Thursday, October 30, 2008

Thursday TV/Media Notes:
Click on the title to read the full article.
More on Kyle Petty To Grand-Am (Florida Today)
SPEED Cantina set to open at PIR. (
Some new thoughts on NASCAR TV commercials. (

To add your comments on these topics, just click on the COMMENTS button below and follow the easy instructions. The rules for posting are located on the right side of the main page. New stories will be added during the day.


  1. This probably is not the correct placement; but, I'll try anyway. :)

    I want to join the others who have thanked you, JD, for posting the weekend TV schedule on the front page of this site.

    I create a customized weekend NASCAR TV listing for my household and post it on the frig.

    Now, I can get all the information that I need here and don't have to visit two or three sites.


  2. Thanks Lis, it was a suggestion from a reader and we will keep it going for the rest of the season.

  3. If Kyle Petty can get a competitive, full-time ride in the sports car series, and he's happy, then I'm all for it and wish him well.

    I've criticized many Nascar changes over the last 10 years or so, but the TV caution lap idea is something I could really get behind. I hate the missed restarts and green flag commercials, especially toward the end of races. 20 extra minutes of race time is worth it to see all green flag racing. For the record, I don't think the races are too long, and the only exception would be if we had another 1970s fuel crises and had to cut 10% off the end of the races.

  4. Aren't we already seeing commls during the race on the cars going around the track? (When we see them, ESPN). What we need are fewer comml breaks.

    With the advent of the DVR, any personal breaks can be handled with the pause button. Once you're in FF mode, the commls just whiz by anyway.

  5. I don't like the idea of extended cautions for commercials, TV should not impact the outcome of a race and extra caution laps impact fuel mileage which can change pit strategy, sooo....
