Sunday, August 2, 2009

Rutledge Wood Crashes The ESPN Pocono TV Booth

Don't let SPEED's Rutledge Wood wander around the Pocono Tower with a camera. Someone left the door open to the ESPN broadcast booth and Wood got a quick pic with the ESPN TV team on the air during final Sprint Cup Series practice. Click on it to see it full-size.

Great view of the TV monitor in front of Jerry Punch and the set of scoring and computer monitors on both sides of the booth. Also, this lets us see the very long view toward the backside of the track from this location.

The large object in the front of the picture is the camera used for the "stand-up" at the opening, during extended cautions and for the post-race. You can see the two TV lights above to illuminate that camera shot and back of the TV monitors used by the talent during their time on-camera.

Thanks to Rutledge for sneaking around the tower and taking some pics. Comments are welcome.


  1. Well, it looks like they aren't really looking at the track, just a bunch of large montitors no wonder Doc has problems keeping up with the races.

  2. If Doc is supposed to multi task all those monitors and the track, I can totally get why the man sounds distracted/quiet at times.

    How the heck u sposed to keep up with all that multi-tasking for LIVE action??

    Mama mia!!

  3. Sophia, that's his job. If others can do it, why can't he? He's a doctor, for crying out loud. You know they multi-task all the time, especially an ER doc.

  4. Notice the other guys are smiling. I guess it's fun to them!

  5. Karen
    You are 100% right regarding Punch's performance!


  6. Karen

    True that! Just didn't know so many monitors in the booth when they have so many windows. :)

  7. It is small wonder why ESPN calls a difference race than is occuring on the track. Look out the windows at the track, guys-the race is out there! Don't watch the monitors for live action, just for replays. Like in the old days.

  8. Would love to compare to what Mike Joy has in front of him or Ralph Shaheen. The large monitor in front of JP looks like it is blocking his view.

    Is the one to the left of the large monitor the "script"?...LOL. Looks like a bunch of verbage.

    Still going through NW quals...Marty Reid leaps and bounds better than JP. He is just so engaged and points out things like lines a car is taking. Not just a number caller, promo reader.

    It is so sad for JP who is a wonderful person and has done great things back in theday. Unfortunately he has been put in a role unsuited for him and if it continues will tarnish his legacy.

  9. Bingo. Several weeks ago during the FOX part of the Cup series I saw Mike Joy on FOX or SPEED (on a Sunday I believe) and he said the FOX crew calls the race by looking out the window at the race. Appears to me there is a basic difference in how FOX v. ESPN calls the race. Looks like the ESPN crew calls the race that the truck thinks is important - regardless of what is going on on the track.

  10. Look at those guys smiling. That's really cool to see how much they enjoy what they do. We usually miss stuff like that at home, especially since ESPN seems like they attempt to take everyone's personality.

    Also shows these guys love Rutledge as much as some of us do. As busy as those guys are to take a minute to smile for a pic is really really neat.

    Thanks for sharing that JD

  11. That's a great picture! I love it! Glad Mr. Petree & DJ took a few seconds to say 'hi' :)

  12. I'm not very sure Rutledge Wood adds much to a NASCAR telecast, but a bunch of fluff and drivel that few people care about. Poor Dr. Punch. Hope he gets back to being able to use his real talent. ESPN sure is getting alot of flack for their bad decisions. And deservedly so.

  13. If a picture is worth a thousand words - this worth 10x that....

    DJ & Andy laughing and aware of whats Really Happening, Doc watching TV oblivious to reality around him. Sad just sad.
