Saturday, June 12, 2010

Live Blogging Nationwide Series From Kentucky (7:30PM ET - ESPN)

The Nationwide Series is in Kentucky for a stand-along race on ESPN. The weather has been rainy all day and NASCAR is hoping to get this one in tonight.

Allen Bestwick will host the NASCAR Countdown pre-race show. He will be joined by Rusty Wallace and Brad Daugherty. The program will be thirty minutes.

Wallace will then make his way up to the booth to join Marty Reid and Andy Petree to call the race. This team has already handled the qualifying that aired on ESPN earlier Saturday. On pit road are Dr. Jerry Punch, Jamie Little, Dave Burns and Vince Welch.

Reid and Bestwick are a powerful combination for ESPN and the network must be happy with the results so far this season. One continuing struggle is Rusty Wallace up in the TV booth. Just like he did back in 2007, Wallace cannot divorce himself from his racing past and current ownership status.

ESPN has come a long way with the directing and producing of these telecasts. Tonight should be a good opportunity to showcase the Nationwide regulars and show the racing under the lights.

This post will serve to host your TV-related comments on the Nationwide Series race from Kentucky Speedway on ESPN. To add your opinion, just click on the comments button below. This is a family-friendly website, please keep that in mind when posting. Thanks for taking the time to stop by The Daly Planet.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Happy Race Evening Planeteers :)

    Was very nice of them to stream the drivers meeting. Nice to be able to check it out :). Hope they do it again

  3. Bummed I missed it. Oh well, three hours of Rusty Wallace should make up for that!

  4. I missed it too JD. Getting ready for vacay & totally forgot it was on..:(

  5. nothing earth shattering revealed but still neat to hear what they go over in there :)

  6. Anything they can do for the fans right now, they need to do. This sport is just struggling.

  7. I forgot it was on. Would have been interesting to see.

  8. Hey JD, quick question: Is tomorrow morning's NASCAR Now 30 or 60 minutes? My TV Guide says it's only 8:30 to 9 ET because the normal Sunday-morning ESPN programming is on ESPN2 at 9.

  9. Darn missed the driver's meeting hubby was watching Lemans instead.

  10. Working on that right now. Looks like 30 minutes due to all the schedule changes for World Cup.

  11. Definitely agree JD! Good place to start now to get real online coverage and them added to Trackpass

  12. Hi everyone! Just sat down to watch the countdown -- 5 minutes in and I'm tired of listening to Rusty and Brad already.

    Talking about the speeding problems on pit road -- I'm sure its relevant, but ho hum

  13. Hello Gina! I just turned my tv on so cant comment yet! Kentucky is always fun hope theres a good crowd

  14. Hi, Jonathan. Hope that we get to see an exciting race tonight!

  15. hey is there any truth to what I saw on Jayski about the Sprint Cup cars and how Ford will switch to Mustang in Cup and Dodge to the Challenger??? Plus there getting rid of the splitter braces? This is great to hear, and I always wondered why are they doing this in Nationwide first??? Well Danica will be a big draw for new fans and it will warm them up good call Nascar. sorry to get off topic but just curious if anyone has heard anything???

  16. @GinaV24 ... I feel your pain RE: Rusty & Brad. I just turned on MRN so I wouldn't have to listen to those 2.

    @JD ... I like the changes you made to the look of this place. It's easier on my eyes.

  17. The Nationwide race at Road America next week will be an interesting challenge, for competitors and TV. Longest race track ever in Nascar?

  18. my pick to click tonight Brian Scott!!!!

  19. Nice interview with Braad Coleman. AB is on it tonight as usual.

  20. Thanks Beck, just trying to make it easier to read. Some more template changes coming this week.

  21. Becky - LOL

    Jonathan -- I haven't heard anything about those changes, but it would be fun to see more familiar looking cars instead of the ugly brick on wheels in cup.

    Considering how often the splitter is used (accidentally or on purpose) to cut down tires, it would be good if something else could be done.

    I will stay away from talking about Danica! LOL

  22. Yuck lots of empty seats and Kentucky wants a cup race???? Good luck

  23. She is back at New Hampshire in a couple of weeks. Her face is on the race ads and billboards.

    Some things never change.

  24. Bad weather today, surprised they are getting this cranked up.

  25. Someone got Fox on the line, an NFL tight end on American Idol would be great cross-mrketing.

  26. what car is Brian Scott in, Jonathan? I don't really have a favorite N'wide driver now that Landon isn't in the HMS car.

  27. Nice invocation, anthem and flyover. Nice that ESPN shows it to us.

  28. Gina

    Brian Scott Sponser AccuDoc #10 Toyota

  29. Oh man, Jonathan, I'm a Chevy girl, I can't root for a Toyota! Not even for you!

    I'll have to go look at the lineup and find myself a Chevy to root for. LOL

  30. Gina . . . haven't you seen the memo? General Motors says no more "Chevy", has to be called Chevrolet.

  31. its all good! Im ok with Toyota with all the money they poor into the sport, plus my mom drives one and its pretty nice! Me im a Ford man myself but I know talent when I see it! I say Brian Scott is the next Carl Edwards

  32. they have a guy who plays for Cinncinnati do the start your engines deal? what was that supposed to be? Awful

  33. have mercy, I just went to to try and figure out the lineup for Nationwide and boy is that awful!

  34. Awful is right just like the team he comes from! Ah well glad thats over with now lets see some good racing!

  35. Tv camera didn't like Russell's tie ...

    Unless it was supposed to be doing the flashing like that ... LOL ;-)

  36. Finally RW pronounces Kez's name correctly!

  37. LOL - yes, I read that article. It cracked me up. They should worry more about convincing people that they make a decent car than worrying if I call it a Chevrolet or Chevy.

    As long as I don't call it a POS, they should be happy! And I don't plan to change.

    Jonathan, that's a good point. The talent is fun to watch. Can you recommend a chevy driver for me for tonight?

  38. Living NJ, people expect me to cheer for either the Eagles or the Giants. Nope, guess again.

  39. Darrell Waltrip on Twitter:

    "Does Ky deserve a cup race? Just look at those grandstands,this is not a cup lite race,this is a stand alone Nationwide race,big purse too."

    He's working it....

  40. Maybe I'll cheer for Justin A -- I know he's not in a chevy, but he was fun to watch during the Eldora dirt race.

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. actually it would be good if DW would go and see the wizard and ask him for a brain.

  43. Jonathan, did you just jinx him?

  44. hard way to start off the race for your guy, Jonathan.

  45. In car cam during a wreck is not a good idea. In car cam for a replay is.

  46. not an auspicious start to the race and here we go to commercial

  47. Waltrip: the stands are packed. They should have a cup race there. The place holds 75,000 fans.

    Reporter Lee Montgomery: FYI, the stands are far from packed here. Not sure what some people see.

  48. I think so darn! That sucks... Gina I dont know about you but I would like to see Scott Riggs do well in the ZAXBY'S Chevy

  49. I take back my comments about the crowd, got to see a better look in HD upstairs and thats a beefy looking crowd! not sold out but still nice

  50. Does DW or MW own stock in the track?

    DW needs new glasses, the rose colored ones aren't working too well.

    Not very nice of Leffler.

  51. Sounds good, Jonathan. I'll keep an eye on Riggs and Justin.

  52. Gina Another Chevy I like is Mike Bliss

  53. Rusty, if you know we get tired of hearing it, why do you keep saying it anyway?

    Marty is doing his usual nice job of calling the race. Big difference from last week with Vince W doing his reporter gig.

  54.'s leaderboard is broken. Can someone give me a link to one that works?

  55. Isn't the 33 a KHI car? When did Bliss get tapped to drived it?

  56. No clue on any other one for the Nwide race.

  57. @Tracy - For the standalone races, KHI decided to go with a veteran instead of young drivers so they wouldn't lose too much ground in the owner standings. Bliss has done an awesome job, but then again he always does.

  58. How do you miss the caution when you know it's coming?

  59. Bliss from 7th to 5th nice! Keep coming up there! Hey Gina I know you go to a lot of races, any thoughts of coming to the nationwide or cup race here in Chicago?

  60. Live Leaderboard not working properly. Header is correct, but lineup is missing.

  61. Why all the emphasis on Carl Edwards?

  62. @Patrick - The header was stuck at "6 of 200 laps" for me and the rundown is "loading data"

  63. GinaV24 we thought the same thing about RW's comment about tired of hearing him say it. Actually we are tired of him screaming at us!

  64. VickyD, because the booth just cannot get over the worship of the Cup drivers in the N'wide series.

    IMO, it takes away a LOT from the broadcast.

  65. yes, JD. leaderboard not working to its fullest.

  66. Martin.. you're right. same for me (lap 6). i thought i saw the flag change color, though.

  67. Was it just TSN that did that, or did you guys also almost miss that last restart?

  68. ESPN RaceCast Leaderboard seems to be OK:

    Click on the "Leaders" tab.

  69. Good commentary from Andy. That makes for a young driver too.

  70. wow thats an old Auto Zone commercial lol and the godaddy stuff is just strange

  71. If there is racing on the track I wish they would show it. So far it is like watching practice.

  72.'s Live Leaderboard appears to be working again. yippee

  73. Rusty needs to go! He says the same thing over and over and over and over again booorrrinngg!

  74. This is the first year we have missed the race at Kentucky. I am shocked at the empty seats! Not sure what is going on, but they always have had issues with the parking lots. In dry weather it is miserable and with all of the rain we have had, that could have kept the fans away. We love the track; it's a great facility other than the parking.

  75. What Jonathan said.......

  76. It seems Rusty is bothered by Carl Edwards not making practice last night. But that is a wild guess.

  77. I say the motion is carried, Rusty needs to GO!

  78. This telecast needs Ricky Craven in the a big way.

  79. The URL for the ESPN leaderboard changes every race ... The schedule page has the link ...

  80. Charlie, I don't know, he's only mentioned it once or twice in the broadcast. LOL

  81. Didn't Ricky Craven's father pass away this past week?

  82. Martin - ESPN sorta missed the restart too ...

    I like Rusty ...

  83. JD I sooooo agree with you its sick lol! And what about Randy LaJoie did they forget about him. I think he is so fresh and full of personality why dont they use those 2 more?

  84. Tracy - Sadly, yes ... Jayski has the info

  85. 70 laps in and the race is a snoozer. The booth is talking about everything except the race, sometimes while the truck is showing something else. Too many tight shots and in-car cameras. Seems like someone is backsliding into last year's ESPN style.

  86. The Director is certainly falling apart right now. The truck series race on SPEED put this to shame in terms of pictures.

  87. Glad the Natural Ice's are going down smooth tonight cause this broadcast isnt up to par from other Nationwide broadcasts this year

  88. Can we send ESPN a petition, JD? I'd sign it to get Craven into the booth regularly.

    This doesn't seem to be a very exciting race or am I just aggravated with Rusty?

  89. JD, have you watched any of Le Mans? If so, what is you opinion of the production, pictures, audio, commentary, etc.?

  90. Choppy telecast so far. No flow. You get the feeling that they want this race to be over.

  91. Add my signature please!

  92. Sorry to hear about Craven's father. That is sad news.

  93. Jonathan, I think I'll have to start drinking too, maybe that will make it better.

    OK, the crewman camera shot always makes me sick.

  94. Patrick,

    It's first class. They have the world feed video with a couple of pit cameras and reporters.

    They have jumped from SPEED to and stayed on the air continuously from the start.

    Wish the stories were better, but things usually change overnight.


  95. oh wait, I know, everytime they do an update of Carl Edwards, I'll have a drink.

  96. Last year, when ESPN took over the Cup races we pushed them to use another crew on the NNS events.

    They wore out DJ and Andy doing both. I hope they bring in Ricky Craven and possibly Randy LaJoie for the NNS races after July.

  97. ^^^ agreed. they've been infusing the Highcroft videos throughout the day. I appreciate Highcroft's involvement in social media, especially the Brab's Blog video podcast.

  98. Gina lol lets make a drinking game out of it! =>

  99. I sometimes think Randy LaJoie could be better in the booth than RW. AT least he doesn't scream at us or say the same thing, aero, over and over.

  100. Alright Vicky! I so agree, with ESPN trying all sorts of stuff with the broadcast booth why not give Randy LaJoie a shot

  101. OK, Jonathan, I'm in -- although my typing will probably suffer if RW updates CE's status often enough.

    good thing tomorrow is NOT a workday.

  102. What Jonathan said........ :)

  103. Nice shoutout from AP & RW for Houston's Brad Coleman!

  104. LOL... I have to say this is enjoyable lets all give thanks to JD for letting us have this much fun, if it wasnt for this sight i'd loose my mind sometimes :)

  105. throw Josh some Advil on a pit stop it will be all good

  106. The story about the head rest was interesting until they went to the tech center.

  107. Rusty needs to SHUT UP

  108. Director seems to be back on track. No more weird in-cars and tight shots.

  109. Wish the Mickey Mouse leaderboard would actually tell you what lap the caution came out on ...

    Man ... Tayler is not having any luck in Nwide ... Finishes 11th last week & hit with the 25pt penalty ... big wreck tonight ... I wish he would've stayed with Cunningham / CHS as they were the Penske development team ...

  110. Malsam's car was used up, that's for sure!

  111. If you have an extended caution why show more commercials. Show us a short spot about anything Nascar.

  112. wow, that was a hard hit. I had stepped away to go get something to DRINK!

    thanks, JD for giving us a place to talk to one another even when the race broadcast is a bit more lacksidaisical.

  113. getting somewhat better! Why does it always seem like the "director" is spot on sometimes and spot off most of the time???? I know all the networks dont use the same director but Fox was the same way.... On sometimes then off sometimes??? TNT Was on for the first 60% of the Pocono race then they fell apart? Now today Bad to ok whats the deal????? Should we ask Mr Spencer??? LOL jk

  114. boy the commercials are so weird.

  115. I was reading the stories over on Jayski and Harvick and Logano are still having "words".

  116. NEVER any consistency

  117. The crowd looks a bit rowdy during the restarts I love that! Hats flying all around means people are having fun! I need to go the Kentucky next year

  118. JD, you're right, the camera work is better now. actually showing the action. thank goodness

  119. Okay, it's sad when reruns of AS TIME GOES BY are my go-to standby during all the ads.

  120. The night time coverage of Le Mans on SPEED is pretty spectacular.

  121. jonathan, see i told you it would affect your typing! LOL

    TraceyD, I had to switch channels during the ads too.

  122. HEY GINA CHEERS!!! ;-)

  123. jd I will have to check out Le Mans after the Nationwide race but will say last time I was watching it was dusk and the yellow and white lights made it very hard to watch.... Wasnt watching it in HD so I dont know if that makes a difference? But will watch after this

  124. This is going to be a restart to watch. Rain is coming over the track shortly and this might be the run to the finish.

    No track drying in the dark.

  125. well, I'm not having any better luck with my driver pick for tonight. Darn it, Justin was having a good run.

  126. Looking at the weather it looks like when it starts it will be raining for a long time. I see it as over an hour a way.

  127. and they actually caught all of it live,toooo, so we didn't just see the replay first.

  128. what are they saying about weather for Michigan for tomorros?

  129. just went over to check on Le Mans on Speed. It is interesting listening to them talking about the strategy for overnight.

  130. Hot and humid, 40% chance of thunderstorms.

  131. Lots of guys who need a win and have nothing to lose.

  132. Maybe the next tech center will teach us about tires and why they are round.

  133. thanks, JD!

    Charlie, too, funny, I know when he started with the standard H pattern, it made me laugh. but then again, if you've never driven a stick shift, maybe it is new information.

  134. charlie... tires are only round when you look at them from the side. when you look at them straight-on they're rectangular.

  135. Thanks Tim, I mean Patrick. for the info.

  136. Jonathan:
    If you watch Le Mans, you'll have to switch from the "Ice" to wine.........

  137. I saw a comment several weeks ago which I took to mean that Randy L. might have had a hip replacement since the 1st of the year. If that is correct, I wonder whether that makes travel to races too uncomfortable for him to work the booth?

  138. good nite, i'm gonna watch the end from upstairs so i'm shuttin the computer down

    see you tomorrow

  139. Gina, none of the kids my children know have the faintest idea how to drive a stick. It's a shame.

  140. Gina - Try watching "Amazing Race" ... when they're not in the USA ... A LOT of people on that show do NOT know how to drive a stick shift ... LOL So, a H-tranny is new to them ;-)

    Ummm ... What did Joey say?? I never understand what he says ... and doing a radio call makes it worse ... LOL

  141. If you watch the racing you will see the action. Nice camera work.

  142. Richard, yes, RL had a hip replacement, but I think he's fine enough to travel although I know someone who saw him (in Atlanta) and he's walking with a cane.

  143. Guess they told them rain was on the way ...

    And all their brain cells went flying out the window ...

  144. Can Tim show me the shape of a marshmallow?

  145. Bliss woohooo sorry had to take a phone call im back... no wine here but Anon curious what you mean by that let me know??? ARE u saying the Le Mans series is more upscale???

  146. Jonathan said...
    Bliss woohooo sorry had to take a phone call im back... no wine here but Anon curious what you mean by that let me know??? ARE u saying the Le Mans series is more upscale???

    Sports Car racing fans have been referred to as the "wine and cheese" crowd....

  147. Severe thunderstorm watch in effect in Cincinnati area, especially southeastern Indiana, until 1:00 AM.

  148. Bliss wrecks himself . . . again. Pitiful.

  149. 'rock n roll dudes'? dudes? who says that?

  150. oh ok thanks for that Anon wasnt sure what you ment by that.... but I have to say Im a big big big fan of cheese and some wine sounds great to wash it down ;> sounds like my cup of tea :P

  151. good to see ESPN showing Justin make the pass! thats what I wanna see racing not the leader

  152. Great to see some exciting racing tonight, considering tomorrow will be all about Larry Mac and his fuel mileage calculator.

  153. WHY on Earth are they doing a split screen and showing Joey's mommy ?!?!?

    Show the stupid race ... Not someone's mommy ...

  154. I knew it ... This "race" was fixed ... This is nascar's payback for Joey spinning himself out on Sunday ...

  155. All the driver's meeting online streams in the world aren't going to make this series more appealing. Even the non-companion events lead to 1-2-3 finishes by Buschwackers.

    This sucks. It's already to the point where I'm only watching Daytona, Talladega, Bristol, non-companion races & road courses with this series. If next week weren't Road America, I wouldn't watch.

  156. Thanks folks, see you tomorrow for the pre-race show at noon ET.


  157. wow..jeremy clements finishing 12th?
    he has raced awesome when given the chance
    jr motorsports shouldve hired him as he finished better in a self owned car than either wise or pressley
