Saturday, July 5, 2008

Saturday At Daytona: TNT's "Wide Open" Sprint Cup Series Race (8:15 Start)

This is always one very interesting race to watch on TV as the TNT Network once again unveils their "wide open" coverage. The Saturday night Sprint Cup Series race from Daytona makes for a lot of discussion when it is over.

TNT debuted "wide open" coverage last season with good results. Essentially, the network moves the screen around to allow video of the race to continue in some form during the national commercial breaks. The only time commercials run for the viewers at home is when the local cable systems insert their breaks.

The way TNT sold this to sponsors was the opportunity for them to create custom-made video pieces that will convey their messages to the viewers in a different kind of way. TNT will also add logos and animation elements on the screen during the broadcast, but the big thing will be the lack of full-screen commercial breaks.

TNT's pre-race coverage starts with NASCAR Live On TNT! hosted by Marc Fein. He is joined by Larry McReynolds and Kyle Petty on this one hour show. It will be Matt Yocum hosting this week's edition of The Pride Of NASCAR, as Yocum sits down with legendary driver Marvin Panch.

The NASCAR Future Stars feature will focus on Colin Braun, a young driver who races in the Nationwide Series. Lindsay Czarniak's regular feature this week will focus on Ryan Newman's crew chief Roy McCulley, whose wife is battling cancer.

The pre-race coverage continues with the Allstate Countdown To Green with Bill Weber and Wally Dallenbach seated at the TNT cocktail table in the announce booth. They will explain the "wide open" coverage that will follow at 8PM and will kick-off with a video from Tony Stewart, Greg Biffle and Jamie McMurray.

Even with the "wide open" coverage, TNT will still offer RaceBuddy for the entire event. This free online broadband service is available through and features four camera angles and some interactive features.

This is the big moment for the TNT staff of this entire TV package. A lot of work and planning has gone into this telecast, which last season drew rave reviews. With Bill Weber and his announcers having a very good season-to-date, it will be interesting to see if the COT will provide the kind of racing that will create a memorable event.

This post will serve to host your comments about the Sprint Cup Series race from Daytona. To add your TV-related opinion, just click on the COMMENTS button below and follow the easy instructions. The rules for posting are located on the right side of the main page. Thank you for taking the time to stop by and participate.


  1. Hi everybody, should be a fun night.


  2. uh oh. JD emailing Sophia?

    I agree. it should be fun tonight.

  3. I gotta tell ya, no one can do the "Live from Daytona Beach, it's NASCAR on (NBC or TNT or whatever)" voice-over intro like Weber or Bestwick.

    It takes a certain set of pies and attitude to do it right--that's why there's such a thing as professional voice artists.

    We didn't get that today when TNT's coverage started. Marc Fein's boice is too thin.

    A small detail, but details count.

  4. "voice," not boice!

  5. Just reminding her to stick with the decaf!

  6. Wish we could edit posts!

    "Set of pipes" is the phrase I meant!

  7. Thanks, Dad-er, JD..message recieved.


    This should be a blast.

  8. Weber worked for me for a while, he is a great writer and journalist.

  9. Just ordered Pizza so even dinner is handled. This should be fun, side by side with commercials and Race Buddy, Doesn't get much better. Thankfully I'm home for this one, next week maybe not (how soon can you leave a wedding reception without looking rude anyway? LOL)

  10. nrf,

    Don't say wedding around bachelors, it makes us nervous!

  11. newracefan, work on having a virus the day of the wedding..then when you get to reception, give your apologies but you need to be home.


    oh, thanks for the start time on the title JD..that will be helpful to many.

  12. I did not really know how many folks were not aware of what time the race actually started.

  13. Weber might be a great journalist and writer but he still drives me nuts I scream at him every time he speaks LOL

  14. mary,

    I think of him like I think of Jerry Punch. Nice guy, wrong role.

  15. Poor Matt, those firesuit look bad enough but now he really sicksout like a sore thumb. A nonfan was watching the NW race yesterday and asked why the reporter was wearing a driver uniform and I couldn't give him a good answer. Can you tell this is one of my pet peeves.

    OBTW great piece Matt this was someone I never heard of way to go.

  16. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  17. I am REALLY enjoying these Pride of NASCAR pieces...second week in a row on a guy I never heard of but I enjoy and appreciate the history of this sport. Like seeing the older guys that are still around to share their stories.

  18. I was told years ago that giving the reporters firesuits allows them to be in the pits during the action.

    BTW,I didn't actually turn on the pre-race show to watch a musical act, TNT.

  19. I am really enjoying this TNT crew this year also. When JD posted TNT had had a meeting weeks ago and wanted to make things funner for the fans, I really did not believe it.

    I take it all back. :)

    ok. off to finish a cheesecake during the singing.back in a bit. Thankfully a tv in the kitchen.

  20. @nrf I agree. I'd heard of Mr. Paunch but was not really aware of him. My friend Grant often creates a page on his website for the "Old School" racers so us "new fans" can learn about the men who helped NASCAR become what it is today.

    I'm not sure how/why it started, but I *think* it might have to do with them being in the pits and if a fire or other danger broke out that extra protection?

    I had heard that song before but didn't know who sang it :)

  21. ok. off to finish a cheesecake during the singing.back in a bit. Thankfully a tv in the kitchen.

    Sophia, please. We don't care if you're eatigng a cheesecake or feeding your cats.

  22. JD, why was my post deleted?

  23. Okay, we're seeing a RaceView animation of the track, instead of yet another Pocono replay.

    TNT obviously does NOT have the car that Fox and ESPN have to do the "drive the track" segment.

  24. I've decided that TNT didn't buy these races to sell the commercial spots for revenue like everyone else does.

    They did it so they could promote their shows. There aren't many paid spots in the breaks--they're mostly promos.

    The "Saving Grace" cutaway car?

    Come on.

  25. Every network allocates their budget differently. I'd rather have RB (the technology isn't free) than the car for the "drive the track."

  26. Ok Why did I come home to a concert bit? Its a pre race show.
    Honestly couldn't they find someone to talk to? How about an interview w/ Yates racers w/o sponsors? How about interviews with guys that don't usually get interviewed? this means we don't want to see the usual suspects.

  27. "Why did I come home to a concert bit? "

    The concert is a gift. just enjoy it. I mean come on! you got 3 and a half hours of pre-race programing today.

  28. The "gift" was not accepted.

  29. You did not read the comment, it was a joke and not serious. I will take care of handling the comments tonight.

    The TNT promos are going to ramp-up for tonight and the next race which is the final event of this package. It was that way last season as well.

    I have never watched any of the TNT shows they promoted.


  30. I can see music videos and concerts elsewhere.

    It's not a 'gift' to show one during pre-race coverage.

  31. JD I disagree. I know people who actually watched these promoted shows because they saw them in an ad during a race.

  32. Tony doing a promo, I wonder what he was doing there.

  33. Nothing to disagree with, just saying I have not seen them.

    They certainly look interesting.

  34. That was nice of Tony to bring the boyz an ice cold Coke Zero :).

  35. I like the Closer, on the Fence with Saving Grace. I actually liked the "concert " too but then I was just listening cause the pizza got here.

  36. Does RaceBuddy have a TNT program feed now? is this permemnant?

  37. I wish for the pre-race they would just focus a camera on the stage and let us watch / hear the real pre-race that is at the track and not any canned pieces, inane banter or boring interviews.


    PS. HotPass - tonight! Woot WOOT!

  38. Is this the last TNT race ? I thought they had Chicago also. Will that be wide open or just tonight?

  39. JD,

    Was Larry Mac joking when he told Tony S. that the TNT crew wasn't part of the media?

    I didn't quite know how to take that.

  40. What a cozy table they have Weber and Wally at. Couldn't they get a table by the kitchen?


  41. This is NOT TNT's last race. They have Chicago too. Wide-open coverage is only for tonight.

  42. Ok - why do they have weber scrunched up on 1/2 the screen so we can have the other 1/2 taken up by a animated gear and allstate logo?


  43. Anonymous said...
    This is NOT TNT's last race. They have Chicago too. Wide-open coverage is only for tonight.

    July 5, 2008 7:34 PM

    Thanks atleast my memory isn't completely gone.

  44. fyi: race buddy is loading quickly aand easily right now, if you're interested.

  45. It was nice to see Tony happy and in a good mood.

    Curious guest..but he shared his cokes which was nice.

    Everybody in fine spirits.

  46. the TNT cocktail table is to allow a set for the pre-race show.

  47. Was Larry Mac joking when he told Tony S. that the TNT crew wasn't part of the media?

    I hope he was, but sometimes, people just won't admit it even when they are.

  48. thanks, Red. I got race buddy to load quickly as well. Sometimes I have needed the link some nice blogger has provided.

  49. Should be only one more set of ads before things change over.

  50. What's this? Yet another "Wally's World" recorded at Pocono?

  51. At least we are getting full disclosure about the Wally's World/Pocono but I wonder if they were really going to try and imply they were at each individual track.

  52. Soph123,

    That link is from Alex on a post from 22jun08 in another column. I saved the link also. You can load it sooner than using the launch from Thanks again Alex.

  53. Was it expense that made them do all the Wally's stuff at Pocono this year? I thought last year they did the individual tracks?

    At least they are disclosing if we couldn't tell by watching. :)

  54. Recrding them all at Pocono was pointless. The idea behind the segment is to explain how THIS TRACK effects what the drivers do, not just show the same track over and over.

  55. That "cocktail" table reminds me more of the restaurant tables at Las Vegas airport. Anyway, I can see where TNT can have a shorter pre-race show and less filler stories. Anon at 6:35 they need Ashton Smith - he's the one voice I can listen to all day. Have a safe race, guys!

  56. Lou

    Thanks for the Alex reminder. Good memory you!

    I found it most helpful and was going to be lost of didn't load from the site. I am still impressed they have set up this system to work so well with a lot of viewers. With it being free, I would think many are taking advantage.

    Is it me or does Jr seem distracted and in a somber/tired mood the last couple of days...I hope all is well with him and the family.

  57. I also use the link and get RB early. Actually saw driver being golf carted to pit lane and driver intros

  58. That was interesting, Jamie asking Menard before they tossed to her his best qualifying at Daytona. Heard him say 21st at 500, then she said "Paul menard whos previous best was 21st at the daytona 500"

    Don't they do some studying before theygo to these races or are they just talking heads?


  59. JD,
    I'm guessing you're really excited about "Wide open" tonight.
    I'm the oddball here. Not really a fan of split screen. There is no time for a break, you MUST see the commercials, and for the few minutes you can see what happens, but no audio to understand what happened. After a commercial if they don't replay something that happened then you have to wonder for the rest of the race.
    Oh my, they couldn't get the ride along cars to the different tracks, but they found a BOAT!

  60. Jr has been somber and distracted this week. Praying all is ok.

    At least the anthem doesn't need muted today. Nice job.

  61. very nice job on the anthem!
    a good start -- hgere's to a great race!

  62. RB was great to watch the flyover. Good camera work.

  63. RE JR. It's Daytona perhaps going to this track brings back memories he would rather not have. He didn't seem distracted on RaceDay.

  64. TV eventually has to change, it is a dinosaur among new technology. At least the wide open stuff is a step in the right direction.

    The IRL has it right so far, but things are going to continue to change.

    Here comes the intro...

  65. Great National Anthem. Good choice by Daytona.

  66. nrf,
    I also watched those things on RB. It was kind of a neat look behind the scene stuff.

  67. Once again low audio on both the TNT and HotPass national feed channel. Except for the commercials!

    Driver channels are fine.

  68. The only peeve I had with the TNT pre-race stuff was Mark Fein's constant comparison of NASCAR with stick/ball sport.

    Other than that, not bad. The concert and music video was take it or leave it.

  69. Finally a National Anthem we could actually listen to. Got RB up and running all set for the race!

  70. THIS is gonna be interesting! that intro was good: explained what was going to happen and took advantage of driver personalities.

  71. Wow I really need a Coke right now. I can't believe I didn't gear up for this race, haha.

    I enjoyed the pre-race, and the anthem was pretty good.

  72. The KP in the pace car was cool but it also creepy since the audio and video wasn't linked

  73. too bad tony's not on the pole so he could "play tag" with kyle petty!

  74. Look at all of those empty seats

  75. I hope when doing the wide open commercials, we get to see a few unique ones like we did last year.

    The toyota one was real neat.

  76. yea I noticed Kyle audio was off..decades later and we still get the Godzilla effect.

  77. RB is about 5 seconds ahead of TNT on DirecTV

  78. wow! an entire lap with NO commenatry! what a gift to hear just the sounds of the cars! thanks!!

  79. Looking to go three wide as per Weber but all we have is a car camera shot. This isn't good

  80. Whats up with Wally and Bills audio? Sounds like they are inside a tin can. Wally especially.

  81. Not really interesting to look out the back of the car this early and often

  82. Wow Bevo, lots and lots of empty seats.

  83. JD-

    Do we have a new Director tonight?

  84. vicky-

    I think a lot of folks didn't go on vacation for the 4th this year

  85. sure wish tnt would change that back-graphic on the driver split screen.

  86. The graphic on the bottom isn't bad on my standard tv. How does it look on widescreen?

  87. Did race buddy always have the add below the video steam? I can't remember if it did or not.

  88. kyle said...
    Did race buddy always have the add below the video steam? I can't remember if it did or not.


  89. I like the commercial in the pop up box you can still see alot of the race (at least on my larger but not hugh TV), much better then true split screen

  90. kyle-

    No ad for me - Firefox with Ad Block :)

  91. "Do we have a new Director tonight?"

    No we dont.

  92. bevo: very interesting! i use safari instead of firefox. do you happen to know if safari has ad block as well?
    regardless, the ads on racebuddy don't bother me.

  93. Kyle

    I didn't notice the add on RB just now..I have too much multi tasking with the limited commercials, this place and

    Bevo my old standard tv looks good but I wish the 30 inch screen was a 40. :)

    I hope they did not change directors...the cars are spread out though...glad to hear Jon Wood is back on the track. Nice follow up Bill.

  94. Updated John Wood not much about others lots about Jeff. #1 has picked way from back to 18

  95. I use firefox with adblocker plus...wonder if that helps with RB?


    thanks about the director info.

  96. Hubby was complaining (before it started) but it looks fine and the commercials so far aren't messing up our viewing area. We have a 42 lcd flat sceen tv.

  97. The Director is Mike Wells, the old ESPN Director. TNT said I could use his name with no problems.

    He is very experienced and the truck sounds very calm.


  98. red-

    Sorry, I don't know anything about Safari.

    Anonymous 8:32-

  99. based on what i'm seeing so far: many thanks, mike wells and team! nice overhead and wide shots for this fan.
    oh! nice pitstop coverages!

  100. umm-I have a 25 inch screen w/NO HD & the ads are waaay covering up alot of racing for me! I can't be the only one...:(

  101. Camera angles got better after the first few laps, less bumper car shots.

    Anyone having RB issues, freezing, then rapid fire video. I don't have anything more up then last week and it was fine then

  102. Thanks JD. The camera shots at the start of the race just seemed different.

  103. WOW.....look at all the empty seats.
    Why can't we have a race with no commercials every week?

  104. I really liked the graphic setup for the pit stops. If they would use that overhead camera (the one they used when the cars were exiting) for the entire time, it would be perfect for me.

  105. Awesome pit stop split screens !!

    Triple pits in upper 3rd was great !

    Hi-Def looks sharp.

    Good Job TNT !!

    Stay on your toes !!

  106. Audio on raceview is toast Don't know if its our storms here.
    Great shots selections today. Poor AJ is he back out?
    Truex was doing well then sunk like a stone. Maybe Tonys bad luck has moved on?

    We are getting commercials here locals made it back for Sterling position announcement.

  107. OMG!!! Mike Wells? If he has been doing ALL the TNT races I LOVE YOUR WORK!!!

    Some of the best camera work we have seen in years!!

    Have a good evening...may things not get too maniacal in the booth...or truck..or wherever you and the boys are.


    Thanks, for the info JD.

  108. nrf: yep. racebuddy is staggering for me as well.
    (#84 behind the wall & the #88 lost spots b/c the driver pulled in too close to the wall . . . )

  109. newracefan-

    No problem with RB for me

  110. The split screen is akward on my old tv but with the new HD even though its only 32 in. the wide open is awesome.

  111. dittos to the great triple pit screen at top of tv.

  112. Better have an ISO on # 18 ...

    he'll be something to watch on the restarts.

  113. Thanks Bevo, I'll try reloading it

  114. nrf: are you on safari or firefox?

  115. Beautiful shot of 1/2 the field coming off the turn!!!!!
    Great stuff

  116. Flipped over to Jr's channel, man his spotter is a chatty fella. Gives all of the car numbers around him, who's coming up to push him, who's teaming up with who, cheerleading.

  117. hey bevo! #88's main spotter is tj majors and dale REALLY likes a ton of encouragement all race long. interestingly enough (for some of us): brad keselowski is his secondary spotter tonight!

  118. Red neither would you believe internet explorer. I reloaded RB and working better but noticed my posting was also slow and now better must have been a local Comcast problem

  119. Great angles so far but I guess since JPM is in the race - he's not running the cameras and messing up like last night. I also have live leaderboard up and running it gives a little more info than the scroll.

  120. The coverage so far is lovely. I almost feel as if I were there - which we usually are. Sigh.

    RB is going great guns.

    BTW- Saving Grace is the most unusual show in TV. Love it.

  121. red-

    Interesting. Guess it was both of them talking to him then. Man I'd have a killer headache by the end of the race if I was him

  122. Anyone else think that Punch would be perfect for tonight's broadcast, tossing to each promo?

  123. nrf: makes sense as we're both on comcast!

    man, i LOVE racing under the lights! and many thanks again to the truck team for bringing it to us so smoothly!

  124. This certainly has been a well produced race, and I love the box for commercials. Just the right size.

  125. JD,
    Someone is asking for you on TV monkeys....

  126. Thank you TNT for the fast scroll in the lower left corner. Just position # & the car#. Just the info we need!! Good job guys!

  127. Nice miss on the lead change there. I heard the crowd before Weber said anything.

  128. heck they didn't even have to tell us JR passed him. We got to hear the crowd yell and stand up.
    Great coverage so far today.

    Not positive I like Webber announcing all the sponsors just randomly like that. All he said going to that one was "Coors Light frost brewed beer." Need some sort of preamble to that.

  129. Anyone notice the portion of the race earlier that ran without sponsorship? Is that another harsh demonstration of our economy? Hopefully economic hardships won't bring an end to ventures like this in the future.

  130. I could really get used to this Wide Open coverage. Love it !!

    Now I just need a porta-john next to my sofa . hahaha

  131. jo said...
    Thank you TNT for the fast scroll in the lower left corner. Just position # & the car#. Just the info we need!! Good job guys!

    agreed! now if you would just lose that "going back to green pylon" thing, i'd be even more content!

  132. Nice audible from Bill to the locals - guess Brighthouse here got us back late ( sisinlaw has direct) maybe we get back on time.

  133. Someone is asking for you on TV monkeys

    Our buddy from last year? :)

  134. I'm really happy tonights coverage is reallly good.

  135. So by local break do they mean TNT/TBS break?

  136. Like the 3 boxes on the pit stop and still can see others on pit road. I flipped over to it from Hot Pass they entered pit road.

  137. I agree RED ....

    That Xmas Tree Restart pylon is useless.

    Just give me some kind of GREEN STRIPE across the race track to depict the restart area.

  138. TNT -

    the last 2 weeks I already turned you OFF 30 LAPS into the race.... I'm still with ya tonight... GREAT JOB !!

  139. "So by local break do they mean TNT/TBS break?"

    No. they usually mean its a break inserted by your local Cable co.

  140. Great job by TNT so far, I've only watched HotPass for 15 minutes or so

  141. This race looks so good under the lights. These wide shots make me wish I had the stereo hooked up but that tv out in LR is smaller than back here.

  142. Rick Allen & Phil Parsons are on Jr.'s Hotpass tonight too. We don't normally access that it's pretty good.

  143. That commercial box is just about the right size. It works for me.

  144. phathead, you can only get local ads if your provider is inserting something. On DirecTV's HD feed, for example, they just give us the raw TNT feed that you speak of, which consists of filler TNT/TBS ads.

  145. I see we're getting the same Subway ad from last year.

  146. Weber is awful, an excellent writer, but an awful play by play guy. Wally and Petty are very good, with Wally highly underated as a color guy. Love the wide open coverage.

    Don P

  147. spring rubber - thanks for clarifying that for me. Much better coverage than last year so far

  148. This wide open does spoil a person. :)

  149. One of the things I like best about Race Buddy is that it holds a hot until the entire field goes by. My driver, a GOGHer, dropped to the back on purpose until some adjustment could be made under caution ... but I can actually see him on RB. Yay!

  150. that should be: holds a SHOT until the field goes by

  151. crockett: i agree. racebuddy does give us the entire field all race long!
    at this rate, i might be convinced to pay for racebuddy IF the cost is reasonable AND the quality stays this high!

  152. I sure do like a single lower third ticker than an uppper third or a double whammy like ESPN2.

  153. Could be a good story with TRUEX in the # 1 tonight.

    He's desperate for points with the upcoming points penalties coming this week.

    He's on the move.

  154. vicky-

    Rick Allen is doing a great job. He would sound even better in the ESPN booth ;)

  155. I'm not having problems with the ad size either..and I'm on a 20" TV.

    Yes I noticed the Subway ad was the same from last year...

  156. Daly Planet Editor said...
    I sure do like a single lower third ticker than an uppper third or a double whammy like ESPN2.

    July 5, 2008 9:15 PM

    Can you believe how much better this is than last night?
    I love just 1 section its easier to see.

  157. Interesting Jimmy and Chad chatter!!

  158. We could have used RB for the NW race to find out where all our favorite NW drivers were running.

  159. agree with the ticker placement JD. Regardless of what everyone thinks of TNT, the wide open race coverage is a snippet of what nascar coverage could be, at it's best!

    Don P

  160. The thing that grabs me is that I have never even thought about leaving during a commercial break. It just never occurs to me with the race still on the screen.

  161. wow! what a shot of the field!

  162. This commercial thing is not working. 25 percent of what Weber says is commercial time.
    It is taking away from the flow of the broadcast

  163. You should be thankfull you aren't watching this in Canada, they've totally butchered the race on TSN. Commercials all the time, 3 breaks in 5 minutes and also after the 3rd caution, only a lap and a 1/4 before they take go to another commercial, where we missed 4 laps and a lead change. Safe to say hate mail will be coming.

  164. lucas,

    They have to try and insert commercials. Wow, that must make for a nice looking race.


  165. JD

    This is so much better than ESPN's multiple crawls with differing speeds at the top and the bottom. (and I won't comment on the camera work) I feel like their races need to come with a "may cause motion sickness" disclaimer. :)

    Tonight is terrific. And so much better than the side by side with IRL but that is a start at the picture of the race is much better ratio.

    I am not sure ESPN could pull this off with all their differing tickers in the way.

    KUDOS to the guys at TNT!!

  166. Weber's lead in / liner into the commercials could be a bit tighter.... but its early....i have a feeling they'll get a better rhythm.

  167. First 'local' commercial, 2nd local commercial, TNT. 3rd local, Comcast. 4th and final, a real local commercial.

    Um.......what's wrong there? Last 90 second slot had the MICHIGAN RACE advertised and I'm in WV!

  168. Get ready for a bonanza of in race commercials..... there 10 minuets behind on the in race stuff....

  169. JD,

    I understand that, but basically it's during the middle of the green flag racing and without warning.

    Last year they did it quite well, but this year, I'm not really sure what they're thinking.

  170. Canadian Viewer

    You have my sympathies for being so gypped out of a great presentation. :( Ouch.

    Can you believe they screwed up a great Elvis song for this commercial?

    Oh, the Biffle looks like a hard hit...JPM there but looks like a racing deal...hated to see that.

  171. Even that was better than being in a full screen commercial as it happened.

  172. charlie said...
    This commercial thing is not working. 25 percent of what Weber says is commercial time.
    It is taking away from the flow of the broadcast

    interesting comment. i guess for me it works b/c i'm focusing on the visual, not the audio. so whatever is/isn't being said isn't getting in my way right now.

    i'll trade hearing weber do the ads for almost uninterrupted coverage of the race.

  173. holy crap! tony's coming out of the car!

  174. Should be interesting to see how TNT follows up on Tony.

  175. What's wrong with Tony? I missed it entirely.

  176. WOW! Tony is sick and getting out of the car. SUPER BUMMER.

    he seemed to good on Pre race show..poor guy put on a good face. He must feel like total hello to be leaving the car.

  177. Charlie, if Petra Nemcova showed up at the beach and sat next to you, would you complain about the color of her bikini?

  178. Wow, the 20 switching drivers. good commentary on that

  179. here's where race buddy in-car should be great!

  180. Never seen a driver change on RaceBuddy before.

  181. Tony had 2 IV bags before the prerace show.
    He really must be sick as a dog to get out of his ride

  182. That driver change looked awesome on RaceBuddy, those are rare

  183. Tony's show Monday night will be interesting

  184. Have they talked about the damage on the right side of the 20 ???

    How did it happen?

  185. 20 scrubbed the wall in the first few laps

  186. I meant "So" not too on my earlier Tony post. Poor guy..I knew about the IV's but if he was dehydrated to start with...poor guy.

  187. Awesome driver change! Got to love RB - wish we had it all year. I'd pay if it was the same as Raceview or less.

  188. sean said...
    That driver change looked awesome on RaceBuddy, those are rare

    ya' know, since we've had racebuddy, i've thought it's earned it's keep at least once each race. that driver change is the moment tonight!

  189. If I was the ESPN guys watching this I would be thinking....oh boy, how do we follow that?

  190. Notice the distinct lack of bumper cams tonight. How outstanding is that copaired to the front hood fest that fox put on a dega this year.

  191. Half way home and they havent even mentioned TRUEX.

    He will be a story tonight.

    He wants it bad.

  192. Jeez what a beating "wide open" coverage is. I think they are actually getting more commercials/promos on the air this way.

    Thank goodness TNT can only screw things up for one more week.

  193. JD said..

    The thing that grabs me is that I have never even thought about leaving during a commercial break. It just never occurs to me with the race still on the screen.

    This is the first time I am watching the wide open coverage. Reminds me of watching the raw back haul feeds with audio. Wish I was at work watching the back haul, Too many promos on TNT.

    Mike P.

  194. Kyle,

    What a good point. That was a mess last time. Even thinking about the N'wide race last night, isn't it nice to see a bunch of cars in the shot?

  195. I would like to see them start breaking away from those lil commercials when something big happens. Between Biffle's wreck and what just happened to Shrub, you'd think they'd be able to pull out of it
