Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Live Blogging Hall Of Fame TV Coverage

Update: Those are the five selected for the first class of the NASCAR Hall of Fame pictured above. Right click on any picture to save it to your computer.

Here we go with a big day of NASCAR TV from both ESPN and SPEED. Here are some interesting updates on the schedule of events.

The HoF voters will arrive at the Charlotte Convention Center at slightly before 10AM. At that time, in a closed session, presentations will begin recapping all 25 people nominated for the first HoF class.

At 11:30AM there will be discussions among the voters about the nominees for one hour and then lunch is scheduled for the group. at 1:30PM the voting begins and at 2PM all voting will be done. The panel is then excused while votes are being counted.

The day ends with the 4PM announcement of the inductees by NASCAR Chairman Brian France.

ESPNEWS will go live at 4PM for the coverage and then return at 5PM with NASCAR Now on ESPN2. Mike Massaro and Brad Daugherty will be in the ESPN studios, while Jerry Punch who is a HoF voter will be in Charlotte.

SPEED has a one hour show at 11AM and then returns at 3PM with a three hour show. The network ends the day with a one hour version of NASCAR Race Hub at 7PM.

Steve Byrnes and Krista Voda will handle the hosting duties for SPEED. Commentators include Mike Joy, Ken Squier, Kyle Petty, Darrell Waltrip, Wendy Venturini and Randy Pemberton.

This post will serve to host your comments throughout the day as we watch the TV coverage of this historic event unfold. ESPN has been very professional and thorough in their news-oriented coverage, while SPEED has struggled at times in this kind of setting. It should be interesting to watch it unfold live.

To add your TV-related comment, just click on the comment button below. This is a family-friendly website, please keep that in mind when posting.

We are also going to be reporting on the TV coverage on Twitter. Click on to read updates all day long. Thanks again and have a great day.


  1. Should be a fun day :)

  2. JD
    Where is the photo of Gurney And Earnhardt from??
    Its awesome

    Bray Kroter

  3. Bray,

    Here is the caption that goes with the picture:

    10 years after his official retirement, he competed in the 1980 NASCAR Riverside 500 for the Osterlund Team as teammate to young Dale Earnhardt. Dan retired half way through the race due to a snapped input shaft in second place.

    That truly was a moment in time.


  4. Hammond looks like the devil w/that goatee! But the guys look great dressed up.

  5. Can't wait for Kyle and DW to get wound up on this topic.

  6. Hammond looks absolutely ridiculous

  7. If the guys on SPEED are wearing suits, are the BSPN guys going to wear tuxedos?

    I'll miss the HOF announcements because I have to work. I'll cheat on my boss and check here later.

  8. bevo, I wish they had gone with SPEED shirts or something else.

    This look is not what fans are familiar with. More like the ESPN gang.

    Hoping to see some vid from the Convention Center shortly.

  9. also cheating at work with the DVR running at home. All on Speed. Keep me posted

  10. I see nothing wrong with dressing up for such an important occasion. I'm not home to watch, but I think it's a special occasion and everyone recognizes that. No different than dressing up for the banquet. I really think the majority of fans are really not going to care....jmho.

  11. I think the guys look FABULOUS DRESSED UP! Indeed it's a big day.

    Nothing wrong with dressing up to pay one's respects for a celebration.

    I think today's society is overly casual anyway.

    I don't think I've ever seen these guys dressed up . Steve Byrnes looks great.

    Course I wish they had done this in the TWIN studio with better lighting but (I won't go there)

    I think Steve should dress like this every Monday night. I think it would give him an air of authority..and control over Mikey.


  12. After watching Race Hub last night and now this Speed needs to have the makeup and lighting people get together on the same page. It's really distracting. I barely recognized Krista last night and now Hammond looks like a mannequin come to life

  13. Same issues they had with TWIN when they first started, remember?

    Working on the fill lighting (low and from the front) to fix the problems.

    That is why ESPN keeps it simple on the NN panel.

  14. I also think it's respectful that they are dressed up :)

  15. Bevo & others

    On the wide shots, are the stripes on Larry mac's shirt 'moving'?

    I am watching on older 4:3 tv. Lots of background stuff moving too.

    This SPEED Studio is a nightmare for viewers. not to mention it makes the people look odd.

    I would like to know if there is a refresh rate deal on a camera? Kind of like if you don't have the right one on computer monitor, it has a slight flicker?

    I've noticed this on Wind Tunnel with the background lines on the blue wall behind Despain. and on some SPEED races. I could go on and on about this issue but will not.

    I was just going to make a passing comment but Bevo had to get me going again.
    ;-D !!

    p.s. And for ALL my GRIPES at ESPN, I NEVER notice these studio issues that we see with SPEED.

  16. Most TV networks have a specific dress code that avoids patterns like herringbone and others that TV cameras cannot tolerate.

    HD does a much better job, but with the industry in transition the old rules usually still apply.

    TV cameras scan images many times per second to create and send video signals.

    Certain colors and patterns make it rough on the TV equipment to scan.


  17. @Sophia- same problem here with DirecTV SD. Seems to be a problem since Speed went HD.

    My last comment on some people's appearance today - there's a plastic surgeon in Charlotte who now has a brand spanking new beach house :)

  18. @JD- I imagine they're at the site of the vote. Be interesting to see Kyle when The King is announced as one of the five.

  19. the "network" doesnt need to set a dress code.... if your on TV you KNOW you don't where stripes / herringbone !!

    Just plain thoughtless to wear anything like that.

  20. Hammond looks tired.

  21. We are going to return at 3PM with live blogging once SPEED goes on air.

    ESPNEWS is on at 4PM and announcement is shortly after that.

    This is not the format of the show I thought we would see. Looking for Kyle and DW to inject their opinions on these nominees.

    No drivers on the in-house panel really misses the point IMHO.


  22. Kyle & DW highly underused in this hr, imo.

  23. That was just weird at the end...oh well, see you all at 3PM.

  24. I think the inherent problem is no one wants to ruffle feathers with a real opinion on the list. Hopefully the ballots will be kept secret.

  25. Larry Mac, needs to turn down the volume on that shirt and tie combo.

  26. OK, here we go again! 3PM starts the big show.

  27. This announcement is gonna be everywhere at 4! Wild..

  28. It's fun to watch live national TV being done for the first time.

  29. This is just a great group sittig around talking. I'm lovin' it!

  30. why is the blue wall FLICKERING behind Kyle Petty.

    Mamma mia! all the colors on the front of desk are jumping and even the GORGEOUS HAIR of some of the men's salt and pepper hair is "dancing".

    Ok on to the show.

    My brother a major NASCAR lover and historian

    who was deeply DEVASTATED when he lost his fave driver Dale Sr (though he follows several others)

    thinks France Sr and PIONEERS should be in first...cut off should be 1960. I agree, but what do we know.

    Many casual fans and younger fans, don't care about history. So it will be interesting.

    My poor brother in town from Seattle is at my mom's with NO SPEED!...

    just in case there is an online place to watch on his blackberry, let us know or shoot me an email. Tx


  31. I just had a guy at the door running for mayor and missed some of this great discussion.

    but I agree I love this group. Wouldn't ya love to have dinner with these guys...and some others. :-)

    I'll bring the baked ziti. (easier than lasagna)

    SPEED needs to do more shows FEATURING the history of these older guys and have DW & others hosting it. Not some of the younger drivers.

    GET FANS INTERESTED in the early days. I only know the names of some of these guys.

    Mike Joy just said Bill Sr is not on the ballot!? WOW

  32. sophia-he said Big Bill wasn't on someone's ballot-not that he wasn't on the ballot. Also, does your bro get BSPNews? Gonna be on there too.

  33. IT'll be interesting to get feedback on how many "local" newscasts / sports casts have the hall of fame announcement on the "local" news".

  34. Why did they include everyone on the list to be voted into the HOF? Why not just the ones from the beginning like France Sr and the other old timers. Then add another batch for the next time, and so on. Do I have this right?

    Dot "Knaus"

  35. Dot,

    NASCAR knows how to generate interest. Keeping it open will endlessly allow debate among fans.

    There are two criteria: one for drivers and one for non-drivers.

    That's about it.

  36. 5 people are simply not enough for the first round of inductees.

    As usual, we should expect the "rules" to change in the coming years.

  37. no only gets basic ESPN :(

    I just emailed a site online to watch. Gonna call and make sure he gets it.

    I LOVE this group. Imagine a show with THESE guys each week.

    U listening SPEED?

    Kyle needs a new mic

  38. Thanks,JD. Will check back later.


  39. Hey guys! I'm stuck in the library this afternoon so I'm waiting for the webcast to start. Here's hoping it works!

  40. OK people I'm at work so no web cast for me. Details I need Details

  41. J.D.,

    It was good to see "Ol' Tom" Higgins (as he calls himself) interviewed just now. It was too short. I wish someone would add "Ol' Tom" as a regular guest to one of the panel shows.

    West Coast Kenny
    Alameda, California

  42.'s webcast hasn't started yet but SPEED's website is streaming live.

  43. WOW they're jumping right in.

    Big Bill. No shock there!

  44. Bill France YAY

    (btw, could the DARK lighting on Brian F be worse or is it my tv?)

    This is what we need more HISTORICAL CLIPS! :)

  45. Bill France Jr #3. Getting nervous now.

  46. Dale Earnhardt

    NO FILM CLIP? What Teresa wouldn't allow it..we hear Mike Joy & Kyle & DW...odd

  47. NRF,

    It looks like a very safe set of choices. Both Frances, The King, Earnhardt, Junior Johnson. I picked them all, which goes to show you how safe the choices were.


  48. Theres the video!!! :) Sweet glad to be hear for the first class! Im happy for Junior Johnson glad he got in didnt think he would.

  49. Thanks everyone guess I go back to work and catch up on the rest of the blog while I watch what I DVR'd

  50. wow.... unbelievable that SPEED and/or NASCAR Media Group can screw up anything.

    something so simple and they screw it up !!

  51. Ken-Mich

    I can't believe the tech glitch either for Sr...sigh

    no surprise except both France's in.

    Hopefully they remember another guy from BEFORE 1960 next year, too.


  52. This comment has been removed by the author.

  53. Webcast is still "live" - Brian France will be on Speed after the commercial.

  54. That was a big moment in the sport...period.

  55. Perfect 1st class imo! Still think it should have been 19 tho.

  56. Lesa not very happy about being on TV apparently....

  57. I really think there should be a serious discussion on the ethics of allowing Junior Johnson to be able to vote and being allowed to be in the actual debate room.

    I'm not suggesting that he campaigned for himself, but nobody's going to openly speak out against him when he's in the actual room.

    This is where the NASCAR media really falls short of other sports, they don't dig deep into these issues.

  58. JD

    Great photos you just added.:)

  59. Shootout,

    What happened was they got the voting comm. before they got the nominations done.

    It might happen again.

  60. @JD

    Lesa might have noticed the lighting in the monitor. YIKES. So many of the guys look like they have ADDISON's disease!! (Adrenal issue where your skin is super tan. JFK suffered from it)

  61. This shows how much ESPN realy thinks of us, not one mention on as of right now???

  62. Mike joy didn't mention that Wendall Scott was a driver that had a movie made about his life.

  63. Im with Ned Jarrett, no matter who you put in, you couldn't have gone wrong.

    Wow, Teresa just went off on a promo tangent. =\

    I think they got the first 5 right. Excited about the future classes though

  64. JD,

    I'm well of aware of the process. But once he was nominated, he shouldn't be involved in the vote and be in the debate room.

    Not when there's such a small number of people involved.

  65. Shootout, how would they solve that problem?

  66. Teresa and tangent? If you only knew....

  67. David

    The fact Teresa turned this into a promo/tangent was a bit sickening for me. Ouch.

  68. If we are talking about this event from a TV Production standpoint....

    I give it a very low grade.

    Bad camera positioning for anchor desk.

    Earnhardt video did not roll.

    Bad communication with Pemberton.

    With a production like we saw today for the hall of fame, it's no wonder that other major networks & media pay zero attention.

    This was clearly a moment for NASCAR to shine in the national spotlight & it could have been much more professional.

  69. JD

    your Teresa comment? Only knew what? Most of things we've all heard is true??


  70. Simple solution, if you're nominated... then you are off the voting panel for that year.

  71. Ken-Mich


    Richard Petty's wife on tv!!

  72. Linda Petty is awesome. She used to cook for the TV crews when we went to the Petty museum.

  73. I can't imagine many people flipping over to NN at 5. And I meant 10 in first class, not 19. Yep, didn't surprise me to see TE do a promo. I'd say what I think of her, but I'd get deleted...

  74. Pammh

    When they did not show Sr video, I figured she did not allow unless she got more money and felt bad I THOUGHT that. HA.

    Then she went on to her endless sales spiel! Wow. I feel even more sorry for Jr..all those stories I've heard must be true and what Jr said in the interview years ago in men's back to the show.

    LOVE the story about Mikey's tennis shoes stinking and got thrown in the lake by Kyle Petty.

  75. Love listening to Linda Petty. I'd pay money to sit and listen to her stories --- I bet she could tell some doozies.

  76. Dang, stepped out of the room and missed Linda Petty.

    JD, I know. I've heard the stories. Ive heard people's take that used to work at DEI before and after Sr and how different it was. Sophia, I'm with you exactly, sickening was the word.

  77. PammH

    I ALSO think 10 shoulda been chosen for the FIRST year.

    I feel like a glass of wine!

  78. I'm willing to give a pass for SPEED on the lack of Earnhardt video. If no video was rolled, then what where were they supposed to get feed from? That falls on those producing the HOF Inductee ceremony.

  79. Not for nothin...

    Id love to see a one hour special on Lynda Petty talking about driving around with th kids for all those early races.

  80. Linda and Richard, what a great interview.


    i could listen to this program for hours. the wow factor just is so wow.

    Sad that Teresa Earnhardt interview sounded like a promo, just sayin ya know

    glad program is going past 5pm eastern time.

  81. Teresa is with Jerry Punch on NASCAR Now.

  82. J.D.,, the website of the San Francisco Chronicle, linked to the AP story about the NASCAR Hall of Fame above the fold on the splash page for Sports. So they did get some of the PR bounce they wanted.


  83. Teresa saying the same things to JP about her DEI agendas.

  84. Bill

    A story on Mrs. Petty would be GREAT Chronicles. Better than the fake reality shows now and would be entertaining with her stories. I'd never seen her before.

    Teresa on BSPN I guess SELLING on there now. Selling their new TAGLINE there, too.

  85. Thanks for the update on NN JD. I'm not shocked she didn't talk to the print media. I call her Trinket Lady..

  86. Maybe if Linda Petty drove a tow truck or pimped her ride she could make it to SPEED.

  87. Luckily I had a long call where I was able to put the caller on hold and listen to the Announcement :)

    I love Ms. Linda wish she'd be around more!

    Winston is awesome! And easy on the eyes :)

    I forget who I voted for I know it was both Bill's and Dale but forget who else.

    It was a hard decision! So many worthy!

  88. My neighbor next door that just died of cancer (was 66 and just dx in july!!) stopped watching NASCAR after Sr. died except for a few Daytona's and brickyard but never watched in the past year...just read about it.

    He worked for Winston years ago and just thought the Hollywood-ization of the sport ruined it.

    I thought of that when Mike Joy said many turned off the races for good in 2001. I don't know the percentage but some did...

  89. I vote for Mike Joy to get some Grecian Formula or Just For Men.

  90. kelley e on now: i may be mistaken but i believe she is no longer kelley earnhardt-elledge. i believe there's been a divorce and if i'm correct, that's yet another "unforced error."
    interesting that she's on camera and not her step-mother,eh? i appreciate how sincere she is when she speaks about her dad.
    (just got home so missed the last mrs earnhardt's appearance earlier . . . )

  91. I could listen to this for hours! Wow, Big E & Bill Jr. could talk during a race? Who knew?

  92. Karen

    I LOVE Mike Joy's hair!! I love gray hair, I love salt and pepper hair. Some of the best looking guys I know have hair like that. A cutie band leader I know has salt and pepper hair I would PAY to have!! Some others in the band, too! They have natural curl I can't get in perm or curlers. Must be my age showing.



    Teresa was just....well, like somebody else said, I can't say....I enjoy posting here...but . . .

  93. red you didn't miss anything. She did alright until she started talking about new merchandise for Dale's HOF induction...then it broke down from there.

    I love that latest interaction on SPEED about Dale Sr and being the figurehead of the sport. It has never been truer and I only wish Tony would not have toned down because I felt he had the potential to become the new voice of the sport.

    The Kyle Busch thing, its interesting to me. Very interesting.

    Ken Squire, Mike Joy, DW and KP, just such great interaction.

  94. Pam, DW has told that story before. They were really really close, as was Mike Helton and Dale Sr.

  95. Sophia, I love salt and pepper hair, too, but just a little bit of those products wouldn't be so bad. I also think Randy Pemberton could use a little bit of that stuff, too.

  96. ya know, THIS is what i want from nascar at least once a week: unscripted discussions about the men and women who made our sport what it is today. stories that will fade away unless captured by someone. i mean, i read mcgee's article about the moonshiner's reunion and just wish i could've sat there and just listened.

    such a history and only a small portion of it is known by more than a hundred or so people in the sport.

  97. David, it was probably in his book also. I read it, but can't retain everything. First time I remember hearing that. Wish we could hear what they are talking about during break.

  98. ok, just 'cause i have to do the same thing: how amusing is it to watch mike joy have to put his glasses on to read that note from baseball hof?!?

  99. There will be a one hour break at 6PM.

    SPEED returns at 7PM for a one-hour version of Race Hub with Krista Voda and Steve Byrnes hosting.

    ESPN is done for the night.

  100. red

    ok, I THOUGHT the same thing about Mike Joy and the reading glasses! :-)

    Only I need two pair so I have to take off my far away glasses for my READING glasses, lol (can't do bifocals, long story)

    But I love it.

    As Red Skelton once said, when he had to do the same thing on stage "I've come to that age when curiosity over comes vanity." :-)

    Man, SPEED, how about a show like this off season with these guys a few times a month.

    This has been great.

  101. Such amazing stories. So awesome to hear just a small sampling of them. I could listen to them for weeks on end.

  102. I have to say that I enjoy hearing KP being non-PC on a few yeah, NASCAR doesn't like to talk about it, but Junior Johnson and moonshiners WERE a part of our roots. And today's drivers are corporate shills, not dedicated racers.

    If he were still driving, he'd probably be called to the NASCAR trailer to talk about 'things'.

    My attitude towards KP has changed a lot in the last few years. I couldn't stand to hear him talk a few years ago, now I even follow him on twitter!


  103. We MUST see this group BEFORE next year. C'mon Speed.

    This was fun!!

  104. I wonder whether the HOF might have some recorded conversations with some of the people who were there as NASCAR grew - like Hoss Ellington, Linda Petty, and Flossie Johnson?

  105. Watched SPEED's coverage of the HoF inductions, it was nice to hear the stories from everyone. And I was 100% on my picks. ;)

    A little off-topic, but if you missed the ARCA race from The Rock, SPEED is replaying it at the ungodly hour of 3AM EDT tonight (at least according to DishNetwork's schedule).

  106. Kinda surprised they are talking to MM, instead of HOF. I could care less what he has to say.

  107. geez, many hours of coverage have we had? Frankly, I welcome other subjects. Looks like they've gone right back to it....

  108. PammH

    i am with you.

    To be honest after the FABULOUS group with Mike Joy today, hard to be excited over N HUb.

    and Rick Allen's plaid shirt and Macs striped shirt (took off jacket!) is giving me headache on the 30 inch OLD TV. Mercy, somebody get a set and lighting designer.

    I did notice with Bootie and Rick interview, no glowing eyeballs but SHADOWS all over the eyes & faces....sigh.

    I think the guys from this AFTERNOON shoulda taped an extra hour, or TWO or THREE for tonight.

    What a TREAT! Hope those working today taped it. :)

    So I am treating NH like radio due to lighting/dancing shirts. :)

    I thought Steve B was gonna be on here?

  109. @sophia, I feel we're friends now, you can just call me Pamm..;) Krista looks better tonite for sure & loved me a Bootie sighting.

  110. Pamm, I'm with you about the Bootie sighting. *sigh*

  111. Where the heck was I when Bootie was on? Definitely don't recall hearing him guess nomming dinner and multi-tasking is FAIL tonight :(. I definitely know Bootie's voice an recognize everyone else's voices :(.

  112. Pamm

    I had to re read your Bootie comment twice, lol. ;-D
    He is a fun addition to any show.

    They are looking for a Queen for the race? wish we could do it on remote. My webcam and home lighting can NOT be worse than tv sometimes.

    Ok, this show is not holding my interest.

    The men earlier spoiled me, what can I say.

  113. Gymmie, he was on in the last 15 mins I think. Sorry you missed him. LOL @ Sophia!

  114. Well BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO to me :(

  115. Speed destroyed ESPN on today's NASCAR HOF coverage contest.

    ESPN - Where was the discussion (god forbid debate) of the selections?

    Why didn't we get to see the opinions of Ed Hinton, Ryan McGee, and Marty Smith?

    Am I the only one who would like to hear Ed Hinton's case for David Pearson having once proclaimed him driver of the century in Sports Illustrated.

    All in all, very happy that both networks devoted additional programming to NASCAR.

    You have to give ESPN credit for showing "Together" on ESPN2 after NASCAR Now today. Plus they did cut in on espn news for the announcement.

    Big thumbs up to Squier and Joy who shined in this showcase of their expertise. Some of DW's best stuff as well. Not to mention the theater that was created with the Richard going on stage with Kyle.

  116. Dang it, I missed Together again. I haven't checked the guide yet, is it on later?

    JD, I didn't see it on your TV list. :(

    I'm watching the SPEED rerun right now, good stuff.

  117. I was disappointed in how the entire program was handled. Why didn't they have the honorees or their designated family member, come up on stage and speak on behalf of their loved one or for themselves? I would have loved to hear Petty and Jr Johnson talk about what the induction meant to them. And, I think they should have invited Earnhardt Jr to the ceremony and spoke to him on what it means for him to have his daddy in the HOF in the first class.

  118. Thank you for all the HoF comments. There is a new post up on this topic, please add your comments there.

