Monday, August 10, 2009

Live Blogging Monday's NASCAR TV

Update: ESPN has added a re-air of the Watkins Glen Sprint Cup Series race at 9PM ET on ESPN Classic. Great move.

The RaceDay gang says they are raring to go at Watkins Glen and waiting for 11AM to come on the air. SPEED will handle the one hour pre-race show and then ESPN will start live coverage of the rain delayed Sprint Cup Series race at noon ET.

John Roberts, Jimmy Spencer and Kenny Wallace are the RaceDay panel. Wendy Venturini and Hermie Sadler are the reporters. This program should feature the weather, the Nationwide Series race and reset the grid for the Cup Series event.

ESPN has Jerry Punch, Dale Jarrett and Andy Petree calling the race. Down on pit road will be Jamie Little, Dave Burns, Shannon Spake and Vince Welch.

The racing should be outstanding with the new restart rules and hopefully good weather will allow things to go off without a hitch.

This race re-airs on SPEED at noon ET on Wednesday in a three hour timeslot. NASCAR Now is on ESPN2 at 5PM. Will be pushed back if race runs long.

This post will serve to host your comments on the Monday NASCAR TV from SPEED and ESPN. To add your TV-related opinion, just click on the comments button below. This is a family-friendly website, please keep that in mind when posting. Thank you for taking the time out of your Monday to stop by The Daly Planet.


  1. Crap. After going to many Glen races, we were outta cash for anything this year. And here I sit at work missing the race thanks to rain. I will be checking in with NASCAR dot com and this site every half hour or blog away those of you lucky enough to be able to watch the race.

  2. JD, just to clarify, it will be ESPN, not ESPN2 Right?

  3. For you Canadian viewers, it's live on TSN2.

    @diane - Yes, it's on ESPN.

  4. I'll be cheating at work. Please comment explicitly so I know what's going on. Thanks.

  5. Does anyone know, this whole ban of Twitter by ESPN, does this also include guys like Dale Jarrett or is this just for their full time, on air, personnel?

    BTW, yesterday on Fox News, they discussed the ban of Twitter by ESPN. Everyone who discussed this slammed ESPN for this decision. They basically said that here you have an organization who's primary goal is to disseminate information trying to stop their employees from doing just that. One panelist even said this is akin to a Taliban edict prohibiting just about everything. The way they were making fun of ESPN was absolutely hysterical.

  6. Ohhhhh, Kenny Wallace. What has happened to you on the air?

  7. dar,

    Any ESPN employee. That covers freelance and contract employees like Dale Jarrett.

  8. I heard it was to be replayed on ESPN Classic tonight... is this not the case?

  9. Steve, I asked them this AM if it was going to be replayed and they said not this week.

    Let me check my email and see if I have an update. I think ESPN should absolutely replay it tonight somewhere.

    Otherwise, it's SPEED at noon on Weds.

  10. I hope to be able to hack more of Raceday today. Made it through about 10 seconds yesterday. When Spenser showed up dressed like a cheap imitation of Patton I switched channels. Why is it that all the Fox affiliated units think that we need cartoon rodents and this drivel.

    Today male dogs in heat? Where is my remote...

    Frank in Sebring

  11. The race last week was replayed at night on ESPN2. I think they should do the same this week.

  12. Jimmy Spencer continues to redefine NASCAR TV coverage.

  13. Nothing in the mailbox. I am going to continue to work on ESPN for a re-air.

  14. Thanks for looking. I thought they said ESPN Classic this morning on 'The Morning Drive' but I was trying to find out for sure and the ESPN site was worthless.

    It would be a travesty if they didn't reply it tonight, for those of us who work 8-5 for living. [I guess I really need to buy a DVR so I can record it.]

  15. a DVR is an invaluable resource for NASCAr fans.

    you can either watch much later or start watching 1-2 hrs later (figuring 20 mins of commercials per hour) and fast forward thru most if not all of the commercials

  16. PM Tstorms. We should be able to see the whole race.

  17. Amazing that the DVR has changed the viewing habits of so many NASCAR fans.

    Really took a bite out of the live ratings. Side by side commercials would have solved a LOT of problems...but no.

  18. Wendy in the motorhome lot. something you will never see in ESPN.

  19. Hermie Sadler has come such a long way on TV.

  20. Apparently, the sun came out around 5PM so everyone had social hour last night.

    Guys like Elliott Sadler and Juan Montoya got golf carts and drove around the infield.

  21. To address the start time issues on Sundays. I lived in Calif for a time back in 1986-1987. I had no problem getting up having breakfast and watching the races. They started at 12:15 or 12:30pm back then. East coast time, 9:15/9:30am West coast time. I could watch the whole race, eat some lunch and then had the whole afternoon and evening free. So I don't understand what NASCAR's reasoning is for starting the races so late in the day. Get them run earlier and miss all the mid to late afternoon rain showers back east.

    I think this Speed pre race needs a new panel of commentators. I'm getting very tired of Jimmy and Kenny's act. Love Hermie and Wendy. They are the best.

  22. why does KW have an umbrella next to desk?

    Does he know something?

  23. Vince,

    When they had Kyle Petty and Hermie Sadler on the panel it was a very different vibe.

    Just sayin...

  24. I can't believe you noticed that too! Probably just keeping it with him in case..

  25. Vince, that is what I did today. Went to bed late last night and woke up to have breakfast and turn on Race Day. I love it!

  26. @Anon 11:25 - The hour-by-hour forecast did call for possible showers at 11:00am, RaceDay's start time.

  27. ESPN is already starting to promote next Saturday's MIS Nationwide race with no play by play announcer.

    That should be interesting...

  28. I think the DVR has helped NA$CAR keep more of the fans. Many of us feel the first 75% of a race is wasted time and only the end is worth watching. We frequently go about our day and catch up on the early part of the race with the DVR and catch the end live. If not for the DVR, we would just skip the whole thing and wait for football season. The chase has made the drivers close to the top 12 drive defensively which makes it follow the leader with the IROC car.

  29. Got the word from ESPN, no re-airs planned for this race.


  30. The use of Tivo's by NASCAR fans also shows that the races are too long.

    Oh and by the way - Good Morning!

  31. Husband and I agree with starting races earlier. As a west coaster, if I were to watch live, much rather do it at 10AM to have afternoons free.

    In this day and age of DVR's the PTB need to rethink the whole starting time theory anyway.

    Have fun today guys and gals. Will read you up to start of race then finish after I watch tonight. I DVR'd race via Directv's feature to set the dvr via PC.

    Cross fingers for me it worked :-)

  32. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  33. WOW! I know Jimmy S is a loose cannon but.

    male dogs in heat! Everybody knows it's the female, but he just kept going on and on and on. Heck I don't like Kyle Busch but even I would not tie him into such an analogy.

    Woof, woof.

  34. Thanks for the answer in the other post JD.

    Hey, the sun is out so thats a plus

  35. Why would they want to show an old race from the 1990's tonite on ESPNC when they could easily re-air today's race. HELP!!!

  36. JD, show us your pull here... the 6:00 slot would work on ESPNC. Pull out all the stops.

  37. Doing the same as WCDiane, DVR'd the race (manually with Dish) and will watch when I get home. My biggest frustration is that I've been using RaceView and PitCommand that won't be available on a delay. The replays are available for more than a week after the original session.

  38. Hey, I was checking out Jayski's article links.

    The top one is in red and says "ESPN's racecast - LIVE coverage and chat"!!!

    Clicked on it and it opened a page without asking for a password!!

    Is this normal? Don't think so....

  39. With Lowes not renewing their contract with Charlotte Speedway who will take over the naming rights? My vote is for Extendz "cause they have the longest race on the circuit"!

    Ok,I'm ashamed of myself...

    Frank in Sebring

  40. Let's just say the ESPN guys were not to happy about me pushing for a re-air. Their comments

  41. Something useful for the road courses I think would be the old ESPN tool of using a green up arrow or red down arrow to show if someone has moved up or back since the last time the ticker scrolled...

    random thought but something that just came to mind

  42. Di, they have Ryan McGee from home doing a live race chat over at has been trying to get fans to the site, but I don't think they know why or how.

    Best of luck to Ryan, moderating is a *cough* lot of fun.

  43. Well, there will be a lot of unhappy fans that they will need to be brief with. How can we contact them?

  44. Just jump over to and ask Ryan about it. Be nice!

  45. I'm not playing hookie, just have two windows open.

  46. Helluva good in a prayer, does it get any better?

  47. didn't understand it last week and do not get it today

    why do the invocation and national anthem again? didnt we do this yesterday? Can you bless a race twice?

    In the day - Network TV would come on with cars going around the track and at 11AM - not NOON!

  48. JD,

    Oops, guess it was wishful thinking.

    Since it had some timing/scoring info when I saw the video window, thought the race was going to be shown.

    Should have known better. You can smack me now :-)

  49. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  50. Sorry bob, my lawyer says no to those links on the site.

    Think Google will have to provide that info.



  51. [bows head in shame]

    ok it wont happen again - those darn lawyers.

  52. David, I already did! Why I needed some advice. That feed is from the UK and is getting around the US copyright laws.

    When the hammer comes down, it is going to be a very expensive one for that guy.

  53. Don't think Jamie has an idea what a "ringer" is in racing

  54. No problem, if Turner and NASCAR and ESPN could get a clue, this race would be streamed online with the ESPN commercials.

    Unfortunately, Turner is not playing well with others right now.


  55. Well I worked last night & have to work tonight. So I'm in between "naps" Heres hoping no rain. Morning coffee & a race - this is living!

    Could someone explain Elliotts huge white sunglasses? Is he making fun of Scott Speed?

  56. Frank

    That new title for the track is a no go. Maybe they could sponsor a "warranty" service...extended warranty.

    See what you started. :)

    I've also not heard "helluva" in a prayer before....

  57. What is up with Jamie? She is having a really bad time with the Cup guys these days.

  58. Well as a follower, I know you mentioned that before, but I meant lets not get you in MORE trouble lol.

    You seem to dig your own holes well enough without our help lol

  59. JD, watching the race on directv. one of the perks of working the night shift. still get to watch the race. looking forward to a great broadcast and the 7 in the winners circle. enjoy all.


  60. When they told the drivers to start their engines, some crew chiefs told their drivers to start the car and then shut if off until they were told to start moving out on the track.

  61. Unfortunately, there is no way to limit the online streaming to just the US. Anything online violates the rights agreements with all kinds of folks worldwide.


  62. I'm going to take a drink today, for each time when JP says "if you're just joining our broadcast"....the first time he does it will be my cue that he's running out of steam and that he'll start repeating stats.

  63. Charlie, thats common practice on any fuel mileage race.

    Some just don't even start their engines when the command comes down

  64. What about DJ with a scripted controversy question??

  65. Why no comp yellow?


  66. I know that David. Just trying to help out with what is going on at the track.

  67. Getting the radio ready, just in case

  68. I've seen that track map 100 times this weekend!

  69. Did the Glen change those barriers at the end of pit road to water or are they still sand?

  70. @JD- I really liked Jamie in the IRL. She is getting worse every week in NASCAR though. You would think she would do some homework about the sport. Sounds like she just hears phrases in the media center then spouts them on tv.

  71. This is interesting. If they would've run on Sunday the green flag would've dropped at :18 past the hour. Today, we're a few minutes past that.

  72. The one good thing about not watching on TV, no lame pit reporting.


  73. Mike, they are late. Told it was GF at :18.

  74. Ryan said that he didn't know what time the re-air would be, but that Nascar Now show was at 5:00... is he dancing around the question?

  75. Are these practice laps counting? No update on leaderboard.


  76. Great. Not half way thru the first lap and we have a bumper cam thru the chicane. That shows nothing. A bad omen.

  77. Think we can stay with the Bush Beans in-car camera for an entire lap?

  78. Guess there's no other racing going on behind the top 5?

  79. MRN Radio...a passion for what they do, and it shows.
    ESPN? Deader than a doornail, with lame coverage.
    In early commercial, MRN is handling details on good early battles for position.

  80. Am I oversensitive, or is ESPN jamming ads in hand over fist?

  81. Speaking of MRN - second week in a row no race on the D/FW affiliate. Top 5 media market and no race coverage.

  82. Let's take bets on how many times they're going to show Said's footwork.

  83. Bobby Labonte gets tapped by Jeff Burton and gets off the course but gets back on and continues.

  84. Burton ate curb, thats why he hit Bobby

  85. Thanks Charlie. That's the info we at work need to read.


  86. no mrn in new york city area and we are #1 market.

    wikipedia shows Dallas as #6 TV market behind Philly.

  87. Hey Dot, glad your here again. Marcos puts a slick move on JJ out of 10 into 11. 3rd now

  88. geez shannon
    can't you tell us a fact or 2 about the 88 in four SHORT sentences or less??
    Oh good, another comm'l


  89. Chad told Jimmie after he was past by Marcos to watch for a car coming out of the pits.
    No mention of anyone going to the pits on Tv.

  90. Lets see what incident ESPN misses this time

  91. Anyone missing Marty Reid? Just asking...

  92. Darn, went to radio in DFW and there's no racing. Have to enjoy JPs snoozefest on TV.

  93. Three minute freakin" break?????

  94. Darbar,
    I'll set the number at 10 and take the under...should be somewhere between 7 to 10 times through the race.

  95. stremme falling like a word from espn...3rd commercial break on lap 11...good thing i love nascar cause espn makes me want to shoot the tv

  96. Is the 37 out?
    He's shown several laps down.

  97. That was sooooo important to tell us about baseball coming out of a long comm. break!

  98. anyyone else tired of seeing all the stupid coverage of boris said. come on

  99. @ David, thanks. I'm recording @ home, I'll look for that. Another surprise by Marcos. I'm sure JJ won't cry about it though.


  100. gordon #24 has a short shifter

    no mention??

  101. Half lap of racing, six commercials, one lap of racing, six more commercials

  102. 4 cars off according to the ticker

    HELLO ESPN????anybody home?????

  103. Well JD, Jr lives!

    Thats about the only car aside from the 24 they've shown out of the top 10. Disappointing to say the least

  104. No talk of start and parks. Hey, who the heck is Ave????

  105. caution lap 18, debris on the track.

  106. Think we'll see debris?

  107. anybody remember how much fun tnt made sonoma...exact opposite today

  108. Caution, my behind. I remember they would never call a full course caution, but only a warning yellow for the area where the debris is located. There is no need for a full course yellow. Heck, even the open wheelers don't have a full course caution for a bit if gunk on the track.

  109. I wonder if they talk about NASCAR as much during a baseball game as NASCAR talks about baseball during a race?

  110. I think the spelling of debris should be debree.

  111. Well, I must say, I am really not enjoying this race. Tony isn't on hotpass this week and his sirius channel has Kenseth on it for some reason. I am having to rely on ESPN for info so I have no clue what is going happening.

  112. Debris in the inner loop. Someone probably knocked over the red cone.

  113. Gee Jerry, how critical is this????

  114. The extra long commercial breaks aren't helping. That, and back to covering only the top 10 cars are really making me sad I'm sitting here watching this mess! Not even 20 laps and it's already a train wreck!

  115. Dot, MA not thrilled with the car, stays out, several pit. MA leads

  116. Ever just want to pull your hair out when your driver didn't pit with the rest of them!!!!

  117. leader pits plus a bunch of others, Marcos stays out. Hamlin, Dale jr. to fast on pit road.

  118. I see I am only missing aggravation..been on the phone with tv muted but the camera work looks totally ANNOYING as usual unless i am missing something.


    this camera work has got to go. YAY! MRN is on..thanks to some country music station I never listen to.


    just heard Marcos did not make a pit stop just now.

  119. Good thing only 3 cars stayed out - relatively easy for Jerry Punch to follow! Did take him a while to catch on that it happened, but he eventually did... for once.

  120. OK, what is it with Southerners who don't realize there's no "D" in the word important. It's not impordant, but Southerners never pronounce that word correctly.

  121. JD,

    How exactly do commercials work on a rainout? I realize sponsors pay to have their adds shown x number of times at y time.

    But when they have a rain delay, and no race, they fill a couple of hours with commercials. Logic would say then that there really should be any commercials left for the race if it is run on Monday.

    Now I assume that their contract says that the ads must be run DURING the race and not merely the time it is scheduled to run at, but even so I would think theoretically there should be less commercials during the race due to the air time yesterday.

    Just started thinking of this when they came back from commercial on Lap 9 and then went back to it on Lap 11.

  122. Also Kahne and Sorenson stayed out.

  123. darbar-Tony Ave is a road racer, or road parker in this case

  124. Montoya hits a Ragan crewmember. Not good.

  125. If your to fast on pit road you have to go back to the back of the pack on restart.

  126. Boyd, who's ride did Ave take over?

  127. glad we saw the debris, huh?

  128. How in the world did the director miss the 55 spinning there when he was right on the spot...

  129. Thanks for the update on MA. Worries me though.

    Karma for Hamlin, hee hee.


  130. Carpentier (55) gets tapped by Stremme and spins but keeps going.

  131. yeah, it was Raines' ride he is in.

    This is a disjointed mess

  132. Phat,

    They just check for outdated content in the spot buys and change all the promo spots because the dates are wrong.

    Other than that, it runs again from the start with the same sponsors.

    No idea why they are front loading all the breaks right now. Tough to watch.

  133. guy hit by JPM being taken to care center..brush burn on elbow

    David stremme turned about

  134. Stremme just can't buy a break, or good driving skills

  135. Stremme ran out of talent, again.

  136. Caution 2 lap 23, Stremme looses it and spins. Gordon, Harvick involved.

  137. Well Stremme...there IS a turn there...

  138. stinks Harvick to the garage from the hit

  139. Is stremme taking over for Robby today?

  140. More karma being dealt. Is it Robby Gordon?

    Leaderboard on behind on telling me what's going on.

    Thank you Planeteers and JD.


  141. poor harvick AGAIN...his tweets should be interesting later

  142. Oh no, it was Jeff. Dan will not be happy. Taking back my karma comment. Please specify next time.


  143. Kahne and Sorenson in the pits this time. Marcos still stays out. Montoya comes in, he made a pit stop last time to.

  144. You want to see if our PXP is better than ESPN's?

  145. trouble for Ron Fellows made pit stop - went to leave and stalled the car - cant get it re-fired

  146. Ask whats going on with the 7 and you get a report on the 39. WTH?? Totally horrid job by the pit reporters.

    If they have had alt problems with the 39 from the start, why didn't they say something before now. That just annoys the heck out of me.

    Wonder if we will ever find out whats going on with the 7.

  147. Live Leaderboard on says Fellows crossed the line twice with a 6.42 second interval and puts him in the lead!... What happened there!

  148. Mike aka RickyBobbyAugust 10, 2009 at 1:05 PM

    this should be the new nascar commercial....I drove 1700 miles to the race so i wouldn't have to watch it on espn

  149. You guys listening to MRN or Sirius, how is the race broadcast?

  150. replacing distributor on #7 car

  151. ESPN's "Fastest Pit Crew of the Year" Promotion is so patently absurd. They took one of the most objectively verifiable stats imaginable and turned it into a popularity contest between Jeff Gordon, Dale Jr. and two others.

  152. Fastest pit crew WOW, couldn't that just be decided by a dang stop watch. Another stupid popularity contest that has no bearing on reality.....

  153. These fans don't know squat about racing. How can anyone vote for Earnhardt's crew when they never get him out in a higher position then when he got in the pits. They always get him out at least 8 places below than where he started

  154. This race is nothing like Saturday. Not many wide shots. Just showing single or two cars.

  155. Mike, cut that out! I spit out perfectly good Dunkin Donuts coffee!

  156. While ESPN sat in commercial, MRN's Glen Jarrett just nailed it! Caught up with Harvick at the care center after he got tapped by Stremme and caught the absolute essence of his feelings.
    Harvick was not happy. Nice work, MRN!
    ESPN? Commercial. Sad.

  157. novel idea for espn...cover the pit road issues during caution laps...mrn has just updated all of the pit road issues and is now doing a field run down

  158. Another bad idea about how to 'involve' the fans? Just be sure to keep it irrelevant.

  159. Dar, but the other half the time they don't do any work because Jr misses the pit box...

  160. I love Punch trying to nonchalantly say Helluva Good..

  161. decent job showing cars thru the chicane

  162. 95 minutes of commercials already and we still miss a green flag restart - maybe not 95 minutes, but it sure feels like it

  163. Boy they REALLY want to say MA made a mistake staying out. I really don't think its as big a deal as they are playing it up to be.

  164. What in the heck is a "hellava Good sour cream dips", and how can they afford to sponsor a race when people have no idea who they are?

  165. I can't stand watching a race live. I can't take the same commercials over and over!
    Time to let the DVR take care over and lag behind some.

  166. not as good as Shaheen saying Inglourious Basterds nonchalantly at Daytona.

    Now if we had a extenze speedway -can that be said nonchalantly?

  167. I'm about ready to bug out on ESPN for a second week in a row to listen to Sirius. This is absurd. Reminds me of NBC in their last season when they knew they wouldn't have any more races.

    You would think a sense of professionalism would at least count for something.

  168. Coincidence Harvick and Stremme were in the studio at the same time yesterday?

    I feel for KH, they had a great car and really started turning the corner in the last month

  169. Listening to Sirius - JPM not miss ESPN..can put it on pause to take a phone call...

  170. Just plain awful. Espn is way behind on what is going on and not showing what's actually happening in the race.

    Punch, this isnt a funeral procession it's a freaking once-per-week event that alot of us get excited about.

  171. @ Mike 1:05 Bravo. Best comment ever.

  172. Dar - It's an east coast company. Just because you've never heard of them, doesn't mean they are not a big company.

    I had never heard of Cracker Barrel, because they don't have any up here, until they started sponsoring the Atlanta spring race

  173. RT @MartysmithESPN Be back. Very important errand to run. Have to find MRN Radio broadcast on local Charlotte station. My XM plan terminated. I am lost.

    Evidently, he can't stand the ESPN broadcast either.

  174. Wonder how KH really feels.....

    This pit strategy is really confusing the booth.

  175. Dar they are a northeast company that makes certain food products. They are a sponsor at Dover as well and have been since last season

  176. Marcos in pits, Lap 30. Kurt pitted on lap 29.

  177. Marty's remark should REALLY say something to ESPN. Wonder if that was ESPN-approved? LOL

  178. ambrose pit strategy

    laps 30 and 60?

  179. I can hear JP look at Smoke, where did he come from - since he restarted 8th and is now in 4th and no one has said a word.

  180. We are seeing a bizarre set of fuel strategies here. I admit it's beyond me. I need Jerry Punch here, but I know he's clueless too. The most analysis we've gotten here is from Andy Petree saying he disagrees with the calls and is confused - can you explain why?

  181. Four tires and fuel only? What Vince?

  182. Surely there must be some cars actually racing each other behind the leaders? Can't we see some of that??

  183. Thanks David, you're a font of information. Phathead, I wasn't slamming the sponsor, but I just never heard of them.

  184. Ironic.....Stremme and Harvick were sitting side by side in the studio yesterday. When Harvick was asked about drivers he didn't like race against and he mentioned there were some, I wonder if Stremme was one of those he was thinking of?

  185. Last race MA pitted early. Now not yet. Anybody know the stragedy? Any word from the insightful pit road bunch?

