Monday, November 17, 2008

Monday TV/Media Links:
Click on the title to read the entire story.
Ho-Hum Evolution of The Chase (Sports Business Journal)
Is Cable TV the New Home of Champions? (Sports Business Journal)
A Tour of the Tech Center (Arizona Star)
Kyle Busch and NASCAR At Odds Over F-1 Test (UK - Home of Sport)
SPEED Announcers Weigh-In on Johnson (Florida Today)
Jimmy Spencer's Moment In The Sun (Yahoo! Sports)

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  1. For those of you who are football fans in Florida, Krista Voda is working the sideline for FOX's broadcast of next sunday's Vikings @ Jags game.

  2. Oh, poor little Kyle --- someone hand him a crying towel. He had his playtime taken away by mean old NASCAR.

    Grow up. You knew you'd have to go to the banquet.

  3. Is Kyle under some binding contract to be at this banquet? If not go Kyle!! These windows dont open that often. (Ask jeff gorden)Whats nascar going to do? throw you out! I dont think so..Get in that car and make us all proud..Its been along time coming!!

  4. Kyle had owners and sponsors for his Nationwide rides--sponsors who paid dearly to see him get up there and accept his sixth place check. If he didn't want to be there, he shouldn't have raced in the series.

    I don't think Jeff Gordon ever had serious ambitions for F1, but if he had wanted, I'm sure he'd have had more opportunities to do so. Can't see Kyle fitting in with it either, since wrecking people is discouraged...

  5. the SBJ article on cable is most interesting. I don't know if I agree with the cable operators who believe they'll get a bunch of subscribers over the digital switch...if they didn't want it before, why would they want it now (and they've said the digital signal is supposed to be better than what they had.) On the other hand, people pay for what they really want (if they can...) It's unfortunate for those who don't have access or aren't able to pay, but I can't see all these sports thinking they have to stay on broadcast networks anymore. It's business, as they say, and they're going to go with whatever's best for them financially. There is no mention of the Comcast competition though. If you 'wiki' Versus, it describes its acquisitions, etc, and the fact that they've upgraded to HD. Now would be the time for them to really ramp up if they want to compete with ESPN.

  6. glenc1, I liked that article, also.

    But there is a kicker --- cable isn't available everywhere.

  7. I happen to like the way TB got the engine for the tech center from Richard Childress. It was good inside stuff on how things come about that we as fans do not hear about.

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  9. Let me say right up front. I do not like KyB.

    How dare he stink up the NW series and then not want to grace them with his presence at the banquet. The 11th place NW guy would be more than happy to have his chance to shine if KyB wouldn't have run the races. This is what NASCAR needs to change. Let the Cup guys run, but without points. Unless you are the car owner also, ie Kevin Harvick, etc.

    @ trl, ditto.

  10. Wow!! In this economy, they really think that folks will fork out for cable or dish when they are having trouble making rent?? I live in Michigan-people have been hurting since 2005 here. Welcome to my world.
    And dot, I agree w/you yet again. You take the good (tie in wins w/a legend) w/the bad (can't go play in Europe). Anyone that thinks this kid has matured this yr mite think again. WAAAA, I literally STOLD $1000's of dollars from NW teams by winning or placing very well in ALOT of races, but I don't want to honor my sponsers at the Banquet-please, get over yourself!! Off soapbox now...

  11. Agree about Kylie!

    What a whiny baby! He wants to stink up the show and then make a stink that he can't play elsewhere! I can give you a ton and a half of NW teams who would love to be in your place on the stage! Heck, they'd take 1 or 2 of your wins...then maybe they wouldn't have a nekkid car next year provided they can even come back :(.

  12. I found two of the articles to be interesting. I was particularly interested in the Sports Business Journal piece. I agree with Glenc1 that all of the insights may not be wholly accurate. But I think it says a lot about possibly why ESPN scripted the Chase into their broadcasts to such an overwhelming extent. The plan was hammered out at that January meeting where the "branding plan" was hatched. This wasn't just ESPN crafting, (concocting a scheme I would call it), a marketing strategy and tactics. This appears to be driven by NA$CAR itself.

    I find it interesting that the tracks were dragged into it as well. Even more attention getting for me was the statement that Bruton Smith's Atlanta, and Texas tracks demurred on some of the pieces of the "plan". Plus, it is certainly of note that Atlanta is apparently jumping at the chance to get a race date outside of the Chase.

    I suspect that these increasingly trying economic times will create even more cracks in the NA$CAR façade in the coming months.

    The little piece on the repartee between the Current Racing Jimmy, and the Former Racing/Now TV Personality Jimmie was enlightening. Who knew? The Current Racing Jimmy can be interesting! Agreed; Jimbot 3000 should be deactivated.

  13. I just read the HO Hum Chase article. I don't think the Chase is living up to what the Emperor envisioned. How many more people have to point this out? Of course BF will never admit this.

    I'm frightened by the TV numbers. Is NASCAR? No wonder NASCAR gets no respect. I want JJ to win #4 in 2009 and really stink up BFs vision. It will serve him right.

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  15. sean,

    Happy to have your thoughts and comments on the topics at hand.

    Not so happy to have you tell others what to do. If you would like to repost, you are certainly welcome to do so.

