Friday, December 5, 2008

Live Blog: Sprint Cup Series Banquet Telecast 9PM ET

Tonight we will be watching with you the post-season banquet for the Sprint Cup Series on the ESPN Classic Network at 9PM Eastern Time.

The program is going to be originated live and will be hosted by ESPN's Dr. Jerry Punch. The musical guest is Matchbox Twenty and the comedian is John Pinette.

Believe it or not, NASCAR has a deal in the works with Kevin Costner and tonight he will be providing a historical feature in the banquet telecast. Click here to read the story about his bigger involvement in other NASCAR projects.

Tonight is going to be unlike any NASCAR banquet I have ever seen. The major US automakers spent the day asking the Federal Government for financial help in order to survive the next few months.

The news of the demise of Petty Enterprises as an entire organization still has many in shock and there may well be more news of that kind even before the telecast. This is a very tricky road to walk where a live TV show is concerned.

Pay too much attention to the economic topics and the wind goes out of the sails where the racing and the top ten drivers are concerned. Meanwhile, trying to pretend that everything is just fine gives the illusion of millionaire drivers who could care less about the struggles of everyday Americans.

One positive note is that Punch is a veteran host and is outstanding in these types of situations. He is well-spoken on a big stage and was a good host of this event in the past. Hopefully, the participants from the teams and the sanctioning body who also speak will reflect the reality of the evening in terms of striking a good balance in their comments.

ESPN Classic has been the home to this event since the new TV contract began in 2007. The show will re-air on ESPN2 on Dec. 8th from 2 to 4PM Eastern Time.

We welcome your comments before, during and after this telecast. Before you submit your opinion, please check the rules on the right side of the main page. Comments will appear shortly after they are submitted. Thanks for taking the time to stop by on what should be a very interesting night for NASCAR.


  1. Since I don't have ESPN Classic I will have to wait until Monday. Hopefully I will remember-guess I set my vcr

  2. The two hour ESPN2 version will only contain about an hour and a half of content.

    Should be interesting to see what the editors leave in and what they take out.


  3. Well, I for one do NOT like NASCAR's new celeb pick, and some of his shenanigans that goes little reported in the mainstream. Shocking I know how the media picks and chooses who it focuses on but I digress.

    Obviously, NASCAR does not investigate their "choices" for many events, but this is disconcerting.

    Gee, another disappointment by NASCAR..what a surprise. :( I will ONLY have the tv on for background due to JD saying the shortened repeat will be edited.

    Thanks for the heads up JD.

  4. Looking forward to John Pinette. Very funny guy.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I sure wish ESPN Classic had some NASCAR shows on tonight before the banquet.


  7. I hope you posters that actually get to watch it this evening will report in enough detail that those of us that can't see it will get all the important things that get said.

    Thank you in advance. We, or at least I, certainly will appreciate it!

    I will be checking this site throughout most of the evening for all the "excitement". I have been disappointed in most of them since after Stewart's stealth Hans device performance. I am thinking that this year's Banquet show may be different.

  8. JD- I'm not sure whether you want a mention that the banquet is being carried on MRN - live. I understand the dinner/eating is underway now. The King spoke some time ago and I did not hear any mention by him of the Petty Enterprises situation. I have heard nothing of the real details of Petty's deal with Boston Ventures, but it is conceivable he came away with a substantial amount of money from Boston Ventures and is, realitively speaking, smiling all the way to the bank, financially speaking.

  9. Since most award shows are a bit boring, I'm glad they will cut some parts. Jeff Gordon and Tony usually says something funny, but the one recent show I remember that was funny was Kyle when he forgot the name of his new girlfriend!

  10. If you don't ESPM Classic, you can watch it at at ESPN 360.

  11. Banquet on the air, nice long opening sequence. Same husky-voiced female (off-stage) announcer as last season.

    Jerry Punch is on-stage and things are underway.

  12. Wasn't this the same women from last year (doing the voice introductions) that had us all screaming. Not good

  13. JD

    Just who is the 'over the top' female faceless announcer?? Last year folks claimed it was Susy Kolber and somebody mentioned it here in the last couple of days, but it is not. The same voice is back tonight though...Nice to see Tony skipped shaving for the formal event. :) (Sarcasm)

  14. Who is that "Husky-voiced" woman? She's the background announcer every year and is not very entertaining.

    She sounds like a roller derby queen trying to change careers.

    Oh GOD.. the humor... Superman wears Jimmy Johnson Jammies! It's starting to hurt already.

  15. ok we all posted together about the announcer, LOL

  16. Jeff & Tony a bit unkept, imo. Surprising for Jeff-not so much for Tony!

  17. Music as the championship table people are introduced is awful. Oh look Chad has a different girlfriend, that explains a few comments I heard from this year.

  18. I thought Carlos Mencia was the most unfunny comedian ever, then this guy came on stage. What does food have to do with anything?

  19. For those without ESPN Classic, they introduced Punch, seated the head table and now are into the comedian, John Pinette.

  20. I think they're letting the comedian doing his own stuff under his own pace... that's a nice change

  21. OK, John not so funny. I have the same thought about that announcer woman, ick.

  22. I expected the usual comedy bit where the comedian pokes fun at Nascar and the personalities involved. So far he hasn't mentioned Nascar, except something about a concession stand. Maybe it's just me, but this is painful to watch and can only improve once they get past this and on to the program.

  23. Good gluten free bread IS tough to find, LMAO. My sister made great home made GF bread and got good stuff from is no easy feat.

    The colon cleansing, though questionable, is hilarious due to all the commercials on radio about this. Ugh.

    This comedian is pretty funny.

    This guy has a voice similar to Nathan Lane, only louder. :)

  24. the comedy has always sucked the life from the show... it hurts... someone.. find.. the.. remote.. save.. myself.. arggg...

  25. I've got tv muted for comedian bit, but he has to be better than Jay M. guy from years passed.
    Yeah Chad has a new GF, the fiance seems to have disappeared.

  26. Always been tough to figure out how to work the comedians into the night.

  27. Caught a glimpse of the Emperor. Didn't look good.

  28. I think last year we had someone who knew the lady voice-over announcers name.

  29. 15 minutes in (Comparable to 8% into a race), and I thought JP was about to award the comedian with Monster Moment of the Banquet.

  30. ohh love the fan vote stuff. But why all the Carl moments?

  31. @anon 8:59--even less folks get 360 than those who get E3. It's only "free" to those who have Verizon and other select ISPs who paid ESPN to allow their subscribers access. But anyone who has a "name" ISP (i.e. Comcast, Time Warner) doesn't have the access.

    I'm recording it...I'll pop over every so often and check it out.

  32. I thought that shot of BF looked good. Dressed appropriately and his hair all curly.

  33. Dot who is the Emperor?

  34. She's very distracting for me. I wish she would just talk.. nOt eMPhasIze aLl thE wrOng paRts of THE WorDs.

  35. I would rather have a comedian doing his own stuff then one that tries to make a funny about something he knows nothing about. Anyone remember the guy looking for the lost child in Kyle Bush's ear as part of the GSYE. Wrong driver and they had been fixed by then.

  36. Oh boy, the Voice. Who is it?

  37. OMG!! More potty humor but it was FUNNY...I grew up in a medical family and nothing grosses me out..but this was funny. Talk radio stations here OVER RUN a commercial about some cleanser that helps you lose 5-25 lbs from the gunk stuck to your insides like spackle. Now that commercial is not funny and after the 15th time, tasteless....I would not have chosen the bad gas joke for such a dinner but potty humor seems big in today's comedians to speak.

    This woman voice over sounds like a try out for one of those late night 1 900 "callmesexyboy" voices...

    P.S. got t CONFLICT EDIT ERROR? Never saw one of those before...thanks JD for opening boarad for the shows...gonna be busy night for you.

  38. Couldn't find her name in the comments from last season. Darn it.

  39. Well I'm still listening to the live broadcast on Sirius, will watch the coverage later.
    The only reason I'm posting is I see a "LIVE" in the upper right corner of the screen.
    Same old ESPN, feed us what you want us to believe.

  40. I'll tell you how to work the comedian into the event: Actually have a comedian who knows the difference between NASCAR and IndyCar. If they'd actually get a comedian who most NASCAR fans could identify, it might actually work. Or they could just ditch the comedian altogether.

  41. Sophia,

    I did too. I think it's when two people try to comment at the exact same time, and the blog can only accept one at a time. Sorry ;-)

  42. who is bj france? is she brian's mom?

  43. Oh Betty Jane even you are giving us the stick and ball, the snooze fest has started. Did she speak last year?

  44. Anon,

    The late Bill France Jr.'s wife. Hard working lady, doing ticket sales and credentials back in the old days. Nice person.

  45. Not to sure where the Costner connection comes from, his band was in Daytona playing in fan fest this year. Now they have a tour and a CD out.

  46. Not sure but, no spoilers here I hope, but after all the intro's they eat supper. A lot of filler time.
    The drivers are speaking now. KB has spoke, TS speaking now. I'm guessing the two hours from 7:00 to now.

  47. The Director is nervous. Cutting camera after camera and ruining the drama of Costner's piece.

  48. Dale Earnhardt: The Terminator

    Did I hear that right? I'm half paying attention.

  49. OK. let's spoilers please!

    Thanks radio folks.

  50. Kevin didn't practice his lines too well for this.You would think an actor wouldn't miss speak so much. Oops stayed with that camera a little too long or did the camera guy start to drop it

  51. @ Matt, we can't have a NASCAR knowledgable comedian, they're from the South, ie Jeff Foxworthy, Larry the Cable Guy, etc. Remember, no southern roots allowed.

    How old is Betty? She looks pretty good.

  52. When I first posted this as tape delayed, I got ESPN guys telling me this was going to be live.

    I knew it was going to be the same old BS as last year.

  53. I can not look at the celeb now with a straight face....or without cringing...sorry.

    I have NEVER heard of him being at a NASCAR event either...shouldn't he be a better reader since he is an alleged actor? The teleprompter seems slow...whoa...shakey vertigo inducing pan of the crowd camera swoop. I wish I could find this online to listen to...This is such a snoozefest already...and 2.5 hours to go ZZZzzz

  54. It sounds like I have not missed anything crucial tonight and it also sounds like the same old song and dance from ESPN, but what can you expect from Jerry Punch because he has to have everything scripted and might watch the Monday version.

  55. Notice Betty didn't mention Waterworld and The Postman? Is Costner the only H'wood guy available?

  56. I am disappointed this is not live..but JD you are right, no spoilers, please.

  57. dot,

    Google Costner+NASCAR because he has a whole deal with NASCAR. Movies and voice-overs and songs.

  58. This is boring, the Costner recitation. What on earth is the cameraman doing shooting Roush, then the tablecloth?

  59. Little ironic to see Petty up there with all of his troubles today.

  60. and getting interrupted by costner before he can chat.

  61. I haven't heard what's happened to Petty Enterprises. What's the story?

  62. Either lots of the guys have mousse in their hair or the room is hot and some hair is damp... Denny's hair looks gooped up and Jeff Gordon's as gosh, I can see Costner was never good in improve he tries to kill a couple of minutes....

    i wish I had made cupcakes now but don't get this on the kitchen tv.

  63. Is it really necessary to have the "live" in the upper right corner. Especially since it's BS

  64. Why are they killing time if it's on tape delay?

  65. You can also Google Richard+Petty under the news heading to see the stories.

    Basically, the scuttlebutt is GEM is buying Bobby Labonte and he will driver the 41 next season and Petty will close.

    We should know by Monday what is really going on.

  66. Wow for one brief camera glimpse, BF looked like he was actually listening to the Kind speak.....I feel bad for the Petty's....I don't know what to make of all the rumors..and Richard showing up for his tonight...what a gentleman.

    I DO wish he would take off his glasses though...I have rarely seen his eyes. :)

  67. JD, I'm so glad I'm not the only one who feels that way.
    I know it's small, but as we know ESPN will pee on your back any chance they get and tell you it's raining.
    I'm checking the comments, cause I love to "hear" what the tv broadcast is doing after listening to it on Sirius.

  68. AMS,

    And every single person at ESPN knows it is not live. Amazing.

  69. Anyone else feel like we're getting a lecture from the oldest professor at the University? I mean, it's really cool and all, but any1 who is watching this knows the history, who exactly is this aimed it?

  70. The "LIVE" is BS...typical ESPN indeed

    BSPN. And a new nikname was born. :)

    Wow, Kyle B, could he have looked more bored?

    What happened to that Boston business was going to help Petty Ent? I read about Labonte and the other rumor earlier...Gosh, this is sad if that is really happening and the King being here tonight...

  71. Isn't it false advertising saying this is live when it isn't. When other award shows are on, they always say "live, except on the West coast" for example.

  72. Richard Petty giving us the history of Nascar and looking like he's NOT reading a teleprompter but telling a story. The theme of this banquet appears to be the Nascar families

  73. Ooohhh, dear Sophia, I love the new nickname, BSPN. I'm using it from now on.

  74. Boston Ventures gets the Richard Petty Driving Experience and runs for its life like all the outside investors.

  75. I didn't get the feeling I was being lectured at all...but man, I can't get over how sad I feel watching him speak tonight after what I read earlier today.....

    Kind of quick to the commercial on that break, at least here...

  76. @ Matt, it's geared to that casual fan.

  77. Yea, but Dot, what "casual fan" watches an awards banquet?

  78. Dot,
    Just remember that ESPN thinks they're smarter than you. Sports don't exist without ESPN and we must believe everything they arrogantly tell us, no matter how ridiculous.

  79. of course we'll hear how important the auto industry is...did yall hear honda is pulling out of indy racing?

  80. @Sophia--I agree. They should show it live, I thought years ago when NBC/TNT did it was live but became tape delayed about an hour after it all started at 7 eastern.

    @JD--very sad what seems to be going on with Petty :(. With the Wood Brothers hanging on for dear life, looks like Hendrick may be the longest running team out there :(. It'll definitely be a sad day if indeed the rumors are true.

  81. @ Matt, exactly.

    @ Alex, so true. And the name is now BSPN.

  82. Lisa

    NO!!! I did not hear that about Indy racing?!

  83. sophia..yeah my brother and dad both texted me about it, you can google it and find severl articles on it.

  84. Honda has closed the F-1 team if a buyer cannot be found. That is putting like 14 F-1 cars for next season.

    Between that and the IRL TV mess, NASCAR could really be the last man standing.

  85. closing. Sorry, multi-tasking. I have a TDP reader spying for us tonight...shhh....

  86. That was such a sad song gosh..if I were there at the show, that would've ruined lots of makeup...lost a lot of people this year. :(

  87. I've heard Richard P. tell those stories so many times that I cannot imagine he would need a teleprompter. Not being at all biased, I think it's fair to say The King has been the soul of NASCAR for decades.


    Not IRL. thanks for the clarification.

  89. AMS,

    Can you tell us how far ahead right now the radio is from the TV?

  90. I agree with you Rich in NC. Oh boy, my fave driver coming up. NOT

  91. Sophia,

    It's a house of cards. Check your watch.

  92. sorry for the confusion on my part Sophia lol.

  93. On MRN Kevin Harvick is starting to speak.

  94. Why is Tom Cruise there and on camera??? It looked like TC.

  95. Kyle is doing a nice job. OMG Tom Cruise is there.

  96. See how the Director keeps cutting away to other shots right in the middle of the speeches?

    This has always been one of the biggest problems for this show.

    It draws the focus away from the text of the speech and the driver making it and forces everyone in the crowd to be on their toes.

    The big wide zoom-in during Kyle's speech was really tough to take.

    Also, notice how high-up the camera is so that it is looking down at the drivers. The goal in TV is to be at eye level.

  97. Tom Cruise is there???
    Wow Kyle is funny tonight.

  98. Richard,

    What number driver is Harvick of the top ten finishers?

  99. Are Jr and Matt K there? I haven't seen them. Saw Tom Cruise though.

    Kevin is 4th.

  100. Lis,

    Could it be?? Days of Thunder Part II.....

  101. Harvick was fourth in standings, I just checked his site

  102. JD, is it the same camera crew that shows the races?

  103. ok announcer chick os on my nerves now lol.

    Days part 2? Please Lord no.

  104. Well leave it to ESPN.
    I guess I'm wrong. It's still not live but I guess about 45 min difference.
    I wonder what they are going to show the last hour?
    I thought it was to be on 3 hours.
    It is on radio.
    Well h**l, if it wasn't for guessing what would we have to do?
    I am so tired of ESPN.
    I'm already getting depressed thinking of the chase coverage next year.

  105. That voice-over has got to go. I can't take any more of the husky-voiced woman. Just trying way too hard.

    Any idea who the director is tonight? I wonder if it's the same director that drew all the criticism for the cup races.

  106. I do NOT like the camera work at said it JD...really distracts from the speaker.

  107. Thanks Jen. Dot, its a NASCAR Media Group crew but NYC is union so it might be a mix. I will ask.

  108. AHHHHH BSPN at it's finest. Video clips during live....... They could have at least dropped the sound out of the video.

  109. I googled the Petty mess, and boy howdy...I remember vividly Red and I writing that we felt as if there'd been a death in the family. I'm sorry we were right.

  110. Tony used a big word, economic. Guess he is thinking as an owner now.

  111. Yes, that woman's voice is ssooooooooooooooooooooooooo annoying...must be why they do not tell us her name.

    Too many camera breaks, SHEESH...I don't remember it being this bad last year.....I wanna see more Tony!! Get off of JD...

  112. Could this get any worse? Is this a celebration or a funeral?

  113. Sure they show the wide shots now and not during the races. Is this the view from the balcony?

  114. Dan,

    Off to a slow start is an understatement.

  115. So far I've "seen" an excellent banquet.
    It's a shame they're not showing the same one on tv.

  116. The music is part of the problem it's definately not upbeat.

  117. If this show runs late, where will they move it to? Just thought we could use a little humor.

  118. Does that lady announcer realize that she is NOT introducing strippers at a local club?

  119. AMS without going into the "live" part we haven't seen yet how is it better?

  120. I agree about the announcer I keep waiting for the porn video clip to start.

  121. That woman's voice reminds of the voice on Best Damn Sports Show countdown shows. One and the same? I realize BDSS is on FOX.

  122. Dan,

    Same lady from last year and we all said the very same thing.

    I think we just assumed she would not be back. Someone stopped in and told me her name but I cannot find it for the life of me.

    She does voice-over work, but clearly does not fit with this theme.

  123. blundered and crashed on the adlib.. try again Denny!!

  124. Richard,

    Let me know when Jimmie start speaking on the radio broadcast so we can see how far behind the TV is OK?

  125. I *think* TC is a friend of Jimmie's....I know he was on his war wagon earlier this year at the Cali race. So if he was there they would be how he got in.

  126. the "voice over porn" has been the same lady for a number of years.

    sigh. She, she... grit teeth.. don't repeat... walk.. away.. now.. bruce...

  127. Gymmie,

    He had to get on the pit box because he could not see over the pit wall!

    That boy is short!

  128. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  129. love how Denny stated HE would senior driver next year. Everyone has been saying it was going to be Kyle but Denny has more time in there.

  130. Who on this PLANET thinks this woman's voice is the one that should be used during this banquet???????????????

    Stripper club comment was priceless!


    Does make you curious what this lady looks like behind the voice...hmmm...the mind runs wild...does she look like Jimmie Johnson's gorgeous wife...or does that voiceover look more like Roseanne Barr. Meow hiss. ;-0

  131. The rules for posting are located on the right side of the main page.



  132. I'm gonna tap out on this one. Between the comedian, voice-over woman, and overall stiffness of the whole event, I'm done for day. There's a pretty good football game on ESPN2. Goodnight Y'all

  133. Anyone know about the Matchbox Twenty connection?

    They have been doing promos and NASCAR gigs for a while now.

  134. take care Alex, a column about the program will be up shortly after it is over.

  135. Love these guys. And they have actually attended races.

  136. Dear Sophia, you're killing me. I thought the same thing. I would love to see the Voice.

  137. Are they using voical enhancement? the sound seems to be fading in and out..and mics don't match some of the singers?

    the camera work on the band is mysterious as all get out or just part of the horrible camera work....

  138. Matchbox Twenty rocks. No lip syncing either. Thank God they didn't book Britney Spears or Jessica Simpson.

  139. They appear to be avoiding showing the crowd this year, last year wasn't everyone stone faced and bored? Oh good back to depressing

  140. Dot

    Glad I could amuse has to distract from this show at times...aack..another slow song...maybe it sounds better at the show....bad sound check...things are uneven and I know that happens on "LIVE TV SHOWS" ;-)

  141. I'm just reading the comments here so I don't have to watch the "party".

    Can't believe that ESPeeN is insisting that it's LIVE!

  142. hey gang! since i don't have espn classic, thanks for keeping me up to speed: i'm watching lewis black on comedy central while you're watching the banquet.

    i think i'm having more fun than you.

    on second thought, i'm convinced i'm having more fun than you!

  143. 2 TRL, they're now known as BSPN.

  144. Howz about we take everyone to Junior's backyard western town and have the party there? Give everyone a couple shots and beers and then do the show. It sure would be a lot more fun.

  145. Dot said...
    2 TRL, they're now known as BSPN.

    Copy that, Dot. ROTFLMAO

  146. red,

    If you subscribe to ESPN Classic you can get the banquet and the Nationwide Series from September to November!

  147. Dan,

    If they moved this little shindig to Vegas it would be a blast!

  148. hey uncle dan! i'm so there wih that idea! maybe they could even do some kart racing while they're there and the network could broadcast it as part of the banquet?

  149. I would not want to win the ROTY award. Winning that means you don't have a ride for the next season.

    TRL, our dear Sophia coined that.

  150. WOW after reading comments I'm almost sorry our power came back on. - I'll have to tape the beginning on Monday.

    I too will be using BSPN - I love it!

  151. Have you seen Rehab at the Hard Rock in Vegas on A&E?

    We could have a NASCAR Rehab.

  152. Daly Planet Editor said...

    If you subscribe to ESPN Classic you can get the banquet and the Nationwide Series from September to November!"

    yeah, there's a real selling point right there, jd! i think i'll stick with comedy central, if it's ok by you!

  153. Vegas? They'd never get most of the drivers out of the bars or away from the poker tables. Hey there is an idea. Have a presenter track down where in the casino the driver is and give him the trophy. Tony would be found at the poker table.

  154. Pretty much like the races.
    Good commentary about what's happening. Good promo's introducing the drivers.
    I guess listening to the Petty speech was special. I heard the emotion in Richards voice. I don't know all his stories so it may be a little more special for me to hear him speak. I've only been watching for a few years now.
    Kinda like that for most of it.
    It's just a "feeling" (as we say) of hearing their voices. Some, very few so far, seem staged, and others are really having fun there. Or they are faking real good with the tone of their voices.
    It really has been enjoyable, listening while I organize my freezer.

  155. They can't have the banquet in Las Vegas. You want to know why? The NFR is here this week. Too much redneck for the Emperor.

  156. Hey Red! Glad you are on board and I love the kart racing angle! But let's keep the shots and beers.

  157. I was surfing a little and it appears that Lindsay Lohan was at the Nascar Sprint party last night and had a fight with her girlfriend. I'm still trying to understand why she was at a NASCAR party. Things like that just confuse me. Finally JG

  158. well duh she was in a racing movie..Herbie remember, lol.

  159. uncle dan; in re: keeping the shots and beers: as our oldest daughter says: hell to the yes! but if it's at dale's, i'm afeared it'll be bud and i can't drink that "stuff."
    wonder if they're serving wine from childress or gordon at the banquet?

  160. Anybody listening on the radio, how far along are they in the speeches?

    Richard? AMS?

  161. @ Jo, there you are. You don't get BSPNCL?

  162. jd, i love that you're trying to keep us on track but the saying about "herding cats" comes to mind. we are, it seems, easily diverted.

    are they finished yet? who's up?

  163. what the heck is tom cruise doing there? dare I ask?

  164. LOL! JD! Yes he is!

    I'd LOVE to see it at Vegas! I love the idea of moving it elsewhere and giving the *real* fans a chance to experience it all.

    @Uncle Dan--LOL! It would be great to see it out at Jr.'s property!

  165. jeff in a good mood tonight lol.

  166. Tom Cruise......there to garner interest about buying the Petty team.

    Jeff just finished his speech.

  167. @BruSimm

    more then likely took a side trip while visiting his wife who is performing on broadway.

  168. huh Tom is there at Jeff's table next to Ingrid, dont get too close to the crazy Ingrid lol.

  169. @Newracefan

    I'm wondering why they let Aubrey O'Day in.


  170. BruSimm said...
    "what the heck is tom cruise doing there?"

    here's my theory: given how many times we saw empty seats at tracks this season, i say brian france has decided to bring in some power "seat fillers" for the banquet.

    (actually, i'm thinkg cruise and jimmie are friends . . . for some reason that's yet to be explained.)

  171. @Dot yup -but I was gonna watch until a fire on other side of the apartments took out our lights for a couple hours. No one hurt, not even the drunk who caused it. No justice tonight. So When power goes out, dvr doesn't record- I know this cuz I said to hubby - well at least it is being taped. The look on his face told me I was wrong.

    Power came back as Denny ( overly gelled) was thanking the academy. I missed TS

  172. @red

    what about Benny's wine, they could be serving that.

  173. Tom is at Jeff's table, days of thuder 2 is a done deal don't you think JD only problems is he split with the girl (it was Nicole remember). Lisa forgot about the Herbie too funny. Red these cats are not herding easily. This camera work is really getting on my nerves, just when I get comfortable they jump somewhere else. The guys only talking for a few minutes keep the camera on him for crying out loud

  174. i think i just saw a teleprompter with the emcee ( i wanna announce porn) girl...

    dark haired girl, ... it's all i got.

  175. Yeah......bad idea to track the nat sound of the b-roll over the driver speeches. Distracting.

  176. jennifer: too true! forgot about benny's wine. heck, they could just serve "nascar wines" all night, huh?

    seriously, if i were there for some reason? i'd be doing some focused and heavy drinking right about now.

  177. Anon 10:47PM,

    Can you believe that? TV 101

  178. @ Red, too funny. Seat fillers indeed.

    Now the Voice needs to announce Aubrey O'Day, how fitting.

  179. I've been sampling the white wine while trying to watch. The wine is definitely better than the "show".

  180. Burton made a funny about his wife on the pit box and named dropped David Hill (FOX Chairman) about tv ratings.

  181. Nice speech by Jeff Burton about Chevy & then the Troops.
    I really like him.

  182. Daly Planet Editor said...
    Jeff Burton...future US Senator.

    Makes me wish I lived where I could vote for him.

  183. Red I don't remember seeing anything about Tom Cruise being Jimmie's friend. Jessica Simpson's ex-husband yes, Tom not so sure. Jeff Burton alone has made this show worth watching. He really needs to get into politics or talking over for Brian France when he grows up and stops racing

  184. This keeps up I ain't gonna need anyone's wine, I am gonna need some of Junior Johnson's Moonshine!!!

  185. How far ahead is the Sirius broadcast richard? Take a guess.

  186. jd, i think the espn producers and directors may have overslept the semester that tv 101 was offered. i've watched high school broadcasts that are handled more professionally than what it seems you guys are watching tonight.

    and that, unfortunately, is not an exaggeration.

  187. Think Jeff B and Jeff G have had best speeches tonight.

  188. @ JD, funny you should say that. Roommate just said about the same thing...future politican.

    Uncle Dan, so far you're bucking for top billing for the Comedy Tour. You're killing me.

  189. Daly Planet Editor said...

    Jeff Burton...future US Senator.

    December 5, 2008 10:50 PM
    Please let him move to Florida & run from here - I'll vote for him
