Thursday, May 29, 2008

Bootie Barker Gone From SPEED For Six Weeks

As expected, Bootie Barker is gone from NASCAR Performance on SPEED for six weeks as he serves a NASCAR suspension. Doug Richert will fill-in during that time with host Larry McReynolds and panelists Chad Knaus.


  1. Is this his decision or can Nascar influence who is on Nascar related tv shows? If the latter is the case, where has Nascar been with the terrible announces that have been on the races the past few years (not to mention names, but "I tell you what").


  2. Interesting. Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't Chad Knaus still on "Performance" while serving his suspension earlier this year? I wonder why they decided to (sorry, I can't resist)....'boot' Bootie.

  3. I will miss Bootie.

    I was surprised to read that both teams' car chiefs were also suspended.

  4. After the whole fuss about Tony Eury Jr, Steve LeTarte (sp?) and Chad being "seen" on the racetrack property last year during their respective 6 week suspensions, NASCAR has implemented a complete ban to where they are not allowed on track property ... Meaning, if they step foot on the property of the current race, they're gonna be in even deeper doo-doo than they already were ...

    IIRC, Chad was at a "remote" location last year or completely skipped the shows when he was serving his suspension ...

  5. morning, jd. i second bill h's question: can you provide some clarification here for us? yes, bootie's been suspended for 6 weeks. and i assume he can't be at the tracks in the post- eury jr suspension moment of being shown sitting atop his motorcoach, watching the race. but is the decision to have him not host nascar performance during this period made by nascar or by speed? what's the link between his suspension by nascar and his job with speed? and if he's being paid by speed -- as i assume he is -- then he's actually losing that additional pay as a consequence of his nascar penalty. if it's simply a matter of location -- the show is, i believe, filmed on track property -- maybe speed could have him as a remote or some such?
    i concur with sallyb: i seem to remember chad still being on NP while under suspension -- but that would have been before nascar cracked down on what "suspension" means!

  6. Bootie could probably still appear via satellite. But the show is done on track property, so he wouldn't be allowed to actually be at the show. That said, at least some of this probably depends on if there's an appeal. If the teams appeal this week, he might still show up at Dover and Pocono, even if he'll eventually get the suspension.

  7. Bummer!!!

    I have really become fond of this show and will miss Bootie. Hope I like the fill in ok.

  8. Reichert is an interesting choice, considering he doesn't have a job.

  9. tracy said...
    Reichert is an interesting choice, considering he doesn't have a job.

    yet! sounds like there's two openings at haas-cnc for six weeks . . .

  10. When Chad was suspended he was not on NP, he did one or two taped ahead segments and sent in the welded coilbound spring. Technically Nascar can not stop Bootie from being in the area but depending where they shoot the show (hard card area) he might not be able to get to the stage. Doug is friends with Chad and Bootie (I think) and has substituted for one of them when they were in trouble last year or the year before. Doug is a pretty cool guy and will land on his feet I am sure but I too will miss Bootie.

  11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  12. anonymous said...

    you know what they say in nascar, right? "if you ain't cheatin', you ain't tryin'!"
    sounds like bootie was trying!

    in all seriousness, one of the ongoing problems with nascar is the lack of clarity when it comes to the infamous gray areas (not to be confused with area 51 -- or, at least, i don't think so?!?) when so much comes under the banner of "actions detrimental to the sport," then it's hard to calculate what's cheating.
    as far as this example, tho': well, nascar has stated repeatedly that it will not tolerate any manipulation of that back wing so i'm guessing bootie just got taken to the woodshed in a very big way!

  13. Not sure who "Reichert" is other than a US Congressman from WA state ...

    But, Doug Richert is championship winning crew chief that will be filling in for Bootie ...

    NASCAR can and will prohibit anybody that has been suspended from being on the racetrack property ... They did it to Tony Jr, Steve & Chad last year ... IF an appeal has been filed, then they can be on track property ... A hard card or other pass is not carte blanche in the eyes of NASCAR ...

    NASCAR said that the Haas-CNC penalty was for the same infraction that Tony Eury Jr was penalized for last year ... Wing mount brackets ...

  14. Chad was not physically there last season and neither will Bootie. Since the show is taped at the racetrack, Bootie cannot be there.

    As for the penalties, they are not the same as Tony Eury Jr got last season. The Haas CNC teams also lost their Car Chiefs for 6 weeks, in addition to their Crew Chiefs. And their infractions are not the same. On the Haas cars, the mounting problems were inside the rear deck lid and the infraction for Jr's car were on the outside of the car, on the wing attachments.

  15. Darbar, thanks for clarifying the infraction. I've been wondering what it was about - since it seems odd they didn't catch it in inspection all season long until last week. Wonder why it hasn't been explained in detail from hither to yon by the media.

  16. Tracy, Bootie was quoted by Sirius Radio that he knew who Narc'd them out to Nascar. Since their infraction was on the inside of the deck lid, something that's not inspected via the templates, Nascar just didn't bother to look. But someone in the garage saw what they did, and turned them into Nascar. Kind of sad when things are so desperate in the garage area that they narc on a struggling team.

  17. In previous years Chad was on the show, but with the "crackdown" on not being able to be within breathing distance of the track anymore, short of pre-taped segments, he was not on any of the shows as he wasn't allowed on the premises. So if Bootie has pre-taped NP/NRD stuff we'll see that.

    I like Doug and he's done well when he's filled in before :).
