASCAR like Professsional Basketball. You only need to watch the final 10%. the early part is on just so they can sell ads.

  117. JD

    thanks for Fox explanation. We get two affiliates but both are close enough they will carry the same ballgame.

    We did NOT need to go to Carl IN CAM SO SOON. much happening on the track imo

  118. Nice extended shot in car shot of Carl while the field races to the finish line. Another botched finish by the guys the pimp the Gopher cam non-stop.

  119. I agree about the eleven cars on the lead lap. This feels like the Nashville Nationwide race, except no shootout at the end at Nashville.

  120. What would be so hard about holding a camera on the finish line and leaving it alone?

  121. Well the guys in the booth try to RELIVE the ending but the camera work is in SLO MO...not quite the same...

    thanks for trying Mike, Larry and Darrel

  122. Awful camera work again at the finish. Again we get the infield zoom on the winner and were left oblivious as to what was happening with all the cars running 3-wide coming off turn 4 just a few feet behind Carl. It sure would have been nice to see the 07-11 incident live with a nice wide zoom of all the cars in turn 4.

    Now listening to the Fox booth announcers on Hotpass the FIRST WORDS out of their mouths after the commercial break were DW saying "ok, who's outside the top 35?".


  123. "Pimp the Gopher Cam"

    Ouch, but so true. I gotta say anon, that made me laugh. Maybe I need to stay on the patio until AFTER THE RACE next time.

    WHAT ANOTHER disappointment by mister legend in his own mind on FOX Director. :(

    I guess I won't miss a damn thing going out next Saturday night.

    I can see highlights on VL, SPEED Report and NNow Monday nights.....

    GOODNESS JD and others....Fox director cares not one white what fans think or want does he?

  124. Nice to hear DW was asking about the 35, StFan.

    Thanks for the tidbit.

  125. Maybe Fox has an agreement with the tracks that they won't show the finish so maybe a few more will go to the race so they can actually see the end of the race.

  126. Thanks Fox now I don't have to keep checking Jayski to look for top 35 stats. Poor Reut he just can't catch a break

  127. While I am ALL FOR COT Safety, anybody notice how far apart and strung out these cars were??

    I thought we were supposed to still see close side by side racing.

    If there was side by side coming to the finish line, we did NOT SEE IT LIVE THANKS TO THE PRODUCER's DECISION. REPLAYING IT IN SLOW MOTION, does NOT SUFFICE FOX.

    That has to be frustrating for the guys in the booth to hear the fans are gypped on tv at home...if they have a clue.

  128. BRAVO for the top 35 in owner's points graphic. Jeremy Mayfield again returns to being outside the top 35, very compelling story.

    Listening to the "Fox Audio" option on Hotpass DW immediately asked about the top 35 after the commercial break and Mike Joy specifically told the guys in the truck that they had to get that graphic up before they left the air if at all possible.

    Again, I don't know if this increased awareness was based specifically on my suggestions/criticisms after last week's deficiencies in that area, but either way I compliment Fox for doing what they did. There has clearly been a change and I am very happy for it.

  129. If the McDowell incident brought in any casual fans out of curiosity, it's my guess that most of them left after the first 100 laps when everyone got spread out. Too bad.

  130. Fox got burned there by not showing the final dash to the finish line. They missed what happened to Bowyer.

  131. ESPN won this weekend. Far better broadcast.

  132. I just have to wonder, what is it going to take to get the Fox Director to show race fans the finish of these races?

    I just don't have any words left, this is the second season of watching a race for HOURS and then not seeing the finish live.

    As one of your posters said, "What would be so hard about holding a camera on the finish line and leaving it alone?


  133. Indeed, Bravo to Fox for the points deal but I really enjoy hearing how on HOTPASS, Mike Joy and Darrell are CONCERNED about getting the info to US the fans watching.

    LOVE THE FOX COMMENTATORS!!! I know they can only do what they are given but I appreciate feeling like THEY CARE about the fans. Thanks for sharing your hearing them speak off air, STRICKLANFAN!

    Helps me improve my attitude.

    Plus according to Zap2it, the Phoenix race is scheduled on air until midnight. The restaurant where I am going to hear music, band quits at 11pm, a few minutes to say goodnight, 12 minute drive home. I should catch the last 40 minutes of the race.

    Attitude adjustment in place.

    but I will STILL call home to make sure the vcr's are running, LOL.

    One year the IRL race changed channels THREE TIMES in one race!! I was home to "babysit" the VCR's that night, LOL.

  134. ESPNEWS on the air with NASCAR...nice.

  135. Yes, ESPN WINS

    HANDS DOWN FOR SHOWING THE END OF THE RACE as all races should be shown.

    Let me know the next time a horse race only shows the winning horse cross the line.

    ROLLSEYES in exasperation of the Fox "racing" director.

    He is a legend in his own mind because those personalities do not have empathy for what OTHERS WANT AND DESIRE.

    We simply want to see the end of the race.

    But alas, we are not to see that and get the shaft instead.

  136. Perhaps the "FOX Director" should be pointed out by name if this is his continuing decision alone? Maybe that's what it would take. If he can remain in the shadows, he can do what he wants.

    We criticize the people we see when they make mistakes, and this may be one of the biggest mistakes of all and it continues almost every week. Should he be focused on? Or could you request an interview with him for a blog entry to get his reasoning?

  137. Anon 6:23PM,

    If the NASCAR on Fox executives wanted this to change, it would be changed. This is a team effort, and I am still stunned by the mess at the finish today.


  138. Did I miss Shrub's media stuff on ESPN?? I just saw JJ speaking.

  139. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  140. Fox obviously thinks people tune in to watch Fox, instead of the race. From DW overturning the "Boogity Boogity Boogity" vote, to the constant plugging of Digger, they forget people want to watch the race, not them

  141. After the crack about the hat earlier on TV, Roush goes without a hat for the first time in my memory. How interesting.

  142. Did speed or fox bring up the Carl Edwards engine story of a possible engine change before the race?

  143. I love this live coverage of the post-race news conferences.

    Did Jack Roush really say Bob Osborne was on the "injured reserve list" right now?

    I bet a lot of casual sports fans watching ESPNEWS are wondering how the poor guy got hurt. They would probably be stunned if they found out that was really Jack's code for "he's under NASCAR suspension for cheating in a race a few weeks ago", LOL.

  144. Not sure how much Carl endeared himself to his fellow drivers with that statement about the way the car drives.

  145. It was good to see the post race conference on ESPN News. I am watching the rest on NASCAR.COM post race Jack d show. yes I noticed the hat missing also
    Kingston, NY

  146. Carl is still upset of being called a cheater by other drivers. That was him telling them "shut up and drive!"

  147. I have to hand it to the Fox guys for handling such an awful, boring race in a pretty good manner. How do you keep people interested when a race is not really a race, but just a bunch of cars going in a circle with no hard racing? Heck, I was able to keep an eye on my Penguins and Cubs and not miss anything with the race. No matter how great the production of the show, unless Nascar can figure out how to make those cookie-cutter 1.5 mile tracks more interesting and provide true racing, the networks are going to see their numbers slide away to nothing. I've been on other Nascar-related boards and everyone is complaining how bad the racing was and they turned off the coverage. You could easily keep up with the race on rather than sitting and watching on the tube.

  148. Carl, your "rant" was fine - it wasn't a rant and you are free to express your opinion. However, if a 4 time champion, a 2 time champion, and another 2 time champion say the car is hard to drive - you know what? I'm going to take their word for it over yours. I would take ONE of their statements over yours, I wouldn't have to have all three. You haven't done anything yet, my friend.

    And these are not the 43 best drivers in the world. Any of those slackers over in F1 and IndyCar ring a bell to you?

    I like Carl, but he came off on ESPNNews sounding like the biggest PR shill ever. And it's not the first time.

  149. I have no problem with Carl Edwards saying what he's saying.

    If you had 3 wins in the first 7 races (which should have been 4 if not for blowing up at Atlanta), wouldn't you be doing everything in your power to keep NASCAR from changing anything with the cars/tires/etc? He has the most to lose if there's a significant change so why shouldn't he put forth an effort to say "everything's alright just the way it is, nothing should be changed"?

    I might disagree with him on some of those issues but I'm not gonna fault the guy for saying what he's saying, that's what he should be doing when he's the dominant driver under these conditions.

  150. I can live with the gopher cam. Provides a neat angle of the cars. I didn't find it overused today, over promoted sure. But the actual use of it was good. What was the deal with having Bill Murry drunk off his rear on tv for 30 seconds?

    I love the guys in the booth. So I tend to forgive alot of the mistakes by the production crew. However the ending was without a doubt a travesty. Winner crosses the line, and Larry Mac says Boyers sideways, while we get to enjoy a view of Carl in his car doing a fist pump, then a shot of the crew chief. Before we get to see the semi replay of what happened. Dropped the ball B I G TIME.

    Sorry to see such a great ending yesterday, to have it come to this.

    Kyle aka Seiko

  151. That's the great thing about ESPN News having these press conferences. You get to see the drivers unfiltered, which helps a lot in seeing what they really think and how they really come across. Edwards looked tired and or frustrated for some reason. Probably just tired.

    The winner does a champagne toast at the Speedway club after the race, maybe that will calm Edwards down (If he drinks). Kasey Kahne chugged his glass down after he won, maybe Edwards should do the same! (it was on TV, Eddie Gossage joked around and asked Kahne if he needed a refill since I think he was supposed to take a little sip.)

  152. According to Dilner on SPEED Report, Newman failed post-tech. here we go again.

  153. Sorry for the deletion, but hear me out. When I know for sure who decided that on the finish, I will talk about it.

    The last thing you want to do on the Internet is to lay blame on someone who does not deserve it.

    Just give me a little bit of time to deal with the issue, and a column will follow. My email alone from the mess at the finish is going to take a long time just to delete!

    Of all the blunders at the finish, this race might be the biggest. Only for the simple reason that the on-air announcers were still calling the race so all of a sudden, the picures did not match the commentary. That is the ultimate TV nightmare.


  154. Several times this season, the FOX announce booth and the Production truck has "seen things" differently on the broadcast.

    We ( the viewers ) have heard the announce booth say there is "trouble" or someone is "in the wall" when the video is showing something other than the incident.

    Broadcasting 101 says, announcers are supposed to be focused on the TV monitor and they are NOT supposed to be "peeking" out the window of the broadcast booth.

    Larry Mac and DW have been caught more than a few times doing it and it makes the TV production crew look bad. If they see something happening out of the window, they simply need to wait til it pops up on the TV monitor..... then make the call.

    It happened more than once today at Texas. It's time to step up your on-air performance.

  155. ken-michigan...that may be broadcast 101, but that is the exact thing we complained about last season with the ESPN crew...they were watching the monitors instead of watching out the window...we can't have it both ways.

  156. Perhaps we should take the long view on race coverage. At this race last year Fox gave extended split screen time to Kim Burton during the last 3 green laps. The time interval was almost never on screen. Today even with the time interval being way behind this was the most Fox has used it in years.Also we were spared extended shots of Carls mom at the end.I make no excuse for Fox but slowly they may be coming around.I say that even having seen what Stricklinfan82 called the "brady bunch camera".I'm glad I didn't have a rock in my hand when that happened.

  157. It's one thing for the booth to say trouble in turn 4, got one spinning, or here comes the 48, etc when we are being shown something else. I'm ok with that I would rather know they are watching the race and not the monitor. It's something else entirely when they are watching and calling the race finish and we are watching Carl in the car and then his crew. That is a hugh problem that needs to be resolved

  158. To resolve the problem, they HAVE TO watch the monitor and call that action.

    This drives the director crazy, I presume.

    Prime example is the SPEED crew that calls the Formula One races.
    Varsha, Hobbs, and Matchett are in Charlotte while the race is halfway around the world. And they do a darn good job of it !!

    DON'T call a wreck or a spin until it appears on your monitor. I hope they talk about THIS in their famous Tuesday production conference calls.

  159. DON'T call a wreck or a spin until it appears on your monitor.

    I hope if the guys in the booth read this they ignore it. That's one of the best things they do. They are not just TV broadcasters, they also know a little something about racing, and maybe more than the production people who spend a good part of the year broadcasting football.

    If the booth guys see action on the track, I applaud them for calling it when they see it. I bet we'd miss a number of incidents on the tracks or see them a lot more slowly if one of them wasn't watching the track, making the production team cut to a camera of the incident. We wouldn't have heard about Bowyer for a good few minutes afterward if they hadn't called it live.

    So thanks guys, please keep doing what you're doing.

  160. Well, I won't pre-judge the situation. It's possible that the director and or producer WANTS the FOX booth calling action out the window instead of whats on the monitor.
    Thats entirely possible, but in "most" televised broadcasts, the first rule of thumb is to follow the action on the monitor and a consistent show will be seen by the viewer.
    As far as I'm concerned there is only one professional TV broadcaster in the FOX booth.... the other 2 are only there because of a "champions provisional".

  161. That is the difference between ESPN and FOX. It seems sometimes the guys in the booth at ESPN only look at the monitor. I like the FOX booth because they tell us as soon as they see something wrong.

  162. Ken-Michigan said...
    "If they see something happening out of the window, they simply need to wait til it pops up on the TV monitor..... then make the call.

    It happened more than once today at Texas. It's time to step up your on-air performance."

    April 6, 2008 8:26 PM
    So if a driver had taken a horrific Michael McDowell-type head on into the SAFER barrier in turn 2 and the camera was on turn 4, Larry and DW shouldn't mention the turn 2 incident until it comes on their monitor, even if they see it out the window?

    If that's Broadcasting 101 (I'm rather dubious that it is), one can only hope the gentlemen in the booth graduated after finishing Broadcasting 100.

  163. I agree that the booth announcers should NOT just stare at the monitors.

    I personally enjoy them being able to look out the window and call out things that happen. In some instances it can help direct the cameras to an incident and in instances where the cameras couldn't find the incident in time we could at least get a first-hand report of what happened.

  164. I don't mind one little bit the announcers calling the action before the cameras catch up.

    There is what 50 some odd cameras covering a race, never mind all the in car bumper and roof cams.

    It draws my attention quick if I'm in the middle of paperwork while watching the race when I hear Mr. Joy's call of "Trouble turn 2".

    Six hours of pre race and race most people cant keep complete focused attention that long, and do other things while watching. That call makes people look up and pay attention, and keeps butts in the seats at home if they were going to go grab another cold one.

  165. In regards to the F1 comments, remember that FOCA Television dictates all camera cuts. ITV, TF1, RTL (yes, the same people who own Idol), and other European television networks must take the FOCA feed, and have few camera angles (pit reporters et al). If James Allen or Martin Brundle see something suspicious they can't say "oil in this section guys" and show the incident. Except for Japan and Brasil (sponsorship issues), the production truck is run by F1, and they don't have to listen to James Allen or Martin Brundle to point anything.

    Interesting during NASCAR Raceday, there was an interview with Darrell taken for Sky Sports (UK). Sky holds the NSCS rights in the UK.

    I think the Fox truck believes the booth men are as integral to the race coverage. They feed off each other, know the ouis and nons of coverage (consider their calls on the McDowell crash were much better than FOCA's call on the Kubica crash in Canada last year -- they kept the cameras on the crash and didn't show Kubica making any "affirmative" sign to the safety workers), and the fact all three aren't afraid to point the director something they don't see instantly matters. If the Fox crew worked the cameras there we would have seen a wider shot of the incident and not a closeup until an affirmative on the driver's condition happened, but we would have seen where the car took the hit to the wall (at the left-hander before the hairpin).

    The 9-car in-car split had me wondering if Darrell was watching the race on the track and matching it with the in-car camera footage to analyse the hands with the track.

    Keep in mind the Speed F1 crew has Peter Windsor trackside so if something developing happens he can feed it to Charlotte. Of course, the starting grid there is full of glamour and scantily-clad women (usually, but not in Malaysia or Bahrain) on the grid.

    If a Fox announcer sees something obvious they will tell the truck to point at it.

  166. Take Mike Joy away from Fox, and then they would be complete trash.

  167. OK, my final thought and maybe this will clear up my thoughts.

    The race fan part of me, doesn't really mind them calling what they see out the window of the booth.

    But from my TV produtcion background part of me, I just know it isn't right to call action that isnt on the monitor.

    Ya see, my point is.....

    The guys in the booth AREN'T calling the action on the monitor because of the camera shots being called from the truck.

    There is action happening on the track, while we at home seeing a Gopher Cam shot, a bumper shot, an In-Car shot or a shot of the driver's mom or girlfriend or wife. Today we saw the Brady Bunch 9 box that lasted nearly 2 laps... UNDER GREEN !

    The finish was a clear example of it. While action continued on the track to the finish line, "someone" chose to go to the In-Car camera, instead of a frontstretch/ finish shot which missed most of the 07 incident..... due to these kinds of camera shots, it really leaves the guys in the booth with no choice but to call what they see out of the window.

    IMO, todays production was far from their best.

    By the way, I enjoy all OUR opinions....!!!

  168. JD- Is there just one monitor in the booth? Or does the booth have monitors for more than what is going out over the air?

    I would rather have the announcing team tell me what they see going on, since I can see what's on the screen.

  169. My room mate fills me in on the F1 races but i do watch on occassion and think those guys on SPEED do a great job!!

    On Fox, YES, I want them telling me what's on the track NOT their monitor. It's horrible producing and directing to let the commentators tell us MORE than the VISUALS of the CAMERA.

    But, like JD, I am still stunned at the mess today. I got some nice bird and squirrel photos today and am 'fostering' a needy wild creature until tomorrow (I called an expert, not just an idiot that takes in creatures for fun!)

    As much as I don't like the PRN guys, I would DEFINITELY PREFER listening to MRN during the race than the bad camera work. Maybe I need to at least watch some of the race and LISTEN to the radio while not watching the tv. at THE END OF THE RACE.

    That's the ticket!

    I am tired of being treated like a used kleenex because the "Fox suits" have their own agenda.

    Oh and not to digress, I know of a few folks around this house that ALSO agree the Monday night SPEED SHOW is about PROMOTING SPEED and the next race (even if on Fox) THUS the teaser opening, the switch to FORCE FOLKS to watch 20 minutes of the next race and then next week's race from last year...then they throw a few kernels of good conversation and then, rehashed video.

    Sign. SPEED and FOX are getting big for their britches if they think they are more important than the race.

    I know the guys in the booth seem to try and explain to us what's happening but its like the guys running the decision on the cameras, don't care if things match or not.

    Waste of time. Besides, this lack of side by side racing is getting to be a drag and losing my interest as gardening and photograph calls.

    So radio for this house.

    My neighbor next door worked for RJ Reynolds 26 years and stopped watching NASCAR after Dale Sr died.

    MAINLY due to the "gimmicks and hollywoodizing" of the sport. I just found that out this week.

    Makes you wonder. He watches a couple races a year but 'keeps up by reading". Doesn't have time for the long, caution filled junk.

    He is about 60. So out of the demo anybody wants. he also hates the COT. He wants safety, but wants passing, too. So why bother he says.

  170. It seems that in other post on this blog many people have a low opinion of Rutledge Wood. Lately he has been doing some pretty good stuff. I think the real clown is the quasi-cowboy Jeff Hammonds, Geez that guy wears on me. Add to Hammonds the gopher and the "See How Far We've Come"video NASCAR on Speed is getting a bit hard to watch.

    Frank in Sebring

  171. There is a new post up about the Cup race from Texas.

    I will try to put up some production truck and announce booth pics mid-week.


  172. Ken-Michigan said...
    "Ya see, my point is.....

    The guys in the booth AREN'T calling the action on the monitor because of the camera shots being called from the truck."
    ....due to these kinds of camera shots, it really leaves the guys in the booth with no choice but to call what they see out of the window."

    Ken-Michigan, that isn't what you originally said. You said:

    "Broadcasting 101 says, announcers are supposed to be focused on the TV monitor and they are NOT supposed to be "peeking" out the window of the broadcast booth.
    Larry Mac and DW have been caught more than a few times doing it and it makes the TV production crew look bad. If they see something happening out of the window, they simply need to wait til it pops up on the TV monitor..... then make the call."

    So which side are you blaming, Larry and DW or the truck? It appears you were blaming the former until others disagreed with you.

  173. I know it's a day after the race and you all have moved on to the boring, mundane lives you live counting the minutes until you can complain about racing coverage in Phoenix. How would you like people constantly complaining about how you do your job...maybe we can start a blog that picks on how we think Sophia, or Stricklanfan or anybody else who complains and whines do at their jobs, if they have one. The way you slide those groceries over the scanner is should slide them faster...and you should tip that garbage can higher when you dump it in the truck. You should stand closer to the truck when dumping the trash.... What sad little lives you must live if you spend your whole Sunday sitting and typing on a blog about how disappointed you are about the coverage you see of a race. Does it cost you anything to watch? Why bother? I guess your little "Community" of whiners and complainers need each other to feel better about themselves.
    There...I've said my two cents...can I be in your community now...or do I not whine enough?
    Joel-Nashville, TN
