Monday, May 31, 2010

Remembering Those Who Served

The world is a difficult and dangerous place. So often, we take for granted the freedom that we enjoy here at home. On this Memorial Day, we take time to honor those who paid the ultimate price in defense of our county, beliefs and way of life.


  1. thanks for keeping what's important on the front page, jd.

    by name, my thanks to my dad, Robert, for his service as a Marine in Bouganville; my brother, Martin, for his service in the Navy aboard the USS Boston off the coast of Vietnam; and my nephew, Patrick for his two tours as a Marine in Iraq. I am proud of you guys and so grateful you each came home physically safe.

    to all who have served and to those who continue to serve on my behalf: thank you.

  2. JD & Red,thanks for your great words. Thanks to my father for his service in the Army Air Corp in WWII in England. Thanks to my Great Great Great Uncle, Andrew K for his service and unfortunate death on the battlefield at Gettysburg so many years ago. They will never be forgotten.

  3. Thanks JD for helping us remember that this day isn't racing, BBQs and fishing.
    My father was in WWII, as were my uncles. My cousin lost a leg in Vietnam, but still has a zest for life.
    For all veterans, and service men and women past and present:
    Thank You

  4. Thanks folks. I have many friends here in South Florida who have their sons and daughters serving overseas.

    Once and a while, taking time on a day like this helps to put things in perspective.

  5. JD, thank you - and thank you to all those who have and do risk their lives to protect our way of life. As I get older I am constantly reminded how many things are much more important than sports.
