Saturday, November 1, 2008

Robin Miller Survives Junior At LMS.

So, Robin Miller from SPEED followed through for Dave Despain and took a ride with Junior around the Lowe's Motor Speedway on Wednesday. Here are some top-secret shots of the episode smuggled out under the cover of darkness. Miller will recap his experience for Dave Despain on Wind Tunnel at 9PM Sunday night on SPEED.

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  1. I can't wait for WT this week it should be halarious. Thanks for the pics JD

  2. I can't wait EITHER!! Thanks for the sneak peaks, JD!

    I love Robin Miller and wish SOMEBODY would give him a job on SPEED. Should be fun seeing him and Jr. :)

  3. Haha thanks for reminding me about this. I love Robin Miller as well.

  4. What was the story behind him doing this?

  5. Thank you for the pictures. WT this week is must see!! I love Robin this should be good!!

  6. Dale Jr. was on WT last wk & challenged RM to a ride-along for his bday.

  7. I can't wait! It's going to be fun!

    phat--Robin has no love for NA$CAR and because of his comments about it, Jr. challenged Robin to meet him at Charlotte on Wednesday for an exclusive interview & a ride around. It was Robin's birthday last week and Jr. sent over some Mountain Dew gear (and Robin "joked" about selling it on Ebay) and via video gave him the challenge :). It's funny, Robin will do something NA$CAR related, kicking and screaming but in the end he has a blast! I think it was RaceDay at Indy he "followed" Jimmy around. That was funny!

  8. Robin Miller knows a lot about racing although Nascar isn't his favorite series he has fun with it. I love him on Wind Tunnel - he was especially a blast with all the Jr. gear he received.

  9. The perfect guest for Tradin' Paint at Homestead = Robin Miller. He would also be the perfect fill-in for Dave D. in December and January so Wind Tunnel would not have to go into hibernation.

  10. Just watched WT from last week to catch up before tomorrow's WT. Should be fun.

  11. Richard in N.C.

    BEST SUGGESTION for off season WT I have ever seen. :)

    From your typing to somebody at SPEED that gives a rip!! :)

    Miller is a hoot but I know he scares people because he does not tow the line and says what he thinks.

    He should have a show called Robin Miller Unleashed! LOL.

    Be cool to see him on WT on DD's break, though. :)

  12. Sophia,
    Thank you. NOW I know who I keep trying to ID at SPEED - the exec. in programming who gives a rip. Thank you - I really enjoyed your response.

  13. How much would you pay to ride shotgun with a Cup driver wide open? Awesome!

  14. Hi,
    Really enjoyed the Miller/Jr. interview and drive. A very different approach in Jr's. natural habitat.
    Remember, vote early and often,"Despain-Miller--Telling it like it is..."
    They all seemed to be having a good time.
