Sunday, September 7, 2008

Here We Go: Sprint Cup Series In Richmond On ESPN

What a weekend! After all the shuffling, the sport has emerged with a doubleheader on one day and lots of TV shows making big changes.

UPDATE: ESPN2 is on-the-air now with an unannounced version of NASCAR Countdown before the Cup race on ESPN. This last-minute addition might be a result of ESPN realizing that SPEED and RaceDay are enjoying a two-hour live program that is serving to preview the ESPN race.

Race coverage will start on ESPN at 1PM. The green flag will be shortly after that because of the doubleheader schedule. It will be Dr. Jerry Punch, Dale Jarrett and Andy Petree in the announce booth for ESPN.

Handling the duties from the Infield Pit Studio will be host Allen Bestwick and analysts Rusty Wallace and Brad Daugherty. ESPN will have four pit road reporters in Jamie Little, Shannon Spake, Dave Burns and Mike Massaro. Tim Brewer will be on-site in the Tech Center.

After all the changes from ABC to ESPN and the weather issues, it should be interesting to see how the TV crew reacts. The entire TV crew has been on-scene for days. Setting-up with bad weather, coming back to the track in the storm to keep things in one piece and now putting in an incredibly long day today should be a challenge that will either bond the team or make for short tempers quickly.

Once things get back on track, we will all be watching ESPN try to walk the fine line of The Chase vs. the race. This choice will be constant in both the race commentary and the pit road interviews. By the time the race is over, the pit road reporters might play a big role in determining what kind of information gets to the fans.

Short laps and green flag racing makes it tough to sneak-in Tim Brewer and his updates unless two video boxes are used on the screen. It also makes it tough to put the infield crew on-camera unless the field is under caution. These should be two elements to keep an eye on as the race progresses.

The final lap should also be interesting. One group of cars will be trying to win the race and another group will be trying to make The Chase. How this final lap is covered will be interesting. This season ESPN has been doing an outstanding job of showing the field race to the line and this track has a great camera angle that can provide fans a good view of the action.

This post will serve to host your comments about the ESPN coverage of the Sprint Cup Series from Richmond. To add your TV-related comment, just click on the COMMENTS button below and follow the easy instructions. The rules for posting are located on the right side of the main page. Thanks for taking the time to stop by The Daly Planet.


  1. Haven't seen an update but this was the lineup for HotPass as of yesterday.


    Jeff Hammond
    Tony Rizzuti


    Randy Pemberton
    Hermie Sadler


    Larry McReynolds
    Matt Yocum


    Pat Patterson
    Wendy Venturini

  2. Before all this gets Rocking and Rolling I want to thank JD for putting together the revised schedule for this weekends shows.
    He took extra time to do this for us and I thank him.

  3. As I posted previously, Look forward to all the comments as I drift in and out while watching on direct TV and NFL stuff.

    This is one site where you can get a feel of the race without watching it. (yes, I have done that) thanks all.

  4. Thanks charlie,

    I appreciate SPEED helping me out but not a peep from the ESPN guys.


  5. A few things I noticed...

    I'm watching NFL Countdown on ESPN and at the bottom of the screen they are showing bowling coming up next, so this correlates with the online schedule that hadn't been updated for Nascar.

    Also just flipped to ESPN Classic and the Indy race is on. Wasn't this supposed to be on ESPN2, and that's why they couldn't have Nascar Countdown? This is the first time I've heard Bob Jenkins call a race since 2000, so I think I'll watch this until cup takes the green.

  6. Alex,

    ESPN is a mess. They have not updated a lot of the schedules for NASCAR and I also was the Indy Lights Race on Classic.

    If a thirty minute version of NASCAR Countdown pops-up on ESPN2, I think I might send them a consulting fee.


  7. Yep! NASCAR Countdown on the air on ESPN2 right now.

  8. That's a nice surprise, too bad they couldn't have advertised it more. I wonder if it will show that the ratings for the half hour were down compared to raceday?

  9. JD, Guess you have to send them a consulting fee, lol

  10. wow, this is going to be an interesting day.

  11. I hope everyone went to and launched the free Sprint Raceview.

  12. goodbye nfl countdown. hello nascar countdown

  13. Wow. IRL fans / management should be livid. I cant believe ESPN did this at the last minute. What a decesion by them.

  14. RE: Raceview...been trying to load it for over an hour...still staring at the same screen...Please stand by...Trackpass Raceview is now loading..............

  15. If I was not multi tasking I would have missed the NASCAR countdown.

    Would have been nice for advace notice. Good to see it though.

  16. Allisong,

    Just reboot your computer. If you have broadband, RaceView should only have taken a couple of minutes to load.

    The Turner server can support millions of users and the RaceView program is pretty small.

    Try it again and stay patient.


  17. Is there just one camera window on RaceView?

  18. Allisong,

    JD is right, just loaded raceview, took just a minute or two. Wish you well, and it loads ok.

  19. This is interesting. Two invocations on two TV networks.

  20. Why is the upcoming races box bigger than the picture of the track box? Does this change when the race starts?

  21. What two networks are you speaking of?

  22. Both SPEED and ESPN2 are on the air from Richmond with pre-race shows covering the invocation and National Anthem.

  23. Do you know... are they going to do a web cast feed through I really can't believe they wouldn't but this is ESPN.

  24. Sprint RaceView is free today at if that is what you are talking about. Just go over there and load it.


  25. I was thinking of the Crunch time feed where the actual ESPN program is being fed through the website.

  26. Nope, ESPN does not own the online rights to any NASCAR content.

  27. Hear trhat command - "Thank you Nascar for televising the National Anthem"

    If not for that late-added ESPN2 ahow, we would've missed it, curious.

  28. What did you guys think of that Tony Stewart/Joey Logano spot?

  29. Lovely. 2 minutes of coverage and we go to commercial. That's gotta be a record.

  30. Well someone from this blog deserves partial royalties for the Smoke and Joey commercial, it was suggested here to have Zippy to show him how to do stuff so that was close, Cool commercial

  31. All righty now ready for the hotmess known as espn race coverage, got track pass, MRN or whatever radio it is,got FoxTrax fired up, got this blog & they can now drop the green

    If I can do this why can't espn give us good race coverage? Oh I forgot I'm not a trained professional!!!

  32. hey! didn't we suggest that sort of commercial a few weeks ago? when jgr announced logano taking the #20 next year? hmmmm.

    i really enjoyed it immensely! it related itself back to the actual sport and what's going on and it was funny as well. logano still is a great unknown but tony comes thru -- as usual.

    just got home in time to see it and i'll catch up with the comments then join y'all.

  33. I loved that Stewart/Logano commercial. Do you think we can get royalties? LOL

  34. red,

    We almost wrote in our comments that commercial word-for-word. That was hilarious.


  35. All I get for audio on Raceview is a high pitched hum. I was on the 99 then tried 88 to see if it was just Carl but its the same with Jr.
    It was working ok during the caution laps


  36. Lost the sound on RV and PC it's high pitched hum anyone else with a problem? OOPS fixed now boy was that annoying. Kind of like RV may have to upgrade from PC. Like the idea that I can watch different cars and still listen to my driver

  37. yes, I had the hum also , but it went away.

  38. Tony/Joey commercial was great! I liked Joey got the steering wheel in the end. He had to earn it, if only in real life...

  39. I can see racing on RV and we're watching single cars and then all spread out guys in the front. Bummer

  40. Maybe Brett Farve will blow-out my Dolphins and get some fans from NYC and FL back to the race.

    This could be a big ratings hit for NASCAR and ESPN today. I hope there is some good racing and not just a parade once the comp. caution is over.


  41. JD,

    Could you check your email please?

  42. Nice to see the lead change --- live!

  43. I guess my computer is a POS. Can't get RV at all. So here I am.

  44. dot,

    It requires broadband access to work. If you can watch YouTube videos, you should have no probs with RView.


  45. Dot try Pit command or what ever that other one is called they are not at tech heavy and at least you can hear your drivers scanner

  46. Thanks JD & NRF. I can watch you tube. I am a computer dummy though.

  47. So, here we go with the real racing and the strategy. Let's see if the COT can put on a show.

  48. I'm giving up on raceview. Apparently, with a Mac, you need to use Safari as a browser and I have Firefox. Found that out after trying several plug-in downloads. Not willing to change my browser, though.

  49. lou,

    Easy on the NFL stuff please. Once that starts it never ends. This is going to be a crucial time for ESPN to pump-up the excitement and get into the racing.

  50. Wait until you see the Nationwide race. Only 44 showed up, one withdrew volunarily ($) and no one is sure how many of the remaining 43 are going to start and park.

  51. Anyone else not getting audio for the #20 on raceview??

  52. so, since i've never used it before, i have a question on race view. i have the #88 team on audio and there's very little talking. knowing my driver, is there any sort of . . . filter . . . on his language? either that, or tj and tony jr just don't have much to say to him right now..

  53. nevermind - #20 audio just started...

  54. Red never heard them filter Pit command (not that many F bombs but they do happen) so I wouldn't think they would filter RV but perhas they do since the video is ahead of the audio and I would have thought it would be the other way around

  55. Is it me or are the pit reporters kind of out to lunch in this race so far?

  56. red,
    It seems the audio is the same, just delayed as I hear it on Hotpass

  57. thanks, nrf. i'm going to switch driver audio to the #20 car for a bit, see if it's better and re-load if not.

  58. Well, found Raceday ok, suddenly realized it was the anthem so went looking for the race and found everything else but. Didn't get to see the surprise countdown show oh well.

    I really like raceview. The scanner part is not working too well so went and put regular scanner on from pit command and that's working good.

    Missed the Joey/Tony commercial hope they replay it.

    Thanks JD for such hard work this weekend. Should be a fun day.

  59. Anon - #20 Tony doesn't do a lot of talking usually.

    #88 JR talks swears and under red flag will "bird" watch;)

    #18 car talks alot some days also

    If I wonder if audio is working I check one of the last 2
    Also if all you want is radio & driver audio go with PitCommand doesn't slow my puter as much with all the other stuff I have running to "watch" a race

  60. Just a note red, 12 second delay from hotpass to RV on my audio. hope that helps you.

  61. Hey, Computer Dummy here, I have Gordo (roommate's driver) on the radio. During the last comm'l there was no sound at all. Do they shut it off for comm'ls?

  62. I can't believe it. No ESPN ticker at the bottom of the screen. I must be dreaming!

  63. 48 talks a lot esp on short tracks, lap times car working etc so if your not sure about audio leave on there for a few minutes.

  64. Dot sometimes they go dead air I have no idea why.

  65. Dot said...
    Hey, Computer Dummy here, I have Gordo (roommate's driver) on the radio. During the last comm'l there was no sound at all. Do they shut it off for comm'ls?


  66. It's just not good to have a network that doesn't care what's going on during the race that it will just go to a scheduled commercial when three cars are battling for the lead. We luckily got to see Jr inch past Hamlin for the lead, but they were bumping and warned already and who knows what can happen as soon as ESPN went to commercial.

    Secondly, how sad that Nascar "warned" the drivers to basically not race aggressively for the lead.

  67. There's no filter on the 88... I've been hearing the colorful language since before the first pit stop.

  68. OOPS must have had comp issues LOL
    Dot I'm now your Assistant comp dummy

  69. OMG from 11th for thru they field, someone watch the Truck race

  70. ESPN just STARTED the field recap at eleventh! Hmmm....remember that one?

  71. Just realized there is no ticker at the bottom of the screen.

    *faint dead-away*

  72. guess the pit reporters were doing their jobs huh JD?

  73. hilarious is that? ESPN taking cues from SPEED's truck coverage from Gateway.

  74. Daly Planet Editor said...

    Is it me or are the pit reporters kind of out to lunch in this race so far?

    September 7, 2008 1:39 PM
    More so than usual, at times. Maybe out of sync due to race changing days?

  75. trl,

    wait for the Nationwide race on ESPN2 later today...

  76. I dont know if anyone else is experiencing the "video stutter" from several of todays camera's.

    One the the cameras on the roof of the press box is VERY BAD and its happening every time they put that camera on.

    I'm growing very tired of this problem that has been part of many telecasts this year. It makes viewing very annoying.

    Is anyone else noticing this video problem ??

  77. ken,

    Not at all. Check your TV connection.

  78. I'm running behind yall but nice to start the rundown from 11th

  79. bevo,

    We mentioned in the comments from the Truck race how nice it was that SPEED started the full field rundown from 11th place because they had already been talking about the top ten.

    Told you this was going to be a fun weekend.

  80. ken,

    If you're DirecTV mine started doing that a few weeks ago. Had to replace the receiver.

  81. You know what, I miss race buddy so bad I might just buy race view for the chase.

    Dr. Flashcube is doing ok so far. figured hed start dropping the ball less then an hour in..

    BTW this is Kyle, but noticed that there was another person using Kyle around here so changed my display name.

  82. Heard radio during last comm'l.

    @Jo, I love you.

  83. JD,

    That was nice, they just need to make it faster. Is there a change in the staff this weekend?

  84. I missed the first bit of the race what happened to Dinger in the 84?? it shows him 50+ laps down

  85. 84 back on track caught a glimpse on RV wonder if JP noticed

  86. Yes I am on DirecTV, but I find it hard to imagine its a problem on my end..... but who knows.

    Thanks !!

  87. Ken/Bevo: I have Directv HD DVR and cure most problems like yours by doing a system reset. Takes about 10 mins and fixes things like slow clock, audio delays and stuttering picture.

  88. Heard on HotPass earlier that Gibbs was worried when Dinger went to the garage. Some kind of engine problem was the thinking at the time

  89. Wow lots of cautions are being thrown today.

  90. ken / bobinnev -

    I did that before too. Been with DirecTV for 11 years, first receiver was perfect for 8 years but I couldn't get the enhanced content so I bought a new one which lasted two and a half years. So far no problems with this one but it's only been 10 days :)

  91. Jo, Nascar really wants to test the tracks ability to empty out and then let in NW ticket holders by getting the races as close together as possible

  92. I remember when someone in the booth would yell and immediatly the camera would cut to whatever the yelling was over. ESPN never does this. Is that a funciton of the director, or is it more of a philosophical decision not to deviate to 'breaking' action?

  93. And now things get interesting.....

  94. What a wreck fest today. Poor Ragan. I want him in rather that Bowyer.

  95. Newracefan said...

    Jo, Nascar really wants to test the tracks ability to empty out and then let in NW ticket holders by getting the races as close together as possible

    September 7, 2008 2:06 PM
    I had the wrong theory - I thought Kyle or a HMS car needed the cautions.
    Thanks for explanation

  96. The Cat In the Hat not having the kind of day he was hoping for. I'm sure the 07 team is breathing a sigh of relief at that caution with Kenseth and Ragan.

  97. ri88 I actually think it's because they do NOT watch the track unlike the Fox guys (I believe at least 1 of the guys in that booth watches the track at all times, it's usually DW IMO) so they don't see it developing to get that excitement going. Even the TNT guys say something, usually don't direct the camers by identifying where but they definately say it developing

  98. Talking to Jack right after a restart what are you you nuts, wait till they spread out or don't show any video. Stupid

  99. Interesting that they added a 30 minute Countdown literally at the last minute...wonder if they had more than a handful of viewers.

    Yes I thought that J.Lo/Smoke commercial was cute!

    @JD--that's going to be interesting to see how many teams stayed. I still want a track camera focused on them "in an orderly" fashion getting people in and out and seated in time for all the festivities later today :)

    I miss the Rock 'n Roll part of this race :(. My other computer is acting up so I'm using one that has the older Eyetide stuff on it so every so often some of the pics of the cars with their various Rock Band or Looney Tunes schemes comes up. If they're not going to do that anymore they need to change the name of the race :(

  100. Stewart spotter saying Kenseth has some smoking, Hammond thinks it's tire rubbing

  101. Take the box off the screen

  102. Well its espn "coverage" show a minute of the lead car alone, a shot to the front of him of empty asphalt, then a bumper of him to go to comm'l. YIKES

  103. So, there are over fifty laps to go until halfway. Punch is challenged to find and develop the stories on the track right now.

    Then, after a break for dinner, the same crew will return for a full Nationwide Series race.

    The key to this event is going to be the commentary and coverage of the final one hundred laps.

  104. First race with RV, and I love it.. I have 2 browsers open side by side, so it can cover multiple areas of the track.. pretty cool.

  105. Jamie Little asks Jack Rousch a stupid question "Do you think David Ragan will be able to rebound and make his way in?" Where do I apply for a pit reporter job?

  106. NorCalFan said...

    Jamie Little asks Jack Rousch a stupid question "Do you think David Ragan will be able to rebound and make his way in?" Where do I apply for a pit reporter job?

    September 7, 2008 2:20 PM
    espn will not hire you! The fact you knew that was stupid means you are over qualified to be a pit reporter. Please apply for Director or Producer.

  107. Why oh why do they show TB in the BIG box?

  108. It is amazing how the hot pass guys who are really covering one car actually give a better picture of the entire action than the ESPN guys who don't have one guy to specifically focus on.

    Hammond mentioned Dinger to the garage almost as it was was also stated he mentioned the smoking in Kenseth's car...this is not just unique to him.

  109. Pass for the lead as they go to commercial saw it coming then off to mcdonalds doesn't someone have an emergency abort button or something?

  110. Nice to have Bestwick keeping tabs on all of the Chase scenarios.

    He really knows how to fully explain what might / could happen with some of these drivers on or near the bubble.

    Its a great idea to come back from EVERY commercial break with Bestwick and then throw it to the booth.

    Good Job.

  111. Jo, glad to read that you are still on your game today. You're killing me.

  112. Dot said...

    What a wreck fest today. Poor Ragan. I want him in rather that Bowyer.

    Me, too. I really like him. Bowyer, not so much.

  113. haus-

    It really is much better coverage especially when the four drivers are spread out in the field. They cover much more than just their own driver

  114. Jo I coulnd't have said it better. My exact words to my wife as soon as Jamie asked that question was, "What a stupid question."

  115. So did we actually miss the restart because we were seeing a replay?

  116. Bevo - I think you are in agreement with me...

  117. Looking at stands, there shouldn't be much of a problem emptying them later.

  118. well, i've re-launched raceview about 12 times and i finally have consistent driver audio. wonder what happened?

    the lack of synch between the audio and visual and the computer-generated cars are not thrilling me. maybe i'll get used to it.

    driver audio -- when i have it -- is great and if racebuddy were to be improved by doing one, single change, i'd suggest adding the ability to get driver audio.

  119. I guess I should have said Norcal in stead of Jo, but I think everyone got it.

  120. newracefan said...
    "So did we actually miss the restart because we were seeing a replay?"

    (shaking my head in disbelief): that would be a "yes", nrf.

  121. Yep, that's the second time ESPN has missed a restart because they were showing previous incidents.

    And where is the "multiple-car" pit stop coverage today?

  122. Right on Red. That was the one thing I didn't like about RB. Bingo #s, to quote our dear friend Sophia.

  123. Ever get the feeling that there might be too many chiefs in an ESPN production? Just doesn't seem to flow.

  124. so if they wreck will shannon shut up?

  125. Yes, Ken, Allen had to correct Dr. Punch when he said that Kasey Kahne could make the Chase now that Regan and Kenseth had trouble. Kasey would have to finish like 2nd and lead a lap for that to happen, I think it was...again Dr. Punch just trying to make excitement where there is none.

  126. Anonymous 6 said...

    so if they wreck will shannon shut up?

    September 7, 2008 2:38 PM

  127. ESPN just won't let the Kenseth Ragan wreck go! Wasting live green flag coverage to show for the 63rd time a wreck that was many laps ago.

  128. "wrinkled up like an old pork rind"

    Oh, geez, please tell me Brad didn't say that. ROTFL

  129. Did we ever find out about the oil that the 6 and 17 were talking about?

  130. Too much chit-chat during the rundown. Give info not anecdotes.

  131. So, they broke out of a commercial for Sam Hornish and Turex? Hmmm...

  132. TRL, better that, than being "milked".

  133. ok, raceview off for me. i appreciate the free race, though. back to fox trax and TDP with an occasional glance a coupla of other sites. and, oh yeah: the tv.

    hey! we pulled out of a commercial for a caution! what's THAT all about?!?

    and there's DJC! WOO HOO! you go, djc, you go!

  134. Still looks like they made the Tony and Joey commercial pretty quickly.

  135. I finally saw the Home Depot comm'l. Cute. Plagerism anyone?

  136. I tried RACEVIEW.... didnt do anything for me, except I do like hearing the scanner audio.


  137. Red,
    Glad I'm not the only one.

  138. Love DJC's pike lugs, the pork rinds comment made me go get some pretzels (salt craving) so I missed the break in for the yellow. Oh well what can you do

  139. daly planet editor said...
    "Still looks like they made the Tony and Joey commercial pretty quickly.'

    in what way, jd? are you seeing something in the production values that indicates it was thrown together too fast or are you commenting on how quickly they were able to get it produced and on-air?

  140. Is it just me, but this race doesn't have the same intensity level it would had it been run at night.

    Just doesn't "feel" right.

  141. karma, young mr busch. karma.

  142. There go Kylie & Jr. and Jr. Nation is awake

  143. YEA YEA YEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!18 AROUND.

  144. I appreciate that they made RadeView free today but I don't really care for it. RaceBuddy is a much better product in my opinion.

  145. Jr paid back Kyle & the fans go wild. Then they go to the spring race video. Now they show video saying Jr locked his brakes

  146. look as if the #18 came down on the #88 there but, somehow, i don't know that the #18 team will see it that way --- or their driver. sure hope nascar is on the radio to both drivers and both crew chiefs.

  147. TRL feel better now, if that was pay back it was perfect because it "looked" like a racing deal perfect, Anyone have 88 scanner up???

  148. "and Kyle Busch goes around..."

    That was all Punch said. I bet Bestwick is having a cow in the Infield Studio.

  149. Can we hear the scanner audio from 88 or 18 ??

    come on - we gotta hear it

  150. Wake up Jerry Punch! Biggest story of the race! Hellooooo....

  151. J. D.,

    Who wants to bet that Kyle Busch will whine about Junior?

    Left Coast Kenny
    Alameda, California

  152. JD I think AB has to drink heavily on the way home to calm down after these races, good thing they wear make up on NN round table

  153. Weed ran out of talent, Jr is innocent.

  154. punch's call on that was pitiful and boring. then the decision to go from the wreck that just happened to a highlight video from the first race this year instead of the race we are actually watching was poor decision making as well.

  155. Punch is so bland so mild "Kyle goes around" - he might as well have said
    the bus is here or the sky is blue.
    Doc pretend its a cut to comm'l.!!
    Rev it up some!

  156. apparenly, the #18 crew chief told his driver "he got ya." i think he would have served his driver better to remind him that he is, in fact, on probation for deliberately spinning another car on the track.

  157. Where is the Junior follow-up? Where is the scanner sound? Where are the crew chief interviews?

    Its like it did not even happen!

  158. hmm. did punch and co. say busch didn't lose a lap? because it looks like he is definitely a lap down everywhere else i look.

  159. What's with ESad's car set up?

    Agree w/you JD. That radio comm would be priceless.

  160. Wow...this certainly has taken a turn for the worse. Its like they are blocking it out.

  161. And Petree just said Dave Burns was an idiot. Its about time. There should be some interesting conversations going-on during this commercial break.

  162. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    hmm. did punch and co. say busch didn't lose a lap? because it looks like he is definitely a lap down everywhere else i look.

    September 7, 2008 2:59 PM

    NASCAR & Fox think Kyles a lap down
    C'mon espn get up to speed!

  163. lack of coverage of the wreck after the fact, then they say that kyle busch still has a good chance to win the race, even as he's in 37th place and the last car a lap down.

  164. Jr staying out w/a vibration?

    What were they beating KyB's trunk lid with? A stick with a piece a paper on it?

  165. JD 88 is NOT the story it's the 07, 6, and 9 unfortunately that ship has sailed (pun intended) so they are rudderless and sinking fast

  166. well, that wasn't exactly the audio i was expecting just then between earnhardt jr and eury jr.

    ya' know, this HAD to be one of the treasured storylines and, now that it's happened, they're sorta, kinda, just letting . . . it kinda sorta . . . fade away . . . . . .

  167. what did Burns say that caused Petree to throw him under the bus? Have the sound on mute and MRN on.

  168. One of the biggest stories of the day is that NO Dodge will be in the Chase. That is a story that effects all three series with Dodge not sponsering any truck teams next year.

  169. Hi everybody...watched the end of the F1 race on tape (WOW!! Those SPEED guys get so excited but it was a fun ending!!)

    Did I wait too long to get the FREE Raceview?

    Everytime I try to launch it, it tells me to SIGN UP..and I am not giving information or cc.

    I just wanted to see the free version. :( I tried from

    Is there a secret.

    Hope you stay ok down in FL JD with all the storms. Thanks for all the work on the blog, too. xoxo

  170. JD missed the idiot comment? explain if you can. The paper was the backing for the bearbond (sp?)I guess he didn't want it to cause someone to trip or something

  171. I have hot pass up so i see the ESPN broadcast, but I don't hear it (thankfully). However, has anyone stated where Kenseth needs to finish in relation to Ragan? He had to finish 25th regardless of others, but since he is 38th how does that change?

  172. espn showed the pass for the lead a miracle!

  173. 3 car battle for the lead and SILENCE from Punch and company ???

    If Punch cant get excited about this, it's time to go back to the emergency room he came from.

    CALL THE RACE !!!!

  174. The 88 scanner was silent--either it was blocked or crew chief and Jr. were biting their tongues knowing NASCAR is listening in. Still, where are the crew chief interviews???

  175. Soph try this link have no clue of it will work

  176. He was calling a live pit stop and they were just knocking down a bow in the trunk.

    He said Busch has serious damage and his day was done.

    Petree said not so fast....

  177. Sure is interesting that the triple splits under caution are gone on the pit stops.

    Maybe the sponsor is gone?

  178. Dot said...

    Who's KyB going to blame now?

    September 7, 2008 3:08 PM
    Well he won't admit it was driver error. Since its kind of close to Halloween - maybe the Great Pumpkin?
    Nobody ever sees that either!

  179. I beleive the curvature of Pit Road does not allow Triple Pit Stops at Richmond.

  180. Three cars fighting for the lead and all running different lines...and they are STEWART, EARNHARDT JR, and JOHNSON!!!!....and barely any words from the booth???


  181. Its not following the script so they don't talk about it

  182. "Man, we got a lot of racing going on here." - Dale Jarrett

    ".............." - Jerry Punch.

  183. Daly Planet Editor said...
    "Man, we got a lot of racing going on here." - Dale Jarrett

    ".............." - Jerry Punch.

    and the camera is giving us single file until AFTER that comment. Way to go DJ

  184. daly planet editor said...
    "Man, we got a lot of racing going on here." - Dale Jarrett

    ".............." - Jerry Punch.

    jd, i believe that's called "tossing him an easy one" in technical terms. guess punch didn't feel any need to hit it out of the park.
    (and now dj and petree have said it yet again and punch goes to "and there's the aerial coverage . . ." i despair. maybe someone should take their monitors away and replace them with binoculars so they can WATCH THE TRACK instead of tv!)

  185. Tell ya what, between Bestwick calling Punch out during the race last week and DJ saying there is lots of racing going on (can we show it?) today, maybe things are getting a little tense.

  186. although I don't think it will happen (too many laps left and the usual suspects are coming fast) but wouldn't it be nice to see Reut win
