Sunday, February 28, 2010

Live Blogging Sprint Cup Series In Las Vegas (2PM - FOX)

The good news is that the weather has cleared and it is going to be a beautiful day in the Las Vegas area. The bad news is that the rematch of USA vs. Canada in Olympic hockey is on NBC up against the NASCAR race.

The NASCAR on FOX team has been having a hit or miss season. They missed in Daytona but rebounded in California. This week, Darrell Waltrip has been on SPEED many times covering practice, qualifying and as a panelist on the Trackside show. His behavior had been nothing short of erratic.

On Trackside, Jeff Hammond actually changed chairs to sit next to Waltrip and could be seen trying to quiet him down while fellow panelists tried to ask questions of guest Danica Patrick. When Juan Montoya arrived as the next guest, Walrip again talked constantly.

Mike Joy is a well known commodity in the NASCAR world. He can deliver stirring play-by-play and knows how to tell the stories unfolding on the track. Joy's booth partner Larry McReynolds provides information on race strategy and crew chief issues. It is left up to Waltrip to deal with the driver topics and call the replays.

Waltrip will begin the day in the Hollywood Hotel with Hammond and host Chris Myers. This week, the Slice of Pizzi feature continues with driver interviews conducted in an embarrassing fashion for the sake of comedy. The pre-race show has been struggling and the race today really needs a strong lead-in.

The FOX Director is a veteran, but the struggle between showing the field and using in-car cameras has been rough. Normally, TV waits until the field gets strung-out to use the in-cars in order not to miss any incidents or key passes. FOX has been going early to the in-cars and has been forced to replay a lot of action for the TV viewers.

Joy has been handling a big commercial and promo load of show elements that he reads from the booth. That has taken away from his commentary duties. It should be interesting to see if the FOX movie promos and the in-race videos continue. While the Digger presence is less, the commercial elements inserted into the races have been distracting this season.

The pit road reporters Steve Byrnes, Krista Voda, Matt Yocum and Dick Berggren are going to be key today. Action at Vegas happens quickly and often involves more than one car. Information needs to be passed along and interviews conducted with drivers out of the race. There may be more than a few.

In a Sunday morning update, The NASCAR Insiders passed along from the track that NASCAR was putting pressure on the "start and park" cars to stay on the track and even do pit stops. You may remember that Dave Blaney's S&P car was taken last week after the race with NASCAR claiming it was a "routine inspection." See if FOX addresses this topic during the pre-race or the live race telecast.

The pre-race show begins at 2PM and the green flag flies at 3:16PM. The telecast is scheduled to run until 6:30PM ET. This post will serve to host your comments during the NASCAR on FOX broadcast of the Sprint Cup Series event from Las Vegas.

To add your TV-related opinion, just click on the comments button below. This is a family-friendly website, please keep that in mind when posting. Thanks for taking the time to stop by The Daly Planet.


  1. You know, this is the first time I've really watched RaceDay since about halfway through last season, and it's much better than it used to be. Driver interviews are informative, the pre-filmed spots are pretty good, and the fans are obviously loving it. The panel is better too. Kenny Wallace seems to have been toned down, a lot, from what little I could stand to watch of him from Daytona. Kyle Petty is always good.

  2. The wife and I watched the segment with Danica Patrick and Juan Montoya on Trackside.

    DW was HORRIBLE!! Here was the take in our house. DW kept patting Danica on the leg under the table. He did it at least thee seperate times, we counted. That's very demeaning. She is not DW's dog. And to say the least, Danika did not need calming down, as we all know she is very comfortable in front of a camera. My wife went balastic. She's a professional in the local college and that's a no no, no questions asked. Actually, it was sexual harrasment live on tv. It was so over the top demeaning to her.

    So I'm not sure if Hammond got seated next to DW to calm him down, or to get Danika away from DW. Or both.

    Our take while watching it live was, they got Danika away from DW.

  3. Watching Raceday is akin to getting teeth pulled. You know you need to do it, but it hurts like hell. Kenny Wallace doing his Ric Flair impressions are nauseating.He said people Twittered him to do it. Like who?His wife and kids? So millions of us have to endure pain for the sake of his ego. Wendy does good, in depth interviews, but Wallace HAS to go. BTW, did anyone notice yesterday the media influence (spin) on Danica? Even having Mark Martin as a guest to "talk up" her skills. Hmmmm, Go.Daddy is the sponsor of the race, and ,wait for it, also Mark and Danica's sponsor as well.Back to Raceday: Kyle Petty is always good, but two hours? Really? I guess I'd rather have that than the kid's show at Noon(Colorado time) before the race. Oh, did I mention that Wallace has to go? It's like a bad nightmare. Every Sunday, I am surrounded by two Waltrips, and one Wallace. At least Rusty can drive....

  4. Got to think USA-Canada hockey for gold will hurt ratings today...I will be using clicker today more than usual!

  5. One person tweeted that DW was now the creepy old guy at the end of the bar. I wonder if he realized that is how it came across?

    I fully expected them to go to commercial and come back without him on the panel, it was that bad.

    He is a great guy, I hope he is refreshed and has a great race. With the USA vs. Canada hockey game up against them, the NASCAR on FOX guys really need to bring it today.

  6. JD, I agree that the FOX guys need to bring it, but remember, David Hill is still running the kids show, so no chance of them hitting it out of the park. I mean, come on, USA vs. Canada for the Gold? Or Digger, DW, and dancing drivers wearing boxing gloves?
    My money (and my remote) are on The Olympics.
    That's sad, coming from an avid fan of 44 years...

  7. I, I, I, I'm speechless. Hammond did not just do what I thought he did. No he didn't. I don't know where to begin. Well, at least the Olympics aren't dumbing me down.

  8. DW's being creepy with Hammond now, too! What did he drink last night, furniture polish?

  9. Are you kidding! A gold-medal game versus a middle-of-the-road car race? Please the race will be lucky to get a 4 rating

  10. Kyle can be a great interview. That was good proof. And another Twitter shoutout.

  11. The question is, does FOX acknowledge the hockey game and give scoring updates or pretend it does not exist?

  12. Much better start than last week's pre-race disaster. At least they're talking about the race. It is early though. I think I'll head to the fridge when the fat guy's segment comes on.

  13. Jimmie Johnson's not the only victim of that Pizzi creep, we all are too!

  14. Seriously, FOX, if anybody's reading this, I'm done with the stupiity of the pre race. How long do we have to wait for TNT to take over? This terible

  15. Mikey is in the booth now. Shoot me.

  16. I thought a NASCAR race was on, I see the Waltrip Show instead. Boo!

  17. It sounds like Chris Myers, at least, is not a fan of Pizzi. Someone tell him to join the club!

  18. I wonder if David Hill had any friends growing up? Or was he the little brat that had to sit in the corner every day?

  19. What is wrong with you people? Don't you have anything better to do than to rip a guy like Pizzi? The poor kid is trying. Bet you can't be half as entertaining as him. I wish I was lucky enough to judge you guys every day at your job on every task you were assigned. Pathedic. Grow up.

  20. Would it have been that hard to spend that time having Steve or Krista do a serious interview with Jimmie? He did, you know, win last week....

    Same thing with the weather, they can't just do what AB did yesterday and spend 5 seconds giving the forecast right off the top, they need to overproduce the thing and hire their own weatherman.

    K-I-S-S... Keep it simple stupid.

  21. That was brutal with JJ with Pizzi. Please bring on the race NOW!

  22. This might be the most anticipated gold game in Hockey since the wild USA/Soviet game in 1980. I watched that one, watching this one too and checking the race only on commercials unless there is a blowout.

  23. I've come to the conclusion, when you've decided to ignore the history of NASCAR, or ignore all the legitimate subjects to talk about, you have to resort to gimmicks to fill a pre-race show. Such is the case with FOX!

  24. I just tuned in to the pre race by mistake, thought it was 315 not 215pm. that PIZZI guy w/the 48 driver was really bad. why did jimmie johnson allow him self to do that? Now I know what the comments last week meant about Jeff Gordon in a similar segment w/PIZZI. Back to the Olympics

  25. Pathedic...LOL.

    Thats my only comment on that.

    An hour from the green flag, expect me to give my full attention starting at top of hour to pre-race

  26. @Anon 2:20 - Exactly.

    @Anon 2:19 - If I want to see humor (or bad attempts at humor) I watch Comedy Central. I am here to watch a race and get info on the people in that race.

  27. You know what would be even better than this? Race strategies. Interviews. Tech center spots. Something related to the race!

  28. "Pathetic" are welcome.

    BTW, I was told Pizzi was a rich kid who wants to be a stand-up comic. That wrong?

  29. @ Anon 2:20...First off, Jimmie Johnson wins races all the's nothing new. FOX dedicated to big pieces to him the first 2 weeks of the year. Pay attention. To dedicate another feature to him everytime he wins race, well there will probably be one every other week. Oh what do you know an RCR Feature...good call. Nice job FOX. Well deserved.

  30. Those history pieces were good, there is definitely more "Nascar" in the show today. Now with the RCR piece too.

  31. The annoying NAPA Know-how musical commercial? Got to be David Hill's fingerprints all over that one. BTW, it's spelled Pathetic, with a T.

  32. At least we can see it live in the UK this week. The picture isn't great, but the content is worse.

    I don't know what the story about the pizza guy is, but I really don't care. Can't he hijack David Hill and be done with it?

  33. Now, see, that interview with the RCR drivers was really well done. Good questions. Why can't we have five more of those?

  34. Hi Delenn, nice to hear from you.

    Is the picture HD over there?

  35. Can you imagine the Olympics with a David Hill touch? OMG! During the cross-country skiing, the athletes would probably stop mid-course, and put on boxing gloves and dance...Let's hope the IOC knows who he is, and bans him for life.

  36. @ Andrew, I don't know television production at all but it probably takes too much time to do 5 long interviews with that, plus wouldn't you rather see smaller interviews with more drivers like right now with Carl and JJ? But anything to get Chris Myers annoying voice off the TV

  37. Happy Race and Hockey Day Planeteers :)

  38. No. It is 16:9 SD, but is very soft. It is better than I was expecting though - much better than dodgy internet feed, and we get to see the complete Fox feed. I was expecting 4:3. Sound increased in quality during the last commercial break. No commercials, which is worrying, as we have been told this is advert funded.

  39. TDP better represent in that DirecTV contest! lol

  40. Just think. Daytona is in July, and we get The Pride of NASCAR, well informed on-air staff, and an actual race!

  41. So far so good. A billion times better than last week's mess. Coulda done without the three minutes of an adult dressing up like a baby while Jimmie Johnson sat there with a blank stare though. Can't believe anyone at Fox thinks that a good idea.

  42. Happy Sprint Cup Sunday to everyone! Vegas BABY

  43. I take it Nascar is not impressing our great friends in the UK today either. How sad for Nascar. I'm glad I'm watching the olympics and not wasting my time on the "booth monkeys" on pre-race. I forget who used it last week, but thank you. That's what we call them now. Lol.

  44. It is sad that despite everything bad about the Fox pre-race show, I'm really glad to be able to watch it!

  45. Man, it looks like a very beautiful day in Vegas!

  46. Nice touch from Mark tipping his hat to the late Jake Elder. Would it have killed DW to mention his name following that?

  47. Uh Oh! They brought Frank in to compete with the Pizzi!!

  48. Go USA! ok thats all the support I can give to the hockey team today cause I sure wont be watching them lol... have fun watching people skate around on ice so fun

  49. P.S. 40 minutes in to the pre-race, and they just NOW get to driver interviews?

  50. Garry 2:36 said...

    Can you imagine the Olympics with a David Hill touch?

    Unfortunately, we just might find out. NBC has London in 2012 but Fox/NewsCorp will be bidding on both Sochi 2014 and Rio 2016. Then again, I have been extremely disappointed with NBC's Olympic coverage so I just might tolerate "Boogity, boogity, boogity, let's go cross country skiing boys" after two weeks of wanting to assault Bob Costas, Cris Collinsworth, and Jeff Zucker with a broken cinder block. >:-)

  51. I'm humble enough to admit it. I stand corrected on the Jake Elder segment from DW.

  52. Fox won't get the Olympics, ABC/ESPN will get it because they have so many channels to air all the sports and they have the numerous amount of on air talent that they can spread around and they have the $$$$$$$

  53. To KOHOSO:Thanks for letting me know about the bid for the 2016 Oly's. I'm already planning on watching paint dry on my house that week...

  54. UK update: Signal breaking up badly at the moment. Maybe the guys who are bringing us the feed don't like Chris Myers. ;-)

  55. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  56. lol that was some good stuff ha ha

  57. JH acting like a kid-do Jack, do Jay ~shaking my head~

  58. So sorry for the UK folks to see that stuff. F1 broadcasts are so well done and professional Fox must look like The Gong Show.

  59. @ Lisa 2:52...

    You are right that Disney has more channels through ABC and ESPN that would be appropriate for Olympic coverage. Fox would really only have FNC and FX to supplement the over-the-air network. However, never discount Rupert Murdoch's tenacity or, especially, his bank account.

  60. Frank is a funny guy. I just don't see the purpose having him on a NASCAR pre-race other than to make fun of Meyers.

  61. JD, I assume you are wanting us to comment on Frank? Funny if I was at a comedy club. But, I wonder when a pre-RACE show is going to break out?

  62. @bevo - But FOX *is* The Gong Show. :p

  63. Not telecast related, but I wonder if Kim Kardashian know her picture is on the hood of a start and park car?

  64. I just don't get it. That was like thrown together from the Jeff Hammond deal at the front through the Caliendo deal at the end.

    Think of the content that TNT stuffs into its pre-race show.

  65. Alright, I'm in.

    Im taking the 11 to win for an unexplainable reason with Joey being my sleeper. Guess I'm feeling Gibb-sy today.

    Kurt vs. Kyle might be fun but Kyle did not sound too confident on RD earlier.

    Clean, mean and green is the motto! Gotta work at 5:15 today, its 1:05 now lol

  66. Wow, an anthem sung with no embellishments. Nice change even though I wouldn't have picked his talent as a singer.

  67. Garry, we are all waiting to see if he goes the distance. SPEED and Fox both avoided that issue totally.

    BTW, news is breaking that NNS series cars will have to complete 50% of total race laps in order to get paid anything starting next race.

    We told you NASCAR was cracking down, even as the radio and TV guys swore it was just a random thing with Blaney's car.

    That rule might move to truck and Cup shortly, we are told.

  68. Garry, what are you talking about? They have not been a start and park at all this year. And that is with losing 2 cars in Daytona and having completely blank car in Fontana. TBR is anything but this year. That's what the 35 car is for

  69. Daivd, did Kim pay enough for them to race today? Do you know?

  70. JD, they had zero sponsorship last week and ran all day. If there is something on that car I FULLY expect them to race. In fact I will guarantee it.

  71. Kevin's pit crew did not rally back after Kevin yelled at them. He never made another pit stop after that.

  72. First thing to fix the broadcast, get rid of DW he is an idiot and ruins every show he is on. Then get rid of all the NON Nascar people, who are a distraction

  73. Booth Monkeys last week..

    Gong Show this week.. (Thought the theropy got rid of that memory, it didn't lol)

    Lmao.. You folks are to much..

    All good though.. It's the sad truth..

  74. Guess he did not really understand the concept of co-Grand!

  75. Have fun folks! I'll check in during intermissions and time-outs.

  76. Haha, Shelby cut her out of the deal! That was awesome!

  77. @JD - I was told Pizzi was a rich kid who wants to be a stand-up comic. That wrong?

    No more wrong than John Wes Townley wanting to be a race car driver.

    Co-Grand Marshals: Carroll Shelby gave the command and Kim Kardashian just stood there and looked pretty.

  78. If Kim Kardashian was on stage as "Co-grand marshal" of the race with Carroll Shelby, could anyone explain to me why Shelby was the only one who gave the command to start engines.
    One word...bizarre!

  79. O.K, I'll reserve judgment on Bliss until the end. As stated before, I'm humble enough to admit when I'm wrong. I hope he does go the distance, as he is a good driver.

  80. Also the 36 is 35th in points. As long as the top 35 is in their reach they will keep digging.

  81. It is amazing that there have been more negative comments (deservedly so) about Fox in the first three weeks of 2010 than in all of 2009 combined.

  82. I vote that Fox acknowledges the game and keeps viewers updated. I know that I'll be watching more hockey than racing since I can follow the race along with my computer and this blog.

    Boy I'm very glad that I didn't watch trackside last night. I'd have been very upset at DW's "patting" Danica on the leg. Wrong on every level that I can think of.

  83. I loved the fact that Carroll Shelby totally ignored Kim! What was the track thinking anyway??

  84. Point in case? Larry Mac?

    Case in point perhaps? lol

  85. you think some of that is due to the fact that ESPN has upped their game so dramatically from last year?

  86. Pamm, same thing every track things, promotion. Thats why Frank was on FOX's pre-race. Everything Vegas is at the track this weekend

  87. That's the real deal, it they can keep in the top 35, run. But if things are dry at the bank, who knows?

  88. Well, now that the train wreck is over, we can watch the Titanic sink....

  89. What is the biggest thing you can sell to a sponsor if your not lined up with a major team or have a marquee driver? They would be locked in.

    My sentiment is they swallowed alot of pride last year when WAVE signed and start and parked the rest of the year to stockpile as much cash as possible for 2010 since last year was a lost cause.

    They look for real to me, hope its not a mirage

  90. David-yeah it looks pretty glitzy. I recognized Robin Leach's voice also. But what a horrible pairing, imo.

  91. Let's hope we get to see the field for a while before the in-car views start. Missed a lot of early stuff the past two races.

  92. ESPN stepping up their game is making FOX look alot worse

  93. My prediction for S&P teams: #87, #55, #66 and #09. I think #36 will run the whole thing.

  94. Sally, I am sure that has something to do with it, but more than that, I think FOX is just off their "game" this year. Whether they are trying to appeal to a different audience, or have been told to change their act for whatever reason, they don't seem to be the same group that has been around for the last 10 years.

  95. I was really wondering why I was hearing the "rich and famous" guys voice over on the broadcast. I thought I had the wrong channel til I heard DW and Larry.

    Oh boy, I guess the extenze car was a little overextended! LOL

    Hi, Jonathan -- not a hockey fan, eh?

  96. Sally MM called it a sellout.

    MV, I'm with you.

    Extenze getting some tv coverage there

  97. Hmmm. The Extenze car is having a 'short' day.

  98. Well, that was fast. Decent camera angles on the start but took way too long to find the cars in trouble.

  99. Leach is the PA voice every year in Vegas BTW

  100. Drivers saying track is green the rain washed all the rubber off

  101. Thanks, David. Now you know how little of the pre-race I actually watched last year since I didn't know that Robin did the PA every year.

  102. @Haus14 - or have been told to change their act for whatever reason

    They just forgot to tell them to change it for something better.

  103. You guys with live timing and scoring just tell us when someone starts and parks please.

  104. no Gina not at all. To be honest no other sport does it for me anymore. Unless its the White Sox (im a southsider) or the bears I dont care for any other sports. but hey thats just me :) Beautiful day in Vegas Gina soon we will have that

  105. MV, you forgot the 26 car as a start and park

  106. Boy I hate the bubble pointers over the cars. Talk about a distraction.

  107. @Gina--Terry won America's Got Talent a few years ago. He wowed the judges and America by belting out Etta James. I can't find the orignal AGT on youtube but there are some others on there. They thought "oh just another ventriloquist" and then when he belted out Etta their attention was had! He does all sorts of voices/singers :). IIRC his contract in Vegas is $100 million he's from TX :)

    I was *giggling* when Mr. Shelby just took over the command! Too funny :)

  108. Martin, unfortunatley, i think you are right

  109. @David - Don't know about the #26, they ran full distance at Daytona and dropped out of California, but they weren't able to run a qualifying lap there. Their "rear end" problem may have been legitimate.

  110. anyone else with track pass having audio problems? trying it out today and have no audio...yes, i have checked the mute on my laptop

  111. has anyone ever used that product Mr Shelby endorses? I think its zmax always wanted to try it but some tell me no way

  112. I sure hope we both get that warm weather soon, Jonathan. It was snowing again this morning.

    My mother used to shake her head that she had a girl who followed racing, hockey and football. LOL

    I stopped following pro hockey some yhears ago when the strike cancelled the season, but I have been keeping one eye on the Olympics since they boys are doing well.

    The only car that is being shown down multiple laps is Conway.

  113. MV, they were 2 seconds off the pace Friday so we'll see.

    Trackpass pit command working fine here

  114. I think Hockey is a sport you go watch in person cause its sooo hard to watch the puck. I tried to watch some blackhawk games but I gave up could see the puck at all

  115. "BTW, news is breaking that NNS series cars will have to complete 50% of total race laps in order to get paid anything starting next race.

    That rule might move to truck and Cup shortly, we are told."

    If they do this, they might not have enough entries to fill the field. The struggling teams that are not start and parkers cannot afford to race if they go risk going home empty handed if they have a problem. They're already running on a shoestring and their equipment is more likely to fail or their driver is more likely to wreck.

  116. I'm on trackpass - audio is working for me. Try restarting it - I was having trouble last week.

    I heard them say that he had won the talent show. I don't watch any of the "reality" or talent shows, they aren't my thing. I know the National Anthem is a tough deal to sing for a lot of people.

  117. I just did a MAJOR double-take; my first reaction to Dinger's spin was "No! Mark!" Very weird seeing that scheme without out Mark Martin driving it.

  118. Osbornk good point and that is why I worry about them putting in a system like that. Its a shame because it will run a team like Morgan Shephered under just by circumstance I believe....

    Thats a dangerous threat to make if your NASCAR.

  119. Almirola off track, Dinger on pit road, back on track now

  120. Hi & Good Luck to your driver
    Yikes 122 comments on pre race - I think I'm glad I skipped it. I was gonna find out who caused the caution as I tuned in....not gonna try now, I'll just try & scroll to find the answer.

  121. OS where did u hear this???

  122. Looks like Aric Almirola parked it as soon as he got lapped.

  123. Conway appears to be back on the track; Almirola is in 43rd and 5 laps down.

  124. Jonathan, I agree with the lilve hockey, it's like racing, much more fun to see in person.

    We used to go all the time to NHL, AHL and even the local farm team games. I loved it, but they let the season get too long (a lot like NASCAR has) and allowed the product to be diluted so it lost the "fun" factor.

    BTW the score is 0-0 in the first period.

  125. just switched from Safari to IE and now audio is working.

  126. "OS where did u hear this???"

    Right here from JD.

  127. Anybody besides me in Central Florida having twitter problems? Can't refresh from 5:00 a.m.

  128. 1-0 Canada ... still no commercial breaks...

  129. OSBORNK,

    NASCAR was livid over Blaney pulling off before the green last week. They are livid at Phil Parsons making a business of startign and parking with no intention of racing.

    The BS from the TV and radio guys this week about that #66 impound was the party line.

    NASCAR had to do something. Parsons was showing up totally tricked out for qualifying, not practicing and making the races.

    As soon as possible, they pulled off and got paid. Fans were getting upset when other teams were sent home who had intended to run the entire race.

    It should be interesting to see how it sorts out. On Pit Road is the website with the story.

  130. Morgan Shepherd I believe runs the whole races. Difference between him and S&P'ers is he gets his chassis from Tony Stewart, and engines from RCR. They actually GIVE them to him. Morgan's a great guy. I hope the new rule doesn't affect him. I remember not too long ago, he actually pitted, got out, and changed the tires himself!

  131. Drat, Canada just scored.

    I hate that do you know quack feature.

    Nice to see them showing the racing.

    41 cars on track according to Mike Joy

  132. I'm glad NASCAR is finally putting their foot down on S&P teams. They should show them no mercy.

  133. KHI builds SEVERAL cars for many NW teams. You can hear Hornaday and others talk about how they are stretched thin because of it. KHI has hung a few bodies for Morgan in the past. But his issue is he is not making races and the few he has he has not run the whole distance in aside from Daytona

  134. whats up w those empty seats??? they couldnt sell those for 25 bucks like Phoenix does??

  135. Man, there goes Bobby Labonte off the track.

  136. 42 laps in ... Sammy's dropped to 28th ...

    And NO word from FOX as to WHY ...

    But, we hear about Jeffy & Jimmie and how bad their cars are ...

  137. could they have picked a worse camera angle to go to first for that caution?

  138. theres a whole section of empty seats in the last turn im pretty sure

  139. These guys are phoning it in. No excitement at all. Joy sounds like Punch. Who would ever thought I would say that?

  140. Kyle Busch: "In case you missed it there is a 24 car out here! I can't even see him anymore"

  141. Are they watching the hockey game in the booth too?

  142. We noticed it in Daytona. Mike never called the action until the end. He just talked about things, like Punch used to do.

    It was totally strange!

  143. I think Joy's problem is DW talking up a storm (who would have guessed it from a Waldrip?) Needs a 5 hour energy drink too maybe that would help!

  144. "I'm glad NASCAR is finally putting their foot down on S&P teams. They should show them no mercy."

    But it punishes those who are not heavily funded and are not start and parkers. Think of the hit a winning team would take if they wreck or break early. Look at the cars that don't finish half the race in a typical race and imagine them not getting a dime.

  145. yeah i think there just getting older hey it happens.

  146. They are probably at the casino, Jonathan or shopping. That's what they say about Cali, right? LOL

  147. Its like we're listening in to a few guys watching the race at home, rather than actually broadcasting the race.

  148. "Joy sounds like Punch" LMAO! You'd think with a name like Joy, you'd have some emotion. I wonder about Joy's contract. Is he in a renewal year? That usually happens when your time is up. I didn't see the replay of Bliss in the fence. Did they show it?

  149. How about that? Coat the pit stall with coke for traction. That's interesting.

  150. Gina, very old trick teams do for grip, especially on the paint lines.

    One of Mikey's crew guys talked about it on a SPEED show somewhere many years ago.

    No replay on the Bliss wreck. I am peeved about this!

  151. there JD they just showed the empty seats

  152. GinaV24:The old Coke trick has been around for alot of years. I'm thinking early 70's maybe? Just thought you should know.

  153. If we can see a whole period of hockey without a commercial break, how about more than 10 green flag laps without a commercial?

  154. Wonder if we are going to get an interview with Mike Bliss in his pink "jumpsuit?"

  155. still a packed house its not many maybe 500 or so

  156. I will admit it. I was gonna flip between hockey and race but I've been watching all hockey. The announcers are calling it with more emotion and excitement than anything that FOX has produced this year. It's also far more polished and professional than anything FOX has done too.

  157. Joy was much more animated in the Shelby than he is in the tv booth today.

  158. It almost looks like thats a design or the track didn't sell seats there on purpose.

  159. I don't know where Jonathan is seeing empty seats. I'm at the track and the stands look pretty full to me.

  160. Wow, Mike Joy as emotionless as Punch. How terrible is that. Oh crank it up, that means they won't talk for a while at least.

    2 in cars and one long shot? Why?

  161. drivers are LIVID about caution lights not being shut off!

  162. Two suggestions because the speedway said it was sold out.

    You might be seeing the safety area behind the fence that is multi-colored.

    Sometimes, there is a section for cops or servicemen or something else. They usually walk in together.

    I will keep an eye on it.

  163. Swtiched back to FOX due to period break. this nonsense? Not just the caution lights but racing in the small box and TWO in-car cameras?

    However, this caution really helps AJ Allmendinger.

  164. Wow, that's great. A caution due to an automated system failure.

  165. Montoya saying the lights on the backstretch were stuck on and never went off

  166. The person who handles the caution lights must be watching the hockey game, too.

  167. The $5 footlong jingle is officially old...

  168. WTH? Caution lights not out? Who's in charge of that? David Hill? Probably needed another commercial break.Mike Joy put more energy in Barrett-Jackson coverage. And that was 39 HOURS OF COVERAGE.

  169. thanks, guys. I knew that you could use soda to take paint off the car -- sometimes by accident! And it makes sense to use it for traction - I'm thinking about my sneakers stickiing to the floor at some of the old movie theatres. Ewww - yucky memory.

  170. Where was it that the caution lights fell off onto the track?

  171. LOL, Kyle knew he wasn't leading, crew argued and came back and said the 24 was ahead at last loop. Kyle says "I told you they were right, don't know what you guys were getting all riled up about?"

  172. Knaus is the master of just "making stuff up" when listening to Jimmie's concerns. I love it.

  173. Sally, that was awesome! They had the big old stoplight kind of lights. Fell right onto the daggone track.

  174. Well, I may not be a fan of KyBu, but daggone that boy has nerves.

  175. This comment has been removed by the author.

  176. Yeah. That was one time we sure knew exactly what the 'debris' was, didn't we? ;-)

  177. Does Jeffs crew use Pepsi?? LOL

  178. Joy might be getting the message, DW still walking over him though. Needs to take control of this broadcast. Joy that is.

  179. @Sally - yeah, no question at all that time.

  180. That crank it up stank to high heavens? TRIANGLE CAMS with two in car cams.

    NOT Good on small tvs and stunk up a huge tv screen.


    (Listening to race)

  181. I feel like I'm watching an ESPN 2009 race. Nothing but tailights and in-cars.

  182. Any word on whether Dr. Punch will be back as anchor on ESPN this year? Say what you want about the FOX crew but I'll take them any day over Dr. Snooze Punch... he needs to stay on pit row where he belongs.

  183. Amazing. Robby hits the fence, they show him, then the only logical thing to do is...... Show the leader.

  184. 2nd Period almost ready to start 1-0 Canada....

    If Fox was doing the game-it would be in monotone.....

  185. LOL - Jonathan - I don't know I'll have to send that question in and ask them -- maybe they use "flat" Coke. Since they can't use anything chemical, I guess they can't use anything DuPont.
