Thursday, September 23, 2010

Little Gem Of A TV Show On VERSUS

This is the second year of VERSUS carrying a series called Quest for the NASCAR Sprint Cup. That show airs at 7PM ET on Wednesdays and runs through the Chase. This year, however, something is hiding right behind that program.

NASCAR - Next Generation was one of those shows that just popped-up on the radar without fanfare or promotion. The brief media release said the show would look at some young drivers coming up through the ranks with a desire to reach the Sprint Cup Series ranks.

Lorin Ranier is the person who appears on-camera to talk about the pursuit of this dream by youngsters across the country and around the world. Ranier, who is shown above, is a veteran spotter in NASCAR but in this series focuses on his other interest of bringing along young drivers.

They key to the program is that almost none of these lower tier races are televised. Seeing the kids in carts, Bandolero's, Legends and sprints makes for interesting TV when mixed with Ranier's candid comments. It's truly behind the scenes with the next generation.

Over the next four weeks, these shows will take a shot at profiling some of the up and coming drivers. Seeing the challenges of youngsters taking to the track while still obeying their parents and trying to get homework done is a nice change of pace.

The NASCAR Media Group produced the show, so it has the high-end glossy style of editing that is the trademark of that organization. VERSUS is in year two of televising the Quest for the Cup series, but NASCAR - Next Generation is brand new.

Some of the drivers featured over the next month include Logan Ruffin, Jessica Brunelli, Marc Davis and Cole Whitt. Those names may be familiar to some who have watched various other attempts by NASCAR to get some additional TV exposure for the next generation of drivers.

It's going to be fun to watch the remaining episodes of NASCAR - Next Generation and see just who is out there waiting in the wings to become the next big name driver in the sport. Perhaps, we can have some more original NASCAR programming on VERSUS if the reaction to these two series is positive.

If you watched the show, please let us know what you thought. To add your opinion, just click on the comments button below. This is a family-friendly website, please keep that in mind when posting. Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Gee, JD sounds like a good find. Are you going to post notes on airtimes on your left side list of what's on TV?

  2. What real talent has Lorin Ranier developed? Reed Sorenson? David Stremme? Bryan Clausen? Ranier, and guys like him, who suck money from owners and the parents of prospective drivers are part of what's wrong with the sport and shouldn't be celebrated. Count me out on this one JD.

  3. Anon 4:04PM,

    I don't understand what you are referencing. Ranier was the narrator and in the first episode simply talked about the different classes of racing.

    There was a showcase of driver talent, but there was no driver promoted as being repped by Ranier.

    Sorry if I somehow misled you in my column on that issue.


  4. Anon 10:28AM,

    This show and all other NASCAR-related TV programs will continue to be reflected in the left column of the website and updated daily with information from the NASCAR TV partners.


  5. JD -

    My point is simple: why should I watch a series about up-and-coming young drivers when the guy talking about them knows very little either? His track record (Sorenson, Stremme, Clausen, Lagsasse, Jr., etc.) is rotten.

    He might claim Davey Allison and Tony Stewart as his prodigies, but those drivers weren't part of his driver development scam. I am sure Bobby Allison would love to know how Lorin Ranier helped develop Davey Allison's career.

    Sure, anyone can be part of his driver development program as long as you have the money to pay for it. Like I said before, I'll pass on this one.

  6. Again, just to be square. He did not claim to rep anyone nor did he promote his own business.

    I understand your point and the only way to see for yourself is to tune in.


  7. Totally missed it, but I've set the DVR now.

    Thanks, JD!

  8. Saw the show thought it was a good addition to the recap show another perspective on racing. Know of Lorin Ranier and I think it was a great fit. DVR'd for next week

  9. Dear Anonymous Poster:

    To hide behind the cloak of anonymity is to be a coward. It is easy to criticize others without revealing yourself and your true identity.

    As a NASCAR Team Owner, I can tell you that Lorin Ranier is a smart, honest, trustworthy and reputable man with high moral standards. He is one of the best kept secrets in the NASCAR Garage Area. He has been involved in the sport longer than most people in the garage area can claim to be. NEVER has he taken money from any driver, parent or owner for his own personal gain. NEVER EVER has he been a part of any driver development "scam" as you claimed in your ridiculous post. His business dealings with anyone he crosses are honest and transparent. He is a wonderful representative for the driver development area of our sport and has been for many years. I am proud to know him and am happy to have done business with him in the past and will continue to do so in the future.

    Your comments are ignorant, unfounded and slanderous. It's people like YOU who make this sport a difficult one to be a part of.

    Get a life.

  10. Dear NASCAR Team Owner:

    You do see the irony in posting your criticism of the anonymous posting using an anonymous, unconfirmable ID yourself, right?
