Saturday, September 25, 2010

Live Blogging Camping World Trucks From Las Vegas (SPEED - 9:30PM)

The Camping World Trucks are in Las Vegas for a show that has no TV coverage other than the actual race. There was no practice, qualifying or pre-race show.

Rick Allen will call the race with Michael Waltrip and Phil Parsons alongside. Ray Dunlap and Adam Alexander are reporting from pit road. This is an opportunity for a lot of new faces to try and get some attention in this stand-alone race.

Las Vegas is a fast, big track with a reputation for being tough to pass. SPEED has veteran director Mike Wells working tonight, as the usual truck series director Roger Vincent is working on the Barrett Jackson auto auction.

Wells likes to follow the stories and show the racing, so he should fit right in with the SPEED bunch. There might only be a handful of truly fast trucks, but it should be a good show to watch.

This post will host your comments on the CWTS coverage by SPEED from Las Vegas, NV. To add your TV-related comment, just click on the comments button below. This is a family-friendly website, please keep that in mind when posting. Thanks for taking the time to stop by The Daly Planet.


  1. ESPN needs to learn that "less is more" with Cup. Trucks do just fine without all the extra dead weight of 6 commentators that they use during Cup.

  2. All this racing is interfering with my ability to track my gambling on college football. Half joking! Just want a race that holds my attention. Hope the trucks put on a better show than the NW series did earlier.

  3. It certainly can't be any worse than the Busch race this afternoon...except that I have to tolerate Mikey Waltrip. Could be marginal.

  4. My fellow posters

    All John ever does is put down NASCAR and it's TV partners,particularly his former employer ESPN. His credibility is sinking faster thanyou can realize and JD deletes the comments because he does not want to hear the truth. JD you just need to have a psychiatric evaluation for putting down TV people trying to do their job.

  5. Nothing could be worst than this afternoon! Cup boys stinking it up again.

  6. Our troll is up late!

    Let me help you out Sparky. I left ESPN back in 1989. The only people I know there are no in charge, including the president!

    How about the best two studio shows on the air right now and great truck coverage? Great new shows on BET and VERSUS?

    You can't wander in here and try to pretend you have a clue. We have been tracking the good and bad of NASCAR TV for four years now.

    The only thing you can't do it what most trolls can't....that is participate.

    It must be a tough life to be a tween pretending to be a girl and spending time spamming.

    Get a clue.

  7. Not in the mood for that BS tonight. I got socks older him/her/it.

  8. I know JD can defend himself however, I don't need anyone to tell me what I see. If it is a horrible telecast I can see that. On the occassion that a good telecast shows up on my screen I can see that also. JD is not the only person that gives his opinion of the telecasts. If you follow many of the media members on twitter you will find that they agree that most telecasts leave a ton to be desired when they are home to see tv. The facts are what they are. Ratings keep dropping for some reason and I don't believe that is due to JD's opinion.

  9. Lets get physical, physical.
    I wanna get physical, lets get into physical.
    Let me hear your body talk, your body talk.
    Let me hear your body talk.

  10. brad, that's the same jerk that says all the profanity and horrible things about women.

    We have a pool going, I am guessing 14 years old tops.

  11. I think that's tomorrow when Denny and Kevin get on the track SBT.

  12. I was expecting a Ginger Grant style "boo boop de doo"

  13. Geez, why spoil an opportunity to offer comments that lots of folks will read?

    Just have fun and chat!

  14. JD...maybe his/her/its daddy works for ESPN and we are hurting hi/her/its poor little feelings?

  15. Am I really old because I learned to drive in cars as old as those collectible cars?

    Hi all - glad I missed the "race" this afternoon. Family deal.

    Holly has no sound on my TV

  16. Heck, my first car was a '68 327 Camaro. If I hadn't totaled it, just hink what it would be worth now!

  17. Jo, we were just talking about that. The way to tell if you are really old is if you had some romantic activity in one of the Barrett Jackson cars being auctioned! Too funny.

  18. Interesting anthem? It was weird and then some. Yikes, SMI can't brag on that one. I did enjoy seeing Mike & Ron's collector cars.

    Holly probably doesn't know *how* to turn the mike on.

  19. John

    I don't know why you get the impression that i am a troll , I am just speaking the truth. Nothing more or less.

  20. @JD LOL I thought she was psyching us out LOL

    Gonna be a fun night -troll, racing & full moon!

  21. Needless to say, I was VERY young when I got the car. Ahem.

  22. You are just a little kid trying to speak with adults. We might adopt you as our own little TDP family troll.

  23. Only if he/she/it brings the three Billy goats with.

  24. Lots of new faces in this deal tonight. People racing for some jobs and a future!

  25. Ok I am leaving and I am never coming back.


  26. Wow. Now THAT'S a threat, isn't it?

  27. Hey john

    Did you like my Olivia Newton-John post.

  28. Oh, and I thought we just got to be friends! Daggone it.

  29. Actually, I think she lives down here near me. Isn't she a Palm Beach person? Never seen her at the Burger King.

  30. Happy Pick 'em Ups racin' night :)

  31. Wonder who "Kayleen" will come back as? Girl or boy? Bets? I think maybe Denise Harvick?

  32. The view of the military jets during the anthem was great! One of the longest shots of the jets I'd seen. Not that I've seen many races this year.

    Singing, not so great but girls pretty.

    Who won the race this afternoon? Heard about a wreck but not the winner. On twitter at wrong time.


    issues logging in as usual. For some reason blogger keeps one logged out these days. Don't know if it's a FFox thing or not.

  33. @Sophia--the usual suspect Kyle and so now he has the record all to himself. I think they said he's ran 23 out of the 28 races.

    LOL @jojaye!

  34. Sophia, your boy Mike Wells is directing tonight.

    Roger Vincent was over working the auction.

  35. Pretty good TV coverage of limited racing. Making the best of it for sure.

  36. Really enjoying the camera shots tonight. I love watching night racing - it just looks better, faster. Even MW isn't getting to me -yet.

  37. I'm loving the new faces in tonight's field. Pretty good coverage right now.

    I saw the qualifying results for the Nationwide race and didn't see the need to watch. Same old thing every week. Todd Braun was smart to sell off his teams and get out before its too late.

  38. thanks JD I was about to ask you on twitter where Roger was. I'm like I KNOW I saw a tweet from him that he was flying to Vegas and was wondering why Mike was directing. Kewl beans :). Is Keith at BJackson too?

  39. No Gymmie, Keith is producing with Mike. Those two go waaaaaay back.

  40. When there is limited action TV does what it has to do John. Even if it means covering battles through the back of the field.

  41. P.S. My E$PN boycott continues.

  42. It's ESPN's original NASCAR director tonight. Fun to watch and no BS.

  43. No Cup drivers + Wide Shots = Great race

  44. WOW this is one great broadcast! Love it and I think I can say this will be the best broadcast of the weekend cause ESPN flat out sucks right now! BTW Hey all

  45. JD ESPN needs to rehire him!

  46. Since our favorite is back a bit, I wish the director would go and at least show those racers for a few minutes.

  47. I can't believe they are talking about Jimmie Johnson during a truck race!

  48. He also designed the camera locations and works on "Inside NASCAR" on Showtime.

  49. I guess the best compliment I can give SPEED tonight is I don't have anything to complain about. It has been a great broadcast so far. Nice!

  50. That's great to hear about Mike :)

    Yup fun to enjoy a race for once & not get frustrated because someone thinks the only folks out there racing are the "chosen ones".

  51. Yes this is the perfect mix of what a NASCAR Broadcast should be! This director uses all the cameras when needed and dosent over do the in car and such! If you know me you know I love Crank It Up On Fox but no other networks do this but this broadcast has had a perfect blend of camera angles to where im satisfied! ESPN barley if ever shows the one camera angle that lets u hear the cars and tonight even without crank it up im satisfied

  52. JD

    THANKS for letting me know Mike Wells is directing! YAY. I've been distracted & not watching but have the race DVRd. Will actually watch this one on the big tv since GOOD CAMERA work! Will be first race I've not deleted before watching on DVR for weeks. :)

    Also I FINALLY figured out why blogger keeps NOT knowing me. I am so NOT a geek brain. I put a block on my cookies months ago so my hits to a blog are NOT counted. Thus I have to log in all the time to a band blog I keep AND here.

    Took me months to figure that out when I saw nobody else complaining. What a blond.

    Will be nice to enjoy a race again.

    OBVIOUSLY the poor ratings have not paid heed to horrible cam work & bad commercial loads.

    I no longer ANSWER the NASCAR FAN council due to the limited way to answer things.
    Except for the box at the end.

  53. Nascar seriously do we need a fake debri caution every race????? Oh well

  54. How they keep from wading up 10 or more trucks after the restarts is beyond me. The trucks continue to show how racing should be.

  55. Where is the infield booth comments, the tech center, the draft tracker, the how many laps until they take the lead indicator.

  56. Charlie, I can even take Mikey tonight. Good pictures really make the show.

  57. Thanks JD for the twitter mention appreciate it! That quote is so true this is great

  58. Gotta agree with Jonathan. This was the first race in a long time I've truely enjoyed. Good coverage by Speed and great racing among the series regulars.

  59. and they say we need Kyle and Kevin in the truck and nationwide series??? Let these young kids shine its great stuff!!!! I think Nascar would be in a much better position if it was like it was 6, 7, 8, 9 years ago when this wasnt the case!

  60. The broadcast is easy to follow and has a nice flow to it. It looks easy to do but must be very difficult to do.

  61. Great show tonight. Enough said!! Good night everybody.

  62. See how a great broadcast should be!!! Thats why I do not understand how bad most broadcasts are! It cant be that hard if thats what you do you should do it at the best your skills will let you! Some of the ESPN broadcasts remind me of 2 college kids w all the toys!!! I work at UPS and we stick to what we do every night ala Speed! If we were like ESPN and there broadcasts we would be out of buisness thats how shakey there stuff is! AS Jd said we need change and tonights broadcast should be shown to everyone at ESPN!!!!!!

  63. Just want to say thanks for you guys staying up late and hanging out with us.

    Nice show by SPEED and it almost made up for the NNS cluster earlier today.

    We will see what Dover brings tomorrow afternoon!

    Thanks again.


  64. good night everyone had fun tonight thanks JD! Awsome awsome awsome

    Love that pure emotion from Austin

  65. Congrats Austin!

    Thanks JD for the work you do here.

    It was so nice to sit & just watch the race, the stories were on the track not scripted in CT. and even MW was OK tonight.

    The race coverage gets an AA++

    SPEED showing racing the way it should be - Thanks guys!

  66. Great win by a great kid!

    Night all

  67. JD, the telecast was great. I supposedly received tweets during the race from Rick Allen and they were fun to read. Maybe Dot was there and we can get a really good on the spot report from her today. This series has great racing and that's why we enjoy going up to TMS to watch them in person plus the broadcast was fun to watch. I still think they should have given us a through the field more often because our guy was fairly way back for half the race and it would have been nice to see him more. Overall I rate this telecast an A.
