Sunday, October 10, 2010

Live Blogging Sprint Cup Series From Fontana (ESPN - 2PM ET)

This week NASCAR is on the West Coast, so both the pre-race show and the live event coverage are on ESPN. It's 2PM ET for NASCAR Countdown and 3PM for the race.

Allen Bestwick starts the day from the Infield Pit Studio with Brad Daugherty and Rusty Wallace. Danica Patrick was the story in the Saturday Nationwide Series race, running strong until getting turned on the backstretch in her first NASCAR payback situation. It should be interesting to see if this makes the Sprint Cup Series pre-race show.

ESPN has been on the Kyle Busch vs. David Reutimann bandwagon all week long. At the Fontana track, Busch has been giving the media additional soundbites that should allow ESPN to make the issue a key pre-race topic.

Chasers vs. racers is again at the forefront as tempers are tight, sponsorship money is scarce and there are lots of teams that need a good performance and some TV time. They dynamic of racers not giving Chasers an inch on the track is relatively new and should wind-up being a story in the race coverage.

Marty Reid is calling the race with Dale Jarrett and Andy Petree in the TV booth. This is the first event since Reid's interview on Yahoo! Sports. Reid said blogs like TDP are basically full of like-minded people who gang up on those who disagree.

He said blogs don't provide constructive criticism, ESPN shows the best battles for position on the track and that drivers are targeted for coverage because they are important, not because there is some sort of TV script. Click here for the interview.

Dr. Jerry Punch, Jamie Little, Dave Burns and Vince Welch are going to cover pit road. Punch has raised the level of reporting from this crew and quickly made the performance of the pit reporters a non-issue. This change has been drastic from the antagonistic and often adversarial relationship ESPN had with the drivers for the past several seasons.

Tim Brewer is continuing to labor in the Tech Garage. There is almost nothing new Brewer can add after fans have watched coverage on FOX, TNT and ESPN since February. It should be interesting to see if ESPN makes the decision to return the Tech Garage for 2011.

The Auto Club Speedway is full of seams in the pavement that control the racing and affect the cars. Goodyear was dealing with a tearing problem in some tires that will hopefully be fixed prior to the event. Speeds at Fontana are far too great for tire problems to happen.

TV coverage from ESPN continues to be a wideshot with the camera then zooming into a small pack of two or three cars. On a track like Fontana, this causes continual frustration for the viewer. ESPN just cannot sit still and let the racing on the track speak for itself. Keep your eyes out for the number of times tight camera shots cause passing or incidents to be missed on TV.

This is a critical telecast today. NASCAR starts later than the early NFL game and is going to have to draw viewers away from those games already in progress. The race also runs into the second NFL game and will need to keep those fans glued to NASCAR until the checkers. It's going to be a big challenge with the nature of racing at Fontana.

As always, we invite your comment on the ESPN coverage of the Sprint Cup Series race from Auto Club Speedway. To add your TV-related opinion, just click on the comments button below. This is a family-friendly website, please keep that in mind when posting. Thanks for taking the time to stop by The Daly Planet.


  1. will be watching the race during commerical breaks during the NFL games i follow.

    I did read the interview on yahoo sports w/MR, oh well, it was what it is. I feel blogs like the daly planet do offer many suggestions from those who post. MR just happens to agree to disagree. I have no problem with that, other than we are still stuck with the same type of broadcast of the race.

    Tim Brewer in the tech garage. let me say this about that. i learned more this morning on nascar performance about oil tanks and dry sumps than i will ever get from the tech garage w/brewer.

  2. Just thoughts…

    TV question of the day (this IS important! Do NOT laugh!):

    Can Fontana equal or beat the coverage of the Denver 300?

    Denver 300 on South Park (10pm Wed. 6 Oct 2010)
    - 3.139 million viewers
    - 2.0/4 HH
    - 1.8/5 A18-49
    - 3.8/12 M18-34

    I said stop laughing!

    The final of the European Late Model Series (formerly ASCAR, a name I love and probably the reason I am writing this paragraph, is being held today (began at 10am ET) at Warenton, Belgium. Jean Vasseur of France will win the Championship with a bit over 3,000 points total. They do not have a chase, either. Just points. No TV, dang, but a general officer friend stationed in Germany is there and called. Showed me some live shots of the race via some phone gizmo. This perhaps matters because his camera work and pxp was better than that on ESPN -- even though he did use the boogity word because he knows how much it annoys me.

    He also reminded me that there was one line in Days of Thunder Robert Duvall redlined because he could not stop laughing when he tried to do it. The line was purposefully written and it was intended to be what it was. The line was, “Burnt rubber is the smell of victory, son.”

    Today is 10-10-10. Cool, huh?

    Sad about Shane Hmiel

    And blogs do not matter? Right. Gotcha. They don't matter, but why do you read them or even know they exist if they don't matter? Yeah, yeah I am ignoring the elephant. Really, I am. It is not there.

  3. Ha, just read the Marty Reid interview. I'd have to say he clearly doesn't know this blog exists, or read it. He seems to think people's biggest critique of him would just be getting a car number wrong here or there.

  4. "drivers are targeted for coverage because they are important, not because there is some sort of TV script"

    Right Marty... like the in-race reporter and over the wall cam gimmicks right? ESPN picks a driver and crew chief to spotlight with in-race interviews and a team whose pit stops will have crew cam replays BEFORE the race starts and follow through regardless of where they're actually running in the race.

    Last couple weeks in Nationwide we got Ryan Truex and Aric Almirola who had no relevance to the race and in Cup we get Carl Edwards every week when he hasn't won a race in almost 2 years. And in recent weeks they've wasted airtime playing replays of crew cams on non-factors like Dave Blaney and Kevin Conway.

    Not following a script? I respectfully say bologna.

  5. Seen ads for Aaron's and a couple of automotive-type companies on Sunday NFL Countdown today. Maybe this is the payback for the audio issues.

  6. As always, thanks to JD for providing this little village of sanity!

    Hoping everyone enjoys the race today. :)

  7. I am not sure how Marty Reid watches the race, he maybe just looking at the monitors. Yesterday during the Nationwide race the camera shot would zoom in on two cars, say car A and car B. Marty would then speak up and say something like - It looks like car A is going to pass car B and pick up a position. Then someone else is the booth would say - car B just passed car A. Marty then would be lost. If Marty had been looking out the window he would have already seen that car B had passed car A.

    I will be watching the NFL Packer game and will join the race after this game.
    Do you think they run the tech center so Marty can learn more about Nascar.

  8. My favorite yesterday was Andy asked Marty a question and he had no clue what the question was. It is one thing not to know the answer but to not listen to the question was great. Martys reason was that he was watching the wave around. As a trained professional can you not listen to the man next to you while you look at something else?

  9. That was pretty classy of Jamie Mac to mention Shane Hmiel.

  10. i'm not going to jump on here to smack marty reid around but i will say this:
    i believe he is satisfying the constituency that espn is after. unfortunately, as a fan, i am not part of that constituency.

    marty, i will continue to give specific feedback as to what i dislike & like about the broadcast along with suggestions for how to change it. you can ignore that feeedback but you cannot continue to take the position that specific feedback isn't being given, at least on this site by these fans.

    my first suggestion: watch the arca race broadcast yesterday. a minimum number of cameras, only 4 people -- 2 in booth, 2 on pit road -- handled the entire race, the camera angles were informative and consistent, the entire field was covered repeatedly, not just the 3 drivers in contention for the championship, no use of a tech center or specialty cameras or various "bells and whistles."

    it was what a race fan wants to see at all levels of race broadcasts.

  11. Not to be the 'grammer police' (again), but watching the promos for the HOF announcement this Wednesday, it's driving me nuts that they ask who will be in the NEXT INAUGURAL class of the HOF. Isn't there only ONE inaugural class, that being the first ever?

  12. Happy Race Day Planeteers <3

    Continued prayers for Shane!

    Amen Lou! Back in 2K2/2K3 when NP was on FSN Larry Mac & Hammond built a race car during the season. There were a few things they couldn't do from the set so had to send out for those sections but the other 90% or so of the car was built on the set during the season. I loved it and you really learned a lot whether you'd been watching for 30 seconds or 30 years.

    If they do away with the Tech Garage it will NOT be missed. I pretty much tune Captain Obvious out. He states the blind obvious or repeats what the Reporters/Announce Booth/Pit Studio JUST said!

    I loved the Denver 300! Best.Race.Evah!

  13. Just read the MR interview (thanks for the link, JD). You can tell he works for ESPN...a ton of excuses, it's everyone's fault but ESPN or the booth's. The fans who have the watch the broadcast are wrong, and ESPN is right. Basically, "Tough".

  14. Sharon Stone in the flagstand today waving the green.

  15. Looks like KB vs. DR is going to get some play.

  16. ya think, JD? lol. I'm sure it'll be part of today's script, even if the two of them are never near each other.

    can anyone tell me what Jamie said about Shane? I was watching the Giants game. I heard JPM sent Steve & family on his plane...classy.

  17. Rusty is not going to be objective on the Reuti/Weed issue.

  18. And first story is DR vs. KB. It's going to be a long day. I actually like what Ricky Craven said about this issue.

  19. Got a pretty long segment on this topic. Already 8 minutes into the show on one point.

  20. Ah, Sharon Stone...if ya really want to hear Sharon Stone in full you must listen to the commentary for the movie "Casino". It is great. She must have been really Stone..., uh, that day

    Still looks good, though. Wendy interviewed her on Speed.

  21. If guy 1 says "I got into him thats on me" and guy 2 says "I would not have hit him if he hadn't wrecked me" do we really need to over analyze what happened for weeks on end. good lord, they said what they had to say so move on. Guess they have to have their controversy to keep with the script. And now Kyle Busch is the hardest working team to salvage a finish. Give me a break.

  22. glen-Jamie just mentioned Shane's accident & how he was doing & said they would be racing w/heavy hearts today.

  23. And while I am on my soap box. Can one of the talking heads that keep preaching about how mature Kyle Busch is now go to his hauler and tell him to quit needlessly running over people in all 3 series.

  24. According to Espn the sound problem last week on Espn SD wasn't Espn's fault either.

  25. JJ up next. Looks like no Danica payback smack today.

  26. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  27. There are three outstanding issues with ESPN right now:

    No follow-up on the nationwide audio loss last week. Simply none.

    No decision to suspend Neil Goldberg for his arrest. All we know is that he is not in Cali.

    Never reinstating Randy LaJoie once he finished all of NASCAR's requirements and was fully reinstated.

    I'll keepy trying to track those down this week.

  28. thanks PammH. I figured he would have something thoughtful to say.

    Shane's worked hard to turn his life around, terrible thing to have this happen. It's a reminder though, that despite all the safety gear, bad things can still happen.

  29. Glen, they put in concrete walls a while back. This might be the first call for SAFER Barrier at the Action Track.

  30. 1, 2, 3 now, awwwwwwwwww....

    it was a good feature on JJ though.

  31. I just hate that someone gets hurt before they figure that out. That's generally how it works though. And I get that the smaller tracks don't have ISC/SMI budgets.

  32. I think the Goldberg deal will stay under the rug as long as possible. Since he is not an on air personality most of the general public have no idea there is a change in place. I don't believe ESPN will acknowledge it again, much like their various other personalities issues. I do think it is wrong not to suspend him like all the others though. For the life of me I cant figure out why Randy wasn't brought back. Many of their NFL analyst have done the same and worse during their careers and are still on air.

  33. BSPN is just following NA$CAR's lead. Nothing is ever their fault. It's the economy, Dale Jr, or the medias' fault.

    Watched the ARCA race yesterday. Great coverage and commentary. Exciting race to watch. Lots of action. Amazing how the commentary crew improved without Motormouth Mikey in the booth. And no play-off system either and they still had 4 drivers who could've won the championship.

  34. From Lee Spencer at Crew chief Todd Berrier has been taken to the infield care center. According to RCR team spokesman David Hart, he was feeling light-headed

  35. Finally brought up Shane

  36. Honestly surprised we have not seen the Danica deal yet with ESPN handling the NNS races exclusively.

  37. I'm glad they gave us an update on Shane. wish it had come from Dr. Jerry, though.

  38. NFL > ESPN Covering a California Race.

    The Chase, the hype, the basic nonsense (I want to use a different word but won't) is old and tiring. For Reid to say we are "ganging" up against ESPN is nonsense. We've come out and appreciated good broadcasts before, but those have been far and few this season.

    If ESPN can't find the battles, I wont be paying much attention to the race and that is a sad commentary. I'll be listening to scanners and looking at scoring but ESPN can take their ratings hit for all I care because their product is garbage half the time.

    They have the people, resources and racing. No excuses for "scripted" TV. Covering a driver because they are "important" that IS a script!!!!!

  39. Well,the race hasn't even started and already I'm in a foul mood. I listened to two hours of "race car driver Kenny Wallace". My God, who hired this fool? My only hope is that he'll be gone next year. Then I switch to Espn and get to hear Rusty say "I" about 37 times. In the discussion about Kyle and Reuty, he started talking about drivers needing to 'respect' each other! Rusty actually said that! He must think we old timers have short memories. My only wish was that DW and Jeff Gordon were in the booth when he said that. Rusty, Marty and Brad could go away and I don't think anyone would miss them. It should be a heck of a broadcast!

  40. It was on during NN also, but I missed most of it, just like I missed most of the JJ segment earlier. Can't stay glued to the set all the time.

  41. Looks like Mr. Loggins visited the Sharon Stone doctor. Wow...

  42. at least Kenny Loggins is better than listening to Brad & Rusty...

  43. And another stellar performance in the "Relive the 1980's Concert Series" brought to you by Nascar. And I think they will can the Danica wreck until next week so they can fill the first 15 minutes of Countdon with it. Sad but that's the way they operate.

  44. I have to think Turner Sports made the better rights acquisitions than ESPN.

    Nascar in the summertime when there's no football, the rights to all the online video, and playoff baseball.

  45. There we go. I was waiting for it on ESPN as Kyle Petty mentioned it on Speed. It is Jr's birthday!

  46. Much of the pre race show is a reprise of the NN from this morning.

    Man, am I SICK of the term 'non-chasers'. They are ALL racing on the same track! Guess they just don't get it that the media is a lot more excited about the stupid chase than the fans are. And they don't get why ratings go down drastically when the chase starts? HELLO? ANYONE AWAKE HERE?

  47. Yes sir! First saw Kenny again a few years back (VH1?) had a singing competition featuring the kids of some former singers (Kenny's son, Hammer's daughter, Bobby Brown's son, Dee Snider's Son, Olivia Newton-John's daughter & someone else I think I'm forgetting) and he has had some "assistance".

    Yes surprised about no Danica/James either.

  48. Don't forget college football and the NNS Series.

  49. Todd Berrier went down with illness minutes ago and is heading for the hospital.

    Richard Childress is taking over the pit box and will call the race as the crew chief.

    Think this might be a story they would want to follow?

  50. Due to 2 crappy ballgames on right now I am watching the full prerace for the 1st time in a long time and I must say these preraces are horrible. It needs to be shorter and lose some of the rehashed features from the weekday shows. That is just my opinion, I know some people like it because they don't see the daily shows.

  51. Hasn't been mentioned yet has it, JD? And Jeff's a CHASER!

  52. He is the Jeff Burton crew chief. Sorry.

  53. Fox is giving me Redskins/Packers right now. That's a pretty big 1 p.m. game.

  54. Speaking of Loggins. He and what is left of Lynyrd Skynyrd did a concert in my area because of the BP mess. One of the riders in their contract specified that there be a wheelchair, doctor and oxygen in a tent dedicated to that purpose behind the stage. We have come a long way since the caviar and Crystal rider days.

  55. In-car camera segments during the race are sold to commercial interests. The networks do not admit this. The on camera time for cars is sold to commercial interests. This practice dictates what cars get camera time and how much. Don't let the networks fool you, if you want a car you sponsor to be on the broadcast, you have to pay to be seen.

  56. apparently, this breaking story about barrier isn't getting covered because he's not important enough ans isn't up front, right? oh wait: he's the crew chief for a chaser, for heaven's sake.

    c'mon, guys! the LEAST you could do is mention what's happened. he's a fixture in our sport and not even a mention? throw it to bestwick, let him state what's known, and move on. but at least mention him.

    pathetic. just pathetic. can't break from the scheduled pieces to actually cover something that's happening at the track.

  57. @oldnewenglander: in West Ky I have Colts/Chiefs and Rams/Lions. I would still like to hear about Barrier and a mention of the Danica wreck.

  58. Interesting quote I saw from Bruton Smith a few weeks ago about the Chase: "I think it's great for the media; the media watches it. The chase generates a lot of publicity."

    Can't disagree. They are in love with it. Gives them a story. And at what cost to the sport, though?

    He also said, as a track promoter, he could care less about it.

    The Chase doesn't sell tickets at racetracks. Fans don't scream, "There goes the points leader!" They go there for that race. To see these guys race for that win, not the Chase.

  59. The whole 'chase' scenario show how much brian France isn't a RACE fan. He has no idea why anyone would want to watch 43 guys driving in circles for 4 hours. That's why he thinks he needs some convoluted not a playoff abortion to get people to watch.

  60. How in the world is it not worthy of mention when the #9 man Jeff Burton and 101 points back in the championship loses his crew chief? All ESPN cares about is "Chasers" and this is one of the biggest stories of the chase so far.

  61. You'd think they'd have had plenty of time to catch up to the RCR story by now.

  62. UK folks, the Open Access feed is now up. Check it out!

  63. I guess the Berrier/RCR story doesn't fit into ESPN's script for today. They must figure since it's been all over Twitter, they don't need to "waste" time covering it. I'm contemplating turning the tv off entirely and just listing to the radio broadcast and in-car audio.

  64. not bad for an old rocker.

  65. That was no David Hasselhoff but it will have to do. yes, sarcasm.

  66. Guess Burton isn't an "important" driver

  67. I'll be watching the race on TV/w DVR backup, MRN,here & PitCommand till kickoff of Cowboys game. Then TV goes to 'Boys. Media partners can't give a good show - why miss a good game? This is a first for me - usually I just check in on the game, & watch the race, this year why bother?

  68. Classy of the folks for putting a link to the Shane Hmiel story on the home page. Very classy indeed.

  69. I like this HD picture now. It is no longer being shot 4:3 safe.

  70. Jim Utter from confirms Berrier has been transported to a local hospital.

    1 - Hope he is OK.

    2 - How can ESPN not know this or choose not to include it.

    3 - Jerry Punch is a medical doctor.

  71. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  72. Yeah, why aren't they saying anything about Berrier?

  73. @Ancient...I doubt they had to pay for it, since Nascar and the france family are heavy supporters of the Republican party.

    Classy of jamie again.

  74. what I don't get it how candidates get on TV without the other one getting equal time. Of course, given the ratings lately, maybe it's no big deal....

    I just can't believe they haven't brought the RCR story. That's like the worst reporting ever.

  75. As a resident and voter in the state of California,, I am appalled that they would have a candidate do the command. I don't care which candidate it doesn't matter. Having a sitting Gov. do it is okay, but it seems like campaigning and its inappropriate.

  76. it's about damn time they mention the Barrier situation. only took an hour to bring it uo.

  77. Yes, I would like to tune into a NASCAR race and escape politics for a few hours. Thank you Auto Club Speedway. Not!

  78. Glad Todd is ok and on his way back to the track. Hope he doesn't get stuck in too much race traffic! LOL

  79. Think Chad gets tired of ESPN watching him all day?

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  81. I just checked out jayski page for yesterday's race and he's showing that there were only an estimated crowd of 25,000 people at the NW race. I thought cup guys brought out the fans ?????

  82. In-car cameras already!

    Dang, man! I hate when they do that.

  83. Can we see what that debris is? Still there.

  84. Pretty good so far.

    I still don't understand the use of in-car cameras. It seems like ESPN just uses them for the sake of using them.

  85. chasers. blah blah. fight through the field blah blah. jimmie blah blah. kyle greatest ever blah blah. atleast we know the script early today.

  86. ISC and France family setting themselves up for assistance with political candidate for Calif. Governor. Typical

  87. 10 laps - commercial

  88. Brad, and DJ didn't even know who was in the 13 he just called out the car number.

  89. She was there with Lesa France Kennedy and sat alongside of her at the drivers meeting.

    NASCAR is always deep into politicians and has been for a very long time.

    Lesa is a major player.

  90. I see the trolls are back John.

    Now what was the story about Danica Crashing after a good run, smoebody inentionally wrecked her?

    Now this race is going to be boring so I won't watch it.

  91. commercial on lap 9 back on lap 14 that's not gonna be a good ratio as the day goes on.

  92. Now I can imagine BF as the fans leave and ratings go in the toilet saying.

    I love the nightlife
    I got to boogie
    On the Disco Round
    Oh Yea

  93. It's obvious Marty does not look out the window.

    Seems like ESPN builds an agenda over the break. Almost missed the lead change to focus on a piece of paper.

  94. Well their not getting the rating point from me, that is for sure

  95. Told the wind has shifted and is blowing very hard right now.

  96. Because it's trash on JJ's bumper!

  97. I know, because, MR sed so that bloggers and such have no effect, but is it my imagination or are they showing more wide shots so far?

  98. The piece of paper on JJ's car is getting more tv time than Matt leading this race!

  99. If that paper doesn't come off of JJ's car pretty soon, we'll have to have a "debris" caution to correct the problem.

  100. Marty is a bundle of energy, while Dale and Andy are mellow marshmellows.

  101. Where was Lesa's brother Brian?

  102. ESPN producer Neil Goldberg is not at the race. This telecast is being produced by his boss, Jill Fredrickson.

    She is the former truck series producer.

    The producer calls the shots, so we will see if things are different.

  103. Nothing about Kurt Busch, Hamlin and Edwards still running in the mid 20's.?

  104. When Marty was screaming yesterday that Danica got turned and DJ and Andy would not say a word about it, I lost a lot of respect for them.

    This booth combo is not working.

  105. Hey JD this song is for you

    Lovin You is easy cause you're beautiful
    And every day of my life is full of lovin you
    La la la la la, La la la la la.
    La la la la la, La la la la la la la

    All my love John

  106. @Anon 3:38 Lesa s brother can't come to the track, he is in Casino!
    He doesn't care about racing - its not the current cash cow

  107. We have good NFL games on and MLB playoffs. If today's race was at Talladega maybe but no boring California in this house.

  108. Boy, hope these trolls find High School Musical movie on tv to go watch it!

  109. How many times have we said it? Takes all kinds to make a world.

    BTW, spotters saying Kasey Kahne has smoke coming out of the headers.

    KK says gauges fine.

  110. JD bleeped one of mine. That's fair. Makes me feel appreciated. I know why.

  111. You won't see Brian at a track until Homestead finale.

  112. The outdated radio chatter is really getting old. This is why there are pit reporters, to provide an overview.

    ESPN still on Chad-watch on JJTV

  113. BF only comes if there is a meeting or a PR deal. Mike Helton is the guy at the tracks.

    We all know BF is trying to get some things sorted out personally, so I doubt he wants to face the media right now.

    Still kind of feel sorry for the guy, it's always something.

  114. Hey JD may delete me but I am so hot for him. He is such a hunk he is irresistable. If you are single call me

    Hugs and Kisses John

  115. Playing back those old radio transmissions is really getting old for me.

    You guys think it serves a purpose?

  116. Ugh...they really didn't see this coming?

  117. ESPN didn't even make it 5 minutes for that green flag segment. And then during that commercial pit stops begin. At least they broke away.

  118. ESPN got caught with their pants down on this round of stops totally.

    Wow, that was just strange.

  119. @JD - Sir you truly have my admiration for your unending supply of patience...Some peoples kids LOL

  120. The "script" for today's race says Jeff Gordon will win. The race is the Pepsi Max 400.

  121. anything that happens to Brian; sounds to me like it's his own doing.

    Argh, poor JPM...still, they're covering him & he's not in the Chase.

  122. Some radio from the driver is good but don't play a radio transmission just to make your story line work and the transmission is old.

  123. AP needs to wake up here! Didn't realize Matt made a pit stop?

  124. Andy and Marty are just talking over each other. Does Andy even respect Marty?

  125. Wow, the Biff!!! Huge story. Interview please.

  126. Well Bill France was a presence at the track every week until he had health issues. Therein lies a major problem currently - BZF is NEVER there.

  127. JD, I'd almost feel sorry for BAF too, but it seem to me he has brought his problems down on himself. Guess he doesn't make any better decisions in his personal life than in his business.

  128. What is happening on that monitor Tim?

  129. Tim's tool and toy box.

  130. I have to say I've seen that same graphic 3 - 4 times the past 2 years. Tim is really beating a dead horse.

  131. They should now start checking in on engine conditions on all the Fords, since everyone runs the same engines. Not just Edwards and Kenseth.

  132. Biffs engine goes away & we get TB tech, Not interview? CC on way to garage - if it was JJ we'd have heard/seen Chad...

    And how can fans "vote" apit crew the fastest? Duh, either they are or not, its not a vote able issue!

  133. Marty is calling this race fine, it's DJ & AP that are having some issues. Boy that camera blowing in the wind made me dizzy.

  134. Biffle said the broke a piston rod. Brewer said Biffle broke a valve spring. I wonder who is correct. The TV guy?

  135. "I promise you, our camera men did not have a late night last night"

    Maybe this is why things seem tense in the booth. Marty needs to learn sometimes less is best.

  136. Andy talks right over Marty. DJ won't commit to anything, just suggests stuff that might be going on.

  137. @Joyjaye

    Yes it is a votable thing. U vote for Jr.. At least that is what the results often show. He has to win SOMETHING, you know

  138. From JGR: Two tires on the 18 may not have been the best choice, but that's why we test that out early.

    Makes sense.

  139. Good interview for Burns and Biffle. The bonus it makes Brewer look like he doesn't know what he is talking about. again!!

  140. The Redskins/Packer Game has some excitement with 4 minutes to go. Better than anything the race has shown.

  141. @ AncientRacer LOL U mean besides Chex Most Pop. Driver?
    Finally a Biff interview, it broke on the bottom of engine.

  142. John, That you just said about Brian France only showing up at the track for meetings or PR deals further shows that he does not care about the racing, just the money.

    He could not be more distant from the sport. He probably knows about declining attendance and ratings but too busy with his caviar nightlife to care. And his divorce mess is beyond flabbergasting. He will not give up his money to pay alimony and allegedy hires investigators to follow her, basically stalking her.

    And he just shows no willingness to change things for the better of the fans.

    I think NASCAR is better off without Brian France, JMO

    I wan't NASCAR to go back to the way it used to be, worrying about fans, cars and little else.

    But the damage has been done and there is no hope in 10 years, It is all about the money with him and as the old saying goes "Money is the root of all evil"

  143. Is it just me, or have Ricky and Ray developed into a much better team?

  144. Biff just threw Brewer under the bus. Bottom of the engine Tim...

  145. The "New Leader: 48" adds nothing to the broadcast. Enough with it.

  146. @saltsburgtrojanfan


  147. ESPN loves them some in-car camera. Technology for the sake of technology.

  148. One of these days they may get the memo that a better way to use the tech center would be to talk with driver and crew chief then let Brewer show what they were talking about. You know what they say about assuming.

  149. JD -

    Yeah, the picture was nice and wide at the restart. As the laps click by the Good Year logo on the fender gets clearer and clearer.

  150. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  151. AJ is up to p8 from 30th spot and no mention from espn

  152. Redskins/Packers tied with 1:07 to go.

  153. And they miss the wreck because of an incar camera shot.

    Years ago, ESPN missed wrecks because of limited cameras. Today, ESPN shot themself in the foot.

  154. I know there is a fine line that ESPN must straddle in dealing with new / uneducated viewers vs. steady knowledgable fans. But I get offended with some of the menial stuff they say and do. They treat us like idiots.

  155. Yeah. I remember BP's description of loose and tight..."tight, you see the wall coming when you hit it, loose, you don't.' Didn't need anything more than that.

  156. Did ESPN forget that Junior was the leader?

  157. We have talked for several years about how many incidents and key passes ESPN misses because they are out of control with in-car cams and tight shots for HDTV's.

    The fundamental way was stay wide, stay with the best racing and use the replay and the in-cars to add to the coverage.

    It's an interesting coverage philosophy they are using, but it just does not fly with the reality of the racing.

  158. Jeff Gluck posted a link to the Shane Hmiel wreck on twitter. Very ugly hard hit cage first into the concrete wall.

  159. If this race is scheduled to end around 7 pm, they will be up against the end of NFL games.

  160. Wow. Cousin Carl stopped. This is going to throw a huge monkey wrench in the script for many in the media. They had all picked him to come on strong. That should keep them scrambling.

  161. Redskins/Packers in overtime. Packer's fieldgoal attempt hit the upright.

  162. Cue the premature Tim Brewer segment!

  163. Tow Truck just pushed the 99! There's a 150 point fine for Edwards! LOL!

  164. Just saw the Shane Hmiel video. I cannot believe he is alive.

    It's on YouTube. "Shane Hmiel crashes @terre haute"

    Up to you whether or not you want to see it. He is alive and in Methodist hosp with neck and back FX.

  165. @saltsburgtrojanfan

    Well said. The question to me is has the tipping point to descent into the land of no return has been reached. Shakeups at ISC. Needing to save 20 to 30 mil next year. More layoffs coming there. Things are not good and the leadership seems to know not what to do. Instead they ask questions of the fan council about Miss Sprint and about "NASCAR values" which was a barely, barely hidden question about whether their "I believe in" commercial campaign is resonating.

    Oh, and Lesa France is quoted as saying she asks her kids about what to do and they say "Go Green." It is becoming all very surreal.

  166. anon 4:13. funny. that was the same thing i thought. And where did the 99 team get the idea there is water in the fuel?

  167. Here is a song sung by Mike helton about doing all of BF's work

    I'm a fool to do your Dirty Work, oh yea.
    I don't want to do your Dirty Work, oh no.

  168. Go Green ? It's fading to black - rapid descent

  169. We should know Tuesday late PM what the changes are for NNS next season. Big R&D Center meeting.

  170. Helton has been around a long time. He is the only stabalizing force. Wonder how long he can take it?

  171. That might be an interesting Lance McGrew moment in time if things change after this weekend.

    Love to hear that radio conversation.

    Petree called getting tires a "no brainer" for Junior.

  172. Anon 4:22PM, did you see how big he is again? Did you see how John Darby looks? In the medical field, we call that walking death.

    I feel so bad for both those guys.

  173. Anon 4:22

    A palace coup would be nice

  174. It wasn't a pretty conversation JD, let me just tell you.

  175. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  176. observation and suggestion for change for marty reid:

    when 2 cars are racing side by side, switching to one car's in-car camera destroys the persepctive of the challenge. a better camera angle would be an overhead or a wide angle that shows us both cars in the same image and stays with them until the pass is completed or the challenger falls back into line.

  177. Wonder if Todd Berrier is back from the hospital yet? ESPN...hello...

  178. OK, told Berrier is back. Would have loved to hear RC call some of the race, even a pit stop or two.

  179. Good question JD. Why don't they send Dr. Punch down to find out? He's an MD! That seems like a no brainer to me

  180. Thank you Ancient racer for your kind comments.
    NASCAR is not a true sanctioning body for racing, It is a cash cow for Brian "The Snot" France.
    And fans are leaving one by one.
    ESPN & Fox are just as scummy as NASCAR for providing abysmal coverageand doing next to nothing about it.
    John, keep delving into these issues. I am sure there is more you have not told us and I.


  181. Switched over from game cuz racing sounded good & game (7-0 Titans lead) was in comm'l. got commercials race not on. Game already back, I tried. sighes heavy & switches back....

  182. The Shane Hmiel video is scary. Really scary. It is a flat out wonder he even made it to the hospital still breathing

  183. EVERY single time I switched from the football games or the baseball game to see the race - at least 6 attempts (I stopped counting) - they were away at commercials ... which I did not stay for.


  184. Redskins win in OT. Redskins intercepted a Packers pass and worked it down to the 15th where they kicked a field goal.

  185. are like our very own ESPN ticker at the bottom of the screen.

  186. We could...

    A) Go through the field


    B) Discuss the weather & crack dry humor

    ESPN chose B

  187. I think there is a silver lining in all of this, The NFL is providing such good games that NASCAR is becoming such an afterthought after years of giving the NFL a run for their money. That is what I do on sundays during NFL season, though i personally like the way they televised back in the 70's 80's & 90's when NBC, CBS & ABC did it.

    P.S. I do not watch Monday Night Football B/C it is on ESPN and you know how I feel about ESPN John

  188. 10-0 Titans lead
    Switch to NASCAR & 99 back on track! Stewart in 5th, at least the 14 is giving me hope, Boys not so much.

  189. observation: when choosing to use 2 windows to split the action, i would suggest that the race always be in the larger of the 2 windows as whatever else is happening (i.e. pitstops) should take second place to the actual race.

  190. observation: and when using 2 screens to show pitstops, i'd prefer to see some of the actual racing on the track instead of just following the leader, running by himself, for several laps.

  191. that sounds like positive advice on how ti fix something. Are you listening Marty?
