Saturday, October 24, 2009

Live Blogging Both Saturday Races (SPEED and ESPN2)

Update: Both NASCAR races are live at the same time, we are using the comments section of this post to update both.

The rain delays at Martinsville, VA began with Sprint Cup practice and will continue with the Camping World Truck Series. SPEED is scheduled for the pre-race at 12:30PM and the live race thirty minutes later.

Krista Voda is going to start the day with The Setup and then we will see what SPEED decides to do when the race is delayed. Rick Allen, Phil Parsons and Michael Waltrip are waiting to call the race. Adam Alexander and Ray Dunlap are the pit reporters.

Martinsville is a great track for the trucks with good close racing and lots of double-file runs through the corners. SPEED keep the coverage simple and works hard to keep the perspective ahead of the racing.

SPEED has no live programming today after the scheduled truck race, so the network will have a window until sunset to stay available and get it in. We will continually update the status of the event in the comments section and on the front page.

This post will serve to host your comments on the TV coverage of the Camping World Truck Series from Martinsville. To add your TV-related opinion, just click on the comments button below. This is a family-friendly website, please keep that in mind when posting. Thanks for dropping by.

Thanks to ESPN's Ryan McGee for the picture.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. S&P's:
    #21 Nick Tucker
    #47 Brandon Knupp
    #85 Brent Raymer?

    Solid field for today's race. Hopefully the weather will cooperate.

  3. MRNRadio: Raining pretty good in Mville- NASCAR says no driver intros at 12:30 if it's raining.

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. 08 is a start and park too, 87 may, 12 may also

  6. Wow, They don't pull any punches in the Dustin Long interviw that's for D*mn sure! You all should read it if you haven't. I only read the first segment and then forgot there were more. Thanks for the link JD

  7. Reminder: You can follow TDP, many drivers and reporters on Twitter.

    TDP is at

  8. You're welcome, Dustin did a good job and there is more to come.

  9. Is Krista Voda a trooper or what? She is almost a throwback.

    Who needs the Hollywood Hotel or the infield media center.

  10. Love Krista...but ditch the Dr. Dick hat....argggg.

  11. That was a neat throwback segment

  12. The Disco look is back in the SPEED booth. Who picks the shirts for the guys to wear? Can't they refuse?

  13. The fun bunch! The REAL fun bunch. I figured JB would have been a better fit in the booth than Mikey since JB has won here as recently as last year and Mikey has not.

    Either way enjoying the Setup

  14. @ Dot, one would think, but I swear Larry Mac wore one on NP one day so that must have been on purpose, tight clothing budget this season?

  15. Wonder if they will show Todds pink helmet

  16. so...what's the rule if trucks are running at the same time as NW does NASCAR grin and bear it? Boy do I wish I had picture in picture...for the first time in my life

  17. Be interesting to see what standby programming they pick to show.

  18. Wow, what honesty in that Sauter piece by Johnny. Talking about start and park. Thats the stuff I'd like to hear about if some folks would TALK about it.

  19. @ David, ditto.

    I love to hate Johnny like a bad penny, he keeps turing back up! Good for him.

  20. ri, i love that he leaves nothing on the table, and at the same time that is his downfall. BUT, he makes it exciting lol

  21. Daga at Halloween? Everyone's wearing a costume

  22. I thought SPEED would go to standby programming. This is an interesting call.

  23. maybe they figure we'll all bail when NW comes around so get everyone talked to and on camera while they can?

  24. Did we breeze over Mikey's little hiccup this week? Seems so, haven't heard any more about it, but haven't been looking either

  25. Those hotdogs are cheap! Wish I had one.

  26. That was done by Friday. We had a media watch up about it and it faded quickly.

  27. Vicky, M'ville is such a nice family atmosphere. The location of the track is unique. Right in a neighborhood.

  28. Raining again at 1:20PM. In holding pattern until PM for ESPN2 Nationwide Series race.

  29. Darn it I missed what Johnny said about the start and parks. I was starting laundry and just now turned on the tv.


  30. Sophia, he was talking about how 1 year ago at this time he was fielding a start and park ride out of his shop and how he was piggybacking with other teams just to make it from track to track.

    Now he is reborn with a chance to race for wins and a championship. Good piece there by SPEED.

  31. well at least its relevent filler programming

  32. LOL Chad having fun with the "script"

  33. so, SPEED is in filler and radio is as well.

    We'll keep ya posted.

  34. I really thought we would be seeing Pinks, Wrecked, etc.

    When was this ep of NP supposed to be on?

  35. thanks david.

    darn it just came out of laundry room and missed beginning of NP!!! WOW, will this be repeated? :)

  36. David - #08 is sponsored this weekend with a partnership with Rick Ware Racing and Michael Waltrip Racing. They will race.

    #12 has a sponsor, they will race as well.

    The #87 is questionable.

  37. Plz Speed...less towing, more racing!!

  38. so what? they took all the cup car ideas and jammed them into the new cot for NW. Try it out there and then move it up to Cup? This avoids some of the expense issues for teams.

  39. Here's a thought, would Nascar have the truck race Sun AM and what would that do to Raceday. JD any thoughts?

  40. did he really just say the racing has been better than ever? Yeah, right!

  41. @ dear Sophia, NP is listed @ 4PM PDT.

  42. Is that why so many drivers trash nascar on the radio, cuz they all have such a close working relationship?

  43. @ ri88, ditto.

    Regarding the start time change. I thought I read that it was because of Fball and FOX. I don't remember the details, anyone?

    Whatever the reason, for once the fans lucked out.

  44. I'm watching the Rostelecom Cup from Moscow on Uni Sports ... cause our friend's granddaughter is competing ...

    Do we have an ETA for the Trucks??

  45. Track is drying rapidly. SPEED is back live and looks good for 3PM.

  46. sorry but I think Pemberton is a bit clueless. better?

    I also missed the comment on Twitter that somebody made a tasteless or racist comment on TV today in regards to NASCAR.

    Sorry for another question but I just can't watch BSPN..and have been piddling around the house during SPEED telecasts.

  47. Truck race starting, praying & singing now.

  48. There's the anthem. I guess I'll set the DVR for the Nationwide race.

  49. Anthem was ok. Finally we get to see our guy on tv!

  50. They did a great job drying the track. That was amazing.

  51. Faster drying: another reason why short tracks RULE!

  52. MRNRadio Barney Hall's & Joe Moore's Martinsville Keys - 1)Save brakes, 2)Keep temper in check, 3)Clean pit stops.

  53. I have a friend that does not get Speed or Espn and I have been recording Nationwide and Trucks races for him. I e-mailed him today and told him there maybe an overlap of these two races and since I have only one recorder, which race did he want recorded. He said the Truck race.

  54. Hola Y'all!

    Just got home in time for the start. Listened to MRN on Sirius - hope Speed keeps an eye on Setzer. He qualified on seven cylinders so he should be taking chances and charging to the front.

  55. Will Mikey ever stop talking ? the
    answer is NEVER. And of course so
    over bearing so in your face so loud ..." don't " it make u feel
    great. And of Mr Parsons cant ever
    stop telling us things. Mostly
    nonsense that we cont need. Why
    the other dude is there ? All is does is CLOG UP THE CONSTANT

  56. There's Hermie too. Amazing they could get this track dried so fast after that pouring rain.

  57. Wow, if you were not following the weather, you would not think the race was delayed by rain two hours ago. nice pictures w/the sun out. wish there was a bigger crowd. nice pictures green flag yes, finally.

  58. Well, I'll watch trucks until the checkers and then go to NW. Speed can keep me updated on anything interesting over there. The less Rusty the better, sorry.

  59. IS IT NOT GREAT FOR for the announcers to TALK OVER THE SOUNDS
    of the ENGINES ..ON THE FIRST LAP ?????????
    the producer director and anyone
    else associated with this hideous
    horrid excuse for a telecast should
    be fired right now

  60. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  61. Easy there. SPEED has certainly turned up the volume today.

  62. 21 laps before commercial. I wonder what the number will be tommorrow?
    Finally back to good racing and good tv coverage.
    So far so good on both. imho

  63. D'oh!!

    Missed the opening ceremonies and first 13 laps ...

    Cause I was watching the Rostelecom Cup to see our friend's granddaughter kick some skating butt ...

  64. OK, enough with the bumper cam.

  65. interesting bit of parallel for those that take notice. NW without Punch, with LaJoie and the better of the two production trucks VS. Speed with Mikey and the speed production team. The ratings should be intersting to compare when they come out.

  66. Are there even 10,000 people in the stands?

  67. yeah wow the bumpercam was used a lot there. It was good the first 2 min when the action was close w Todds truck but after that was overkill! I do love Martinsville!

    Ha good I hate Harvick! WOooo

  68. Bob Griese just apologized for some comment he made about Juan Pablo Montoya earlier in the Ohio State game as they were leaving the air on ESPN. No idea what the earlier comment was.

  69. What happened to Max Papis??? what did I miss

  70. Harvick is going to cry watch :(...


  71. I think Papis got stuck on the outside but he was getting passed a lot in a couple of laps.

  72. @ Jonathan, he may be having brake problems.

  73. thanks i know he was 4th then bam way back there. oh well

  74. Jonathan - Mad Max got run up the hill by Fontaine ... and got squirrelly

    JD - What does SPEED have against running the lap counter at the top of the screen ... all of the time?? It's hard to tell what lap they're on when a caution comes out ...

  75. Are we talking about NW here?

  76. @ JD, what does this do to TDP?

  77. apparently renders us mute ;)

  78. Not sure if were talking NW but im looking foward to Memphis!

  79. still with trucks, 13 just spun, harvick 2 laps down

  80. this is some great racing

  81. JD,

    ESPN may have a problem. Look at the auto racing page of the Raleigh News & Observer when you have a free second.

  82. once again someone looking out the window AT THE TRACK!

  83. Would someone please stick a sock in Phil & Mikey's mouths??

    I'd like to hear Rick ... every once in a while ...

  84. woohoo the mountains are blue :)

  85. Major multi-tasking here N'wide on one tab and Pick 'em Ups on another.

  86. @ anon 3:42 uh oh not good for the BSPN family. What a bunch of knuckleheads, but we knew that

  87. @ri88girl - Catch up with the race. Harvick is on the lead lap. He passed Denny twice.

  88. Anon 3:42

    I don't know how big a foot-in-the-mouth moment it was, but Bob Griese's Wikipedia entry has been updated to acknowledge the incident.

    It'll be a video on Epic Fail or Failblog by nightfall.

  89. Let's just finish out both races right here. No other real choices.

  90. Would've been nice if SPEED had focused on the hood of Tayler's truck ...

    He's got a special decal for Travis Rutz ... They're trying to raise money for his medical bills ... He was injured in a racing accident in Indiana ...

  91. OK. I'm committed to the truck race and involved in the NW race.

    Both are under caution simultaneously.

  92. Like how Rusty just called out the #73 for being an intended start and park when it got caught in the JWT mess.

  93. Thank you Melissa, but over ten minutes at martinsville is plenty of time to do that and both of us be correct at the time of the post

  94. @ VickyD, for once he's innocent.

  95. Is JW "Buckshot" T in the garage already? Rhetorical question.

  96. That Townley guy cannot buy a break. They just had the replay by one car.

    Liking Marty, Rusty and Randy so far. Need more from the pit reporters.

  97. Does the W in JWT stand for weapon?

  98. Truck race has been a joy to watch. The only issue was camera work early in the race. There were too msny tight shots and laps of bumper cam. But they figured it out, mentioned/focused on every truck still running and kept the fun and energy.

  99. Oh by the way...I predict 8 S&P's for the Nationwide race.

  100. Can you imagine how much better the N'wide Series coverage would be if ESPN let these three guys call the race for the rest of the season?

    Love how Marty keeps Rusty and Randy in line but lets them have fun. Just enough leash!

  101. Can you imagine how much better all ESPN's motorsports coverage would be with these three guys?

    Not that I am beating a dead horse here or anything.

  102. I am jumping back and forth between both races since we don't have PIP. Wonder what Nascar thinks about this!

  103. Still don't get that Champions week promo. What's the point?

  104. Vicky, splitting what is left of the NASCAR TV audience is not a very good thing.

  105. In his latest Door to Door page, Marty Smith suggested that NASCAR shorten the season to avoid the NFL. I would also add that they should shorten the season to avoid college football. Racing only during the commercials for me. Even with two tv's going, too many good college football games on. No room for racing. Sorry...

  106. Lively Rick Allen welcomes new viewers to Martinsville Speedway at the top of the hour. Jerry Punch would say in a monotone voice "in case you just joined our coverage.." at 4:13 and 51 seconds.

    Every time I change from Trucks to Nationwide, ESPN is at commercial. Gurr...

  107. Can't really participate since I am wayyyy behind with the truck race and just DVRing the NW race. Really liking the trucks in HD for the first time I can even read the ticker.
    It's gotten very dark here must have the Martinsville weather, perfect excuse to do nothing but watch racing

  108. What is worse is trucks on left tv, cars on right tv, TDP on laptop and ESPN360 football on desktop.

  109. staying with trucks cuz no PIP and not smart enough to keep track of two races at once.

  110. I thought I was tuning in to watch a N'wide race this is a demolition derby :(

  111. Hey JD, did you see the "big" billboard of your favorite product? Also, our sound keeps on going off and on. For a small truck, there's lots of cars involved in each wreck.

  112. How weird is it that there are cautions in both races at the same time, AGAIN?

  113. Did ESPN just catch a wreck on camera live? We need that producer and director duo tomorrow.

  114. That was an informative shot shown from Carl's car cam. Only on BSPN.

  115. sorry RI88girl. I guess I should have looked at the time you posted.

  116. A bit late to the party. I decided to watch the NW race because Eddie MacDonald is running it. I've met him a couple of times. A nice guy and a great racer. Ended up 2nd in points in CW East.

    Disappointed he found the oil early. Booth did a nice job commenting on his history. Maybe he'll get the Lucky Dog on this latest caution

  117. what do you expect when you have three wallace's In the race and one calling it?

  118. Herm going at it with Steve Wallace....hmm....

  119. BTW, Keller is the cursed driver today.

  120. Truck race is coming down to it folks. Harvick right in the mix.

  121. Leader has checked out. TV showing the race for second. Are you watching, ESPN?

  122. Just saw the Tweet about Dueling Races blogging :)

    Ok. i can't keep up with twitter & here and the racing. I picked a bad day to do laundry and mix up a small cake.

    seeeing more in truck cams on Speed and bumper stuff when I glance at BSPN...could just be the timing. been mostly listening to SPEED until now.

    Can ANYBODY tell me how Kenny Wallace is doing? :)

  123. BTW I really hate this "only get fuel OR tires" in racing series. Annoys

  124. woohoo here we go..

  125. The NW PxP is really fun listening. This combination is excellent. Up on the chip, informative and with good humor. Can't ask for too much more than that.

  126. Harvick to Horneday via spotter

    -if you get up in the top five don't do anything foolish it's good enough for the championshi;\p

    Hornaday to Harvick via spotter

    -yeah he's saying that cuz he wants to come up and pass me.

    how right you are Horn!

  127. Great finishing laps for the trucks

  128. seems like a lot of in-truck cams today in the trucks....

  129. good news Sophia, I am pretty sure that that will change next season!

  130. Way to Go! great race good first win! Excellent fun!!!

  131. Pretty good TV coverage on SPEED. Credit to them for hanging in there on the rain delay.

    Little too "screamy" for me today.

  132. If Starr doesn't win, hope Timothy Peters does.

  133. Let's keep the Nationwide comments right here since we are almost 50 laps into the race.

  134. WHY is speed on the CC for so many laps?????

    Well at least thelas couple laps was FULL SCREEN!


    & drop down grid! THANKS SPEED


  135. NW39 Eddie Mac up to 18th after being involved in the first caution. Would be nice if ESPN would mention it but I'm hoping for too much

  136. Speed caps off a great telecast by showing EVERYONE cross the line even with a first time winner. Great job by the folks at Speed!

  137. wow thats awsome wow good for him!!!! and that team always good to see someone get there first win great

  138. now if BSPN were smart, they would give all of us coming over from trucks a through the field.

  139. Fantastic finish to the truck race.

    Thank you, SPEED !

  140. Well, we got to see the top fifteen finish before the obligatory celebration that cannot be tape-delayed for any reason.

    There was too many in-truck and other gadget-cams in today's production, but it didn't come close to the ESPN overkill level. Other than gadget-cam, it was a good solid broadcast, called well from the booth. Good job, Speed.

  141. Thanks to you all for being patient today. No other way to handle this really.

    Just one big TV live blog....

  142. ri,

    Hopefully they will reset when SPEED ends their telecast.

    We will see....

  143. Speed showed 27 trucks cross the line

  144. Well I see Mike Bliss is leading the NW race. interesting, i'd like to see Landon Cassill do well today. Maybe he can pull off a win? ha

  145. ESPN should reset regardless since we're in caution.

  146. hey the big blog is all good w me. We appreciate it!

  147. Nice pit report from Jack on the Edwards situation. Calm and complete, unlike what normal with the regular pit reporters.

  148. Fair comparison between Bliss & Weed's pit stop #s. Considering Weed is using his CUP team pit crew.

  149. Refreshing to see a new face in victory lane. Way to go Speed showing every truck finish! They may of had their camera issues, but everything else was flawless. I will take a screamy announcer over a season of dull Jerry Punch any day.

    **** / ***** (Great)

  150. I'm sure I should know, but I have no idea who Richard Boswell is. What series does he come from?

  151. Oops. Should have been "Moguls"

  152. bevo said...

    "Speed showed 27 trucks cross the line"

    My bad. Multitasking and all.

  153. @ ri88, I don't know who he is either.

  154. @ Dot
    the last name rings a bell, like his dad was a racer/crew chief or something like that

  155. It's the double secret race live blog.

    Nice to see SPEED doing a full post-race on a rain delayed event that is running way long.

  156. Another informative view from the car cam. Bet there's more tomorrow.

  157. I think Boswell is from the UARA racing series.

  158. I like that it's girls in the 'race bouncers' in the verizon ad, very cute

  159. Nice shout out to Timothy Peters by Marty. If only the music wasn't so loud. Now, when you come back, please do a race re-cap.

  160. I wish Nascar wouldn't allow cup pit crews in the NW series.

  161. Richard Boswell is the son of Dickie Boswell, who ran in the Busch Series from 1982 to 1986. He's also been driving Dale Jr.'s cars in USAR Hooters Pro Cup and in local late model competition.

  162. @ Vicky

    I know a lot of initals, but I've never seen those. could you give me a hint? thanks ;)

  163. His day just got longer lol mr extenze!

  164. Richard Boswell according to wikipedia drives in both the Hooters series and late models for JR Motorsports and currently resides with Jr. He's the son of a former Busch series driver.

  165. Little too many tailpipes in the N'wide race. See if you can see where the Director might cut to the next camera a little quicker to keep the cars coming at you.

  166. Thanks for the recap ESPN - NOT!

  167. @ VickyD, ditto. It's bad enough with the CUP drivers.

    @ Martin, thank you.

  168. @Martin,
    thanks, I kept wanting to call him
    'Rickie Boswell' and now I know why, I'm that old.

  169. Instead of going to commercial, can they attempt a race recap & field rundown? This race looks to be caution filled, so they can still get their golden commercials in.

  170. Why do I know this is the best day of racing coverage we will have this weekend? so sad.

  171. Marty that was great, but for us who just got here there are more than ten cars in the field.

  172. Oh goodie, just in time to watch KB stink up the show.

  173. Took too long for them to get to the racing action behind the top 10.

  174. Now for the S&P report for Memphis.

    #89, #87, #61, #02, #47, #73, #91, #07 and #92 (9 cars)

    Surprisingly, the #05 of Mark Day (family-owned team) doesn't seem to be a start and park today. Maybe he just wants to see how the racing has changed since his last start in 2001.

  175. At least we know Marty, Randy & Rusty are looking out the window, Rusty called that spin really quickly.

  176. @ Martin, thanks for the s&p's the booth is to buzy with three of them to find the time (rolling eyes)

  177. @ri88... to be fair, Marty has been on top of the S&Pers since the start. He just hasn't recapped the whole list lately.

  178. we also have happy hour after this alright!

  179. Thank you for the field update. With all the accidents, perhaps we could see some highlights.

  180. @Tripp I know, I was just razing cuz ESPN is just NOW doing a field runthrough.

  181. good strong pit reporting without the smurfs.

  182. Smurfs! Now we just need to put the right names to each. Which one is "Twinky Smurf"?

  183. MV, That Day team has raced several times this year, just as of late after tearing up several cars I think they wanted to save the budget a bit.

    So a thought here, take the way this race is covered, apply it to Cup and guess what? It might just be tolerable! I'd honestly take this group of pit reporters over the alleged A team's.

    Probably the booth too...

    Good to see Bliss doing well, missed the first 75 laps and all of the Truck race. Needed sleep after work. Oops.

  184. I'm sorry JD thats how I've always thought of them ;) LOL

  185. It'd be nice to know how Eddie Mac got spun.

  186. Funny, Rusty and Randy didn't know what it meant to 'cut teeth' this morning, guess they looked it up

  187. They really need to catch viewers up with highlights. So much has happened in this race.

  188. What's the dash for cash? Laps led? most bonus points?

  189. ri88girl said...
    good strong pit reporting without the smurfs.

    October 24, 2009 5:02 PM

    Since I'm older than dirt, I call them the "Bobbsey Twins". LOL

    I'm enjoying this race. Marty keeps me interested.
