Sunday, September 6, 2009

Live Blogging "NASCAR RaceDay" On SPEED

The Atlanta version of this popular TV show starts at 5PM ET and runs for two hours live. This should be a very interesting day.

Between Carl's ankle and the swirling Danica to NASCAR rumors, the RaceDay gang has a lot to talk about. Throw in the fact that things are coming down to the wire for the Chase to the Championship and there should be some drivers with their game faces on today.

John Roberts is going to navigate the team through the stories with Jimmy Spencer and Kenny Wallace alongside on the SPEED Stage. It should be interesting to hear what Spencer says about Danica. Originally not a big fan of JPM, Spencer eventually came around to recognize that Montoya is in NASCAR to win.

Wallace stands to be directly impacted by Patrick if she runs mostly Nationwide Series races next season as he is still active in that series. He should have an interesting perspective on her participation.

Hermie Sadler has been working hard as a reporter for the show, but it will be Wendy Venturini who is under the spotlight today. She is good friends with Tony Stewart and it might be interesting to see if Venturini scores the interview with Stewart about Patrick that everyone is waiting to see.

There are a ton of other NASCAR stories in progress today, so we are going to open the comments section to get your reaction to RaceDay as it is in progress. Just click on the comments button below to add your opinion. This is a family-friendly website, please keep that in mind when posting.

Thanks for taking the time to stop by, all we ask is that you limit your comments to the topic being discussed. A new post for the live Sprint Cup Series race will be up at 6:30PM ET. Thanks again.


  1. I think Tony the driver will defer the questions to Tony the owner regarding DP. He has said he's the driver on weekends. Maybe Wendy is working on a Real Deal segment to air on another Sunday.

    Jimmy Spencer's take ought to be good. I think he and Bernie Eccelstone (sp?) went to the same school of thought regarding women in racing.

  2. I'll give them a try today since football is pushing the NHRA show back but I have a severe allergic reaction to Kenny Wallace, it seems like every time I turn on the tv or Sirius I don't have long to wait to hear him.

    The saving grace for RadeDay is Wendy and Hermie.

  3. bevo they have been fighting rain anyways so that may be another reason they are being pushed back.

    pretty calm start so far to RD

  4. LOL@ bevo --- you must have sinus problems --- "RadeDay"

    I wish they'd stop saying that this race is the first ever under the lights at Atlanta.

    I was at the very first night race about 10yrs ago. Granted, it wasn't official, though. LOL It just kept raining, and raining.

    Word veri --- bashim ROTFLMAO

  5. Have I mentioned how much I enjoy listening to Wendy?

    That girl is GOOD.

  6. she got a great interview out of kyle, really enjoyed it.

    are we gonna get a kyle petty sighting?

  7. Wendy pronounces the e in Keselowski.

  8. Pretty interesting that we get Kyle Petty in this show for the first time with his own feature.

    I liked it, how did you?

  9. too short to really tell with KP i felt. needs to come in as a guest host and feel him out for a full show. interesting segment though.

  10. Oh great. Will we see more JWTs in racing because they can bring sponsors or dollars?

  11. JD, I liked seeing KP.

    I'll agree with David, we need to see more of him.

  12. I like Kyle a lot but he's not one to bemoan the way a driver gets a ride. Same goes for Kenny.

  13. They should make the KP segments longer. I'd rather hear him over JS & KW.

    JD, are you here? Please turn off word veri. Thanks.

  14. Kenny Wallace bugs the crap out of me. He's a legend in his own mind.

    Hmmmmm, maybe I should take the advice of my captcha: "chill".

    I kid you not. You think the universe is trying to tell me something? Maybe I shouldn't be so bothered by Kenny.



  15. Kind of OT, but did anyone see the pic posted by Dustin Long of the inside of my favourite driver's car?

    Note the little crutches...


  16. Turn OFF the MUSIC SPEED!@ JPM hard to I turn up tv and MUSIC BLASTING.

    sigh...poor producing

    this music thing has to end. Stop the insanity

  17. @Karen- I'm not exaggerating, if you listen to a full day of NASCAR on Sirius you will hear Kenny every day.

  18. Dot, its been that way for years.

    JWT is just the latest example.

  19. Sophia, I didn't have blasting music during the JPM interview.

    Nice Real Deal, Wendy. I'm liking JPM more each week.

  20. Karen,

    Kenny has changed so much on RaceDay in the last couple of seasons.

    His "act" is now not only getting old, it has resulted in him not being taken very seriously.

    If you watch Spencer and Wallace on Victory Lane, they are different guys than on RaceDay.

    All the fake hooting and hollering is gone and they talk about racing.

    I hope next season this show returns to putting the racing first and the crowd reaction second.


  21. I enjoyed Kyle's segment :). I hope they make more with him and that they're longer :)

  22. @ David, I know. But, it did seem there was a little more talent.

    @ JD, you're welcome.

  23. @ bevo

    Jeez, is he as obnoxious on SIRIUS as he is on RaceDay? My head would explode if I had to listen to him every freakin' day. Once every six or eight weeks is enough for me. I don't even watch Victory Lane any more because he and Spence bug me.

    (Must chill. Must think good thoughts. Go to your happy place, Karen.)


  24. TRL partway thru the thumping music was on over video playing on LR tv...I did not know how to find the AUDIO settings like I would in my room.

    it was too much for me but I just like QUIET with talking.

    we don't have surround sound or anything but it was annoying to me.

  25. @Karen- yes he is. He has a paid segment on Speedway every week and he will call in to every other show during the week.

  26. missed Kyle P's segment..window guys were leaving, after 4 days..and was saying good bye. Poor guys stuck working on Sun as other team could not make it.

    I do like Kenny's demonstration for Carl's foot for the race. :) lol

  27. @ bevo

    Seriously? Do the other shows ask him to phone in, or does he just do it because he likes to hear himself talk?

    Kenny reminds me of one of my cats. Not very bright (even for a cat), and likes to stand in different parts of the house yowling for no apparent reason.


  28. Karen he calls because he is bored. he stated that much when DW called in randomly to Speedway and KW called in to say he didn't feel as bad for calling unannounced all the time since DW did it

  29. They got to quit showing these BBQ segments. Unless they deliver to race fans at home. YUM.

  30. You know, a little more Kyle on RaceDay since he is around anyway would not be a bad idea. Especially since Bootie is kind of in limbo right now.

    I'm just sayin....

  31. JD, more KP would definitely be better on RaceDay.

  32. @Karen-there are only two other things that make me change the station faster than when Kenny is on. Talk about how to "improve" the points system and the Chase or why they can't run in the rain.

    I would be the host with the shortest career on radio if I had to deal with any of those subjects :)

  33. bevo, LOL.

    i know, it is funny when moody makes a punching bag out of them though

  34. @JD- Kyle as a permanent host of RaceDay would get my vote.

  35. where IS Bootie these days?

    anybody hear a follow up??

    Miss him on NPerf

  36. I just saw this tweet from RPM:

    Tonight's sked: Anthem @ 7:32 pm Eastern; Command to start engines @ 7:39 pm; GREEN FLAG @ 7:47 pm ... pit road speed 45 mph

    May be helpful to those who don't want to watch the pre-race :)

  37. I too love Kyle's TV work, but I wonder if he has other priorities with all the VJC stuff. He is such a free spirit.

  38. I vote for Kyle Petty, Johnny Benson (if he doesn't get another ride), and Kenny Schrader (which will never happen because he's still racing all the time) as RaceDay panelists. Fun, without being stupid. Informed, without being stupid. Interesting, without being stupid.

    Hmmmm, I'm noticing a pattern there...


  39. still with MWR, on loan to the 13 team this week.

  40. SPEED does so many things right, like the F1 broadcasting team, and nearly all of the CWTS broadcasting team, the RaceDay pit road reporters, yet they get it sooooooo wrong with Spence, Kenny and Mikey.


  41. @ Sophia

    Bootie is crew chief for Mad Max this week.


  42. Did anybody ever have a car wash out to sea when they raced on the beach? :)

  43. I'm enjoying Raceday more than usual. Kenny & Jimmy are less obnoxious than usual. That Propecia really seems to be working for Kenny....

    I'm not hearing loud music during JPM either. But I have some kind of 'smart' audio on my TV. I want more Kyle Petty on Raceday. More Kyle if it means less Kenny/Jimmy, particularly.

  44. Nice mini-feature on Fireball, Joe, and Ned.

  45. bevo, I think they scheduled based on the tide, lol...but it's certainly an interesting thought...if someone got out of control....

    my parents got stuck in sand though...$100 for a tow, ouch.

  46. There is a new post up for the live blogging of the Sprint Cup Series race on ESPN at 7PM.


  47. @Andrew--yes that was a nice segment :)

    I've been wondering how Bootie and Mad Max are dealing with their accents! I bet it must be cute!

    I'd *love* to see Kyle, Johnny B. and Schrader on NRD! That would be awesome! :)

    I don't remember the race but one of the feeds stayed on SPEED after the Pick 'em Ups and they aired a race where Schrader was doing commentary, was so great to hear him again :).

  48. ..."Wendo-licious"? How has poor Wendy not decked him yet?

  49. Yeah, Andrew, I threw up a little in my mouth at that comment. I'm sure Wendy could take him. I'd pay to see that. :-)


  50. I love Max. I may just listen to his radio instead of Carl's today.


  51. Thanks for the comments, we are live blogging the race in a new post. Just return to the main page by clicking the logo at the top.


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