Saturday, April 11, 2009

Happy Easter To All

ESPN's Shannon Spake used her artistic ability to win the media Easter egg coloring contest at Nashville Superspeedway.

Happy Easter to all and thanks once again for helping us with this third season of talking about NASCAR TV.


  1. Happy Easter to you JD and all my fellow Planeteers

  2. Happy Easter JD, and thanks for your work.

  3. Here in eastern Iowa 60 degrees and sunshine. First time in many, many years there will be an outdoor Easter egg hunt for the grandchildren of the smaller size. HAPPY EASTER to John and all the good people who visit the Daly Planet.

  4. sunrise service -- check! parish brunch -- check! easter egg hunt -- check! 10AM service -- check!
    stop by to wish my fellow TDP-ers a wonderful Easter day with friends and family -- check!
    i wish everyone the same beautiful day we're having here outside philly and hope all of our drivers across all the racing series are enjoying this day as well!

  5. Thunder and lightening and lots of rain here in Houston. Can't do anything outside but watching taped Nationwide race so it's not such a wasted day.

  6. Hope everyone is having a blessed Easter Sunday.

    We had a very stormy beginning to the day, but now the sun is out and the birds are making beautiful music.

    May all those who lost loved ones, homes/possessions in the fires and storms find peace and hope in the day.

  7. Happy Easter to all. It was sunny and beautiful here in SC. Thanks to JD for all of the great work.
