Friday, June 5, 2009

Live Blogging The Camping World Truck Series From Texas On SPEED

It is a big night for the Camping World trucks. All alone on national TV, the small group of truck series regulars will be mixed with one-timers and several field fillers. Krista Voda begins the TV coverage at 8:30PM on SPEED.

It will be Johnny Sauter on the pole with a speed of 179 mph. Bringing up the rear of the field will be the Blue Ox Chevy of driver Nick Tucker. The speed of his qualifying effort was 150 mph. Among the 33 trucks in the field, there is a speed disparity of 29 mph.

Michael Waltrip will not be involved in this telecast due to his Sprint Cup Series activity in Pocono. Rick Allen will take the pre-race hand-off from Voda and try to get some excitement back into this series after a tough weekend in Dover.

Phil Parsons will again be on center-stage, as he was prior to Waltrip joining the CWTS telecasts. Parsons is the dean of the truck series announcers and should be on his game from start-to-finish.

The trucks have put on great races at TMS and there is no reason to believe that without Kyle Busch and some other Cup drivers the excitement level will fade.

If SPEED returns to the TV fundamentals that made this series a hit, it might be a very big night for NASCAR. With the Friday activity in Pocono rained-out and ESPN making a mockery of the Nationwide practice coverage, the window is wide-open for SPEED to grab the night.

With the CWTS telecasts, it is important to remember what is excluded rather than included. No infield pit center, Hollywood Hotel or tech garage. No cutaway truck or four pit reporters. No Draft Tracker, animations or in-race movie trailers.

This is NASCAR TV the old-fashioned way. Two announcers in the booth, two reporters on pit road and one announcer hosting the pre-race show by standing on the starting grid. If the drivers cooperate, it could be a night to remember.

This post will serve to host your comments about the Camping World Truck Series coverage from TMS on SPEED. To add your TV-related opinion, just click on the comments button below. This is a family-friendly website, please keep that in mind when posting. Thanks again for taking the time to stop by.


  1. Hey all, wet day in Pocono. Hope this race makes up for it.

  2. @ JD, my thoughts exactly.

  3. Me too JD!

    I posted in the other thread but from the TMS tweet they're expecting 40-50K folks in the stands. I wish more would attend. I would be there if I had a car or knew folks who liked racing.

  4. Sauter on the pole...should make for some exciting opening laps and maybe even a wreck or two.

  5. Well maybe having Sauter starting up front it'll be safer for all the other drivers behind him LOL! Our guy, David Starr, is starting 14th so we're hoping for a great race for him hope he moves up fast. Krista sure looks cute in that cowboy hat too.

  6. Evening everyone! (hopped up on 'driver appearance sugar). Back in my room ready to watch some truck racin'!

    No SDDD in the race+ who I saw= One good night! Go Colin, Rick, Ron, and James!

  7. I'm catching up with what I DVR'd but will be switching to the Trucks soon. OT anyone catch the Dilner/Mikey interview where they basically gave out Kenny Wallace cell number, too funny?

  8. nrf, you can basically fast forward the day. SPEED was rained out and ESPN was a disaster.

  9. k', what is up w/TJ Bell's hair???? ick....:( btw, LOVE Krista's hats!

  10. @nrf--yes someone posted about it in the other thread but I missed it because I was sleepin' :(

    But yes like JD said it was a day of repeat stuff so only if you missed TWIN, the All Star specials and the Dover Pick 'em Up race there's not much more to watch until Trackside. And if you recorded ESPN apparently some basketball thing was more important and when they *did* get to N'wide their standard MO of fluff pieces was apparently more interesting then you know cars PRACTICING since that's what folks tuned in to see.

  11. 30 min of pun....I mean fun...kind of.

  12. Yea I started FF a while back, I'll catch Trackside later and have switched off to the Setup, NW practice was a snore fest and huge waste of time.

  13. I'm finding the puns awfully annoying. Every week with the puns. They can stop any time. And I usually like puns.

    Man, I'm cranky. I think I need a nap.


  14. not even amateur nite. maybe from the county fair??

  15. At least the track didn't have the "Local Singing Sensation" doing the anthem, but I still had to mute it.

  16. @ VickyD, too funny. I had it muted too, as usual.

  17. Anthem hurt my ears. Digger yelling Boogity Boogity Boogity would have been more pleasing.

    Frank in Sebring,

  18. didn't see any of the BSPN stuff (I'm lucky, I have a job in MI) but betcha a dollar to a donut-on National Donut Day, no less ;) that we'll see the very same already in the can clips during NN Sunday morn!! And I will be flippin' back & forth between that & RD after 10:30. They are gonna interlap for a 1/2 hr...interesting.

  19. Hey, hot, caught your boy on QVC. He sure is cute.

  20. Thank you, Karen.

    Guys in the back already a lap down.

  21. Laptop is in death-star mode. Can't stick around long. It decides on its own to shut down after about 10 mins. Oh joy.

    So glad there's some actual racing today. It's been a bummer for everything else.

  22. @ VickyD, I saw a red truck heading for the pits/garage before the break. Four trucks off now.

  23. Got an issue again. The high cameras are blurry. I've noticed it before on Speed but it hasn't been this bad. The low cameras and in "truck" are in focus. Commercials are in focus. Trackside was in focus.
    It gets kinda rough to watch.
    Dish Network SD.
    Anyone had any problems?

  24. @ JD, yeah, 7 off/out. And we think the S&Ps in Cup are bad.

  25. 76, 72, 12, 21, 47, 89, 57 all parked before lap 24.

  26. 7 trucks parked so far it looks like. Wish Nascar had live leaderboard.

  27. Add the 75 and 08.

  28. 25 laps and 7 trucks parked already, Sheesh!!!

    Frank in Sebring

  29. Hey, just noticed, no strobe lights with the split screen. You say something JD?

  30. I can't imagine it's financially feasible for trucks to drive all the way to Texas then just park. How much does it cost to show up just to park?

  31. " undertone of tires"?!?!

    Is he kidding me? That was the story last week.

    Rick is still trying to deny the reality of the tire situation last week.


  32. That 1 camera angle that appears to be shooting through the fence I'm not liking so much, I don't remember that from before or is the fence new?

  33. How much did the Odd Wad teams get paid by NASCAR to show up?

  34. JD,

    Could the VS production crew be doing this as they are putting the Indy car show on Saturday night?

    Frank in Sebring

  35. @ Tracy - That is the problem. The trucks were required to come to the track Wednesday for a Friday night race. It is pointless and a waste of team's $. Trucks like the 08, 47, 48, 57, 21 have to come each weekend to preserve their spots in the top 30. They don't make a profit. Others like Mario Gosselin's #12 & 72 and Ryan Hackett's #75 & 76 come to fill the field.

  36. Now 10 trucks off. Almost 1/3 of the field

  37. Well, now the front runners can't finish lower than 20th/21st if they have a problem. See? My theory about S&Ps in action.

  38. @Dot

    The guys who finished at the bottom of the pack last week at Dover got about $10,000. Texas pays comparable purses.

    Winner Brian Scott got $63, 175. Second place finisher Dennis Setzer received $29,195.

    Compare that to the Cup payouts of $341,151 for Johnson and $215,398 for Stewart.


  39. In the living room, two tvs side by side. the old 4:3 tv picture seems blurry and the lines and car colors 'vibrating' in movement. HD tv, pic clearer and fence, car details not moving or whatever you want to call it.

    Weird. This tv next week change is going to be so weird. The Abc affiliate on some primetime show is "center cutting" (or abc does this I am told) so two heads in picture talking in scene, one is cut off on my old fashioned tv. No longer in living room to check new tv..and just catching some of the race.

    Lots of S&P already. don't know what to make of that..know it's needed to make a living but.

  40. @ Karen, I've heard that NASCAR pays some kind of incentive money, plus whatever the purse is.

  41. Wow, great moon shot. Amazing.

  42. @Dot

    The incentive money better be pretty good, 'cause the official purse is diddly-squat for those guys on the bottom.


  43. Anybody know why Helio was in the Onion's pit?

  44. @ Karen, I know at the race @ LVMS they dug up some local racers to fill the field. Not sure where the Odd Wads are from at this race.

  45. OK, appropriated my beloved's laptop. I'll never buy an HP again.

    Is that JJ Yeley in the 73?

  46. Karen

    Maybe their friends since Indy races there this weekend..tomorrow night I think

  47. @ Karen, sharing tax tips? Sorry. I love Helio, just going for the joke.

    @ Tracy, yes.

  48. "First and ONLY truck one lap down," said Phil Parsons.

    Phil, ten are parked. That might be the reason why he is the only one a lap down.

    Wow, I am shocked by the behavior of these guys.

  49. Dot, Sophia - told my husband about my lack of Bugs Bunny culture, and he was shocked that after 25 years of marriage, he didn't know I was so culturally deprived. He has promised to find some BB DVDs for me to study.

  50. Nascar probably had to make some calls to get these guys in the race!

  51. It's really hard to find action on a 1.5 mile track with only 23 spread out trucks.

  52. tIt is really nice watching the race tonight with no Waltrip or Bush in the filed. I would love to see this more often and cannot believe the amount of trucks that have already parked? What is up with that?

  53. @ JD, maybe Mikey is good for the booth.

    @ Tracy, find a cartoon channel on cable and enlighten yourself. The old school cartoons are the best.

  54. I think I miss Mikey in tonights broadcast. Rick is doing ok.

  55. I'm splitting the race with the Astros vs. Pirates so hope I'm not missing all the passing on the track!

  56. What is wrong with their cameras in the through the field?

  57. @ Vicky D, smarta**. Too funny.

  58. So finally some talk about Yeley!

  59. @Sophia---yup the IRL boyz and gals are here and will race tomorrow night. Great pics and updates from the TMS twitter :)

  60. Wow - only 23 trucks running after 70 laps.

    As for the coverage - it's a shame Krista Voda disappears after the Setup. She is the show.

  61. Man, I am still in shock. Not only are things not what the seem, but it is clear that SPEED planned this from the start.

    They had to know...right?

  62. oops..."what they seem."

    Did I mention I hate my laptop?

  63. JD I know you think that Speed should tell us about the S&P trucks, honestly I don't care. The Teams, drivers, and owners all do not seem to mind so I don't. I do think it's sad situation all around but it doesn't make me crazy until a fully sponsered car/truck doesn't make the race like Kezelowski at Dover and a car planning to park does.

  64. Tracy

    Too funny about your husband. Tell him to get you some Classic Tom & Jerry cartoons too, and Droopy dog. And anything by Tex Avery, a man way ahead of his time but I digress.

    I am multitasking and missing the race but am shocked how many are parked.

    Too much crap on the ticker, too. I wish the ticker would disappear again. LOOK how much space it takes up??

    I've said that for years and some of you guys here noticed it when fox lost theirs.

  65. Gymmie

    I need a good IRL race person to follow. Any ideas? I joined one but its Indy based and Tweets too much AND sometimes tweets NASCAR. I follow enough for NASCAR.

    IRL is slim pickens or I am not following the right folks.

    Robin Miller refuses to Tweet. I tried. :)

  66. Sophia, I will look for them. Dot, I never thought of a cartoon channel!

    Does it seem as if the booth crowd is - desultory?

  67. nrf,

    It's an issue of credibility. No one is saying to criticize or make statements about why and how they are out.

    But ignoring what every single TV viewer can see is exactly what got them in trouble in Dover when all the tires were blowing out.

    This really is a big switch from the good old truck series guys who told it like it was and made us all feel good about this series.

    There is something in the air tonight...and it is not good.

  68. Hi Guys - just got in from work & I was gonna post my picture is trash on my old bedrrom tv - but ok in living room on HD new tv. Since I'm not the only one - I won't ask.

    Thanks for the warning about the rain out & lousy coverage from bspn I'll just erase.

    Sorry you hate your laptop still JD. If you have insurance on it.... I never said that LOL

  69. Lou

    I am with you, I miss Mikey in the booth. over talking and all.

  70. @Sophia--I haven't found any yet...but if I do I'll let you know. Yes there don't seem to be a lot in the IRL world but zillions for NA$CAR

  71. I am so cranky and spaced tonight...I need to go see if my chocolate pudding has cooled off so i can "FOCUS" on this race. Chocolate always helps


  72. JD, that's what I meant by the feel - it's just not right. Something's off, and it's affecting the coverage.

  73. I must say, the race isn't the same without the cup guys. At least Kyle brings some drama with him to the track.

  74. Phil won't bring up the S&P issue. How can he? He owns 3 S&P teams. What is he gonna say about it?

  75. I like Crafton's gold paint job.

  76. Robyn, good point about Parsons.

  77. @ JD, I agree with you. Something's off. Maybe it's the racing. Big track and small field. So far the only excitement is the green flag stops.

    How many are in the IRL race tomorrow? I think they'll suffer the same thing.

    @ Haus14, I hate to agree with you, but I do.

  78. OK this is why the new pit stop rule it just stupid.

  79. I'm with you, JD. Last week it was tires, this week it's the S&P situation. Why has the broadcast team that's always been so honest gone?

    I'm sad. I've always said these guys were the best. And now they're just ordinary.


  80. I think no Mikey is part of the problem, yes he can drive you crazy at times but they work well together and now their rhythm is off.

  81. Thank goodness that between TDP and Twitter I can follow the race without having a tv! (Really, this weekend I am tv-less..sad to not get to see the double file in Cup)
    So, I guess NASCAR and everyone else has just decided the S&P is ok to do? that stinks.

  82. @ nrf, right on about the pit stops. I wish they would change that.

  83. i sure hope that what Ray said is true regarding the nixing of this two stop deal when the double file restarts begin. This is foolish.

  84. Robyn,

    Reality is reality. Parsons is damaging himself tonight IMHO.

    His role is as the analyst on this race, nothing more.

    Think NASCAR has a little pre-race meeting with the SPEED guys on this issue?

  85. I agree the pit stop rule stinks. Its really stupid.

    I miss Mikey too.

    They are probably not mentioning anything that might be "negative" or detrimental to the sport...

  86. Oh, it's going to be even more exciting now with 6 trucks on the lead lap.

    @ Track Girl, You can come over and watch the race @ my house.

  87. I am just not into the race and don't know if it's the track, the booth or me.

    I was sposed to be listening to New Orleans jazz, cajun, dixieland & gypsy music band. But suddenly the restaurant/pub laid off 3/4 of bands for June and mine was one of them. :( Most performers are solo, duets or trios. Some quartet, being 6 piece and older crowd, they got cut.

    So I am still bummed about that. Just got word Tuesday so we are all shocked.

    I missed seeing SPEED today..and how is it Kenny's cell phone number got on tv again? in a nutshell?

    That would've been funny until KW phone rang 100 times in 10 minutes.

  88. This is where we need a "debris" caution or something to bring the trucks back together

  89. Parsons has already damaged himself. He's the one that said he started the S&P NW teams last year as a "service to NASCAR."

  90. Nice shot of 3 wide & lead change

  91. The ONE exciting moment happened during the comml. We're doomed.

  92. @ Haus14, the "debris" cautions only happen in Cup. No big names to protect in the trucks.

    And here we go.

  93. Ok either the chocolate pudding did not help or this crawl looks too busy and garish and my 30 inch OLD FASHIONED TV!

    The ticker is racing a long at a fast clip too...can get vertigo if you STARE at it. the one on the bottom at a different speed then the cars. Dizzy. whew

    Not many at the track for these races..lots of empty seats.

    Yea, I miss Mikey.

    and with that comment, let the Waltrip bashing begin.:(

  94. I remember watching my first truck race at Daytona and it was so exciting, I was a die hard fan from that race on.

    Ahhh. The debris caution. . .

  95. I am ready to see the debris anytime now guys...please...

  96. and there we go! Debris Caution!

  97. Lucky dog goes to David Starr!

  98. Golly, we're up to 10 trucks on the lead lap.

    I miss Mikey too.

  99. Dot, you just have to agree with me again. I know this is rough for you...

  100. @ JD, don't hold your breath.

  101. @Haus 14 - you got power to get the call!

    woopie 10 trucks on the lead lap...

    Good thing about SDDD not being in race -I don't have to hear him whine on radio. He does make the racing more interesting tho'

  102. This double pitstopping is stupid!

  103. Dot

    24 Cars Qualified in the S&P they just have moving chicanes...Milk n Donunts rules!

  104. @Dot Thanks!! I'm in NC this I'm _really_ far from my tv! (of topic, but Im defending my masters thesis this weekend so wish me luck!)

    Is it really just the 23 trucks spread out? ah, a debris caution. geesh.

  105. Anon 10:34PM,

    Those are sponsored moving chicanes.

  106. @ Track Girl, GOOD LUCK. Invitation open anytime.

    @ Anon 10:34, thanks and you're a funny one too, aren't you?

  107. Track Girl good luck on the masters thesis, another nail in the Nascar sterotype coffin

  108. @dot and @NRF Maybe! Of course its on historic race :D

    Did they ever show the phantom debris? or rather, did they finally find something that they could say it was?

  109. Good luck Track Girl.

    Finally, some excitement out of Rick.

  110. Good Luck Track Girl!

    Nice paint scheme on Crawfords truck, good for night racing it really shows up.

  111. So, do we call you Dr. Track Girl then?

  112. The big story of the night has been pit road strategy? Holy cow!

  113. That was supposed to say "thanks" :)

    JD, seriously, thanks for always having a forum for honest updates on whats happening. I knew I could plug in and find out!

  114. Good luck Track girl!

    Twitter fans, they are doing maintenance in a few minutes. 8pm PACIFIC time, 11 for EST folks

  115. @nrf - I represent the opposite of almost EVERY NASCAR stereotype, it's not even funny. I am one of the last people in the world that people would say: "There goes a race fan."

  116. Thanks JD...I needed a late night laugh...then I just heard Phil say a truck would not want to start at the end of the longest line...not enough truck running to matter.

    JD-if the sisters pull TG's family money from the IRL..we may only have 8 cars next year!

    If you are from the Indy area..the greatest moving road block in the history of racing

    King Hiro!

  117. I dont' know about the rest of you but I can never get enough of these ED adds and the details.

    or the enhancement ones on VS or all OVER talk radio. Geez. some sultry babe in a 'come here big boy voice' touts the benefit of one who's name I can't remember. Just too much.

    they are spread out tonight...hard to get a good wide shot..only one or two trucks

  118. @ JD lol. please no. :) plus its only a masters. so, I'm not even sure it will do me any good!

    and a super thank you to everyone! :D

    adios Twitter updates..

  119. NASCAR_Trucks on Twitter posts quite a bit during race.

    I found NASCAR & IRL tweeters by using the tags #IRL & #NASCAR.

    Hope that helps.

    Is Almirola in the truck the rest of year - or is it a 1 race deal?

  120. Robyn, at Daytona, I was sitting next to an accountant and a lawyer. We were laughing about how un-stereotypical we were.

    Track Girl, which university? UNC Chapel Hill?

  121. TG will probably stay around as his leaving panicked owners....things could get even worse if he left as far as $$ goes.

    They are struggling so badly there. And once Robin Miller's story broke, they really circled the wagons.

    I am just not feeling the love for this race on my tv.

  122. I wish Craftsman still sponsored the series. I really want to see that hammer in action. Camping equipment just doesn't do it for me. However, I am grateful that CW is the sponsor.

    @ dear Sophia, just wait for all the lawsuits in about 10 years over the use of ED meds. I won't go into graphics, but a lot of men will look like they're happy to see us.

  123. Is it me or does Rick Allen seem to be having a struggle tonight?

    No one ever asked him and Parsons to make things up or to create false excitement.

    Just tell us the truth. We can see it...remember?

  124. Jojave, i am not sure about a 1 race deal, but it isn't for the rest of the year either. Ickler will be back in the 15 next week at Michigan when Kyle is running the 51.

  125. I must say I had to laugh a little when Ray said that one of the advantages of the 5th wheel was that you could just unhook and go. As if you can't do that with a travel trailer?

  126. JD

    i was wondering if Rick and the booth was contributing to yet another Bizarro world broadcast.

    And still, I DO miss Mikey's enthusiasm. He'd have stories going to keep me interested.

  127. @Haus14 - Thanks for info!

  128. Woo hoo I love these trucks

  129. I find it hard to believe Johnny Benson is still unsponsored.

  130. I think that the remnants of the broadcast of the last race at Texas is haunting them.

  131. The same truck body for 51 races? Wow, let's hear more!

  132. Thants awful for Grandpa. And Terry Cook

  133. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  134. Again, the only excitement is in the pits. Six laps left? Where did the time go?

  135. @Tracy actually Goucher in Maryland. But I'm defending tomorrow at Martinsville Spdwy. :)

    @JD they never remember that we are watching. Regardless if we can see whats happening vs what they are saying, or not because they won't show the dang field..

  136. What's wrong with Compton's truck?

  137. Robyn, me too! People at work are shocked to find out I'm not only a fan but I go to Dover. The look on their faces is actually pretty funny.

  138. Thanks for stopping by folks, this was a very weird night.

    If this is what the truck series looks like without the Cup drivers, things are not looking very good for the rest of the season.

    I am still having a tough time with Allen and Parsons choosing not to acknowledge the reality of having 11 of the 33 trucks parked.

    Now we get Jerry Punch and Rusty Wallace tomorrow afternoon.



  139. @track girl - what a cool setting to defend a thesis. Beats my hubby's thesis defense.

    Hope you'll get to do it in the infield - take lots of pix.

    Good for Todd Bodine!

  140. The Onion wins! with a sponsor too. Congrats to the Bodine crew & fans!

  141. i still wish kyle had made it to the race. i want to see him win points titles 3x. he makes the truck races batter

  142. i mean better, not batter.

  143. At least they're showing the trucks cross the finish line.

  144. Nice steady cam for long time on finish line..and they were spread out so took a while to see them.

    Wish OTHER NETWORKS would do this (Hello Fox & ABC)

  145. Night all. Time to go to bed. This wasn't the exciting race I've been craving from the trucks.

  146. @nrf - some of my friends still don't know that I follow NASCAR, and now other series too.

  147. Good Nite all gonna get some rest for tomorrow

  148. Should be able to get a lot of interviews tonight.

  149. Oh I hear you guys on NOT fitting the NASCAR mold.

    A friend of mine went to see one of my doctors and when my name came up, the doctor said she was STUNNED I am so into NASCAR as I don't fit the profile.

    NONE of my friends understand why I am into it and a couple of male buddies say things like "You really shouldn't watch that stuff" due to redneck image, wasting of fuels, bad reputation (crass commercialization)

    And my fave response from and old beaus 20 something daughter a few years back "You like NASCAR?" with her nose crinkled up, and a half smile. Bemusement and disgust, lol

  150. Good luck Track Girl! You'll do great!

  151. Anyone else think it's time for NASCAR to leave Texas as a place for Truck races? The race is as boring as watching paint dry and there were fewer competitive trucks in the race that IndyCars for Saturday's race.

  152. Yep - 1/3 of the field S&P and the stupid pit stop rules coming into full focus with green flag pit stops. No Mikey in the booth to add any excitement and Krista gone at the green flag?

    What a waste of my evening.

  153. For the only positive thing I can come up with, Trackside was good this evening.
    I'm looking forward to Sunday. That is the only chance we got left to see a decent race this weekend.

    I got the bestest veri word. Soon to be a Twitter slang.

  154. Just finished watching the race. They should shift the trucks back to their original intension... run smaller tracks that the bigger series do not hit. The fields are down to the size of the first few years and the #'s aren't there for large tracks... except the daytona races are always insane.
    I watched it live at Saugus Speedway and that was an intense race. At the Craftsman Truck race presented by Craftsman by Craftsman. Did we mention Craftsman was the title sponsor of the race.. The fields are getting down to a level. S&P or not still small.
    I thought the coverage was decent. Didn't miss mikey a minute. No talking over. Not sure how disrespecting people by running over them creates 'excitement' to some or treating the broadcast as your twitter of the thought of the moment is considered good. Don't care who was announcing there just wasn't enough there to create an exciting race. They got spread out and everyone played nice and got out of the way. It did go off the rails at the end when the trucks just appeared in the pits and some with no explanantion.

    Come on the 'save of the race' was an almost hit on pitroad. That should tell you how the race was.
    Still better then alot of the other broadcast by other nascar partners.

  155. Finally got to watch the truck race,no Mikie.Ray and Phil do a great job in the booth together they don't need anybody else.
    Tks.JD. Ron Il.

  156. I hate to tell everyone, but adding Cup drivers to the series would just kill it. If Kyle Busch was here tonight, he would have smoked the field and there would have been 5 trucks on the lead lap.

    Texas just does not produce constant exciting racing in all 3 series.

  157. I have always hated the new pit stop rule and cannot see where it helps anything, as for Mikey, a breath fo fresh air without all of his over the top crap.

  158. I just noticed the finishing order and Stacy Compton finished 6 laps down because it shows he was out of fuel and another driver was parked because he was too slow. They need a few better trucks in the race to make it more exciting. I have been there in person and usually the races are more competitive than what we saw last night.

  159. Vicky, you had like 8 or 9 S&P's in the race.

    Its just a difficult time right now because its so hard to make any money in trucks unless your a championship team or have a major sponsor and even then its close.

    Germain almost closed their truck operation 2 months ago because of it.

    Hopefully when more sponsors start popping back up, some more quality teams will too.

    Perhaps some struggling Cup or NW teams should re-evaluate and scale down to Trucks if they have the resources and sponsors.

    Just hard to pass, 5 trucks were all equally fast, just track position was everything.
