Saturday, September 5, 2009

Live Blogging The Camping World Truck Series From Iowa

The very familiar SPEED TV team has a new addition this week. Johnny Benson joins the group as the third man in the booth as Michael Waltrip is attending to Sprint Cup duties in Atlanta.

Krista Voda starts things off with The Setup. Then, Rick Allen comes along with Phil Parsons and Benson.

Iowa is a good location for a featured night time race. It should be interesting to see how the crowd is at the speedway on a college football Saturday.

SPEED has a comfortable and easy presentation of this series. We are asking for your comments as the telecast unfolds. To add your TV-related comments, just click on the comments button below.

This is a family-friendly website, please keep that in mind when posting. Thanks for taking the time to stop by.


  1. david, the trucks generally are the best race of the week for me! the team is strong, well-informed and we usually get strong camera work.
    i'm looking forward to seeing and hearing JB! sure do miss him this season.

  2. Quite possibly. Atlanta's just not been very exciting lately, either in NW or in Cup.

  3. I enjoy it because the TV package is easy to watch. Even Michael has gotten better, it should be interesting to see how JB does tonight.


  4. The track at Iowa should help make the race exciting. Definitely a great track!

  5. Wow! COOL trophy. Their answer to the grandfather clock?

  6. Howdy y'all. Listened to the NW race on the radio at the dog park but now I'm home ready for the Trucks.

    Okies might burn down the town here tonight if things don't improve for them :)

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  8. Every time I see Krista Voda host this show, I wonder how she would do in the Hollywood Hotel.

  9. OK that was weird - has there been a problem with Blogger tonight?

  10. @ Sally, ditto.

    Good thing Weed isn't there tonight.

  11. Dang, I could hardly hear Krista with all that crap music playing in the background. Why do they do that?


  12. Oh, how wonderful to see that black 3 back on track.

  13. sound for the voice is off. low at times.

  14. is it just nme or is the sound just . . . off tonight?

    kinda nice to see that iconic "3" back on a track. bittersweet and a bit sad but still nice.

  15. Yup! The Pick 'em Ups rarely disappoint

    @Sally--yes I thought the trophy was neat!

    @JD--also hoping Johnny B. does great!

    @bevo--haven't had a problem tonight but did have a hiccup yesterday where it gave me an error message and my post posted twice and

  16. I agree about seeing that #3 back on the track. especially cool that RC's grandson is driving it. seems appropriate.

  17. Audio is very low on D*...Anyone else?

  18. Anyone else having audio mix issues? I can barely hear anyone who's not in the booth.

  19. B
    ok you mean conflicting edits? YES

    I am having TROUBLE with sound levels on SPEED? Is anybody else? Had to turn off stereo and make sure it was on mono as the over head announcer was TOO LOUD.

    I just have an old 4:3 tv but made sure stereo option OFF

  20. Let's hope that Austin has a good run.

  21. We're 2/2 on the anthems this weekend. (Or at least in my book. :p) Hope tomorrow is just as good.

  22. Ok others are having sound issues...Speed has slipped up this year with tech glitches..happened earlier on quals ...lost camera on person being interview and showed a roof cam from building onto the track.

  23. Whenever I hear Iowa...I hear Heywood Banks song about Interstate 80 :) Used to be on youtube.

  24. Why do the singers keep treating the anthem as if it's a dirge?

    At least he's (mostly) singing it without frills.

    JD, I think we should set up an "Anthem Idol" competition. Dibs on the Simon Cowell curmudgeonly role!


  25. excellent anthem,Luke something...just sing it.

  26. No problem hearing the background music but the audio from the microphones sounds muted.

  27. okay, I give up...what was wrong with that anthem? short & sweet, I thought. In tune, etc.

  28. SPEED is having problems with the audio mix. Hope to have it fixed shortly.

    Lots of folks there for a college football Saturday in Iowa.

  29. @ kbaskins, the anthem is based on a drinking song if I'm not mistaken. Never heard the original.

    Dang, look at the stands!!

  30. @ glen

    The anthem was fine, in fact better than usual, just too slow. It's. Not. A. Freakin'. Love. Song.


  31. yes, the tune is an old English drinking song. Words from Francis Scott Key, lol. Hard to sing....but if you do it simple, it's fine.

  32. @Gymmie & Sophia- thanks, Blogger has had a couple of hiccups for me.

    As far as audio it seems like Speed has had that problem all year since they went HD on my SD DirecTV. At least we aren't having the video format problems like they have with F1

  33. well, THAT was an uninspiring command!

    to close, krista says "if you've spent the day watching football . . ." umm, krista? some of us might have spent the day watching racing, not football! man, this speed/espn feud is annoying.

  34. Oh no - Okies fixin' to riot :)

  35. red, bad day?

    Liking this so far, audio issues yeah, but hopefully its fixed now.

    Promoted the Cup race, imagine that.

    Hope this isn't a Hornaday runaway.

  36. missed hearing JB, glad to have him back ...a good booth partner ...miss Jack Sprague, but always enjoy Hornaday and Skinner ...trucks put on NASCAR's best show ...for me a reminder of 'rubbin is racin' days

  37. I didn't spend the day watching football, but most of my friends probably did. Can't really complain on that score.

  38. Adam Alexander - Dillon's father is Richard Childress? Nooooo sorry

  39. Adam Alexander - Dillon's father is Richard Childress? Nooooo sorry

  40. I really hope that this is not how the whole race is going to go. :D

  41. Does it sound like they need to turn Benson's mic up a smidge?

  42. No clue Dot he's new to me

  43. They are still working on the audio balance for sure.

    At least now the truck sounds do not overpower the announcers.

  44. Oh my....will we have a lap of green flag racing tonight?

  45. Caution #2 - 08 spins.

    @David - You'd better not have jinxed this thing.

  46. -sigh- Not a Todd fan. But maybe I'm still mad about Todd taking out Terry at Richmond in 2002...

  47. Jamie Dick?

    Did they add a couple of Odd Wads to complete the field?

  48. That was an awkward transition to commercial....are these guys having a hard time hearing themselves and the production truck?

  49. i think this track just may be becoming one of my favorites! nice to see full stands with excited fans for the trucks!

    rusty wallace may make me crazy when he's in the booth but this is one terrific facility: props to him.

  50. Rich-mond.

    build more like it. Ask Tony Stewart, this type of track WORKS.

    There are some odd wads in this, Jackson in a 3rd Gosslin truck, Dick doing a 1 off for SS-Greenlight. Both should be early exiters though.

  51. Did not know that about Iowa. Cool deal.

  52. Hmmmm....My Dobly light just came on.....And the sound is better I think. Good thing VickyD isn't here, or I'd be hearing about this.

  53. @ Mike

    I thought you were channelling the girlfriend of David St. Hubbins from Spinal Tap.


  54. Sound still not fixed here I can hardly hear JB, they have got to fix this

  55. Cameras showing the corners look blurry or almost grainy but in-car looks sharp like normal. Anyone else seeing this?

  56. i should buy some stock in Dobly Labs.

  57. Doesn't this race track have cameras embedded in the track that can be used for Tv.

  58. @Mike and Karen - turn it up to 11 and see if it's any better :)

  59. @Charlie - That's just freaky! Are you psychic?

  60. I like the ambient sounds of the track but I can't hear anything for the engines if my tv is in stereo. sounds right if i switch to mono.

  61. "tread cam"? well, that was a great shot so as long as it's not overused, all will be well. but is it really necessary to name cameras?

  62. @ Charlie, got any Keno numbers for me?

    Wow, 26 newbies this season.

  63. my 720p HD on D* looks consistent on all the cams. I have on occasion seen what appears to be non-hd in car(truck)cams. It stretches the view and the cars seem to be much wider and flatter than when in real HD. Up-conversion is I believe the term?

  64. There are not a lot of dollars for the SPEED telecasts, that is why they cannot afford to have Krista as a third pit reporter even though she is already on site.

    I have a feeling the TV production truck is not a top of the line deal.

    Almost every big TV truck is off doing college football.

  65. @jd: "Almost every big TV truck is off doing college football.' does that explain the sound issues? or is there something else at play tonight?

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  67. Denny Hamlin being interviewed during the Alabama/Virginia Tech game

  68. @Mike- this tv is SD DirecTV. My HD is for over the air for too many reasons to go into now. Haven't had this problem before.

    re: Viagra commercial- now I know where my remote is :)

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  70. Denny Hamlin at the Bama VT football game talking on tv about raceing and football being similar in that sometimes you have to pick up the rest of your team

  71. red, sounds like they are trying to do a lot with a little.

    No stereo and the HD is a tad questionable....

  72. Wasn't Denny the one who gave Brent and Lisa their rides around Atlanta? I forgot...

  73. Don't look at me. Just because I'm the last one in.

  74. @jd in re: hamlin: yeppers! there was a photo of musburger in the car w/hamlin.

  75. @ bevo

    We need to turn the announcers up to 11. I can barely hear them at times. And how much louder would it be? Well, it's one louder, isn't it.

    Hello Iowa!


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  77. Think I'll head up I-35 next year for a race at Iowa

  78. @JD...I currently am getting full 5.1 DOLBY stereo on D*

  79. Thanks, I try to block all things Brent.

  80. JD,

    Yes, Denny gave Brent the ride along. And Denny gave Beamer a uniform and Beamer tried to squeeze into it.

  81. well, that's gonna screw up the gas mileage calculation for skinner.

  82. Is there a penalty for spilling that much gas? Or, is that only for the pit crew challenge?

  83. how bout the end of that game Patrick? sorry JD worng sport. wish underdogs could do that in Nascar now and again.

  84. might not red. didn't really run enough laps to get that far into a fuel run. probably will come for tires before fuel is an issue i think.

  85. The Eastern Iowa News crap you keep seeing is the reason why we all have to keep the word veri on all the time.

    That is a robot that just continually feeds content to sites like this one when the door is open.

    Ruining the Internet...or what is left of it.

  86. no penalty dot. only in the pit crew challenge

  87. brad,
    big difference with and without sam.

  88. Mike, does it sound like a mono mix being sent to two channels or like a full stereo mix to you?

  89. Funny that with the audio problems the guy with the least "tv voice" is the only one coming through loud and clear :) (Adam Alexander)

  90.'s full 5.1...different content from the rear speakers.

  91. any contact? couldn't see through the smoke

  92. A real time spin. Poor Austin. Close call with the wall.

  93. how did that stay a 1 truck wreck?

  94. Even Ray's usual shouting is low.

  95. Thanks Mike, so they are getting it fixed.

  96. no contact, heck of a save from wadding it up!

    good job speed sticking with that.

    my audio is good here

  97. patrick:didn't see contact between them but the #3 juuusssttt grazed the wall. kid has some good racing genes.

  98. I wanted to say ESPN would've wanted to switch away because they only know how to show wrecks on replay, but I didn't. That would've been too harsh if I actually said that.

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  100. Brent just read a promo for the Cup race with more excitement than he had when he was at the track. Proves that he is where he belongs. Not on Nascar telecast!!

  101. @patrick: trouble w/that "inside voice" is that it sometimes come out!

    hey, anyone know the temperature in iowa tonight?

  102. nice!: long shot held to show entire field! sweet.

  103. JD...Can't you just block that spambot domain?

  104. @brad- as a college football fan also I can say with great confidence that Brent doesn't belong there either. Nothing beats me down more than turning on a game and hearing his voice.

  105. Mike, I am having that conversation right now.

    I think they got the message.

  106. thanks, brad. just curious because fans looked as if they're wearing coats and sweatshirts. must be a chilly 68 in that cornfield!

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  108. Bevo
    True! But Herbstreet does a decent job of glossing over his short comings.

  109. Glad they dropped the blinking lights on those backgrounds.

  110. Uh oh...Time to turn the Captcha on

  111. What would a day on the Internet be without some good quality harrassment?

  112. JD
    Do they still have all the temp seating from the NW race? Any word on making it permanent?

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  114. Brad, I don't think so. Rusty is on a long term plan to get a Cup race.

    He might just get it down the road.

  115. Really...try running a forum....arrgggg.....

  116. @brad- shame that this is Ron Franklin's last season and Brent just keeps going and going.

  117. Durnit...Starr in the wall....VickyD won't be happy about THAT!!!!!

  118. They've got to dump this stupid pit stop rule next season

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  120. Harrassed from Iowa, that is different.

    Don't they know I am a citizen journalist?

  121. @Bevo
    few weeks back on one of the sirius shows there was talk of going back to the half time break. I think it was Ray Dunlap they were talking to.

  122. I just gave that guy @ EIN a piece of my mind for ya JD. It wasn't pretty either.

  123. jd: they might know IF you'd been given the citizen blogger super secret badge and password!

  124. After some of the productions we've had from Speed the past couple of months for the Trucks it sure is nice to see them back on the ball again even with the audio issues and my grainy picture from a couple of the cameras.

  125. JD, your life is now complete. Someone from Iowa has harassed you.

    Wonder what Krista would think if you told her about that...

  126. Wait, citizen hobbyist...I forgot.

    Yep, that did not get me an invite to the White House so what good is it?

  127. @JD- I say we form a posse and show those eastern Iowans some frontier justice! :)

  128. If my CJ t-shirt was clean I would put it on right now!

  129. It is 64° in Newton, Iowa with winds at 5 mph out of the East.

  130. bevo,

    It looks like some guy trying to drive a sophisticated chat machine and he attached himself to my Twitter account which feeds my blog which let him...yada yada yada....

    Little lonely in Eastern Iowa apparently...

  131. Least everyone has a sense of humor tonight

  132. 64 degrees? I have lived in Fla for so long I would be wearing a parka and gloves.

  133. cold enough to keep the bugs off.

  134. When are they not lonely in Eastern Iowa. Not exactly a vast metropolis.

  135. hey jd? wanna take a field trip to buffalo right before thanksgiving? i'll guarantee you'll get rid of that thin, warm florida blood -- and replace it with snow and blood so thick it plops like ketchup!

  136. @JD- so much for that stereotype of polite Midwesterners :)

  137. @bevo
    Though it was Southern hospitality.

  138. buffalo? That is up near Orlando right? That is what I consider up North!

    When I went to NMG in Charlotte and talked to the production group I did it in the summertime.

    I used to live in Clearwater, where a lot of freelance TV folks live, and I thought that was cold in the winter.

    Watching this race on SPEED is so easy, I wonder if ESPN will get it right tomorrow?

  139. ya know, aside from the sound issues, this is one great broadcast! i'm acually paying attention to the tv and have minimized the usual 6 windows i have open during a race!

    consistent camera work, interesting analysis and pit road information, good booth dynamic. all around, a very NICE broadast!

  140. This comment has been removed by the author.

  141. Oh yea, well I'm from Texas and everywhere else is foreign to me.

  142. I think JB was a nice addition and he worked well with Rick and Phil.

  143. Denny is gonna be worn out tomorrow from the emotions of this game. Just gave the top 5 finishers from NW race and a cup promo during the game on ABC.

  144. Didn't JB do some truck races a while back?

  145. Hey, I am 5 miles north of I-10 here in Phoenix, NOT a yankee. In fact you insult me sir!


  146. jd, you make me laugh! you are SUCH a floridian! (florida-ite? florida-er?)

  147. that's OK, patrick: texas is mostly foreign territory to the rest of us!

  148. What the heck happened to Ken Schrader? He USED to show up sometimes on SReport and with Despain.

    MISS his presence on my tv.

  149. @Patrick...Yea...I'm in Houston.....SOUTH of I-10!

  150. Amazing concept, the front is a bit of a run away so what does SPEED do? They FIND a battle!

    Marvelous concept!

  151. We call it the White Foot tribe. We always wear shorts and quarter socks, so we have great tans and white feet, just like golfers.

  152. Mike, I lived in the Galleria area off Westheimer for five years. Fun city.

  153. no david poole man-feet then, eh, jd?

  154. Agree Red. Great job so far by everyone at Speed. For those who say all we do is bitch and moan about broadcasts and we have no idea what we are talking about when it comes to tv read all of these comments.

  155. I miss Special-K a LOT...He's hilarious!

  156. I guess Rusty has some sewing to do on that seam.

  157. Maybe just a little too long living near the salt water in south FL

  158. No man-feet. Poole was hilarious with that.

    When the snowbirds come south in a month or so, you should see the fashion statements...outstanding.

    You know what this race needs? JB in the field racing!

  159. JD, I'll never get that white foot tribe visual out of my head. I think you owe me some money for pain and suffering.

    I'm liking Johnny B. in the booth a lot. He's bringing the driver's perspective without mentioning a sponsor relationship even once. And yes, I'm aware that he doesn't currently have a sponsor. It's a welcome and refreshing change from Waltrip.


  160. @JD...VickyD and
    I live in Spring Branch...yep....Fun city...lots of gang activity right now though.

  161. Galleria area, huh? Ever Ice Skate. I agree, its a fun city (to visit). Grew up there (further southwest than where you were), but don't want to live there again. Visit Sugarland every 3-4 weeks, but prefer the Central Texas Hill Country a lot more.

  162. Brent talking about he and Lisa at the track with Denny. Never heard so much nascar talk during a football game. I think I like it.

  163. Wife is watching the VaTech game and she says they are promoting the shifterknob out of NASCAR on ABC.

  164. not that faults or failings of a production team are pointed out, just that standards set by SPEED are simply not being met by ESPN ...tonight's NW race was an exception for the four-letter group this year and a better broadcast ...lacking PXP, of course

  165. You know if I was a marketing guy for the Atlanta track I might have got together with Alabama and Va Tech and the folks at the Georgia Dome for a combo ticket package for tonights game and tomorrows race...

  166. Harvick and Skinner basically have had the fields covered today. Wonder what tomorrow has in store?

  167. as much as i'm enjoying JB in the booth, i completely agree the man needs to be on the track. it was great to see him w/o the sling at the start of the broadcast and knowing he's healing is terrificbnut i seriously miss him behind the wheel.

    and i know i said it before but i'm glad almirola has found a home in the trucks!

  168. The dropdown of the speed across the start/finish line was nice, but unreadable MPH for my SD TV.

  169. Nah, lots of partying back then on Richmond and Post Oak. No Anna Nicole jokes please!

    My old company moved to The Woodlands and its now called Fox Sports Net.

    That is way up north.

  170. So, JD, how many times you eat at Ragin Cajun?

  171. Walter,

    It is going to be a huge question tomorrow if we get the usual ESPN slop and over-kill for the Chase or if today was a turn a round for them as far as the sport goes.

    I am fascinated that the directing was completely different from the previous race.

    I have a feeling your comments might have gotten the attention of the right folks.


  172. @Patrick- check out the Speed F1 forum if you want to read about unreadable graphics on SD sets with them broadcasting in HD :)

  173. @Patrick
    they have had several promos for the cup race, shown the schedule of races many times, talked about the NW series a few times, shown the top5 from the race tonight, talked about expereinces at the track, interviewed Denny. Very nice job of cross promotion by ABC tonight.
