Wednesday, April 28, 2010

NASCAR Media Group Wins Sports Emmy

Remember Inside the Headsets? That was the TV special from the All-Star race that basically took tons of footage and made a mini-movie of the event. Using video and audio gathered live, the NASCAR Media Group "turned around" the racing into a complete show by the very next day.

Well, the end result was pretty good. Here is the official information:

NASCAR Media Group, the creative, media, and production services company of NASCAR, has received an Emmy Award for “Inside the Headsets,” a television program which aired following the 25th annual NASCAR Sprint Cup All-Star Race last May.

NASCAR Media Group and its broadcast partner SPEED were presented the award in the “Live Event Turnaround” category at the 31st Annual Sport Emmy Awards on April 26, 2010 at Lincoln Center in New York.

This is the third time in the past four years NASCAR Media Group has won the Emmy Award in the “Live Event Turnaround” category.

“Inside the Headsets,” which aired on SPEED on May 17, 2009, was one of the most ambitious programs capturing the full dimension of a major sporting event. NASCAR Media Group employed an additional 13 shooters to capture supplemental material and used four slow motion cameras.

With an eye on crew chiefs, in-car communications and unique camera angles, 184 tapes documented the all-star race. To meet a stringent time constraint of 30 minutes, the race was recorded live-to-tape with ancillary material added overnight. The program aired less than 24 hours following the conclusion of the race.

“ ‘Inside the Headsets’ embodies the best parts of an action movie and a sporting event,” said Jay Abraham, chief operating officer of NASCAR Media Group and vice president of new media and content for NASCAR. “Every important moment is captured, from the pre-race preparations and fly-over to post-race driver and crew chief interviews, fireworks and Victory Lane champagne showers.”

“All of us at NASCAR are very proud of our award-winning team working hard to produce world-class content from our new state-of-the-art facilities at the NASCAR Plaza in Charlotte,” said Paul Brooks, president of NASCAR Media Group. “We’ll continue to make the investments to bring NASCAR fans groundbreaking shows like 'Inside the Headsets.'”

Other NASCAR-related programming was also recognized at television’s most prestigious awards ceremony. FOX Sports won for Live Event Audio/Sound for its NASCAR broadcasts and HBO’s “24/7 Jimmie Johnson Race To Daytona” was recognized for Outstanding Sports Promotional Announcement – Episodic.

Give the NASCAR Media Group some credit. They have been doing a lot of the heavy lifting for SPEED where NASCAR is concerned for a long time. Although series like NASCAR Confidential and Beyond the Wheel are gone, there are new NMG shows now airing on SPEED.

Sounds of NASCAR is a dynamic thirty minutes that follows a NASCAR personality through a race weekend. The stories are not just focused on drivers and crew chiefs. From spotters to wives, it's fascinating to explore the real people behind the names many of us know so well.

Race in 60 is a simple but effective video recap of the Sprint Cup races without flash or hype. Missing a race is easy to do and Race in 60 is an easy way to catch up on what happened from green to checkers. SPEED normally replays this show several times each week.

We have been trying to open up the NASCAR TV doors and let fans understand how much work goes into a typical telecast or program. As mentioned above, 13 camera crews wound-up with 184 tapes to create a show that has only 22 minutes of content.

Seems like this time, someone other than the NASCAR fans noticed.

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  1. Congratulations to them on the Emmy. I consider it well-deserved since most things produced by this group are very well done.

    I miss Beyond the Wheel very much. That was a show I enjoyed, unlike some of the poor offerings shown on Speed as regular programming.

    Congratulations again to all involved.

  2. Congratulations to everyone at NMG for the honor but I can honestly say I have no recollection of that show at all :)

  3. bevo, I was thinking about that, too because I'm sure that I would have watched. If it was aired right after the All-Star race telecast, then I know I didn't see it since I was at the race and we were trying to get out of the parking lot and headed home.

    Maybe they could re-air it a few days BEFORE this year's all-star race and get fans revved up for the event.

  4. I'm with Bevo and Gina I don't recall that show either. Anyway, glad they won an Emmy that's quite an honor. Lots of hard work by the folks behind the cameras that don't usually get recognized either.

  5. The show was really under the radar. Never heard of it. Wonder how a good show was missed by so many people?

  6. Congratulations to NMG for the Emmy. Hopefully they get one next year for Race in 60 which is also outstanding. Good job, & I agree with the posters here replay it before the All Star Race to get us readier (new word)
    Congrats again NMG.

  7. Congratulations to The NASCAR Media Group on their wonderful achievement. One can only hope that David Hill gets the hint that if he wants to be taken seriously in the world of sports entertainment, and stop being the laughing stock of the Northern hemisphere, maybe he can change his ways, and put out a stellar broadcast that can be spoken about in the same sentence with the word "Emmy".

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  9. Congrats NMG.. An Emmy is a big deal to a lot of people. Never heard of the video before though. Or any of the other shows/videos in the article. Not sure what to call them so shows/videos will have to do. Just telling it the way it is. But, congrats on an Emmy.

  10. From lots of these comments, I think it might be time for SPEED and NMG to re-air "Inside the Headsets."


  11. Congratulations to NMG :)

    I'm the only one who 'members it :).

    I miss Beyond the Wheel too :(.

    They had so many good shows that I wish they'd bring back instead of rehased PMR shows.

    It's amazing the editing process. The show is roughly 22 minutes yet they have HOURS of film to go through to edit. And add to that include footage for a Monday turnaround from Sunday action. And how to you pick the right parts and put it all together and make it make sense.

  12. Loved that show, really nice to see all the stuff going on. Just wish they would go all out like the did with the 360 shows and reality based shows they had. Following the teams around week to week was amazing. I am sure NASCAR did not like the REAL in depth look at the sport. JD why have they not done much of the week to week shows like they use to??
