Saturday, November 20, 2010

Live Blogging Nationwide Series From Homestead (4PM ET - ESPN2)

It's been a very long year for the Nationwide Series. While young drivers have come and gone, it's been a show that primarily featured Sprint Cup Series drivers dominating the races. NASCAR says that is about to change.

Homestead will be the final race for the current NNS cars. All of them head off to ARCA and other series after this event. The new NNS cars will run the full season in 2011 and that is a very positive change.

ESPN2 will start with NASCAR Countdown. Allen Bestwick has a full house with Rusty Wallace, Brad Daugherty and Ray Evernham. Wallace has just announced a new driver and sponsor for his NNS team next season. Evernham made news today by confirming he has no deal in place with ESPN for 2011 and is evaluating his options.

Although the series championship has been clinched by Brad Keselowski, pictured above, there are lots of storyline for the pre-race show to discuss. From Danica Patrick finishing her first season to potential paybacks in this race, there is no shortage of topics on the table.

Marty Reid, Dale Jarrett and Andy Petree call the race. Tim Brewer is in the Tech Garage. On pit road are Dr. Jerry Punch, Jamie Little, Vince Welch and Dave Burns. This is the same team that has been prepping for the big Sprint Cup Series telecast on Sunday. Today's event should show just how much energy was focused on the Nationwide Series this weekend.

Homestead is a wide track with great camera angles. The aerial shot is great, the low angle speed shots work well to relay the speed and it's easy to do good TV. The ESPN director has been working in a format dominated by tight shots and in-car cameras for the entire season. The results have been lower ratings, bad reviews and no fans.

Despite TDP encouraging change in these tough times, ESPN has simply stuck with the same formula. Same announcers, same pictures and same results. Hopefully, Homestead will provide some good racing and encourage the TV team to back out and finally show the fans at home what is going on in the field.

This post will serve to host your comments on the ESPN2 coverage of the Nationwide Series race from Homestead. To add your opinion, just click on the comments button below. This is a family-friendly website, please keep that in mind when posting.

Thanks for taking the time to stop by for this final NNS race of 2011!


  1. Happy Race Day Planeteers :)

    Hope the race is good today. Saw Happy has the in-race reporter curse :( hope he can overcome it.

  2. Hiya G,

    Hope this works out today. The NNS guys sure could use a good race and good telecast to end the season.

  3. Any possibility of streaming today?

  4. Well, nothing right now but it might get interesting around 4:30PM!

  5. Thanks! Sitting out here on a porch in the country enjoying a beautiful fall day. Really don't feel like going inside to watch a race right now.

  6. Just between us girls, cannot do it until ESPN actually begins streaming the race. That would be 4:30PM.

  7. I've got it on that "other" streaming site but the quality isn't as good. Guess I'm being picky

  8. Me too! They need no manufactured drama, let the stories play out on the track!

    Hi Bevo <3

    Will be interesting to see how Danistar (as Bill calls her) does if she's able to capitalize on her top 5 or falls back.

  9. Why do you want to watch online when you can watch the race on a perfectly good 152" hi-def flat screen? ESPN looks very good to me. Did I mention some fine people work there?

    I guess I'm confused as usual.

  10. Hey Brian France

    Go away you PHONY.

  11. Got tons of email about France's comments. We will discuss them on Tuesday in a feature column.

    Poor guy is just lost in space sometimes.

  12. Danica first interview, Kez gets some kind words and a feature.

  13. Remember the old days when people who talked on tv and radio took pride in knowing and using basic grammar?

    Good afternoon Gymmie!

  14. just sometimes? where I sit it's all the time :(

  15. Got to give Bestwick credit, he is always pumping the sport for better or worse.

  16. Bestwick takes pride in the job he does, just wish it was contagious.

  17. Wish we had an NNS version of Race Buddy cooking for this one.

  18. HA HA Brian France comment @ 4:09 pm. Cracked me up. If the guy would ever look at this blog and could relate to fans he might get it. He is very out of touch and in denial about many things NASCAR.

    Wait until tomorrow on Speed's Raceday show, he usually makes a disheveled appearance.

  19. yes he does! Allen is so awesome! Love him :)

  20. What really cracked me us was when he asked if someONE had told them they didn't like the chase. Whew! Sometimes he's really scary, ya know?

  21. Reporter Jeff Gluck just tweeted that he is leaving the track. Seems most of the other NASCAR press corps is also gone.

    Last night, most of the NASCAR press corps attended the Miami Heat game instead of watching/reporting the final truck series race of the season.

    Only Bob Pockrass was there for the truck race updating fans and filing stories.

    I don't know who NASCAR wants to cover this sport, but I know that this final weekend has been a letdown for me where the NASCAR press corps is concerned.

    Just sayin...

  22. HEY! Seger sax player! Wish Bobwas there too!

  23. JD, sounds to me as if the fans aren't the only ones who are losing interest in the races, eh?

  24. Seems to be a bigger and bigger disconnect between the NASCAR press and fans this season with the exception of Gluck and a few others. Funny because any other industry would love to have instant feedback from their customers.

  25. Sally...I was floored when they all went to the Heat game last night.

    Now, they are all leaving the track to go go fancy Miami dinners.


  26. I think the crowd says it all. Last night's was horrible, today looks a little better, but still not that great. I'm assuming tomorrow is not sold out.

  27. No, they had ads running here in S. FL and give aways all over the place.

  28. Anthem was great. Just curious whose name Rusty is going to screw up this week.

  29. I love it. The press is crowing about how great the racing has been this year and that as fans we are stupid not to watch the races. so they leave the track and go to a Bball game rather than watch a live race. There's something very wrong about that.

  30. So, no media at the track....few fans in the stands...and tiny crowd here in chat.

    That pretty much sums up the NNS season!

  31. Sally, the really dumb part is they started tweeting pics and sending updates. We never would have known otherwise.

    Not too smart.

  32. yes I saw Glucks' tweet a shame. Lee's the only one dedicated to N'wide & the Pick 'em Ups don't have anyone (unless there's a well kept secret out there). A shame too! I know a few months back we were chatting about it with Gluck & with a few exceptions he's clueless about who even runs N'wide & felt would do a disservice to them because he's not on top of them as he is with the Cuppers. He knows the Allgaier's because they had a fun joke going back and forth of him passing them to his Coach seat as they were seated in First Class.

    It seems like everyone is dedicated to Cup with sprinklings of N'wide for the "names".

  33. Rusty has already screwed up the pronounciation of Brad K's name just like he always does! Hopefully he will be gone next year. I couldn't believe what Brian F. said. Really scary. So Danica's going to drop back. That's what she usually does waiting for attrition to weed out the front runners.

  34. At least Marty keeps telling the director it's 3 wide further back.

    He keeps trying to cut to a tight shot of the usual.

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  36. Rusty HAS to go in 2011. Has too many conflicts, biased and just adds nothing as an announcer.

  37. So, basically the whole show is going to be a list of who is passing Danica.

  38. Marty is really trying.

    Might be more people at a Heat game than this race.

  39. This could be a season high for Danica mentions during a broadcast.

  40. That high camera angle coming off T4 may be obscured by the palm trees, but it sure is cool.

  41. I thought this was the Ford 300. But aparently we are watching the Danica Patrick 300 presented on Espn by Espn. Usually Danica mania ends before the race starts but not this time.

  42. If I have to pick just one of the infield guys to get lost, it's definitely Daugherty. He is nothing but a cheerleader for Nascar, and has no real insight on anything.

  43. Clements got a little "excited" running door to door with Danica.

  44. Hey, they finally caught an accident.

  45. Do they get a bonus for every time they say her name? Thank God we didn't start a drinking game. Never make it to Lap 100.

  46. Not to digress (shich means, of course that it's what i'm going to do), how is it that suddenly the NFL is to blame for the ratings drop. Han't Nascar been up against football for, oh, 20 years or so? Like, while the ratings were climbing, for instance?

  47. The Illinois / Northwestern game from Wrigley Field is pretty entertaining.

  48. A lot of it is a by-product of being in S. Florida. Heck even the Heat was running a fan-up campaign to encourage fans to show up on time and not leave at halftime. Final Nascar races needs to be somewhere other than Homestead.

  49. That the one with the wall in the end zone?

  50. This has been bothering me for weeks - WHY would I want to send a message to a service member from a Nascar driver? Why wouldn't I want to send it from myself? Let them send their own messages.

  51. While I am ok with this track being on the schedule for one race, I do NOT like it as the finale. Look at the dismal crowd. You can only get there from the north. (South is Cuba, east amd west is water)

    I think they must consider Daytona or Las Vegas as a finale for 2012.

  52. No way we will ever miss the action around Danica. They have a camera glued to her. Go Daly

  53. Made it. Was baking and listening to the Tv. I hear Danica's name a few times.
    I see we have in-car cams working and the zoom in so you don't know what track your at is going along quite nicely.

  54. Since this race is in your backyard Mr Daly, why are you not there?

    Are you not a NASCAR Citizen Journalist? Looks like you dropped your duties there.

    Surely they have a TV at the Speedway?

  55. Just a moment to thank you for providing this blog. Great insightful information and I hold the participants in high regard.

    I just wish the suits at NASCAR and BZF read this stuff and would act on some of it. But noooo, Nr France has heard no negative fan reaction about ESPN.

  56. Even though I like DP, I'm finding them talking and showing her a lot. Haven't seen our favorite yet.

  57. Well, my suggestion for years is that this race move to Daytona and that track give up the July 4th race where it always rains.

    That way, South Florida races in Feb and Nov would make sure no snow or bad weather.

    But.....that did not go over well!

  58. Does the pit guy - Hollywood Armstrong get a few bucks tossed his way from ESPN each week?

    Or does he do it for the mere exposure?

  59. Hey, my trolls are out for a little end of the season smacktalk!

    Been to Homestead many times, including working on the first NBC race done from there.

    Track is in middle of nowhere, no facilities, no camping, no motels and nothing to do.

    By the way, this is my fourth season of "not going."

    No plans to change.

  60. JD - I like the idea of Daytona at the end. NHRA bookend their season with Pomona, so why not Nascar.

  61. Where are you going to insert Homestead ? February ??

    Seems like ISC is as stubborn on making this track work as they were at California.

  62. When I ran Prime Network, we did an AMA road race from the track and no one showed up to watch.

    The track forgot to promote it.

    We never went back! That was long before Lesa Lesa and the gang bought it.

  63. It make sense to go to Homestead early or late in the season to take advantage of the weather.

  64. OMG - she's leading !!!!!!!

  65. Don't know if Hollywood gets paid. Have a feeling he does not, but I will ask.

  66. Well the track sure isn't making much on the truck or Nationwide race - attendence is lousy.

    Is tomorrow's race sold out yet?

    I agree, walkup crowd can only come from nearby South Florida.

  67. Hi Planeteers, thought I'd jump on for a while before I head out for dinner with friends.

    What have I learned so far? That there are a LOT of cup drivers getting coverage and that Danica is in the race.

    Oh yeah and unfortunately whoever was driving the 04 was having issues!

  68. Old Danica looked like Milka Duno there for a min...

  69. Many decades ago, we'd be on Spring Break in Lauderdale and take a ride past Homestead on the way to Key West. In those days,the only thing in Homestead was a military base, some cardboard shacks and a lot of swamp. My, have things changed! After a lifetime in the Corporate World during good and some not so good times, I look at the twelve people in the booth and pits and see all kinds of 'opportunity' to cut waste! Sorry about that Rusty,Brad,Marty,Tim,etc.!!! Just saw Aric start an accident that didn't need to happen.

  70. Ms. Allgaier and the entire Allgaier gang not too happy with Aric right now.

  71. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  72. turned on tv and saw DP on restart drop back. FINALLY saw a good in car cam when somebody was wrecking & spinning in circle..palm trees, sky, palm trees sky. Wild.

    That one camera is terribly visually obscuring the track if they keep using it.

    I also was STUNNED so many skipped last nights race for a Heat game and are leaving the track tonight?

    Why is the PRESS leaving? Isn't that their job to cover the sport? I guess they like BSPN & others are doing GREAT JOB of covering the sport this year.

    Brian France is beyond clueless...stunningly ARROGANT & IGNORANT. Just like Bengals owners Mike Brown...course both are MILLIONAIRES & don't "really care" what fans think...thus lather, rinse, repeat continues.

  73. Come on now....BF was fine but let's leave old Pete out of it.

  74. OMG! The 88 wrecked the 12 because of last week! The 12 was already loose!

  75. Did you all hear Danica's spotter hollering high when she was low and threaded the needle on the wreck. Good move Danica, fire the spotter.

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  77. And you do not write to order?

  78. Jd - It was a near spit-take with the Milka reference. I had hoped to have heard that name for the last time for awhile. (Off the track she is very accomplished. Perhaps she should stay off the track? I think she has degrees in 5 fields and speaks at least 4 languages. Doesn't make her a driver though.)

  79. Couple of tough tweets from Tony Kanaan about Danica..Pretty funny.

  80. Anyone else getting that "wreckfest" feeling yet?

  81. I was just reading through the comments and came across the ones about the media leaving the track instead of covering the races. I am just amazed to hear that.

    We went to Homestead a couple of times, but it was a really expensive trip. I did enjoy the racing there since I didn't start going until after they put in the progressive banking. Plus, I really like the warm weather.

  82. The characters are out on the blog tonight, aren't they?

  83. The media has lost most of the old guard. David Poole was the absolute best.

    Monte Dutton is ok, Mike Mulhern is.... well Mike.

    The rest are all NASCAR shills.

  84. Marty seems to have found his groove in this one. No infield, few pit reports and no Tim Brewer.

  85. Hello everyone! Great race so far

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  87. I live around W Palm Beach, so Miami is 100 miles south and then Homestead is a haul.

    Too long for a day trip unfortunately.

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  89. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  90. JD, looks like there's going to be a lot of "boys have at it" paybacks.

    Wonder if that will carry over to the cup race?

  91. I thought Tony taught Brian how to do that. He had lots of practice.

  92. It's NNS race time, not Sirius time. We'll get to 128 after the season. Going to be an interesting off-season for those folks.

  93. oh good, frisky campers now! Go RVing everyone it's a family event!


    JD, we used to fly into Ft. Lauderdale and then drive back and forth to the track. You are right, it was a haul!

  94. LOL, like that radio comm between the 18 and the 22.

    Play nice boys!

  95. So, they update us on the big progress some drivers have made. Too bad they couldn't show it happening on the track.

    Man, I love Brad K. and his attitude!

  96. Sorry out little tween troll is back. Usually I like to play with him, but you can't pretend to be others in the media world. Not nice.

  97. JD, I agree, Marty sounds like he did earlier in the season. I like this Marty much better. I wonder who will show up tomorrow.

  98. I just watched Aric wreck Algier. Everyone knows that when you position yourself like Aric did, that you take the air off the spoiler of the car in front of you. Looks like their feud from a week or so ago continues. I hate when personal feuds wreck a lot of innocent cars. When I raced part-time and had every penny I could scrape up invested in the car, senseless wrecks really hurt. But that's just me.

  99. Our little troll is really desperate for attention, isn't he? Such a sad case.

  100. I think Marty is just as happy as the fans are that this season is coming to an end.

  101. JD, Daytona? Do you really want the race that could determine the champion left to the crap shoot that is a restrictor plate track?

    Unless you meant using the infield road course :-)

  102. I think Marty got blindsided by the length of the Cup races. He was doing OK on the NNS stuff, but when the Brickyard came he fell off a cliff.

  103. Just trying to find a track in mid-November that can make sure the weather is good.

  104. JD I think its ESPN telling him what to say so he cant be himself..
    When your good your good you just dont fall of unless theres a reason for it!

    Espn is hurting this sport

  105. Texas, Vegas, anywhere but a plate track.

    Rainingham; uh, Rockingham's available...

  106. Wow, the loudest boat in history just came by my house. Maybe it was Tiger Woods! Sounded like a Cup car with no plate on it.

  107. Anybody know the record for the number of cautions?

  108. Palmetto, it would be too cold in November for Rockingham and the weather would be really iffy, too.

    But unless and until Ford is willing to negate their contract with NASCAR to have this be the FORD Championship race weekend, it probably isn't going anywhere.

  109. Be nice if ESPN could give SPEED the Saturday races that college football is going to interefere with for next season.

    This series really takes it right in the teeth after August.

  110. sheesh, I was just reading some articles on Jayski and I kept getting a popup for Nascar Illustrated. Considering I had subscribed to Scene which then got cancelled and I was stuck with NI for this past year. What a useless magazine that is -- it's like People magazine for NASCAR. Ugh. I am not renewing, that's for sure.

  111. JD, I agree with you about MR, he was doing great doing the PXP NW races and the cup races are just too long for him to handle on the weekends.

  112. The poor guy has a rather limited NASCAR history, so unlike a Bestwick type he cannot provide references or historical comments.

  113. JD, I'd vote for Speed to have them for sure. As long as they didn't put DW in the booth. Give me Mike Joy to call the races without Waltrips and Wallaces in the mix and it would be awesome.

    BTW, in case I'm having a meltdown tomorrow if it looks like the 48 is going to win the champoionship -- I did want to say how much I enjoy the blog and I appreciate all the work it takes for you to keep this up and running for us.

    Thanks very much.

  114. Gina, I wasn't serious; I froze my tailpipe off there several times both spring and fall. The problem with Vegas (or Texas or Atlanta) is that France isn't going to let Bruton host the season finale.

  115. Some great racing tonight though.

  116. Palmetto, sorry, I missed the joke -- my bad. And you are right there is no way the finale will be at an SMI owned track.

    I was shocked that the banquet went to Vegas.

  117. Time to go back in the pack and find the racing!

  118. When the racing spreads out you would think that would make the director want to zoom out to show more cars.

  119. Nice recap. Is Almirola still in the race?

  120. That would mean taking the zoom in off the Cup drivers leading the race. Can't do that!

  121. Say, have we gone half an hour without hearing her name?

  122. Oh boy, Brad and Rusty needs to go.

  123. Thank you for that tremendous insight Daugherty... NOT!!

  124. Leading for a while? Come on. She didn't pit so restarted in first and then lost over 14 spots during that first lap back to green. The commentators lose what ever credibility they may have by making ridiculous statements like that.

  125. I've got to head out. Hope that you see an exciting race. See all of you tomorrow.

  126. Has anyone ever gone to GoDaddy's web site for this 'unrated' content?

    Cautions are the race gods' way of letting you update the checkbook.

  127. Yep, it's nothing. No nudity or profanity. Just hype.

    Last we heard from Mr. Parsons, he was trying to have Go Daddy auctioned off and retire to Hawaii.

    No clue why it never happened.

  128. JD,
    The 88 is running but is 21 laps down and in 34th place.

  129. not a bad broadcast now that theyve stopped the Danica obsession

  130. Seriously? Edwards gets a teensy patch on his car, and there is great ESPN love - #87 rebuilds their car in the garage and get none?

    I swear, ESPN makes me hate this sport more and more.

    Apparently anyone behind #10 doesn't exist for these dudes...

  131. Aric was shown 21 laps down. They didn't show him "off". But, I didn't see his car. Algier was shown in 18th position before they scrapped the lap tracker.

  132. Anon 6:16
    Nascar Leaderboard is up and running. Allgaier is in 14th right now.

  133. "Top six are on your screen!"

    If y'all would get over that obsession with tight shots, that would be the norm and not a cause for celebration.

  134. They are not showing all the cars it seems like they are having a lovefest with DP and the cup drivers.

  135. We have to use other sources to get any updates on 2/3 of the field. And BZF thinks this is great coverage? The racing might have been the best ever this year, but anyone watching on TV hasn't been allowed to see it.

  136. Sally, I am still getting email as BZF's interview continues to circulate.

    His words are just soo weird everyone is asking what is going on?

  137. Yeah - nothing against them, they're great drivers, but I'm watching the Nationwide race for the Nationwide drivers.

    I wanna see the Cup dudes that much, I'll watch the Cup races.

  138. Yep, classic problem. What to do about it?

  139. C'mon Marty, it's David Green in the 49 car!

  140. JD, it really was something. I mean, he usually looks and sounds as if he's high on something, but the level of oblivion in this one was astonishing, even for him. They really need to lock him in a closet somewhere if they are trying for a slick image.

  141. Well, all the rulebook championship mess aside - I would think out of an entire hours long race it isn't unfeasible to cover the whole field in terms of camerawork.

    Speed does a pretty solid job of at least catching the majority of the field on their coverage.

    So, if'n the coverage is biased, then unbias it.

  142. Simple fix to the Nationwide series, keep Cup owners out of the series. If Cup drivers want to race, fine. But you're going to help a new owner build his race team(s) to the winning level.

  143. Great idea...if you could also control the 'affiliations' with Cup teams. Like, limit it to engines only.

  144. Nobody on Harvick's pit crew should be surprised when they get their pink slips. Maybe he can trade with Jeff Gordon?

  145. RWar24 & Sally, plus these cup drivers in the NW series every week they have more practice since they are driving their cup cars and the NW only drivers don't have that. Plus most of the NW racers probably don't have cup pit crews either.

  146. One good thing about the season ending: I don't otherwise look at ESPN so I won't see another two months of 'Green Hornet' promos.

  147. If you watched the two Sprint car practices today,you'd conclude that there were only three cars on the track. Whoever deletes the lap tracker after a third of the field is shown should be shot.

  148. Anon at 6:40. There were more than 3 cars in the two practices today at Homestead? I only saw 3.

  149. That was really weird. Makes you wonder how tomorrow's TV is going to playout.

  150. Just a guess, JD...constant closeups of the tope 3 chasers, updates of '...if the race ended now' every time one of the 3 passes or gets passed...and the rest of the field won't exist. Great time for an afternoon nap.

  151. Nascar and ESPN just don't realize that many of us aren't as caught up in 'who wins the title?!' as they are. We just want to see a race that covers all the cars in it to at least some extent. Ain't gonna happen. Sigh.

  152. I watch all the Truck,Nationwide and Sprint races. My opinion is that the Nationwide series has presented the best racing week in and week out this season. I just watched Brian Kesolowski hit the wall. For the second time, Marty commented that he too, "couldn't get it down off the wall." It never occurred to Marty that the driver purposely keeps the car against the wall to keep it under control. This is where Marty gets into trouble where he just can't relate to whats happening on the track.

  153. My driver is not in the top 3 so the race is not going to get my full attention. The coverage is exclusively for the top 3

  154. Only hurting their own business model - sponsors aren't paying for a car that never gets tv time. People without sponsors either quit or park. All of us who were fans of these dudes quit watching. Meh...their problem.

  155. Sally, it will still beat watching the Panthers.

  156. Before the race they were saying how this race is a way for some drivers and teams to get exposure for future sponsors.
    You would think if they knew this they would be showing more of the cars and talking about the driver and team.

  157. My, that was a nice, lengthy caution to 'help' all those drivers saving gas, wasn't it?

  158. Caught the last 100 laps on the radio. Back to watching now

  159. @Palmetto,

    I live in Michigan. The Lions? U of M? I don't watch football at all!

  160. C'mon, Sally! It's the Lions! They try! Bwahaha.

  161. I think Brian France secretly coaches the Lions. It would certainly explain a lot, wouldn't it?

  162. I've barely watched tv...puttering around house, reading local tweeps (More interesting than NASCAR & pictures of some great night time scenes) and mixing up egg wash & fresh grated nutmet, cinn to make French Toast.

    Same old camera work when I glanced & from what I read here.

    Re: B France, i'm still FLUMMOXED over his ability to stick his head in the sand and/or LAUGH all the way to the bank :(

  163. Hey, I'm just trying to provide some entertainment, since the race isn't exactly doing it for me. ;-)

  164. Sally - I think results-wise it's more credible that France would be Detroit's mayor. Like Kilpatrick, but possibly more inebriated.

  165. Nope. Kilpatricdk at least looked well groomed and sober, in spite of his...'problems'. BZF can't manage to do that in front of a TV camera.

  166. Bwahaha. I *did* specify results...not necessarily appearance...

  167. Mu games starting, I'm out, keep me updated, lol

  168. ok...are we going to see a REAL REPLAY tonight? SPEED missed it last night.

    Just two bits of replay>

    WHAT THE HECK's THE DEAL with camera work missing stuff?

    AAARGH. THought I'd watch th last 25 laps...

    WHY? I dunno



  169. Tight camera shots are the best. Zoom in so it looks like just one or two cars on the track.
    If a wreck occurs you don't have to instantly make a comment if it isn't on the Tv screen. Makes for easier announcing.

  170. Charlie

    And your (sarcastic) comment is what leads me to believe Brian FRANCE NEVER WATCHES TV (or cares to) and has PR Baloney Spin handed to him that the tc coverage is "Great".

    Disgusting it is

    I'm delaying French Toast for this? ?

  171. Man, it's tough to watch with this hopping around. I guess the split screen guy took the night off.

  172. It's a simple fix. Watch how SPEED does a truck race.

  173. Trying to watch a rac two cars at a time is ridiculous!

  174. Note to Marty, Fans don't really care about the owners championship, so shut up about it.

  175. Split screen guy must have taken off to catch the Uzbekistan Curling Team or sommat.

  176. Sure Marty, tell us NOTHING is going on with in car cams. We are missing nothing.

    THEN more in car cams as somebody makes a PASS..yea that's exciting watching a fender close up as you pass by.


    Now 2 boxes with a PLETHORA of wasted space..yes, that's helpful to those with smaller tv screens.

    Big screens, HD or small, the split screens STINK.

    Somebody needs to redo them.

    While I'm griping the ticker & crawl takes up way too much space.

    On SPEED's truck race on the 52in tv, ALMOST a 1/4 of top of screen is wasted ticker space. Totally bizarro.

  177. Steve Wallace sure got Tv time at this race.

  178. Some sort of special SportsCenter from Homestead after this on ESPN2 that runs till 8PM. Looks like it might not be a very long show. Just sayin...

  179. @Sophia - thanks for reminding me - I have a recipe I have wanted to try (Overnight French Toast) but forgot to pick up some of the ingredients today. Will get them Monday. Thanks for the reminder. Too bad the race isn't more interesting....

  180. I guess you could call this froggy camera work. Jumps around a lot.

  181. So they backed off the top 10 finish or the top 15 finish and if she goes from 5th to 19th, they will have a stroke praising Danica.

  182. Talking about an anti-climatic finish... UGH!

  183. I think I'm even more tired of Kyle Bush than I am of JJ. But, I guess if you get your kicks beating up kids 'smaller' than you, Kyle is the greatest ever.

  184. Well, it's been a very weird year for NNS. Featured by ESPN until August, slammed into a hole in Sept and now ends with Cup guys battling it out in cars we will never see again.

    I'm ready for 2011.

  185. Well - not the worst telecast that ESPN has done. That's about as good as it gets nowadays for them I guess.

  186. Kyle celebrates on the frontstretch in front of a crowd of 15,000

  187. Oh! So when Kyle wins the Truck race it counts in the race weekend?

    Funny that the Truck race didn't count last weekend when Carl supposedly swept the "weekend."
