Sunday, February 1, 2009

Anyone Watching "NASCAR 39/10?"

The big 2008 Sprint Cup Series recap show produced by The NASCAR Media Group is called NASCAR 39/10: Reviewing the 60th Season.

SPEED has been airing this program on Wednesday and Thursday of the past several weeks at noon Eastern Time. Did we mention noon?

Needless to say, for most of us the only option is to try and remember to record the ten shows. Since each show is three hours in length, the commitment to watch them all is sometimes a bit tough.

As it turns out, each program in the series has proven to be fun and very entertaining. Instead of just on-track COT highlights, the shows feature content from all the different NASCAR TV and radio partners.

Fans are just as likely to hear Dave Moody and the MRN gang or see Bill Weber and Kyle Petty from TNT as they are the infamous "voice-over announcer." The series producers also used lots of content from preview and review shows like RaceDay and Victory Lane.

Some of the moments from the SPEED Stage and infield studio shows are just as memorable as the actual racing or the crew chief and spotter footage. This blend turned-out to be just the right way to craft a very large TV review series of this kind.

Each program does have an on-camera host who appears several times, but the stars of the show are the voices and faces from last season. This is truly a memorable review of the ebb-and-flow of an interesting and sometimes confusing NASCAR year.

As we mentioned earlier, the only drawback to this TV series is that it does not re-air on SPEED. Catch it at noon on a weekday or it is gone. Unable to push aside PINKS, Wrecked and Unique Whips, SPEED could not give NASCAR even one night a week in primetime for this project.

Next week there will be the last three episodes of this series, which should be well worth recording and viewing. On Wednesday at noon the highlights of the September races at Richmond, Loudon, Dover and Kansas will be featured.

On Thursday there will be a doubleheader opening the monster overload of NASCAR programming on SPEED during Speedweeks. The noon episode will feature the October races in Talladega, Charlotte, Martinsville and Atlanta. The final episode at 3PM will round-out the year with a review of Texas, Phoenix and Homestead. That show will also offer a wrap-up of the 2008 season.

If you have been following this series, please let us now what you think about how it was presented. If you have not, please let us know the reasons why.

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  1. i only got to watch the july show, and that was when speed showed it when the toyota showdown was rained out. i thought it was a very well put together show. too bad i cant watch more of them.

  2. Yes it is difficult to find the time to watch but I have been able to do it so far and have very much enjoyed the shows. Have only FF thru the Kevin James stuff from Raceday. JD your races are a little off they have already shown all the races through Kansas.

  3. I've been watching. Saving on the DVR and watching on the weekends.

    I do like how they put it together. I like showing segments from the various shows. Yes it is great to relive some of those moments!

    I do wish they'd run later or have a replay because more folks would be able to watch.

    If they do it again each year I hope they'd learn to "bump" some of the other shows and let this be in prime time.

  4. I have been recording the shows and really enjoying them. I am behind right now, but will catch up.

    Thanks SPEED!

  5. High quality review, but it is hard to see through all three hours.

  6. I've been FF thru all but the actual racing stuf. I watch Raceday & VL, so I don't need to that again.

  7. seen one or 2. three hours is too long. why not start them earlier in the offseason and just go an hour on each show? terrible timeslot. what are they thinking? apparently they're not.

  8. Thanks to TiVo I've been able to watch every episode at my convenience. I think it's really sad that by airing the show in the middle of the work day many fans have been deprived of this show. I'll admit there are bits I've fast forwarded through, but very little of it is actual racing.

  9. I have a VCR/DVD player but did not record them. I have only seen one or two episodes because life has gotten in the way. From what I have been able to see, I have enjoyed them.

  10. I watched the first two. Like I said in a previous post, 6 hours is a big amount to save on the DVR so I haven't recorded them since. I think 3 hrs is a bit long per show. Things come up, I get busy and next thing you know, there could be 12+ hrs saved. I'd end up erasing them anyway.

    JD, what do the numbers say? If they're low, will this type of show ever be on again? Would they think that the show time had something to do with it, or just say, "See?, Nobody watches this anyway."

  11. I dvr them & watch over the weekend when I'm off. Noon is a dumb time - since most folks work days. I guess its so they don't interrupt the lifestyle shows. Oh well. I've enjoyed them just wish they weren't as long. But at least its something

  12. Hi JD,

    I do not think it is fair for me to comment on the program. But to answer your title question, no I have not watched 39/10. And although I am in the minority here since I work nights, it just was a program I did not care to watch or record and watch later. Sounds like based on the comments it is a good program. I just can not wait for the for the 500 next week. The last race just seems so long ago with all that has been going on in the sport

  13. I have been recording these shows and watching them on the weekends. It is definately what I needed in order to get ready for the season. With nothing showing since December, I was totally lost without my collection of recorded races. The shows have been great, put together very well, and broght back some of the great footage of the prerace shows. My heartfelt thanks to Speed for putting this together. Now, if they would only reshow the one that my husband cancelled!

  14. It's kind of like watching the boring season all over again

  15. I recorded the first three on my DVR. I watched some of the first one and deleted all of them. I was bored to tears. Why watch a rehash of what happened when it wasn't that enjoyable the first time through? It was like watching a bad movie a second time.

  16. Eleven Sundays between Homestead and Daytona. Wouldnt it make more sense to air these on the day we normaly have a race to watch.

  17. To answer the question, no, I haven't been watching. If Speed can't be bothered to show them at a time when race fans might be able to watch them live, then I'm not bothering to watch them via recording. As another poster stated, there were 11 Sunday's between the end of the season and Daytona and they could have shown this programming then. Since I really don't bother watching much Speed Channel any more, I figured I'd just pass just on principle.

  18. West Coast Diane said:

    Nope. DVR'd first ones, only watched a little. I get bored when I know outcomes unless it is something where they weave the race through a background story. Also, 3 hours is way too long to hold my attention unless it is a one time thing. Plus, we are traveling during the daytime and we don't have an in-motion sat dish so couldn't watch if I wanted to. Maybe if they repeated it at a later hour :-) hint, hint.

  19. I have been watching them. I work at home on my research on Thursdays- and count 39/10 as such (ok, it's a stretch, but still)
    I think that it has been a really good program. The footage and the commentary have been interesting. And I think that it is a nice recap overall.

    Like everyone else though, why they decide to show programs like this in the middle of the day..who knows. That was a stupid decision.

    I don't have a dvr or a tivo, and I know lots of other people don't either. But I think it's just like wishing ECL would show the old races at times that I could watch them- hopeless..
