Saturday, October 31, 2009

Live Blogging The Camping World Trucks From Talladega (3:30PM - SPEED)

Update: Since live programming ran long, we are leaving the comments section open for your reaction to the special Trackside program now on SPEED.

It is a rainy and dark day in Talladega. Saturday activity has been rained out early and fans are waiting to see if the Camping World Truck Series race will get in.

Krista Voda is ready to present The Setup at 3:30PM. SPEED will go on the air as scheduled and see what happens. This is the Halloween version of the show, so costumes will be the order of the day.

The telecast team includes Rick Allen on play-by-play with Phil Parsons and Michael Waltrip as the analysts. Ray Dunlap and Adam Alexander will handle pit road.

The good fun of the pre-race show will hopefully extend to the racing. The CWTS field is very divers. NASCAR veterans are mixed with some less experienced drivers and a smattering of start and park trucks.

SPEED is outstanding at presenting the truck races with a singular focus on the racing. In this series the battles are almost always at the front of the pack and the lead is something that changes hands a lot. No Chase, few egos and lots of real racers make this series a blast to watch.

Keep an eye out for the long camera shot on the backstretch. This really shows the positioning as the trucks get ready for the passing zone into Turn 3. Low-angle speed shots are effective at this speedway when the field is rolling as a pack.

SPEED uses far fewer in-car camera shots then ESPN and that really allows the viewer to keep a perspective on the field as the race is in progress. A wideshot at the finish is mandatory as the trucks always fight to the stripe.

This post will host your comments about the Camping World Truck Series race on SPEED from Talladega. To add your TV-related opinion, just click on the comments button below. This is a family-friendly website, please keep that in mind when posting. Thanks for taking the time to stop by The Daly Planet.


  1. Maybe an extended prerace with costumes!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. i think i am going to have to break out the second tv for today. Michigan is playing, but I definitely want to see todays truck race.

  4. Looks like a Batman & Robin theme. Mr. Braun posted a picture of AA as Robin and Mikey is The Joker.

  5. I missed Melissa's post :(

    Loved Mikey's costume preview :)

  6. Just saw MW's pic on Twitter.....OMG that was a good one.

    Creepy...but good.

  7. Sorry for the original delete. I posted it before I saw Mikey's pic. Guess I should have just corrected myself. The 2nd post was the same as the 1st except I corrected Mikey's character.

  8. saw the pic, but still think Mikey is the huckster.

  9. Boyd that is definately the Cesar Romero version of the joker as in the batman TV show

  10. Ray's mustache with the mask is hilarious!

  11. I'm not sure what's worse: Adam and Ray in dresses or tights.


  12. OMG this was one of my favorite show as a kid now I get to see it in high def this is too funny.

  13. Mikey looks great in joker costume!

  14. No worries Melissa when I see it's been deleted I think I missed something good. Just the nosiness in me :).

    Interesting intro :)

  15. Interesting. Colin Braun's interview was taped.

  16. If CUP was running, would BSPN put on a dress up pre race? I don't think so.

    Great show so far.

  17. OK any guesses on the others in the booth. I'm thinking Riddler for sure

  18. And I assume Timothy Peter's was too since they were supposed to be at driver introductions now.

  19. @ourracingdreams is posting the pictures of the gang or go here for all of them:

  20. Ok, Krista moves to the top of the bat girl list.

  21. Phil doesn't look like himself! Hasn't it stopped raining? Hopefully they can get the truck race in. Great costumes. Hidden in their spandex?????

  22. Sorry, I should have explained. The SPEED guys dress up, tape this part and then change for the race.

    Duh, my fault.

  23. Is Mario in the race? I'm confused from yesterday.

    Great costumes. What fun the truck series is.

  24. Thanks JD I wondered why Mikey was talking about costume, change and then costume again for trackside. That's a lot of makeup on and off.

  25. Wow! Can't wait to see how they handle the evil Onion-great soo far!

  26. Speed is really pushing this Father/Daughter 'dega race.

  27. okay, why aren't they interviewing them live at the track instead of showing us the Hub footage?

  28. man Chrissy Wallace has packed on some weight.

  29. First time using RH interviews on the pre-race.

    Looks like a LOT of track drying left on this big oval. Driver intros as sched, but not the race.

  30. I don't like that they didn't interview the Wallace's "live", but it was a good promo for Race Hub.

  31. Isn't that the same look we saw last year from Hornaday when Ray was Dorothy with Toto and the picnic basket?

  32. Ron didn't know where to look or what to say. AA is sure good as Robin.

  33. The driver costume segment was hilarious! Johnny Sauter the raisin, Brian Scott the train and David Starr the pimp.

  34. I guess this was taped earlier on Speed but where Carl was dressed as Subway's Jared. He looked so goofy.

  35. Outstanding camera work in the show. Love the jib in Victory Lane.

  36. I have no idea how they all kept straight faces for so long

  37. The Mario Gosselin piece was a very good story to cover. We get all these stories, and everyone is having fun. Why can't ESPN loosen up and not use old Nascar Now segments?

  38. Nice piece on Mario. I imagine that's the backstory on many of the start and park teams in all three series.

    These guys are having too much fun! Despite the fact that I have a face made for radio, I would love to have their job. Especially this weekend, and I hate Hallowween.

  39. Phil's costume is the best i think

  40. Love to see the rest of those outtakes....must be hilarious.

  41. The outfits were FUNNY! My room mate just got in from the office and is falling asleep (another 7 day week getting managers ready for big interview)

    Even HE laughed when they showed the guys in the booth. I only recognized Rick, lol.

    Hope weather holds up.

  42. JD - they can have a whole show of outtakes I bet. Would come in handy if there's a rain delay.

  43. NASCAR says hold right now with no trucks on track. Still drying...

  44. While they might get nicked by a small shower, the radar has all the weather moving south and east of them.

  45. so is the drop dead time 430 eastern or 430 central? Guess Mikey didn't bring a change of pants

  46. Goofy Waltrip is still wearing his Joker pants... Does everybody realize that was Michael's real hair dyed green?

    Good story about Mario Gosselin. Being a Quebec native too, it's nice to see one of our local guys making it in NASCAR.

  47. Please don't pan down. OHHH, too late.

  48. @Martin Vincent - Mikey's green hair was a wig. He posted a picture earlier and you could see all the green strands in a hair brush. If that was his hair, I would be worried.

  49. @Melissa - My bad, but you gotta admit Michael's real hair is not that far from looking the same as his costume's wig.

  50. That was an awful anthem, imo. Flyover was waaay kewl tho.

  51. Told they have until 4:30PM...Central time!

    That would mean another hour. Wish they had made that clear on the air.

  52. Muted the anthem on first note. Gotta get this race in soon.

  53. Great pre-race show. I may have nightmares though --- Mikey as the Joker.

    Checked the radar again --- looks good as far as no rain. However, there is heavy cloud cover -- may keep things dampish.

  54. they did actually...because they said what time it was there, and then I remembered they were an hour behind...I guess that assumes they're speaking live though.

  55. I know Tommy Kendell lost a bet with Brine VIckers hence the chicken car and the mullet but who is Tommy Kendell?

  56. Wow sorry about they typos thats Brian Vickers

  57. Tommy Kendall is a great sports car driver. He had a bad crash at
    Watkins Glen several years ago and now hosts a show on speed.

  58. Five minutes to start engines...great news.

  59. It's good that they interviewed Ricky & Max. Neither have had great finishes this year but they are both fan favorites. If SPEED is true to their history, they'll check on them periodically, even if they're in the back. Although this is 'Dega and if they keep the fenders on it everyone's got a shot at running at the front.

    Here's a spoonerism for you. I typed "funning at the ront".

  60. @NRF - Kendall is a former IMSA endurance race driver who ran a handful of NASCAR races. He's now a racing commentator and also hosts the Test Drive shows on Speed.

  61. @nrf--what Boyd said he has a show Test Drive where he drives various cars and has Celebrities too including many in the NA$CAR world :)

  62. thanks all it was obvious I was suppose to know who he was, hey we may actually see this race but just in time for me to go on call. Unfortunately its the first day of many so my usual way of dealing with ESPN on Sundays is not an option. I'll have to make a big batch of brownies and hope for the best. At least today will be fun

  63. S&P:
    #21 Sean Murphy
    #47 Brandon Knupp
    #50 Jennifer Jo Cobb
    #42 Mike Harmon ???
    #41 Chris Jones ???

  64. @nrf
    You aren't expected to know, and I think I speak for most, that we like to answer and help.

  65. @Buschseries61 - #42 Harmon didn't make the field, but the rest of your S&P guesses are good.

    The #02 is usually a S&P, but I would think Steve Park wouldn't have signed up for a S&P ride for his return to NASCAR's top three series.

    The #48 is also usually a S&P, but I'm pretty sure Mike and Chrissy will both run as long as they can today.

  66. I didn't mean here that I was expected to know; the Speed guys didn't introduce him except to say his name like he didn't need to be identified with any more detail. I saw tons of stuff on twitter about the chicken car but who TK was, not so much. I knew someone here would know

  67. Well 2 straight years I've missed the truck pre-race for Halloween.


  68. Martin - Whoops! Thanks for the correction, I was looking at the practice times.

  69. Good to see Steve Park back in a truck and good of SPEED to spotlight them.

    Definition of oxymoron: an energy drink named "Koma".

  70. J.D.,

    Why so much bouncing from the roof cam? is it on an unsteady platform?


  71. VickyD / JD - NO complaining about the National Anthem tomorrow ... unless you say it to the singers faces ... LOL ;-)

  72. @David
    Shows again tonight at 1 Eastern

  73. @ David, maybe they'll show clips during the race.

  74. Tripp-I believe it was KOVA, but yours is funnier!

  75. I thought it was Koma too but didn't think I had it right. Anyone else getting the hang up side down guy every commercial break, it's really starting to get old. Wasn't sure if it was local or national

  76. @Pamm... LOL. That makes more sense. I thought that their marketing department was in a coma.

  77. @nrf--no worries! I only know who he is because I've seen Test Drive. Otherwise would have been clueless.

  78. I like that they're paying some attention to Terry Cook after seeming to ignore him most of the season. I like it because I'm a Top Cat fan.

  79. Hope we don't miss the green flag with all these commercials.

  80. Wonder what the National Ahthem problem is?

    The baseball guys are made because the cast of Fox's entertainment show GLEE is going to sing it at the game tonight.

  81. Tripp they did it in Daytona too. When they bring out The Freak, they talk about whoever is driving it

  82. @Kenn Fong - I believe it is REALLY windy at Dega, hence the shaky roof cams.


    Talladega purchased that costume for the Bag Man

  84. Keep it safe folks! Green track and fast trucks.

  85. @Tripp - You were right, the energy drink sponsoring Park and the Corrie Stott Racing team is named Koma.

  86. @Kenn Fong... actually, the flags don't indicate much wind.

    All it takes is some people with lead feet up there to upset the cameras. I know that from experience.

  87. Man, the high line can't get anything done right now.

  88. @The Daly Planet, wait until they get it cleaned off.

  89. nrf / PammH - It is KOMA ... It's part of the Bebida Beverages product line ... Go to BebidaBeverages dot net

  90. okay, my bad-they are stupid then! why does it look soooo smokey at the track?

  91. @PammH - I think it was Jennifer Jo Cobb's truck that was putting out all that smoke before she shut it off.

  92. ESPN, are you taking notes? Not only have we heard from the pit reporters, but we also received relevant information about right now, not rehash from what they said yesterday or how they felt about the latest issue with their team.

  93. not to mention that they didn't break away from the live racing to show the reporter's mug.

  94. JD - Tomorrow's anthem will be done by the 82nd Airborne Chorus ...

  95. tia, That means we will not need the mute button for the anthem tomorrow

  96. They should use next year's pit rules now. This track is just too long for 2 pits under 1 caution.

  97. nrf - IF they do such, I'm NOT gonna be the one to tell them ... LOL ;-)

  98. After Richardson blew, shouldn't be any mosquitos in the Tri Oval tomorrow.

  99. Good job by Chad and Richardson there. GOGH engines failing thus far

  100. I'm lovin the shots from the Good Year blimp & minimal in-car cams.

  101. Pretty nice telecast so far. Good pics, OK sound and solid info.

  102. Too bad Brewer isn't here to show us a bend valve so we know what happened, lol.

  103. Yeah, where's TB showing us his newest manicure!

  104. Love having Krista as the third pit reporter. What a big difference.

    Come on SPEED! 3 CWTS reporters for 2010!

  105. ok from the blimp cam, two of our tvs, one regular old one and one HD with normal pic showed wavy speckled lines from above that moved like houndstooth suit!

    Wish Bevo had commented..he and I seem to be the only ones noticing it...

    will ck back in later

  106. JD - I would love if they had Krista as the 3rd reporter all season. Ray, Adam & Krista are a joy to listen to because they know what they are talking about and give us important info. (...and Ray likes to give little hints about teams future plans)

  107. Anyone else having audio problems? All the announcers have an echo sound when they talk.

  108. #50 Jennifer Jo Cobb lost an engine & is finished

    #47 Brandon Knupp has parked for the day

    #21 Sean Murphy has also parked for the day

    It looks like the #41 Chris Jones will run the distance

  109. No, the audio is crisp. Check to see if you have two audio channels feeding the same monitor.

  110. The reasons why I love Speed Channel replays...

    1) Only half the screen
    2) Does not interupt the ticker

  111. So glad the aerial shot is up even on a nasty day like today.

  112. do you think it ever occurs to Shrub that if he wasn't in a 'lower' series, he wouldn't find so many drivers who are still learning to draft & push?

  113. Tommy kendall did a Test Drive with Jeff Gordon a few years ago...driving a new Corvette, I think; it was a good show. I've seen Tommy at the Glen. Glad to see Andy Lally doing all right (so far.)

  114. I didn't realize you were in DFW @Boyd :) or if I knew I forgot

    Go Mario!

  115. See, that is when you use bumper cam.

  116. This comment has been removed by the author.

  117. Hey, it's fun to watch NASCAR on TV! What a concept.

  118. Buschseries61 said...

    iThe reasons why I love Speed Channel replays...

    1) Only half the screen
    2) Does not interupt the ticker

    Amen! You can't ever know who's further back than 20-25th on ESPN. Ticker starts over every time and their ADD prevents them from staying in a mode for more than a minute at a time.

  119. I had the earlier Anon post about the audio. I have Comcast in Denver and the problem comes and goes. It's working now thankfully since this race is going pretty good.

  120. Wow, we appreciate the camera work Speed.
    Judicious use of in truck cams and when needed.

  121. Rick Allen just recaped everyone a lap down and out of the race in 30 seconds. See ESPN, it is not that difficult to do a little recap.

  122. @ B61, but BSPN needs time to show TB and driver interviews.

  123. I'll give NASCAR a pass for not changing the rules at Talladega. How many teams could hire a sixth crew guy and get their timing down before the race today?

  124. @ anon 5:26

    And did it ever occur to Kyle Busch that the Truck Series is where *he* learned to draft? Sheesh, he's such a whiner sometimes.


  125. Missed restart. Losing some points for that.

  126. PPistone was on twitter earlier and had this to say, "is there any NASCAR-related website or media outlet where message board posts from fans about any topic any reporter writes are positive?"

    he must have forgotten about TDP..JD and the planeteers have no problems giving credit where credit is due.

  127. #41 Chris Jones is in the garage. No more S&P teams left running.

  128. J.D.,

    Using the in-car cam to show a line of cars freight-training looks better than an overhead. It lets me sense the helpless feeling that driver must must be experiencing.


  129. Pete Pistone is also one of the writers who thinks things have never been better in Nascar. And, he thinks fans who complain are idiots. Hmmm. that's a good way to get former fans watching again, isn't it?

  130. Karen &'s like he just can't put the logic together....but I get that it's radio talk; lots of them say stuff that makes no sense (much as I dislike Kryle...)

    anon 5:26

  131. Steve Park is WAY off the pace.

  132. I can't believe Pete asked that. It just blows my mind.

  133. Kenn Fong

    I agree about the use of the in car to show the freight train going by. The shot from Bodine's camera when he got shuffled back then got the big run on Benning was great.

  134. Don't know what the drivers thought there, but Max was scaring the hell out of me.

  135. Max Papis and Ron Hornaday almost wrecked themselves and 10 trucks behind. I have to get my heartrate down now.

  136. See? In car cameras arent intrinsically bad; just using them incorrectly, or not following them up with shots that show more of the field. Great job speed!

  137. Why in the world are we talking about Mario Gosselin? He doesn't matter, he is irrelevant. He isn't even in the top 25 in points...oh that's right we are watching a real race on Speed, not just an ESPN propaganda show. I guess you can cover all of the drivers and still provide an excellent race broadcast. Keep up the good work SPEED.

  138. They are showing all the trucks not just the ones in front. Good broadcast.

  139. What's the deal with Mikey trying to jinx Grampa soooo much?!?!? Shouldn't he have gotten over that wreck years ago??

  140. I bet the truck sponsors appreciate showing more than the top 10 in the field. Sponsors actually get some TV time. Might convince them to stay as a sponsor.

  141. All the Cup sponsors not in the top 12 should move to the Truck Series, then we'd have a series in great shape with no start-and-park teams and the best racing for us to watch.

  142. I love being able to see the whole field, and keep some perspective on the race as a whole! What a difference.

  143. What is the reason that doesn't provide live race standings? Any one have an official reason? Any speculation? Anything?

  144. Pete Pistone is a huge Nascar shill, imo. Never read his pieces. He only has a place to write because some subsidiary that Nascar owns created the racingone website for him.
    Guys are doing a great job not wrecking so far. Exciting race! What a concept..

  145. i should say in the truck series.

  146. Another useful in-car camera. Everything is falling off that #48!

    Isn't it amazing that Speed can catch these problems live and not have to resort to replays?

  147. I guess that happens when you don't decide to concentrate your 'coverage' on 10 or 12 drivers. Hmmm. Isn't that amazing?

  148. This is the first wreck of the day. Let's see if the big boys tomorrow go this far.

  149. Take that, Pete Pistone! A positive comment on Daly Planet about the use of an in-car camera.

    West Coast Kenny
    Alameda, California

  150. These guys are on it today. Waltrip has been kept in check and offering solid comments.

    Nice setup by SPEED for ESPN tomorrow.

  151. This camera work is excellent. Nice wide shots with some blimp and incar shots every once in a while. Good job Speed!

  152. Did I heard a play by play guy raise his voice and show excitement? Oh, I see the Speed logo now.

  153. Poor Tayler ... He (& his daddy's money) should've never left CHS & gone to RMM

  154. JD said, "These guys are on it today. Waltrip has been kept in check and offering solid comments.

    Nice setup by SPEED for ESPN tomorrow."

    What this really is is the ground work being laid for a very, very frustrating racing afternoon on Sunday. After such a spectacular broadcast today, we will experience a terrible let down!

  155. @haus... That's why I won't be watching tomorrow.

  156. Things should get really wild from here! And I've actually listened to the broadcast today, instead of radio. Mikey has been reined in by someone or something & isn't talking over everyone-I like it.

  157. Haus, the thing to remember is that they could change anytime they want to...they just don't want to...

    That is the real shame...

  158. The sun has come out bright there at Dega. What a big change. Think it will be a problem for their setups?

  159. They don't see anything wrong, we are apparently just imagining that coverage since so many just think its GREAT!

    oy. Its Dega, and that will overshadow any horrors ESPN could do to it.

    Gonna be interesting to see how Collin does now

  160. It would probably be mind boggling to compare the per race broadcast cost of ESPN to SPEED. How sad that the "cheaper" broadcast is by far the better quality broadcast.

    No pit studio, no tech garage, no problem!!!

    That should be SPEED's new motto.

  161. Smart promotion by Copart. Lots of mentions over the season for a $5000 donation. That has to be worth it for them.

  162. Hope it stays clean and they get to race.

  163. Max Papis is driving like an idiot today.

  164. It still amazes me that ESPN and Nascar refuse to give the fans any creedence at all. Aren't the fans (that would be, well, US)their customers? Shouldn't they be concerned about keeping the customers happy? I don't expect them to try to do everything the fans suggest, but treating us like a bunch of idiots looking for a village just doesn't seem to be good business to me. But what do I know?

  165. Bananas!

    Funny how when you talk about everyone, when something happens, it seems like a storyline paying off. If you only have 3-5 storylines, you can't force it (or will it) to happen.

  166. Nice job by Mario. Max is driving way over his head.

  167. The do's and dont's of bump drafting as told by Michael Waltrip. Now that's rich/

  168. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  169. I'm not a fan of Mikey but I like that he called out Papis on that mess.

  170. Am I watching the same race as Mikey?? Cause it sure looked like that spin started when Sauter slowed & Mario caught him & got squirrelly & backed off as Max got squirrelly too ...

  171. sally, once a group decides they are right, it becomes an "us vs. them" scenario.

    Since ESPN arrived in 2007, the point of the season where they telecast both the Cup and N'wide series has been a mess.

    What Pistone, Moody and the rest do not understand is that we HAVE to watch the races on ESPN. 99% of fans are watching on TV which is why the coverage is the most important thing at a race weekend.

    The racing may be great and the stories might be good, but the product that we are forced to watch has been a disaster for three seasons now.

    It is a shame what they did to Larry Mac and what Sirius has become. Just a shame.

  172. @Melissa... That may well be true, but he did a good job covering why what Max was doing caused the spin. I'm not going to complain.

  173. I'd be embarrassed to own one of those Hot Dog Grills.


  174. @TDP getting dark, it's about sundown isn't it?

  175. I wonder what the writers would be saying if the only way they could cover a race was by being forced to watch the TV coverage. Only once or twice do I remember a writer doing that, and as I remember they were fairly horrified by the dubious quality of the TV package.

  176. Sally, that happened to Marty Smith and Jeff Gluck this season.

    Both Tweeted about the many problems with Gluck being the most vocal.
