Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Here Comes Danica To NASCAR TV

Finally, someone has let enough information out on the Danica Patrick issue so that ESPN's Ryan McGee and Marty Smith could put together a story with some substance on this topic.

Click here to read "Source: Danica Close To NASCAR Deal" now posted at

The story for us at TDP is not about her driving ability, bad commercials or use of her sex appeal to sell products. The issue is what her presence at Daytona (or even earlier) would do to the NASCAR media in general.

At a time when the Nationwide Series could use anything to get it beyond being known as Carl and Kyle's playground, Patrick would be a great shot in the arm. Joey Logano and Brad Keselowski are the only two drivers who have helped the series to generate any buzz this season. This was especially true as younger drivers fell victim to lack of sponsorship.

Even a part-time schedule from Patrick would put her in front of the media and open the door to non-hardcore racing websites, TV programs and worldwide news. In short, it would be huge.

As the week goes on, we will continue to update this post and see what else happens. The Danica Patrick NASCAR media watch is on. If you see this topic on the Internet, let is know where you saw it.

If you are going to add a comment, please stick to the TV and media issues. Just click on the comments button below so we can open a discussion on this topic. Thanks.


  1. I cant wait! This is awesome news to me regarding Danica to NASCAR. This will def help the TV ratings next year. I am excited to see what number she drivers!. I Love it!

  2. That screaming you hear is the ESPN executives going ballistic. Talk about Xmas in November.

    Now ESPN has Danica at Daytona in a N'wide car to start the season.

  3. Also how asesome would it be to see the beautiful Danica Patrick behind the wheel of a Chevy Camaro!!! The Nationwide Series may be more fun then watching the Sprint Cup!!!

  4. I wish her nothing but the best, but fear the worst. I am quite certain that this is basically a dream scenario for the ESPN empty hype machine as well. While it likely lead to increased interest, when she doesn't produce results, that added attention will be fleeting. 1 IRL win. 1. IRL drivers that were far superior to Danica have tried and failed.

  5. S.I. reported on jayski that she wanted $300,000 per race in NN, or CWTS. No team interested.

  6. No comments about commercials or shower.
    She has only won 1 race in Japan, last year, so we can't really talk about that. This is a what have you done for me lately sport.
    So I guess I have no comment.

  7. Hey Anonymous 2:29 PM.. Dale Jr doesnt and hasnt produced results in years. Why is that ok? She is a young beautiful face in NASCAR what has alot of determination and drive. I think regardless it will be fun and interesting!

  8. Guys, you are missing the point here. She gets a car that already has points, everyone is going to struggle with the Nationwide "new car" and she still gets paid for the IRL runs.

    As far as the cash thing, that was denied all around. It's Go Daddy driving the bus and it's his money.

    Man, this is going to be an ESPN hype dream. Get ready....

  9. I'm serious! Don't even waste a moment on debating her driving skills.

    Unless she goes backwards and can't start the car, she is in.

    We are talking Nationwide Series part time.

    Still thinking about those new ads with Mark Martin.....

  10. Personally, I think it'll be fun to find out, one way or the other. And even if it doesn't work out for her, if that creates interest in other female stock car racers (with better stock car resumes) then all the better. This sport desperately needs new sponsors.

    BTW...I guess all the ESPN/nudity business turned out to be all rumor. Instead we got Carl Edwards...or maybe it was

  11. Yeah, i think DP has got it right. Unless she drivers backwards she is It would be cool seeing a Go Daddy Commercial with her and Mark "The Kid" Martin. I really hope she does well. As long as she stays away from Dale Jr she will be fine.

  12. I think it would be interesting to see what she can bring to the table and God knows we need some excitement especially on the Nationwide front. I have a feeling if she has the right car and equipment, then she might just do really well and am sure that this is driving the suits at ESPN nuts, but let's face it, they need to be driven nuts right now for the absolute crap that we have gotten from them this season.

  13. She may just bring new fans to Nascar. 'Cept, we wont even hear about any other cars with her in the race.

    As for the GoDaddy commercials, as long as we dont see Mark Martin's chest too, we'll be ok in my book.


  14. hey Trophyguy, you don't think they will play on his physical fitness?

    It's Go Daddy!

  15. You think ESPN gets bogged down in their coverage of racing to date. Wait til this weekend, I wonder how much air time will be devoted to this story? LOL

  16. I may be stupid but why does this benefit ESPN?

  17. HAHAH JD.

    Well Mark Martin is physically fit, but not sure how he'd fit into GoDaddy commercials. Maybe at a poker table with the GoDaddy girls around him, or maybe just as a "Sugar-GoDaddy"



  18. If you think ESPNs JJ love-in is bad enough, wait until Danica arrives. JD, I hope ESPN make changes to be fairer off-season - we'll need them....

  19. I say forget Trucks, Danica should have been in a full time Nationwide ride for about two years. Then i think she would be a PERFECT replacement for Dale Jr and the 88 car in 2012. PS How soon until the Danica NASCAR diecast are available?

  20. I see this as great news. She'll struggle on the track to be sure, but NASCAR has become about way more than what happens on track. You ESPN haters complain that they only show chase drivers during the telecast. She won't be a chase driver anytime soon, but there will sure be camera on her.

  21. Dakota, it does not make any difference what the name of the TV network is...

    Coverage like we have from ESPN of this Chase is a disaster...plain and simple.

    If it was NBC, CBS or TNT they would be hearing the exact same comments word by word.


  22. dupont24fan said: I may be stupid but why does this benefit ESPN?

    Boosts the Nationwide ratings a little bit for Daytona and maybe for a few of the other select races she'll be running throughout the year.

    As for the car number she'll be driving, probably the 5 car

  23. Geez, JD, back 'er down a notch, your fandom is showing. So, focusing exlusively on JJ is frowned upon, but having Danica to focus on is "a great shot in the arm". How soon, I wonder, before we are all complaining about ESPN crafting their race coverage around All-Danica, All The Time, to the exclusion of what is actually going on in the races themselves? Isn't that what we've been saying has been wrong with ESPN?

  24. ESPN is a mess with the race coverage when it comes to NASCAR. Tell them to stick with the stick and ball sports. Thanks Damon for the insight. Danica in the 5 car awesome!! I am just a little nervous about her running in both NASCAR and the IRL at the sametime. That cannot be a sucessfull receipe. DANICA please end your contract with the IRL and come over to NASCAR

  25. People see to forget this now, but Tony Stewart ran the IRL full-time and part-time in the Busch series from 1996-1998 and Sam Hornish Jr. did it in 2007

  26. No way! You are trying to get apples and oranges together. Two completely different topics.

    We are talking about a media shot in the arm for a minor series that is deep in financial trouble and trying to switch to a new car right in the middle of it.

    ESPN's scripted JJ mess is a totally different topic.

    Danica brings something JJ and none of the other open-wheelers can, that is a direct relationship with 50% of the existing fans who are women.

    While other female drivers exist and have rides, we are talking about a media story that will ultimately pass or fail on her own skill.

    The media part of it is clear. NASCAR gets a draw for non-racing media organizations. ESPN gets a ratings hot button. Mainstream NASCAR media now has to put some effort into the N'wide Series where there is currently almost none.

    Two completely different issues. BTW, other than Indy and one race on Versus, I am not a veteran IRL fan.


  27. See, there's that assumption again that just galls me...

    "Danica brings something JJ and none of the other open-wheelers can, that is a direct relationship with 50% of the existing fans who are women."

    I happen to be one of those existing fans who are women, and I resent the ASSUMPTION that I'm going to be thrilled to death to see her in NASCAR and I'll become her biggest fan. Quite the opposite, in fact. I realize that Danica does have women fans in the IRL, and potentially in NASCAR, but I would think that after hearing from us on your previous posts about her, you would realize there is a strong backlash against her among women fans.

  28. Listen, women fans or not, She is first and foremost a RACECAR DRIVER. We should appreciate the fact that she is determined, competitive and a fresh new face in NASCAR. PERIOD. Forget the other nonscence

  29. Anon3:39PM,

    I never said they would be fans of hers. I said they were already NASCAR fans, that is a big difference.

    Your comment already made that point. Love her or hate her, she is going to have the same kind of impact in every race. She is going to draw fans, media and attention.

    I competely understand what you are saying, but also understand that many female fans feel the opposite way. Takes all kinds to make a world.


  30. as a female fan, I really don't care about a person's gender. If there were more females in the series, I might root for them or I might not, depending on who they were and what they have accomplished--just as I would with a male. But, if attention on her brings attention to the series and attracts sponsors, I'm all for it. It's a win-win situation. The IRL guys went through the same thing, both with Danica, and then with Helio and all the Dancing stuff...they know that any attention is good attention.

  31. From Ralph Sheheen:

    Looks like the rumors about Danica Patrick and JR Motorsports are true. SPEED has been able to confirm that Danica will run stock cars.....

  32. She might be a better Nationwide villain than Kyle Busch or become an underdog like Joey was this season running part time.

    One thing is for sure, ESPN and Danica are going to be linked arm in arm....

  33. When Danica races, she will dominate the screen. This might not be good for the rest of the teams and their sponsors. Why sponsor someone when your product decals do not make it on the screen. It might be a short time boost in ratings and a long term los.

  34. If it means more fans at the NW races I'm all for it otherwise I don't care. My only concern is that the races will become a Danica love fest somewhat similar to the JJ watch we had this past Sunday, that would not make me happy.

  35. ESPN just hit a homerun with this news.

    The N'wide series has needed attention for several years, and this will get people watching.

    Some may watch to see if she bites the dust, some may watch to see if she succeeds --- but the bottom line, there will be eyes watching.

    And, for good or bad, it may bring more attention to the series for the ong run.

  36. Ken, if this was Cup that might cause a stir. If you remember the fans comments from this N'wide season, they centered on KyBu and Carl being the only two stories.

    Then Brad emerged as a cross-over star and Joey as the part-time villain who could spoil the KyBu show.

    It should be interesting to see if Danica emerges when she races as a cautious person looking to learn or someone not running for the championship who just wants to win every race she is in.

    What do we have, maybe three months to Daytona? Here we go.


  37. I'm sure it will be a media feeding frenzy, but you can count me as "uninterested".

  38. I've sat here for ten minutes trying to think what to say and the best I can come up with is this:

    I am ambivolent about Danica coming to nascar, and I disagree with JD I think this is lousy timing for the sport. If anything, having Chrissy Wallace get a part time ride in NW would be more of an over all tonic.

  39. Refresh my memory, JD. Is Brad running NW for Penske next year? Brad, Danica, part time Kyle, part time Joey, hoo-hoo!!!

  40. JD the 5 car doesn't have enough points to be locked in. While it does fall in the top 30, it has not attempted every race thus forefitting the locked in status. Now if JRM is looking to screw Kelly Bires over and shift his points, something is going to be very wrong with me. If Dancia wants to do it, dont half-rear this effort. You want to cash the check, DO THE WORK!

    If she comes over and does well, its nothing but great for NASCAR. JD, it would go a LONG way towards shaking a sterotype that has long bothered me and would open so many doors for the diversity program it would be amazing, however if she comes over and runs like Erin Crocker had, or Shawna Robinson, or even mid-pack-15th the way a Pattie Moise did, it would probably still be considered a failure.

    If she wants to come over and give it a whirl then I'm all for it. But if she is coming over and listing demands as has been speculated or rumored than she is just here to cash a check and leave. Guarantee if she gets into a couple cars -cough RWI- a few times, the backlash she could face from ESPN broadcasting, as well as the rest of NASCAR-land could be big. She has the opportunity to be the golden key for many, or another massive setback for the true racers going the NASCAR route to RACE and not cash checks.

    Like Dale Jr, she will polarize immensely.

  41. @ David, thanks. That pretty much sums up my ambivolence. Finshed with a dash of all Danica all the time ESPN coverage, yawn.

  42. NASCAR Now on the air and talking Danica on ESPN2.

  43. OMG I may need to vomit already ;-P

  44. It will be interesting to see how NASCAR handles this at Daytona.

    Montoya, a much more accomplished driver, was asked to run ARCA and Talladega before going to Daytona. I think NASCAR asked him to.

    I know its publicity, but are they just going to turn her loose at the Daytona Nationwide race.

    It will be interesting to hear those plans.

  45. Ritchie, if it says Go Daddy on the side and has a Hendrick engine, I have a feeling she will be just fine.

    Those IRL guys run a big quick on the ovals ya know...

  46. David, too much thinking! She is a brand and no one has it like her except Jr. right now.

    Gordon used to have it, but no longer. JJ will never have it and Carl's bad season dented his.

    "Branding" is going to get a new definition.

  47. JD, still. Ritchie makes a point. Montoya had Havoline and a Ganassi engine in his car. They should require her to at LEAST run ARCA the week before. If she causes a big wreck at Daytona there's going to be alot of drivers biting their tongues on national TV

  48. But JD? Since when did Branding have anything to do with the fan's enjoyment of or love of racing? Why the h e double ll is she there for if not to race and win. That's exactly why I think this is terrible for the sport as a whole it goes directly to letting people buy rides which brings us that much closer to the WWE!

  49. David, it's not Cup. Take a peek at some of the names on the last few Nationwide series rosters.

  50. JD, therein lies the problem with NASCAR now.


    What good is her brand if she doesn't get it done on track? If she runs like junk, wads a bunch of cars up, it just makes NASCAR, JRM, and the Nationwide Series look like a joke for hyping her the way they will.

    Like I said, should she run well it will be great for the NW Series as well as NASCAR but she has to be able to wheel the car.

    All I can say until then, JWT anyone? Anyone?

  51. Well, I'm disgusted.

    Just another reason for me NOT to watch NW next year. I CAN'T STAND DP period, and I really did NOT want her in NASCAR land.

    Goodbye Nationwide series.

  52. This comment has been removed by the author.

  53. Well props to Rusty for telling the truth, hope she listens.

    Or maybe he has been trotted out to lower expectations says the cynic in me.

    my veri is CY BUT no lie!

  54. You guys have to be able to understand that fast takes money.

    If she bring JR Motorsports with a Hendrick engine into the NW series, she can't lose.

    Your strong reaction to these issues are exactly the kind of thing that brings fans to the track and the TV.

    They need a favorite and a villain. For some, she is going to be a huge favorite. For others, she is going to be everything that is wrong with the sport.

    Relax, we are not going to debate her racing ability on a media blog.


  55. 30 minutes of Danica on a 30 min show.

    Only story of the program. Ten interviews including Janet Gutherie and Lyn St. James.

    All this for the RUMOR that she is coming to NASCAR in 2010.


  56. I see your point JD and I am not debating her ability, she won an IRL race. My objection is to the over hype BY the media. Rick Hendrick said she would have no overall impact on nascar and I think he is right. Except for the part where media, both tv and print, will make her such a focus that it will become a detraction from the sport; not an attraction to it.

  57. ri88,

    This hype is going to make JJ look like Johnny Sauter. Get ready.

  58. "thirty minutes of Danica on a 30 minute show.

    ESPN' '10 script is written, all Danica, all the time. I don't care who the driver is, I don't want to see and hear about only one driver.


  59. ri88girl,

    Has it occured to you that Rick said what he said because he wanted the focus to be on HIS driver who just won a Chase race and was/is leading the championship.

  60. Why is everyone so damn negative?? If anyone lucked into a ride it is DALE JR... This guys is with the best team in the league and cant even finish in the top 10.. If you leave out the FUEL MILIAGE win DALE JR hasnt won in years... Danica is the whole package

  61. I think this is great for the NW series and for all the young girls who will have a female to look up to. Can you imagine the merchandise sales? Over the top. And good for Nascar and Danica too I wonder if she'd consider a car in the Rolex series too.

  62. We already got conspiracy theories, driving debates, sexism and IRL haters...all for the rumor that she is coming next season.

    Remember what I said about the media circus at Daytona? Oh yea.

  63. Im still in wait and see mode JD. I just hope she runs the ARCA race before the NW race. That's all I want to see right now. I'll wait to form an opinion on her. Could be great, could be horrible. We just don't know yet. None of us do.

  64. Danica clearly has gotten to where she is in her career based on her looks. She is a mediocre driver at best that wont amount to much in NASCAR. Even talented racers like Pablo Montoya take a couple years to catch onto things.

  65. @ Damon,

    in all seriousness, I actually do think he feels like that. If you look at his face when he said it, it was like he was dreding the question because he thought it was stupid. just IMO

  66. This comment has been removed by the author.

  67. IIRC, NASCAR used to allow rookies 'qualify' on certain tracks, during testing, which they can no longer do (which is why they've run 'dega ARCA since). I could see NASCAR saying they'd let ALL rookies test for a few hours before the real practice starts, but if it's a done deal, the horse has kind of already left the barn. Be interesting to see if the talking heads start asking these questions.

    JD, I don't think it matters how many times you tell them we're not going to discuss her abilities, lol.

  68. hey rakeback... how did DALE JR get into his ride? His daddy??? That guys has been the most overrated driver in motorsports..guy cant even get into the top ten

  69. 30 minutes of Danica on a 30 min show.

    Only story of the program

    The #1 reason this whole thing irritates me- THE HYPE.

    They even cancelled an interview with that NHL player-turned-Canadian Tire series driver (can't remember his name,)and a possible up-and-comer because of this.

    Sickening, isn't it?


    ARCA race is confirmed, Daytona NW race is not a 100% done deal due to pending approval.

    Exactly the sole detail I needed to hear.

    Back to my hole lol

  71. I'm a female fan and I'll admit...part of the reason I picked the guy I root for is his looks. Just part, mind you. Some of your screen names would indicate the same. If I root for a female tennis player or figure skater...her looks would have nothing to do with it. So I'm just asking the other female fans...if part of your fandom (I'm not saying ALL) is about sex, then how is people focusing on her because she's female any different than that? I would like to see some discussions about that when the media gets to the whole 'female fandom' discussions (at least, I hope they do.) I do know women who picked favorites without that being a factor...but I'm just saying...I don't think it's many. I know that's why a lot of them chose Dale Sr. And sponsors know that too. No one's going to give media attention to a guy cause he's a guy....but there have been other factors that brought it out (like Carl's shirtless look, and Jeff Gordon's good looks...) and as TDP pointed out, created a 'brand'. I think the novelty will wear off (especially if she isn't doing well.) Hopefully someday, we won't even pay attention to that aspect.

  72. I do believe Danica is a racer and does not get enough credit for finishing in IRL in front of everyone not driving for Penske or Ganassi. She might not pan out, but I think she is smart enough to know that a half-hearted effort in NASCAR could damage her (gawwlly I hate the term) "brand."

    At the same time, with no ulterior motive whatsoever, maybe, I do suggest that she start out in the trucks for a year or so - should translate easier to Cup-COT than N-wide cars. I can see it now, Danica and Ken Schrader share the Go-Daddy truck with Hendrick motors.

  73. @Anon 6:28

    Ok, I'll bite. First, I admit that some, some of my animostiy towards DP is cuz she's younger, cuter and can drive a race car. However, the adult female in me says I don't like the effect I think she will have on the sport.

    About picking drivers. Again, I admit that was a factor back in the early 80's when I fell in love with Davey Allison.

    But, I am almost old enought to be Jr.'s mother so ewwww. No. And I'm pretty sure my affection for KB is not based on looks either although age again plays a factor ewwww. And while I love Kenny Wallace, ahh, agian no on the sex thing.

    So while you have a very valid point, I'm not sure it is as big a factor as you think.

  74. ri, that made me laugh.

    KB? really? KyBu or KuBu? I find that shocking.

    Danica is attractive, but I don't factor that in when judging if she can race or not. Should be an awful fun speedweeks next year... -builds bomb shelter now-

  75. @ David,
    Kyle, I just can't NOT admire his driving and his bad boy style ;)

  76. Chrissy Wallace broke into the top-15 at Dega. Did anyone write about that? Nope. It Danica Danica Danica.

    FYI- Chrissy Wallace finished 13th at Dega. That's higher than Renshaw's and Robinson's finishes of 15th in the Truck Series in their day. Wallace is climbing and I expect a top 10 finish next year. Wallace needs a break. Alli Owens is also a female driver on the rise in ARCA. Don't see much media coverage on her either.

    Is it because they don't take their clothes off?


  77. Anonymous 6:52

    You took the words right out of my mouth! If I had to pick Chrissy or Danica, it would be Chrissy, hands down. She'll be the female race car driver to watch in the future.

  78. I have always advocated the idea of promote from within, and That was my point about being ambivolent, there are already female drivers in the sport that deserve the ride, but I guess the answer is if you can't bring the money you don't get the ride.

  79. anon 6:52...and they're running in lower series part time because they don't have sponsors...coincidence? I think not. Danica has said she did that at a certain time in career, and it might not happen again. You'd do a lot for a different than the NW driver and his 'male enhancement' ad.

    And I don't know where you were last week, but Chrissy & Mike were in full media press, and got LOTS of attention, and her finish has been mentioned on TV several times since (this is a blog on TV media...not print.) IRL is also a top division in their type of racing in the US, not a 3rd level. Janet, Lyn, Shirley, im their time, now Ashley Force all got attention too, and they didn't take their clothes off, so how did they manage that? Just saying, I think it's a variety of reasons.

  80. BTW...Janet got so much attention at the time she said got advice on how to handle the press...

  81. Im with the annon on this one.

    Chrissy got her love. She won't get
    Danica attention because to many people and many sponsors she is still relatively fresh. If she continues to make the most of her opportunities and a sponsor comes along, I imagine Chrissy could certainly get her fair share of this type of press. Danica got this coverage before "taking her clothes off" IMO

  82. Nobody cared about Danica when she appeared in FHM back in 2003, but everybody knew her name by the end of the May 2005 and that was because of what she did ON THE TRACK at Indy that whole month.

  83. I thought she wanted to sign with a team that could win. I had her pegged for Gibbs. Oh well. I'm sure Junior can teach her everything she needs to know about finishing 29th.

  84. David, not only that, I think attention that Danica gets could benefit the other women who might not have been paid attention before. Lots of names have already been mentioned here. Remember how everyone wanted 'the next Jeff Gordon'? I don't think that hurt Tony Stewart a bit. Of course, that may depend on her success.

    What pains me is that someone on *this* blog commented about Chrissy's weight...that's just so wrong.

  85. Much more than a rumor it appears Mr. Daly. Ryan and Marty are respected journalists who have the story. They are telling you what is going to happen. It is called reporting.

  86. Anon @ 7:34

    How many races for JR Motorsports won the last 2 years?

    If you aren't driving the 16, 18, 20 and 60, you aren't winning many races, kinda like Indycar now with Penske and Ganassi winning everything but JRM has won races AND here's the most important thing, she'll have Rick Hendrick's full support.

  87. Anon 7:39PM,

    I have a good relationship with both Ryan and Marty. No one said they were not professional.

    If you do not like the word rumor then perhaps you can suggest another?

    The point I was trying to make (which you nicely ignored) is that nothing is on the table except a report from a source. I have no problem with that in this case since it was reported as such.

    Would "information from a source" be a better term?


  88. for the Junior bashers... in the 88 Jr Motorsports car...Keselowski has 5 wins and 38 top tens in just a couple seasons. Not bad. And I don't even root for Junior, although I don't dislike him.

  89. As we read and write our comments, the script writers at BSPN are already busy writing the script for the Daytona NW race in Feb. Their new toy, Danica.

    Bumping the stories today on NN for Danica speaks volumes. Maybe someone really wanted to see the Canadian tire changer. Too bad for them. I'm still irked that Marcos didn't appear on TWIN that one time. They never did reschedule him.

    Why couldn't they have mentioned her coming to NASCAR and say "we'll have all the details on X day, so please tune in". It's not all that timely of a story. A day or week isn't going to change anything. There's still three months until Feb. Heck, by the time NN aired, I'm sure it was already old news.

    I have the same feelings for her as I do Jimmie Johnson. I don't hate either one of them. I just hate all the coverage they get. Yeah, I know JJ's going for #4 and deserves his time in the sun. But really, can't they find a happy medium?

    JJ and Danica, the Jon and Kate of NASCAR coverage.

  90. I think it's great news. It would be even better if Chrissy could get a ride in Nationwide as well. I can imagine the amount of coverage they would get!

    "The Ladies take over Nationwide" etc. Good stuff


    Re: DP

    No comment.

    *If you've not seen Danica interviewed this post will be lost, um, on you*


  92. In case anyone's dying to know, that Canadian who retired from the NHL and is going for a career in NASCAR is Montreal Canadiens defenseman Patrice Brisebois.
    Very cool deal, but it's sad he got bumped.

  93. Dot,

    You are right on the mark! I have nothing against "Jon and Kate". I just don't want to hear about them endlessly and not hear about anyone or anything else.


  94. DaveA sez:

    "Gentlepersons, start yer engines"

    I can see it now: Danica and Mark Martin doing commercials together. GoDaddy meets GoGrandDaddy.

    Then during the race, somebody puts her in the wall, and we get a long shot across the garage area as Danica, still clad in helmet, goes marching Stomp-Stomp-Stomp toward the offender's hauler after the race, a big security guard at her side telling her "Miss Patrick, you can't just go around saying you're gonna kick his ass when you see him...I cain't let you do dat!". A Made for YouTube moment.

    On TV starting in January, I see DanicaMania nonstop. "Hey, I'm not much on NASCAR, but how 'bout that Danica Patrick??"

  95. @Dot

    How dare you taint this board with a Jon and Kate mention?!@#$ The other nite, couldn't sleep and on E.T. they interviewing Jon's "girfriend". (Hadn't watched ET in ages)SHE'S a celebrity? I never even watch their show but they are still everywhere.Click.

    Dot how dare you compare JJ & DP to J & K! ;-D

    I can't believe DP doesn't have to do trucks or ARCA first. Setting her loose in a RP race???

    P.S. Has Danica been on E.T.??

  96. Anon

    My fave start your engines was AJ Foyt's "Boys and girls, start your engines" last year. :)

  97. i totally totally agree with Damon 7:28 PM... case closed

  98. Nobody cared about Danica when she appeared in FHM back in 2003, but everybody knew her name by the end of the May 2005 and that was because of what she did ON THE TRACK at Indy that whole month.

  99. The JR Motorsports wins in Nationwide aren't because of the equipment, but because Brad is driving the wheels off those cars. I think her first few races, Danica is going to be closer to hanging on for dear life. JR Motorsports does with Hendrick technology about as well as JR in Cup: very little.

  100. Sophia, the latest report by Marty Smith has her doing the ARCA race in Feb, then pending approval (which seems to be a weak process at best anymore) she would run the NW race at Daytona. Should by some fluke she not get approved, she would debut at Fontana the next week.

  101. AJ Foyt was one of Janet Guthrie's supporters...learn some history...

  102. Annon, do not be mislead, JRM does alot with what they have which is not very much. Rick Hendrick really supplies very few people and really only engine support to the team at this point. JRM builds their own cars in house in their own shop close to an hour away from HMS.

    They don't have the best cars in the world, but for a strictly NW organization with some Cup affiliation, they do well.

  103. Well, ESPN needs to get their undies out of the bunch because Nascar needs to approve Danica in a Nationwide car--until then, she's supposedly in Arca. If you're sick of hearing Jimmie Johnson all the time, you're going to get even more sick of all Danica all the time. What could be even more interesting is all the gossip that will go around with speculation as to what's going on between Jr and Danica. Bloggers (not you JD) love to gossip and Danica and Jr will be a huge issue despite the fact that she's supposedly married.

    But I do have to disagree with you on one point, JD. While fifty percent of Nascar fans, the women, might be able to identify with a woman in racing, I think you'll find that a high percentage of those female Nascar fans are not fans of Danica, and TV would be smart to realize that. Most women fans that I know do not care for Danica at all because of the way she markets her "brand". Women fans don't really care for those who market themselves by posing in men's magazines and use their bodies as a way of promoting their "brand". Sexuality might attract the adolescent or adolescent acting male fand, but it will not attract the women fans. BTW, it's Danica who calls herself a brand. So if Nascar and the networks think they're going to attract more fans because of Danica, they need to think again because the women fans are not nearly as interested in Danica driving for Nascar as the media.

    But I sure would pay money to see her kicked to the curb if she ever messes with Kyle Busch on the track. Now that would be must see TV.

  104. Well, it sure didn't look like Scott Goodyear is pro Danica. His comments on Nascar Now weren't glowing when it came to Danica racing in both series. As a matter of fact, it seemed as if he was already predicting her failure. He said it's tough to go between series, as in the case of Hornish. Goodyear went so far as to say he saw Hornish's skills in the IRL car diminish when he was first sticking his toe in the Nascar pond. It was interesting to hear someone who's not been drinking Danica kool aid.

  105. OK, I was going to watch NN to see the Danica show. Guide shows it's on @ 9PM (PST). WTH? Some Bball show is on. Good going BSPN.

  106. Glad we had already decided to go to the ARCA race in Daytona. Will be fun to witness the "zoo" live and check it out after on TV to see how it is covered.

    I think anything or anyone that can bring positive attention to NASCAR and in this case the Nationwide series is great.

    Unfortunately it will be a "media zoo". Not sure in this day and age how that doesn't happen.

    Hope Marty R & Randy L are in the booth calling the races and
    we get a new director. That might make up for Danica mania.

    Slightly OT. It's amazing. Some people make it seem like Danica is from some other sport trying to get into NASCAR. She finished 5th in the points in IRL this past season only beat by Penske & Gnassi Teams.

    With that said, I have mixed emotions. Part of me wants to see her succeed in IRL and/or NASCAR so we can stop the "can women compete" conversation. Or any other women for that matter.

    The other part of me doesn't particularly like her personality. Although, regarding the stomping/throwing a fit. She totally changed her demeanor for the better this past year. Which she will definitely need to continue working on if she does come to NASCAR.

    The TV exposure in NASCAR is far greater that in the IRL, so it will be interesting to see how she handles being under a bigger microscope.

    I say more power to her. If she has a sponsor and wants to give it a go, who wouldn't take the opportunity. Just hope, like with any other driver, male or female, new to the sport, she is given time to adjust. It took Montoya, definitely a great driver, 3 years to "get it".

  107. Boy, and I thought ESPN didn't have very much B-roll of Jeremy Mayfield. Then I saw their coverage of Danica.

    How many times did they show her crossing the finish line in Japan in the half-hour NASCAR Now? How many times did they show her stomping down pit road? Or the tears on mom's shoulder?

    Seriously, they only have FOUR CLIPS of Danica that they must have rolled 15 times EACH during NASCAR Now.

    I'm sorry... but it nearly ruined the show. It's bad enough that the entire half-hour was dedicated to speculation, predictions, and generic open-wheel car comparisons. But to illustrate that with the same four 2-second clips over and over and over and over and over was simply EXCRUCIATING.

  108. I know its alot to hope for but wouldn't it be great if Danica turned out to be Nascar's version of Shirley Muldowney.The TV ratings and fan interest would go through the roof.

  109. ESPN's desperation is *really* showing, eh?? god forbid there was any "real" news yesterday, it would've been completely pushed aside for Danica. There has to be more footage of her that they can use, isn't there? I mean, how long has she been racing IRL?
    Anyway, I'm interested to see what she can do in a stock car, but I'm definitely NOT interested in the ad nauseum media hype that accompanies her.

  110. When it is all one driver all the time that is promoted by NASCAR and the media, be it Jr, Johnson, Danica or Montoya, then it turns me off.

    I don't watch racing for the "brand". I want to see competitive racing and if bringing Danica into this means that every time I turn on the radio or TV to hear about NASCAR, I'm only going to hear about what she did, then it will not make me pay more attention but less. ESPN's coverage of the chase is a good example of that. All we've heard about since Indy has been chase, chase, chase and not enough about the race, race, race. And all focus on one driver is overkill.

  111. This is really simple for me. All media outlets are NASCAR's best outreach tools. Connecting a driver that is popular with an audience segment that is not necessarily part of the NASCAR audience is a great way for them to reach new potential fans. To some degree, the same thing happened when Scott Speed moved over from F1. It's all about expanding the demographics and NASCAR would be foolish not to embrace the opportunity.

    Now, how does this manifest in the media? Methinks most would be all over it like ants on a summer picnic. However, ESPN run the risk of turning the Nationwide series into the Danica series. Can't say that I'm looking forward to that.

    I personally would prefer that Danica stay exclusively with the IRL where she can languish in relative obscurity outside of my field of view, but I am not king of this forest. Overall, I think Danica and NASCAR should be good for each other and that's not a bad thing.

  112. "Sexuality might attract the adolescent or adolescent acting male fand, but it will not attract the women fans."

    Just because they're not interested in her sexuality doesn't mean they won't like other things about her (and as someone pointed out, there's been less of that this season.) Maybe, like some of the adolescent-acting males in the series, she's grown up a bit.

    But there's still the double's okay for female fans to ask Carl Edwards to take his shirt off (overheard at an autograph session)...I once heard a woman yell at a driver 'have sex with me' in front of a large to paint female fans with one brush doesn't work. There's all kinds out there.

  113. BTW, I'm a female fan who likes Danica because I think she's good, and I'd like to see more talented females in the series. The fact that she considers herself a 'girlie' girl who likes clothes & make up makes no difference to me whatsoever.

    anon 9:16

  114. It will be good to see once and for all if Danica can provide any substance (like better racing) to Cup Lite. But I'm sure it will be more circus over substance. NASCAR and the MEDIA long ago figured out that there is more money to be made by appeasing celebrity worshippers and fringe race fans then core fans.

  115. Not all women fans are screaming for Carl or any other driver to take off their shirts. To be quite honest, I'm turned off by any athlete who sells their body for attention or money. Sounds a little like commercial prostitution, be it male or female. And to be perfectly honest, one cannot believe those photos of Carl, like the one in the naked issue of ESPN the Magazine. He's definitely NOT ripped like the photo showed. How does one know this? Because a couple of weeks ago, Speed did a story on Carl biking with his buddies, sans shirt, and he most certainly did not have the well defined six pack--actually he had a bit of a paunch tummy. Thank God for airbrushing !!!

    But to go back to the whole media and branding issue, male vs female, I don't watch racing because of a driver's looks. I like fast cars, real competition and and watching these vehicles pushed to their limits. My favorite drivers are Tony Stewart and Matt Kenseth, hardly Playgirl pin ups. Sure there are some women who behave like lunatics and go body watching, and I like looking at a handsome man, but it's not the reason why I love Nascar.

  116. anon 9:16- Yeah, I think that way 'bout my driver... but I wouldn't say it to his face.

    Like I said before (and others have too), I don't care for overrated people being covered too much.

  117. @Darcie -- you said it SO well! I can assure NASCAR and the racing media that promoting Danicamania will NOT make me tune in. As a matter of fact, it will most likely make me tune out. I've already given up watching the pre-race garbage since the programming says "nothing" and it if becomes the Danica channel, I won't be tuning in for the Daytona stuff like I usually do. Bored already!

    But I must say that I feel like you -- she may want to give consideration to which driver's she messes with - the polite ones will probably continue to be polite, but guys like Kyle, Tony and Brad K, may give her the chrome horn and let the chips fall where they may. And you know what, I'm all for equal opportunity here -- the race cars are the same size, so let the chips fall where they may.

    If she opens the door for Chissy Wallace to get a decent ride, I might be more in favor of Danica. So far, other than the one race - and I will agree that I watched that first Indy race where she did well with a lot of interest, but that was before Danica's striptease became the norm, instead of her letting her driving do the talking.

    Of course, I also realize that I am actually paying more attention to this than I had planned (grrr), so I guess it has probably had the desired effect -- people are interested, love her or hate her (and I use the word hate for emphasis only).

  118. Danica Whatever put her in a TRUCK...When will somebody listen? Get rid of the Nationwide series, we don't need two of the same thing! Sprint Cup and Trucks only now there is enought quality drivers and sponcers to go around.....

  119. what a joke, people complain about edwards and bush in nationwide, and here comes somebody that really doesnt deserve to be there...I cant stand danicas commercials and she's one homely looking chick.

  120. I scanned all of the comments and I can't believe nobody mentioned this:

    Just when NASCAR is fending off the accusation that its mismanagement of the sport is killing attendance and TV ratings, along comes Danica to the rescue. Now they'll NEVER fix what ails the sport!

    I can see it now: In order to get Nationwide tix you have to have Cup tix. (sarcasm)

    Too bad the Yankees had to go and spoil the party: here on the west coast we saw nothing but a crawl about Danica, everything else was World Series coverage. I don't even know if NN re-aired in SD, but if It did I missed it.

  121. Boy, the timing of this announcement sure is strange, huh?
    Just in time for the media to talk about Danica and less about the disaster that occurred last weekend.

  122. This will generate interest for a month or two, and then people will realize that it's a lot of hot air. There's no long-term ratings impact, unless she proves to be a much better NASCAR driver than she is an IRL driver.

    We already have an up-and-coming female driver, who is actually talented: Chrissy Wallace, who finished 13th at Talledega.

  123. Darcie,
    As I remember (feel free to correct me if I'm wrong), Danica was married to her physical therapist, Paul Hospenthal, in 2005.

    She was 23 at the time. He was 40. A lot of age difference there...

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  125. great news for nascar-great to have a class woman in the sport-

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  127. You are correct Tom. And, the interesting thing is, the hubby is never seen at the track. I wonder how he feels about all this? I bet we'll never know because I'm guessing the media would love to forget that she's a Mrs so they can play up her gender. This could turn into a Nascar version of Days of Our Nascar Lives, starring Danica and whomever.

  128. Darcie, Danica also likes to keep her personal life very very quiet.

  129. many couples have wide age ranges, and that does not affect relationships. Not sure what THAT has to do with anything. One of my friends has been with her husband 25 years, she is 20 years older than he is. AND their as conservative as all get out so you can't go by "first impressions." :-D or impressions filtered in the media.

    Dolly Parton's husband of DECADES has never posed with her for photos, or been part of her show business life.

    If Danica wants to keep her private life private, more power to her.

    but as somebody who is tired of the DP saturation in IRL (mainly due to ads with her during the race, NOT the guys ANNOUNCING in the IRL booth) I cringe already at how ESPN will make NASCAR ALL DANICA, ALL the time.ESPN already apparently going overboard with this constantly BREAKING NEWS.

    I hardly read any NASCAR sites anymore as I am just so over this season...(isn't everybody??)

    Whether Danica will bring new fans or be a turn off remains to be seen. Dario is a two time Champ in IRL but we saw how long he lasted...

  130. It'll sure be sweet watching Danica's first ever stock car race live on Speed Channel. I hope Ken Schrader is in the booth for the colour commentary. Who knows, he might even be her car owner?

    Some of you have pointed out that Danica has to be cleared to race at Daytona in February and that is usually done in the fall ARCA race at Talladega.

  131. thanks Sophia for that post...totally agree...I hate speculation/judgement/assumptions about people's personal lives. We don't know their story, and they have reasons for doing things the way they do. We don't need the speculative gossip. I think I did see an interview with Danica's husband who talked about the 'danger' aspect, but other than that, he's obviously kept a low profile (as has Carl's wife.) They don't need to be in the spotlight (and people may remember how nasty people were to Brooke Gordon for her 'wanting the spotlight' when in actuality, she hated the attention.)

    Basically...I don't feel comfortable judging people on the choices they make about their careers. I support women wanting to be drivers or doctors or plumbers, so how can I say it's wrong to choose to pose for provocative photos. If they're comfortable with themselves, be it Carl or Danica, who am I to say it's right or wrong? I have seen LOTS of women acting...well...

    Darcie, you say 'not all women' act that way. Absolutely true. But you acknowledge they exist, and they are probably in pretty good numbers.

  132. just my two cents on Dario...he came in in a year when Ganassi was struggling (and still, JPM has ONE win...) He broke his ankle in the spring, I just don't think he had a really even chance.

  133. glenc

    True dat on Dario's broken ankle. just bad timing and all but I am sure he is happy back in IRL... and the lighter schedule to be home more with Ashley Judd. :-)

    But I watch IRL IN SPITE of Danica. They really need a better Channel but nobody sees that happening either. another 9 years? RMiller said IRL can't afford another 9 months on VS!

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  135. Andrew, normally it is but as was the case for Logano to get cleared for the Daytona 500 this year, he was allowed to use the ARCA event the week before as his test ground as well as the Shootout.

    Its not unprecedented this happens, especially with a deal that is put together this late in the game.

    And Glen, I totally agree. Dario never had a shot, the Cup car was unsponsored then he got hurt, it was just the worst timing he could have had. From what I saw though, the more laps he turned, he improved dramatically. If he were ever to come back and have funding or be in an ideal situation, He could run very well. No one I have heard of in the garage area ever had a bad thing to say about him either which is why it sucks they brand his venture as a failure.

  136. David

    Everywhere I read and all guys on all the tv stations that interviewed Dario also commented what a gentleman he appreciative and grateful for the opportunity to try NASCAR.

    Nice to see guys in racing that many years still so grounded.
