Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Why Twitter Makes Sense For Dale Earnhardt Jr.

Tuesday mornings there is a weekly online live video chat at the NASCAR.com website. It is about the Nationwide Series and features all kinds of folks. This week the session hosted a Nationwide Series owner and occasional driver talking with moderator Joe Menzer. His name is Dale Earnhardt Jr.

Although far from reclusive, Earnhardt has a strange relationship with the online world. While active in personal pursuits like iRacing, his online video exposure last year consisted mostly of Amp Energy chats through his sponsor's website.

This season, it has been abundantly clear that the hot ticket for NASCAR drivers, teams and sponsors is social media. Specifically, Facebook and Twitter. Facebook creates a controlled web presence and provides an online platform that serves millions of users worldwide.

NASCAR's Facebook page has 1.4 million fans. Earnhardt's own Facebook page managed by his JR Motorsports folks has almost 900 thousand. This page is only a presence for official updates. Earnhardt himself does not participate. Imagine what kind of response Earnhardt would get if he took a moment to say hello.

Perhaps the most powerful and effective communication tool in 2011 is Twitter. It gives users the ability to offer up to 140 letters or numbers in each message that is called a tweet. Pictures, videos, Internet links or just plain text can be passed along. The format is simple.

Twitter is designed to be the ultimate portable communication tool. In the blink of an eye, one check of a cell phone can immediately offer customized and instant information to users. Laptops, iPads and almost every portable online device can use Twitter without a glitch.

My Twitter moment came when, as a new user, I griped about something Kyle Petty said during a live TNT telecast. I was shocked when seconds later he responded to my tweet live on TNT. Not only did Petty respond to my issue, but during the next commercial break he tweeted me back and wanted to know if I heard his answer!

Petty has used Twitter for years. He now regularly interacts with fans during his shows on SPEED and will do so again this summer on TNT. Petty embraced the fact that direct interaction with NASCAR fans is a positive thing and moves the sport forward.

It has been interesting to watch the NASCAR personalities creep onto Twitter and then embrace it. The most recent has been Jimmie Johnson, who has been having a blast. He hosts giveaways for fans, interacts with them and seems to be having a lot of fun. Twitter is showing his personality to fans like television never could.

Twitter veterans like Kevin and DeLana Harvick work this technology very effectively. Whether answering fan questions on the morning of a race or offering pictures of new KHI sponsors, Twitter has proven to be a tremendously effective marketing platform for this NASCAR power couple.

Many other NASCAR television personalities use Twitter extensively. Even Darrell Waltrip, who was dragged on by his SPEED co-workers, has fallen in love with the simplicity and efficiency. Now, Waltrip keeps an iPad with Twitter running alongside of him in the TV booth so he can interact with fans and stay current on information and news.

Before the NASCAR.com chat session, I asked my Twitter followers to put the question of why he won't join Twitter to Earnhardt. Sure enough, it got asked and he answered. It followed along the lines of others who have never given it a try. Too time consuming, too invasive and a burden. Nothing could be further from the truth.

What Earnhardt would find on Twitter is what he may have been searching for all along. NASCAR fans are informed, funny and opinionated. Junior's fans on Twitter would do nothing more than offer him the opportunity to be himself.

There are no obligations that come with Twitter. No issues with time-consuming work. You just come and go as you please, leaving what content you want to share with others. In a fast-paced NASCAR world, some top drivers like Brad Kezelowski, Denny Hamlin and even Kyle Busch have sometimes used Twitter just to have some fun with the fans. I think that all three would say it has been a rewarding experience.

In this season of personal and professional transition, direct contact with a supportive fan base might be just what the doctor ordered for Earnhardt. It's a personal yet non-invasive way to tap into the very heart of those people supporting his efforts on the track and in the sport.

It's pretty safe to say that Earnhardt has millions of fans across the country and around the world who may never actually get to a race in person. Giving those fans a little controlled glimpse behind the scenes and into the real life of their hero can only yield positive results.

A personal Twitter account makes sense for the most popular driver in the sport. It makes sense for a businessman with a variety of interests to promote. It makes sense for someone who genuinely cares about others and enjoys making new friends.

Right now seems to be a very opportune moment to get Junior to stick his toe in the water and see why hundreds of NASCAR personalities and millions of NASCAR fans interact on Twitter every single day.

We welcome your comments on this topic. To add your opinion, just click on the comments button below. This is a family-friendly website, please keep that in mind when posting. Thank you for taking the time to stop by The Daly Planet.


  1. I think the fans are too much for Junior. He does what he is supposed to do, but we've made him gun shy. Fans make his life miserable.

    I attended a practice/qualifying session at Texas a few years back, and he was standing by his then Budweiser car waiting to qualify. A simple wave or acknowledgement of the crowd (30-40,000 easy) in the stands would have made so much difference, but we were ignored. The moment he qualified, the stands emptied -- whoosh.

  2. I don't use Twitter, so I guess I don't get it. Maybe it's because my phone is just that - a phone. It doesn't have a camera or the capability to get the internet. I spend enough time in front of a PC as it is. But apparently Twitter's big draw is access from a phone.

    Having said all of that, I don't see the big deal of Dale Jr. not participating with Twitter. He seems like the type of person that only wants to interact with those close to him. I'm sure I'll be in the minority in thinking it's no big deal.

  3. I think Jr. has enough on his plate without trying to keep up with Twitter. I frankly don't see the attraction of being 'on' 24/7. The poor guy has a crush of people and fans around him whenever he appears at a track, and has media of all types analyzing and disecting his every statement and gesture. Can you imagine what would happen if he 'tweeted'? I can understand why he would find it rapidly becoming a chore to keep up with. Not everyone is thrilled to have every thought, every minute available to the public. He has never seemed comfortable with all the attention, so let the guy have some privacy.

  4. Thank you for this article! I love Dale Jr. and Twitter. It is not time consuming as it clearly states here! I love the live interaction with celebrities of all kinds. In "real" life we would never have a chance to have a conversation with someone who is so famous. The updates that are posted keep me informed. My boyfriend reads the news paper. I read Twitter and am as informed as he his and then some. Thank you John Daley for answering my Tweets and keeping all of us informed up to the minute. I LOVE IT! PLEASE GET A TWITTER ACCOUNT Dale Jr.

  5. Think it's to much trouble for Jr. to be doing that. He just wants to have fun. He needs to get in better shape before anything else.

  6. People need to get a life. Twitter is just the latest example of how our culture is running at full speed towards the cliff of ignorance. It's no wonder that we lag behind the rest of the world in education when the dominate form of communication is facebook and twitter. It's also a shame that the celebrity culture that makes us compeled to "follow" celebrities adds nothing to society. Do I really care that Kyle "worked out in morning, muscles hurt." Besides not being a sentence it adds nothing to my life. Recently I had a birthday and I recieved many Happy Birthday greetings via Facebook, but the best one I recieved was from my Dad. He picked up the phone to actually talk to me. What a novel idea. Twitter is good for fat lazy media types who life is so busy that they only have enough time to type out ten seconds of crap. Good for Junior not using Twitter. I don't like Junior, but it's the one think I respect about him.

  7. I'm with MRM4. I have a tracfone, lol. It does now have internet capability but I haven't fiddled much with it. It's not worth my time, and frankly, I don't think it's worth Junior's either. I think both he & Stewart have said they have no desire to Twitter, and I don't blame them. It's too easy to say something in a way that offends someone or gets you in trouble with NASCAR. Some of these drivers are probably having their PR people do it for them. Simple as it sounds, a lot of people don't type, and for them it would be a burden. I think when Junior starts feeling better about himself & his team, he will perk up a bit with the fans. But he certainly doesn't need Twitter for that.

  8. All I know is that Junior reportedly makes $25 Million a year and hasn't won a race in years. The fans pay that salary as Sponsors pass those costs on to the consumer. All sports figures have an obligation to their fans whether they want to accept it or not. It comes with the territory. I don't think its too much to wave to the fans who spent a lot of money to sit in the heat of the day in some grandstand. Richard Petty is famous for the lengths he went to, to spend time with the fans. I have a cap that was signed by Richard and the late J.D. McDuffe. My brother-in-law was General Manager of a car dealership. Richard and J.D. were outside for hours signimg autographs. When informed that the dealership would be closing for the night,Richard told my brother-in-law that it was just fine, but they would stay until anyone who wanted an autograph got one. Those are big shoes to fill. I was at the Glen the day McDuffe died. I don't see the need to go overboard, but think it would be nice if the drivers had a little fan contact through the social media. For what its worth.....

  9. I see Twitter is still misunderstood by people even after reading this article. It's not compulsory. I don't think it's invasive when properly handled. I highly doubt someone who is just as busy as Dale, if not more, would bother with it if it was, yet there is 5-time champion Jimmie Johnson giving a couple minutes a day. I don't think his wife is complaining or his daughter is suffering lack of attention since Jimmie has effectively worked it into his routine & I think it's great he has made the effort for his fans. Same with all the other drivers who do regular updates.

    Never say never about Dale. I think he'll be more interested in these things again when he feels he's worth the attention, ie winning &/or makes the Chase.

    And please correct the spelling, it's Keselowski.

  10. A few years ago JR had something, can't remember, MySpace?. I would read some of the "fans" posts. People were weird. When he didn't post for awhile people would complain. Also, I recall all the garbage about different women he was dating. Much of it very disgusting. Can't blame him for being gun shy.

    He recently told some reporter that he was afraid he would say something he shouldn't. In the heat of the moment type something, hit send. Denny Hamlin ring a bell regarding fake debris cautions?

    Definitely I would enjoy it. But I'm ok if he feels it's not for him.

    I do agree that sometimes it is just TMI. I am trying to pare down my list of who I follow.

  11. If Junior has no interest in Twitter,then don't force him into something he won't be happy with, the negatives will come back to bite him. i remember seeing a tweet from Brad K back in Feb i think where people are asking him for free tickets.He handled it well,but that is one of the BS things you have to put up with online. i would rather him not tweet at all rather than part of his PR team do all of it. And it is not like he is hurting for attention anyway.

  12. Honestly if Jeff Gordon and JJ are on JR may not be far behind. Jeff and JJ use it in different ways. Jeff shares some race things, personal pictures and info but it is all very controlled and that is fine. JJ uses it to show the "Jackass from El Cajon" side and it is hysterical. True it's early in the season and when the chase hit I fully expect a lot of that to go away and perhaps that is what JR is afraid of. He'll get crap when he takes a break for a while for personal or professional reasons. I choose to look at it as a bonus not an expectation and it's a whole lot more fun.

    Twitter had opened several doors for me already. I have several friends through out the US and Canada that I tweet with regularly and now on more than just Nascar. I've met many Media people, Trevor Bayne (who is a very nice kid by the way), Earl Barban (JJ's spotter), TJ Majors (JR's spotter) and have pictures of or with many of them. All thanks to Jeff Gluck by the way. I know NONE of this would have occurred without Twitter

  13. The decision is up to the man himself. But considering his celebrity status in auto racing, I think he appreciates what little privacy he does have.

  14. Being a member of Iracing, I've been fortunate enough to be in the same server as him practicing and or racing together.He gets treated like a regular guy on there with nobody bothering him just like what he wants.If there are any conversations with him with others it feels like regular buddies who happens to be just members of Iracing just talking.I don't see the same thing happening if he joins twitter.

  15. anon 820

    why is jr nation so hung up on kyle. he has done nothing to junior except get moved out of the way so jr could get 'the job'.

  16. Thanks for the laugh, JD!
    You push Twitter like you own stock! Not everyone has to enjoy the same things that you do. :)

    You think that Jr. doesn't use Twitter because He "doesn't understand" and "should be talked into it".

    I imagine that Jr. understands very well what Twitter would be like for him.

    I'm all for letting Jr. decide about Twitter and everyone else just accepting that decision. :)

  17. For those of you who don't use Twitter or Facebook, I'll give you my experiences with both.

    First off with Twitter, you don't need a smartphone with online access to use Twitter. You can easily use Twitter from your web browser by going to twitter.com and signing up for an account. I resisted using Twitter for a long time, but finally signed up last summer. At the time I did not have a smartphone and was just using it via web interface. I noticed right away that on race weekends by following some of the beat NASCAR writters, I could gain a ton of information about what was going on at the track that I didn't have access to before.

    After a few months of just following I felt comfortable enough to actually get involved in some Twitter discussions with the writers during the races. I could ask questions and get answers. I even got an answer last weekend from one of the pit reporters while he was working the race on TV. How cool is that?

    I'd advise the nay sayers to give it a try one weekend. Follow some of the media people. You don't have to do anything other than sign up and read. It's not hard.

    As for Facebook, I really kinda though Fb was stupid. But this past Christmas I was visiting with family and my daughter sent me a text to look at her Fb account. She had posted some pictures for me (I'm in MI & she is in NC). I couldn't do it because I didn't use Fb and didn't have an account. So my nephew pulled up my daughter's Fb page and showed me her newly posted pics in flash. I ended up biting the bullet and set up a Fb page of my own.

    Since then I have been able to be in touch with old co-workers from CA, FL, NC and even across the globe in Australia! I was able to connect back up with old high school friends from 40+ years ago and got in touch with an old Air Force buddy of mine.

    I can directly send comments and questions to JD from Fb or Twitter and he usually answers. I can send comments to drivers, media members, PR people etc. They will answer depending on how busy they are and what else they have going on at the time.

    The fact is both Twitter and Facebook can be what you want them to be. You don't have to spend hours a day with either of them although you might! You don't need a smartphone, you can use your web browser of choice.

    I'd just urge people who have never used it to give it a try. I'd start out with Twitter first. For me it was the easier of the two to set up and get going. Start following some of the NASCAR media, drivers and PR people. I'm sure JD has info on here somewhere on their Twitter ID's.

    Before you bash something, give it a try. Who knows you might like it. In my case it opened up a whole new world.

  18. Twitter for Junior? He's had enough distractions keeping him from Victory Lane as it is. This year he's cut back on those distractions and it's helping. Now you want to add more. Give me a break, or better yet, give Junior a break.

  19. I forgot to address the Jr. issue in my prior post. But I would say the same thing to Jr. that I said to you all. Just give it (Twitter) a try. It doesn't have to be all consuming and take a lot of your time.

    Brad K. is a good example. He usually posts in the evenings for 30-60 minutes. And I can tell he has a good time interacting with the fans. I've learned a lot about Kez through his Tweets.

    Come on Jr, just try it once. JJ will show you how!

  20. Love this article, unfortunately as mentioned earlier the weirdos who bother Jr every chance they get probably would make him post little if ever.

  21. Also- As Anonymous has said on iRacing you can tell he doesnt like to be badgered, but if you approach him with regular questions or tell him good luck this coming weekend most of the time he is appreciative and willing to answer. I have seen him leave sessions when people start becoming overbearing. unfortunately.

  22. I was going to post my thoughts and then I realized that Lisa Hogan stated my thoughts perfectly. I second her post.

  23. Being both ignorant and old, I have a stupid question. What is to stop a driver or other celebrity from hiring a twitterer to handle this twitting for him or her? They would appear to be interested and involved but be doing something they really want to be doing outside the eyes of the public.

  24. To answer OSBORNK, nothing is stopping a driver from having some one post Tweets for him. Same with Fb. If fact a lot of times during the race you will see tweets from a driver's account. But they will be tagged as PR, crew or pit crew. So you know who the tweets are coming from, because during the race they are obviously not coming from the driver.

    This past weekend there were tweets from Juan Pablo during the race. His wife Connie had forgotten her phone or something and was posting from JPM's account using his phone. But she identified herself first so everybody knew who was posting for Juan. She kept us updated on pit strategy, what JPM was saying about the car, etc.

  25. Stick with the BiffApril 13, 2011 at 4:30 PM

    OsbornK, I suspect that is *exactly* what some of them are doing. Keeps you from saying something you shouldn't.

    I signed up for Twitter during Kyle Petty's 'motorcycle tour' a few years back. It's not like there aren't occasionally interesting tweets. But not something I found particularly useful in the long run. I haven't been there in months. Generally all they do is alert me to things I would find out eventually anyways. The only time it would be useful to me is if I was *at* the track, and I can't afford a smartphone so that's not going to happen. As for other social media--FB doesn't really do much beyond what a regular website can do. Having a universal 'form' & location makes it easier for people to find; I could see the value for a PR person to put one together. I actually read a comment where someone claimed if you weren't on FB it must be because you are too old or you have no friends. It would be funny except that he really believed that.

  26. Vince, I appreciate your comments from someone who just recently signed up for Twitter. I, too, have resisted. I do understand it can be followed by a PC web browser. I just thought it was more for people constantly on the go. Since I cover local racing in my area, maybe I need to give it a test run and see if it's something I want to participate in or not.

  27. I think MDulian has it exactly right! The biggest draw to Twitter is the chance to interact with those celebrities we would never have the chance to chat with in the real world.

    Last night, Brad Keselowski was having a Twitter discussion about how to better interact with the fans, and one person made the following comment: "I think it's possibly more exciting for a fan to get a tweet from a driver than an autograph."

    I think this comment shows where the true power of this medium lies. Earnhardt Jr. could potentially appeal to more fans without the additional hassle of those clamoring to get to his personal appearances.

  28. I can second what Anonymous 1:47 said above. I raced with Junior several times back when NASCAR Racing 2003 was the sim of choice. He did not use the chat feature much nor speak that often if we were able to share the same audio channel. However, he was pleasant when he did communicate and overall quite courteous. That made me more of a fan of his far more than his last name.

    Based on those experiences, I don't see Twitter being something that interests Junior as he seems to like action, not words and his close friends rather than a crowd (JMO, of course). Like many have already said, maybe he would change his mind if he got dragged into using it for a while. Still, even in the online world and having 200 million users, Twitter is not for everybody. I use it fairly sparingly and only follow a handful of accounts...otherwise, it becomes too much information even for a person like me that IMO is fairly handy with the Internet and all of the other associated technologies.

  29. If I were Jr., :) I would think that perhaps his name is out in the media too often as it is, without giving the monster anything more to feed on.

  30. Vince, I've tried Twitter at least four times over the last 30 or so months. I've never found anyone worth following as I define it: someone who

    1) doesn't burden me with unwanted details of the very personal aspects of his life;

    2) doesn't post content that she don't also express better on her web log.

    I looked at JD a couple of times, but I get better from him here.

  31. i'm a big fan of twitter & enjoy having drivers, spouses, publicists, and (especially!) spotters as part of my timeline.

    that being said: danica recently commented on the darker side of twitter when it comes to tweets sent to polarizing racers like her. i certainly don't have any reason to think dale's twitter feed would be any different. and no one needs that level of garbage added to one's life, especially when one is already exposed to that via other more traditional sources.

    twitter is outstanding at providing quick peeks into an individual's life. i have enjoyed learning more about drivers and the folks who surround him/her via twitter and i admit that it has made me give some of these men and women a second look as racers.

    BUT earnhardt has provided as much as a peek inside his life as he CHOOSES to provide to date. and that's the bottom line: it's his choice to maintain some part of him that's protected from fans, detractors and media alike. he's allowed "Jr" to be out there, open to questions and speculation. but "Dale" is screened and protected and only folks who have gained his trust are permitted behind that screen.

    in my opinion as a fan, i accept his reasons for staying off twitter. and i don't believe it makes sense for him as the "return on investment" just isn't worth it: accept an exponentially increased amount of garbage from twitter or maintain his current style of "being out there" for fans and detractors? i know which i'd choose in his position.

  32. Good for Dale Earnhardt Jr. Twitter is stupid.

  33. I also think Jr is too much under Media scrutiny & owes us nothing more. Twitter is either your thing or it is not. Many celebs/drivers have "ghost tweeters" and don't announce that shady side.

    I follow only a handful of celebs & sports folks. Most are 'hit & run' or tweet & run types w no interaction. With all the haters out there, Jr does NOT need to be reading a bunch of vitriolic @replies.

    I do not have a smart phone. I don't have a cam on my cell. Rarely use it & NEVER Text. I still have a LAND LINE & LOVE it and answering machine.

    That said, Twitter has opened up my world to my own community & nearby cities.

    It's in the quality of folks you choose to follow, esp locally. I've met some FABULOUS folks from young photographers, recent collage grads to a high profile couple that have been featured in local mags for the best blog, & on tv news segments. Even had their building as background for local videos & George Clooney movie. After 2 years of tweets, They were in my living room Mon & we spent 3 hours yakking & eating & drinking (They'd taken the day off to shop without crowds as they live downtown in all glass condo in walking distance to all the hot spots, including two stadiums) I would've NEVER met these folks at my local stores, doctor offices or libraries!

    If you don't get out much due to health challenges/or have medical issues that keep you isolated from IRL (In real life) friends, Twitter can be a blast & keep you entertained in news, weather, sports, photography, food, fun & opportunity to make new friends. By the time you meet each other face to face, in a year or so. You "Know enough about them" to never run out of topics.

    But NOBODY should be forced to do Twitter because of their job. Jr has carried the weight of his daddy's name, fan/media and good grief, even NASCAR expectations heavily on him. It enrages me he is blamed for bad ratings by even BZF!

    Jr should live his life the way he sees fit. Social media is something one chooses. It isn't for everybody. My house mate is an introvert who has had to fire people for UNETHICAL work violations they put on Facebook. Idiots for sure but I wildly digress. As a transplant from out of state, and somebody who's witness my situations that keep me home all the time, he's darned impressed w the quality people i've found. So Twitter can be fabulous.

    Besides, i would never use my real name on any FB or Twitter though many do. Jr doesn't need anymore hassles. Let him be!!!

    *Gmail * blogger issues for a week now. Few others having same deal thus I'm anon again/still on a couple of blogspots. Just handful of us w issues.

  34. I tried to post yesterday but I have also run into "blogspot" issues that won't let me in except sporadically.

    Jeff Gordon has gotten on Twitter as well as his wife, Ingrid. As a fan, I've been enjoying the interaction and I enjoy it. However, I am selective in who I choose to follow - mostly racing info feeds but a few others from my real life.

    I can understand why Jr wouldn't want to do it. People aren't always kind and while he may be a cool guy personally, he would also attract the crazies.

    I also wonder why the drivers at the track don't make a bit more effort to at the very least wave to the fans in the stands. How hard is it to do that?

  35. MDulien & Justin--that's just so sad. I mean, we have WAY too much celebrity worship in this country already. The last thing we need is people feeling important because they've been 'touched by greatness'. Not to mention the celebrities completely unworthy of any kind of worship (can you say 'Charlie Sheen'?)

    Sometimes a smile and a nod from a racing celebrity at a track means way more than some Twitter, or even an autograph. It's the memory that's important. I think Dale Jr should do what he wants. If he thinks he doesn't need to bother with it, he shouldn't.

  36. Some fans get upset as it is when a driver doesn't respond to their tweet can you imagine what hades would be raised when he doesn't answer every tweet?

    Jeff Gordon sent out a tweet the other day apologizing for not being able to read/respond to every tweet, so if he's getting it imagine what Jr. would get.

    As stated, Brad is very good about taking time out to respond, he's even up been late answering tweets.

    One of my favorite times was a couple of years ago when Max Papis took about 3 hours to chat with us on Twitter.

  37. If he cared as much about his fans as he said he does, joining twitter is an easy thing for him to do, but he won't. He doesn't want to interact with anything other than his crew and family. The interview after finishing 2nd at Martinsville is proof of that..

  38. Gymmie

    Sophia here, still LOG in issues here as my blog name. Odd.

    My fave Twitter moment was when Max & Tati Papis shared photos of trying to go into the attic & he tore a huge hole in the ceiling with his foot! Used duct tape to cover the hole until it could be fixed. I loved the twitpic he tweeted on that :-D

    or Mike Massaro tweeting me his protein shake secret he got from Mark Martin :)

    I've gotten GREAT cooking tips/ideas on twitter but I wildly digress.


    (getting messages cookies are disabled!?! but on friends laptop in house not my own. sigh)

  39. Dale Jr won't join twitter because he really doesn't care to interact with the fans. IMO, to him, its a job. Well, dude, those fans are the ones who buy your stuff and have stuck by you through all the controversary and the sucky seasons. IMO, there is no reason why he wont do it, but there seems to be plenty of excuses for him.
    And I consider myself a fan, however, im not blind to his seeming arrogance when it comes to his fans. Making fun of them from the motorhome is juvenile at best.

  40. Yes I remember that too Sophia! Max & Tati are fun on Twitter! Love the pictures they share when they go to Italy & Brazil :).

  41. Just reading the comments here about whether Jr should Tweet, I can see exactly why he wouldn't do it. Why would someone who seems to be such a polarizing figure open himslef up to that sort of commenary from 'fans'? He has a right to his privacy...even if some people don't think so. With the demands he already has on his time, I can see why it could quickly become a chore.

  42. Another reason Earnhardt Jr. doesn't want to start tweeting, he said, is he's had some Twitter-using drivers tell him "some of the people (on Twitter) aren't too nice."
    "So that part of it, why do I need to put up with that anyway?" he said. "If I don't have to put up with it, why do I want to bring that (negativity) into my life?"
