Sunday, August 9, 2009

Watkins Glen Race Postponed To Monday At Noon ET

Update: The Sprint Cup Series race has been postponed due to rain until Monday at noon ET. There will be a one hour RaceDay show on SPEED at 11AM. TDP will live blog both shows. Join us for updates and info tomorrow.

Here we go with twelve hours of NASCAR TV. NASCAR Now is the bookend, with the preview show at 10AM and the review show at 10PM. Long day for host Mike Massaro.

RaceDay from the Glen allowed Wendy Venturini to put her meteorology skills to work and point out the huge storm headed for the area that is supposed to hit around 2PM.

Jimmy Spencer starred in the show opening as General Patton and had one foot in funny and the other in creepy. These interesting show opens are actually courtesy of The NASCAR Media Group that produces the SPEED Stage shows.

Allen Bestwick has Rusty Wallace and Brad Daugherty alongside as he hosts an hour of pre-race at 1PM. This show should use the Saturday Nationwide Series race that ESPN produced as the foundation to build the Sprint Cup Series preview.

Wallace and Daugherty have been doing a very good job of building the excitement for these races. Between Wallace's outspoken comments and Daugherty's over-the-top enthusiasm, the Infield Pit Studio has been fun to watch.

Jerry Punch will have Dale Jarrett and Andy Petree next to him in the broadcast booth to call the race. Lots of TV watching in the booth as this is a road course and seeing all the way around the track is tough. Both Jarrett and Petree called the Nationwide Series race, so they should be ready to go.

As usual, the challenge for ESPN is to balance in-car camera views with wideshots following the double-file racing in the field. Trouble comes quickly at The Glen and the TV team is going to be called on to react quickly when something happens on the track or on pit road.

Watch the TV director cut the pit stops on this track that runs in the opposite direction from the other road course. Green flag stops should be in a double video box that allows the racing on the track to continue to be seen continually.

The quick camera cuts of this track make it tough to integrate elements like pre-recorded driver soundbites that ESPN has been forcing into the last two Sprint Cup Series races. It also makes it tough for Tim Brewer to get his points across from the Tech Garage. Hopefully, Brewer keeps it brief today.

ESPN continues to use the "flying headshots" as the cars finish the race instead of the same drop-down electronic graphic favored by the other NASCAR TV networks. This makes it tough to watch the race and also see who finished where.

We are going to open the live blog early today and welcome your comments on all the NASCAR TV programs on the air this Sunday. To add your TV-related opinion, just click on the comments button below. This is a family-friendly website, please keep that in mind when posting. Thanks for stopping by TDP.


  1. Hope weather isnt an issue today. I agree with why they wont use rain tires though.

  2. Severe Thunderstorm Watch for Western NY til 7PM.

    Radar does not look good.

  3. What in the world is going on in the background w/that noise?? It's better now. I'm getting abit sick of Kenny tellin' me something-he's got to drop that saying! Can't wait to see the real deal w/MA

  4. last Sept went to New Hampshire - remember it rained till just before race time and when we arrived the jet dryers were still on the track - and as we walked to to our seats next to fence jet dryer blew air our way and it was hot. Never knew that.

  5. No idea why KW started that catch phrase, but it certainly is getting a tad annoying.

  6. Its a jet engine strapped to a truck bed...seeing the force of a jet engine daily firsthand I cant imagine how hot it must be. lol.

    Wow, MA might only be here a handful of years? I actually would have a tremendous amount of respect for him if he came and did this for a bit then went back home for his kids. I think in his 4 years over here he has already proven alot in his abilities and it would be great to see him win in Cup on both the RC's and the ovals.

  7. JD the entire RD gimmick is getting annoying. Spencer and Wallace leading the charge. Would like to see this show get a bit of an overhaul in the offseason and I think a Kyle Petty/whomever tandem would be great!

  8. and the extenze commercials continue on Speed - if I had young children I would boycott any telecast with this sponsor. cant even imagine being on west coast at 09:30 AM over breakfast trying to explain this one.

  9. bobb,

    They are gone from the national ad time right now, but are flooding the local time on the cable systems and the over the air stations.

    I have IRL fans emailing me about them because the NASCAR Conway commercials are running on the Versus network all the time.

    What a mess the media is on this issue.


  10. must have been on DirecTV only then.

    with DTV you can't tell national from local commercials sometimes.

  11. Hi all - got the pre race on as background noise - in case something interesting happens. Kenny admitted on Twitter a couple of times he likes to say/do stuff just to annoy people. LOL I think he has it perfected.

    verify= malint ? short for malintentions?

  12. I live in the Rochester area about an hour or two away from the glen and we have some really heavy thunderstorms moving through with a ton of lighting. If the thunderstorms hold up they should arrive at the glen rightt around green flag time. The freqent lighting will deffenitly effect the broadcast since camera people cant be at their positions, and I dont think the pit reporters can be wandering around since they have those big yellow attena poles following them.

  13. I was at the Glen 2001 thru 2003 and if these storms hit it is highly unlikely we will race today. Glen has been rebuilt since but back then there was very little space to hide under grandstands like other tracks and area floods easily. Gonna be interesting.

  14. My RD line-up. Krista Voda host, Ricky Craven if he can get out of ESPN, Randy Pemberton. Have a weekly taped history segment with Buddy Baker.

  15. Wow, the radar is nasty. I hope they can get folks out of the stands and back to their cars before this hits.

  16. I actually have RD on but missed the opening darn it...are they opening with skits now every week?

    Good grief whoever mentioned the signs on Trackside here recently they are HUGE and distracting on RD..sigh

    And when did RD start adding music over the guys talking (ala Twin and we detest that practice)

    Anyway I like the guys on this show bue methinks this show could get it done in 1 hour. Take out the promos, bumpers, repeated vignettes....geesh.

    I am still mad I missed NP..forgot to tape it last night on first viewing and can't stand watching stuff before the race.

    Hopefully MRN will work today but it is very HOT and muggy...don't know if that interferes with FM signal or not. I will find out. :) Ugh. dewpoints in 70's. Hope it's cooler for the drivers.

  17. Yanno, if ESPN wanted to make a really big splash in the booth, Rick Allen would be alright by me...

    Kinda reminds me of Bob Jenkins in a way. Great TV voice, very professional yet is genuinely enthusiastic about the racing on the track...

    My OT remark of the morning.

    Not feeling good about racing today, the storm is now creeping down towards the track, rain odds are at 80%. Wish RD would do a weather update right about now since they go off the air in 13 mins

  18. p.s. I miss Bootie on NP..I think that's why I keep forgetting to tape it. I understand why he left but he and chad were good together on that show. nice to see him on RD.

  19. Radar got uglier- if that possible - storm looks like it will hit Elmira to Glen head on.

  20. I tried to make a play for Bootie on TWIN when Chad was off, but no go. That would have been fun.

    The MWR issue put the whammy on that one.

  21. The weather forecast looked worse last night than it does today. just shows clouds.

    Dumb question. Did it rain at WG earlier? Is that why the dryer are on the track. No mention on RD.

  22. Dot there was rain through the night and this morning.

    Looks like if they get hit at 2, we might be clear around 3-4 but might be too late by then to dry the track and get the race in.

    Plus, selfishly, I work tonight so come 7 est I gotta vanish. If its gonna rain, it better wash the day away entirely lol.

  23. Radar looks awful, but it's only the one storm & it is moving fast. But it will take forever to dry..

  24. Yeah, looks like this could be another long day for the broadcast.

  25. I hope that it either gets going on time or washes completely - I got to work tonight till 7 a.m. so a Monday is better

  26. no mention (I believe) on RD but on twitter it was posted that they had rain overnight.

  27. No hurry-up?

    Figure NASCAR would have more common sense than to wait wait wait.

  28. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  29. Well if we get rained out I'm off to buy a better radio so I can at least listen tomorrow. Too bad I can't plug my laptop into the work network, I'm guessing the IT police would be looking for me. I am so tired of rain the problem lately is that when it's raining at the track I also have crappy weather so it's just depressing all the way around.

    Back on topic I really enjoyed the Ambrose piece, Wendy is the heart of Raceday. I love Kenny and Jimmy in small doses, unfortunately with a 2 hour Raceday it's not small enough. I like Kyle but I'm afraid he's too opinionated and we already have that problem. I'd love to see Hermie on the set but then we'd lose his interviews so I'm torn. Johnny TV still works for me.
    Note to Speed don't get any bright ideas to put Mikey in there somewhere, love the man but not there.

  30. RD mentioned it at the start of the show which was really the only weather update I saw from them

  31. Im debating going to Phoenix in the fall and blowing up a picture someone found of Jimmy with his bald head....


  32. David that would be just wrong and they'll never make it on the air. I will say the evil side of me really wants to see them ;)

  33. It is always amazing how ESPN completely ignores the reality of potential t-storms. 12 minutes into the show and all we got so far is the intro where AB simply says, "despite some morning showers, the track is dry. It's a beautiful summer day in the village of Watkins Glen, NY."

  34. NRF thats my thoughts exactly. Friends tried getting me to go to the April race to do it but couldnt afford to go, so we'll see.

    Im sure the reaction of "Jimmy sign my poster!" would be priceless...

  35. What a coincidence that Vince Welch did the JPM interview...

  36. Were 15 minutes into the show, give him a bit to maybe tell the viewers. Its sunny here right now. Settle.

  37. No hurry up yet, still working on if that is going to happen.

  38. without pasting whole NWS Special Weather Statement here - Buffalo NWS says (edited) - ok its kinda long




  39. Anon 1:16PM,

    The reason this is being discussed is because ESPN has a history of not showing the weather radar of being truthful about the forecast.

    RaceDay had Wendy V. standing in front of the official NASCAR weather TV and pointing to the approaching rainstorm.

    Just a difference in TV options..

  40. Storm is passing through Kingston, Ontario right now and, according to's future radar graphics, should hit Watkins Glen around 2:30pm and not clear up until 5:00pm.

  41. Did you guys just get a NAIR ad during NASCAR Countdown?

  42. Too bad they aren't at Mid-Ohio. Windy but looks like a beautiful day.

  43. I know this is a TV website, but right now I'm viewing the race through MRN Radio on my computer, and I wonder if Barney Hall's gonna be doing today's race because so far, I haven't heard from him. I've only heard from Dave Moody.

  44. there are some that call YES network the Al-Jazeera network as in don't say anything bad about the Yankees but I believe NASCAR on ESPN is.

    Just as Al-Jazeera does, ESPN has an agenda but in this case its to keep viewers tuned in and don't mention any rain. Its sunny and warm in Watkins Glen. No rain here.

    They have done it before - last week?

  45. Wasnt in the room during commercial so no idea JD.

    "Shootout style restarts, as NASCAR likes them called"

    Nice AB!

    a great example of wheelhop was Boris yesterday, u could see the axle hopping like crazy from the turn 10 camera! that was great camera work, the onboard was a great example too.

  46. That jimmy spencer opening bit was beyond creepy.

  47. I wish that rain up in NY could come down here we need rain so badly to cool it some. The weather guys said the high today will ONLY be 91.

  48. Moody usually hosts part of the pre-race on MRN

  49. KH twits that rain is 51 miles away and NWS says its moving 45 mph.

    rain at 2:40PM?

  50. "Bubble Boys" AB? Is that a fat crack at Newman?

  51. AB has used that term from his days at NBC/TNT

    the bubble -

    the Billy Mays back again commercial - kinda creepy too.

  52. Alans about to talk about weather, so you all can be happy. HALLELUJAH!!!!

  53. Wouldn't the last place you'd want to be is in the stands with Tstorms on the way?

    Regardless if they start the race or not, I'm going to the pool. I'll either see the end of the race today or the rest of it tomorrow.

  54. Why arn't they trying to hurry up and get this race in????
    Does Nascar decide this? or the TV channel?

  55. Somebody please make Kenny Wallace get off RaceDay! He is so bad, he is distracting, I had to mute it!

    And Spencer's mouth is not suitable for kids watching!!

  56. Ok, now I'm hearing from Barney Hall. Looks like he will do the race today. Still wish he'd go west with the MRN team when they're at PIR, Chicagoland, and Fontana.

  57. @JD- didn't catch that but one of my favorite jokes involves Nair, a schnauzer, a pharmacist, a woman and a bicycle :)

  58. 75 minute pre-race?!

    Good freaking God man! This is NOT necessary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    My biggest gripe with the TV packages ever since 2001. They dumped hours and HOURS of worthless pre-race on us. Well, if we don't get going today its a shame.

  59. The pre-race ceremonies don't start until 2p.m., and that's something they don't move up, regardless of the weather.

  60. Mike, they have in the past. Back in the day (only 2 or so years ago) they would come on the air and be in a hurry-up which meant 15 minute pre-race then opening ceremonies and green flag come bottom of the hour

  61. I know David, they do an hour pre race every week, this isnt anything new, dont watch all 60 minutes, and it wont get to you. I must say though, last week was nice as it went on Monday, start and go.

  62. They move up prerace activities all the time. In fact I've been at races where they have forgone intro's etc..just to get the race in.

  63. Thanks AB for the weather reality check!

  64. Unlike Fox, ESPN shows a radar.

  65. TV networks USED to move green flag up 30 minutes or so when rain threatened but that seemed to stop when ESPN took over two years ago.

    ESPN have a say in this? Is it in contract?

  66. JD, with the White House visit being on the 19th, and it supposedly including all last year's Chase drivers, how does that affect Kyle Busch and running the Truck race which is that night?

  67. They're still doing driver introductions.

  68. I'm sorry, the hurry up is just shifting the start to the top of the hour. Not going to make a lot of diff today.

  69. Annon, usually I tune out for pre-race. Im upset this week because there is no reason we cant have 30 or so laps in the books before the rains hit if they would have moved everything up an hour. That way it would be almost certain we could get the whole race in today. Or at least flirt close enough with 75% distance to feel like we got a "full" race in.

  70. FOX doesn't show radar?

    Larry Mac is a weather channel buff. He visits it every time in Atlanta

    oh so not true.

  71. JD - the hurry up race start is such a joke. I don't think 5 or 10 minutes will make a difference.

  72. Yes friends, it's called "re-purposing" of content by ESPN.

    As NASCAR Now viewers can attest..

  73. @ anon 1:45 JD meant on the race broadcast

  74. I'm making the gamble that rain will affect the start (or certainly before halfway), so I'm going to tune to the IRL race while the DVR takes care of the NASCAR event. Thank god for dual mode DVRs.

  75. JD were all these pieces pre-recorded several weeks ago? Little pathetic because things change so fast in this sport that your "picks" can change week to week based on momentum

  76. This Ringside bit is just awful. What has a boxing ring to do with racing? Just freakin bad decision. Oops I forgot - its just one of several

  77. ESPN has no control over the start of the race in situations like this, its all NASCAR. Its not ESPNs agenda or script.

  78. vicky, most of the time the hurry up is to try and get half the race in before weather hits and make it official.

  79. I just saw a rain drop drip off the blimp camera.

  80. Don't know if you have seen the E:60 sports magazine show on ESPN, but they do an opening like that.

    Black and white, dramatic, interrupted and all that. Kind of nice in the right circumstance.

  81. Rain should be really close around 2:15pm, with lightning threat around 2:40pm and won't clear until 4:30pm.

  82. Still a little weird to hear Bob Jenkins on the Versus IRL coverage...

  83. JD, I thought it was a cool segment at Indy. Now here 2 weeks later everyone is in the same outfits, like we got stuck in a time rut, just seems disjointed and dated.


  84. If they thought there was a chance of getting to halfway they'd have moved things up. But since rain is imminent, they must figure it wouldn't make much of a difference today. So, it appears they're sticking to the original plan.

  85. @Editor
    Yup I like it on E60 -it fits there ( for lack of a better word) because it sets the tone of the show. Here not so much. Actually wish they'd use it for the start of all the fights also - gives a retro look.

  86. Jack Arute back with the IRL broadcast! He does a great job in that role.

  87. When RD kicked off the storm was moving east, with hopes it stayed in that direction. I think NASCAR was hoping the same but unfortunately it started heading south which put the track on a collision course with weather yet again.

    I think they dropped the ball because with a 1:40 green flag we could have easily put 30 laps in the books before the heavy weather hit, 33% of the race would have been in which makes it much easier to run 60 laps after 5 pm instead of trying to run 90. Feels like we're being set up to wait around all day with no certainty the entire thing will get in today...

  88. ESPN couldn't ignore weather as drivers like to talk about it.

  89. Wow, AB just flat-out admitted we'll have a rain delay. Don't see that much anymore!

  90. AB just showed a very ugly Florida-esque (a word? lol) radar. For the 1st time I'm glad I'm not there.

  91. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  92. David I agree with what you say - Why didn't green flag be moved up and driver intros be scrubbed.

    But it likely wouldn't work today.

    Glen is a BIG track and takes a long time to dry. There are no lights and ESPN has baseball - another Yankees/Red Sox game.

  93. soooooo does anyone have any idea how long it takes for the track to dry? future cast shows the weather clearing out around 5. Add 2 hours to that for track drying and it is 7. Sunset is at 8:18 pm. If it rains as it is forecasted to, this race will be mostly run tomorrow.

  94. Hearing a minister say "heluva good" seems rather ironic. LOL

  95. Sports leagues stick to starting times. It's no different for a baseball game....if a game is scheduled to start at 7:05p.m. and there's a chance for them to make it an official game by starting a half-hour earlier than that, they're not going to move up the first pitch to do so.

  96. anthem was alright today now the next thing. stop the fake bombs with yelling in the middle. just disrespectful in my opinion as a former Marine.

  97. Track was dry an hour ago, nothing a few pace laps wouldn't have taken care of.

    Some priority should have been placed on the weather especially after last week.

    I appreciate honesty out of a network and withholding information until 20 minutes before the scheduled green flag is not honest to me. AB's choice or not.

    Holding it back until 2 PM just makes me scream even louder why a hurry-up didn't happen. Anyways rant over on that.

  98. What a concept. There was a lead change in the IRL race while at commercial, but we got to see it due to the "Non-Stop" side-by-side coverage. Boy, do I miss that one TNT race and wonder why its only one race.

    btw, isn't it interesting that the most defensive statements of ESPN come from some commenter named "Anonymous"?

  99. Mike, NASCAR isn't every other sport which is why I despise that comparison. It has happened before in NASCAR, SEVERAL times.

    So if something changed we sure never got the memo.

  100. can I get one of those "push to pass" IRL buttons in my Honda Civic?

    That was the best invocation moment since "shalom and amen" from the late Hal Marchman.

  101. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  102. Mike not to beat this to death but do a google search

    NASCAR + "hurry up mode"

    You will get many examples of Hurry up mode in the past. IT HAS BEEN DONE- but not lately.

  103. If they do get rain there, it is doubtful the race will go on. The race track is way too big, and no lights. We should just plan on watching tomorrow. Which sucks for those that work.
    I see they are now delaying the start. REALLY???

  104. Wow intermission already?!?

  105. JD if that comes to NASCAR, im done with the sport.

    I get why IRL added it, but that was only after they trashed their quality of racing with a horrid aero package...

  106. "Gentlemen, do not start your engines!"

  107. Spotters off roof, fans leaving stands like ants, cars coverd up.

  108. Versus knows how to do a split-screen during the race

  109. Can anyone remember a season where rain played a role in so many races? This is year of the rain-out!

  110. I am hoping that the fans can get to safety. This is a tough track to find shelter sometimes.

    Good call by NASCAR.

  111. WOW - they just discovered that rain was approaching.

    Doesn't anyone watch the radar?

  112. my guess would be they only go up to the top of the hour now because channel guides show the race broadcast from the top of the hour. There are a slew of people that don't watch the pre race marathons only the race.

  113. JD

    Are RD's ratings good enough to be on TWO HOURS? Wouldn't it be cheaper for H Depot to cut to an hour?

    I have IRL race on now, LAWD is it Hot my MUGGY in Ohio..hope drivers hydrated.

    OT quickly JD: Betty Crocker Dark Chocolate Brownies make great cookies. Just leave out the water. I use toaster oven so not to heat up house. My race tip snack of the day.:)

    I think that BSPN talking in boxing ring is just odd. Not working for me.

  114. bob,
    Don't you mean an search?

    they do have eight (8) dryers on loan.


  115. MikeC, you're beating a dead horse. We've all seen Nascar hurry up race starts.

  116. This is the problem I have....what we're seeing now is simply "holding the audience"...teasing people that they'll start at any time, so that people don't tune out.

  117. Mike, thus our complaint ALL year with the networks regarding rain

  118. Stoddard must live in a fantasy world because most everyone I heard from last year at Montreal said the race was a joke...

  119. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  120. Mike, that would be TV! Always interesting. What should be fun to watch right now is what ESPN does in the storm.

    TV is not usually permitted to continue to transmit in big lightning.

    So, are we going to see the Pocono race again?

  121. Sophia, I suspect two hours of RD aren't much more expensive to produce than one. I also suspect those costs are less than the costs of alternative programming in this slot. As long as the advertising revenue is more than the production costs then two-hour pre-race shows will continue.

  122. So, racing fans are going over to the IRL race and NASCAR fans are going out to brunch!

  123. Thats an interesting point - Canadian National Anthem - NASCAR refuses to broadcast it.

    They will sing it while TV is in commercial and start ceremonies after.

  124. MRN just gave the affiliates notice that they're going back to local programming at the bottom of the hour, for an hour..

  125. Yeah, AJ, finally a mention of the fans. Why are some still in the stands?

  126. says tornado warning issues 25 miles west of Watkins Glen. Not good...

  127. I better get that grocery list done, looks like I'll get it in today Bummer

  128. I've been on Vs. since the beginning of their broadcast. Looks like that gamble paid off.

    MRN is going of the air until 3EDT. So, I suspect ESPN to follow suit and do something similar.

  129. No IRL for me. My wife has already confiscated the remote, and I don't have that cable tier in the garage.

  130. Going to watch golf and see if Tiger can come from behind and win.

  131. hey gang. watching irl right now and keeping track on the glen via TDP. but i have to say: not looking to me as if racing is gonna happen today.

    and that does bring the "weather honesty" into the discussion once again. at some point, nascar has to get a grip on this issue and take a stand. as a fan who has sat thru several "rain delays" that morphed into "racing tomorrow," i would appreciate knowing sooner rather than later. that way, i can get away from the track and home and think about plans for the next day.

    yes, it does stink to go thru everything that's involved to get to the track and want to see the race but at some point, realism just has to sink in and nascar has to step up and act the adult here.

  132. for live radio streaming and in-car cameras

  133. A tornado warning has just been issued for Allegany County, two counties west of the Glen.

  134. @David, that comment by AB on the online poll just confirmed it.

  135. yeah bevo i hopped over. not the same though.

  136. @ink--like anon 1:36 said that's an old term from the NBC/TNT days. Nothing to do with anyone's physique :)

    @bevo--I love Jack Arute's name it always makes me giggle. I have no idea why. I want to hear your joke Bevo is it TDP safe?

  137. Personally, I am very tired of announcers making excuses for Nascar not using rain tires on road courses. If these drivers are so great, they can race in rain just line F1 and Indy. Sure it adds strategy and takes driving skills, but that is what makes rain racing fun. Look at the decision when to go back to slicks vs. staying on wets.

    It just reinforces that these guys
    only want to turn left and that it is the car not the driver in Nascar.

  138. wonder how safe the infield pit studio is in severe thunderstorms?

  139. Andrew, just listening to the race on SIRIUS last year and hearing Moody talk about it on his daily show when someone asks proved to me it was a joke. Watching them go 20 mph isnt racing. And the implications of it on the points could be catastrophic. think if Jr was 7th in points and on lap 2 in the rain put the car in the tires and missed the Chase as a result? The uproar would be insane!

    We all knew weather was coming, even before ESPN came on the air. Yet they took 45 minutes to even acknowledge the issue.

    I remember when they were in Japan when it rained. UGLY! video. Didn't Hornaday or Dale Sr get suck in the gravel trap for well over a half hour because for a while no one knew he was even out there? Just not good.

  140. Here is some great NASCAR humor to get you through the rain break:

    It's a funny article about how NASCAR drivers are afraid of raindrops. Hilarious!

  141. Not to mention the hit in the pocketbook the tracks take with these rain delays. SMI stock took a hit last year in the second quarter because of the races run the next day. Looks like ISC will have a similar hit this year.

  142. Professional Racing Drivers In 2-Ton Cars Terrified By Droplets Of Water

    CONCORD, NC—A paralyzing fear of precipitation kept dozens of highly skilled competition drivers, all of them trained to drive roll-cage equipped cars mere inches from one another at speeds exceeding 200 miles per hour for extended periods of time, from finishing the Coca-Cola 600 Monday. "I'm overjoyed to win the race, but I'm even more relieved that I didn't have to face the worst horror known to the professional racer: falling moisture," said David Reutimann, who was declared the winner when officials pronounced the track "horrifyingly damp" after only 227 laps and halted NASCAR's longest race. "Every race driver, except for maybe the guys in Formula One, and the Le Mans drivers, the Rolex Series, and rally drivers, I guess, and those guys in amateur racing...anyway, every single racing driver knows that if you drive in the rain you will automatically crash. No one in NASCAR wants to see crashes." Reutimann then thanked his sponsors and rushed off to hide in his motor home until the sun came out

  143. I really thought ESPN would have shutdown by now and either be on ESPNEWS or standby programming.

    Man, this is risky...

  144. announcers are making excuses for not using rain tires ?

    Mike Helton, President of NASCAR said so and thats why. Believe he said he didn't want rain to play a role in the chase standings. May happen in future.

    What excuses?

  145. David- that is why it is called "racing" and not "speeding".
    It is all part of racing--real drivers can adapt to any condition. Did you ever see Michael Schumacher
    drive in wet weather? It was incredible and part of why fe was the best driver in the world. He didnt wimp out at the first sign of non-optimal conditions

  146. @David-send me an email.

    @Gymmie- joke's not TDP-safe :)

  147. That's a joke article from The Onion, not a real quote for David.

  148. really awesome lightning picture over the S's on the homepage.

  149. wikipedia:

    The Onion is an American "fake news" organization. It features satirical articles reporting on international, national, and local news

  150. Why would the racetracks take a hit with race delays? Tickets are paid for? Actually the fans will have to pay 2 days of snacks, beer, beverages, plus private parking if they use it.
    You would think the tracks would make money??

  151. Annon, what series runs SIMILAR cars to NASCAR relative to weight and downforce that races in the rain?!

    NO ONE!

    These cars weigh over TWICE as much as an open wheel car, have less than half the downforce and have over twice as high the center of gravity. No way you could put a "race" on in the rain.

  152. Is audio and video out of sync for everybody or is it just here on TSN?

  153. @anonymous 2:28- F1 cars have so much downforce they would fly if you took the wings off. Also check out Japan last year when it really rained.

  154. I hope TVs Tim Brewer is ok in the Tech Garage. Hope it doesnt blow over.

  155. que bevo?

    I have irl's site up and running just saying it isn't the same as seeing it on tv...

  156. Now the audio/visual is off sync

  157. Audio is out of sync lol

  158. Is anyone else seeing audio/video out of sync?

  159. David: "Annon, what series runs SIMILAR cars to NASCAR relative to weight and downforce that races in the rain?"

    Australian V8 SuperCars

    However, Knaus talked about how heavy the cars are, along with their high center of gravity, and how they just don't have the braking force to offer anything of decent racing.

  160. This is like watching a Japanese movie!!

  161. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  162. NBC has Bill Weber and some guys on from Mid Ohio car races? must be delay since IRL is there now

  163. I don't think I have ever see a piece on the original road course thru the streets and farm land in Watkins Glen. We were able to see a vintage race at WG (and visit Lime Rock for another vintage race...saw Paul Newman).

    We took our tow vehicle and a video camera and drove the course. They have markers to follow so you know the turns and some of things that happened in the races before they stop racing on that course (too many deaths, unfortunately).

    They should do a segment on that if they haven't in the past.

    I must be the jinx, since Poconoa race was on travel day...leaving tomorrow, so if rained out same issue. I think I DVR'd at home...hope so. Although forecast looks almost same for tomorrow.

  164. okay, got my answer

    but do they have a 5 million dollar championship stakes on the line when they do?

  165. Does the rain slow down the video or something?

  166. @cindy- Have to pay everyone for an extra day of work, utilities, arrange for an extra day of rental equipment, etc.

  167. Gymmie

    jack arute's name always cracked me up initially...I thought Marty was always calling him "Jackaroo" a nikname..then my room mate said his last name was Arute and I felt like a dunce. :)

  168. To get this race in before darkness sets in, they'd have to drop the green by 5:30p.m. However, going by the future radar at, it's showing the rain pulling out of the Watkins Glen International area by 4:45p.m. Using those calculations, that would leave them 45 minutes to dry the track.

  169. @bevo--then email it to me my email is in my blog

  170. i wish they would stop talking about Marcos Ambrose ive heard enough, and ehen it gets started i dont need to see the drivers feet and i dont need to hear about the rinngers all day

  171. So far I think we still have a better chance getting the race in than he did last week.

    However, does anyone know what it's like to dry a road course? It's narrower but considering the twists and turns and length, does it take more or less time to dry than a super speedway. Another monday race would be annoying.

  172. Jim Richards the aussie started 2nd in the race in japan not rusty.

  173. you do good math MikeC

  174. Really surprising that ESPN hasn't cut away yet. They've got to be bleeding viewers to IRL and golf right now.

  175. Did the rain split the track or is it still about to hit? Anybody have the radar up on the computer?

  176. Its been raining here for 10-15 minutes already.

  177. @JD- according to JPM on Twitter it's a downpour. Watching Spongebob with his kids in the bus :)

  178. Any one else sick & tired of looking at Boris Saids feet? I switched over from Indycar to see if race gonna start & got feets. yuk Enuff already

  179. JD, NWS base radar (what's hitting the ground, shows the storm will clear in the next 20 minutes or so. The composite radar (what's falling but not reaching the ground) shows precip all the way back to Niagara Falls.

  180. Kenny Wallace lays down the law on Twitter:

    Let me tell you what's up with the rain!..Nascar Starts these Race's To late!..And that leaves no time in the day to dry the track...

  181. I love the foot shots, shows how real racers do it.

  182. It's about 1/2 way thru until clear skies.

  183. Pockrass tweeted rain has lightened up and dryers are being positioned around the track

  184. Danica is in sand trap can't drive out like Dario did.

  185. All 90 laps in today?... Jerry Punch can't be serious!

    There are two cells of really hard rain north and south of the track, so it could be worse, but the radar shows some lighter green cells right up until 5:00pm. Might not be raining hard until 5:00pm, but it might be sprinkling till then.

  186. I agree with footguy..... love the footcam, lets us see how real foot drivers do it...

  187. The heaviest band of rain has passed the track....but there's still a good band of light rain yet to pass through.

  188. Base radar

    See the link on the left for Composite. Turn on the 'Rivers' option and WG is at the base of the lake due south of Geneva.


  190. Anyone who knows about how long this one takes to dry when the rain stops?
