Saturday, June 25, 2011

Live Blogging Nationwide Series From Road America (ESPN - 5PM ET)

The Nationwide Series is sharing the stage at Road America with the Grand-Am Rolex sports car series. That group raced earlier in the day and featured a big accident and an exciting finish. Road America works well for sports cars.

The Nationwide Series coverage will feature Allen Bestwick with Rusty Wallace and Andy Petree in the TV booth. Down on pit road will be Vince Welch, Dave Burns, Jamie Little and Shannon Spake. Since there is no Infield Pit Studio for this stand-alone race, it will probably be Dave Burns hosting the pre-race show from pit road.

The field is wide open as the Sprint Cup Series guys are in Sonoma, CA doing some road racing of their own. Road America is a fast and wide-open road course that features a big front straight and plenty of passing zones.

Road course coverage is a battle to show the leaders, but also keep the stories in the back of the field updated. This is a very different challenge than working on a big oval track. It should be interesting to see just how ESPN approaches this task.

This post will serve to host your comments on the ESPN coverage of the Nationwide Series from Road America. To add your TV-related opinion, just click on the comments button below. Thanks for taking the time to stop by The Daly Planet.


  1. Have a feeling it might be a small crowd today. Lots of other things going on.

  2. Happy Race Day Planeteers :)

    Look forward to seeing how young Billy Johnson does today! Most folks have never heard of him so a lot of eyes on the youngin'.

    Pray everyone will be safe no more incidents like what happened during the Rolex race!

    At least a regular or "ringer" will win today :)

  3. Well, that's a new wrinkle. The big boys on pit road.

  4. The 150 second Race to the Grage:

    #03 Wimmer
    #40 Lewandoski
    #42 Andrews
    #44 J Green
    #46 Miller
    #52 Schendel
    #55 Rowe
    #70 Setzer
    #75 Long

  5. Enjoying them on Pit Road :)

  6. Thanks, Tim, keep those parts from breaking because then the car won't go very fast, back to you AB!

  7. Out of the past 4 ESPN broadcasts, dating back to Charlotte, 3 of them have been above average for ESPN standards. The one that wasnt? The epic fail at Chicagoland. Whats been the difference maker? Allen Bestwick. I really hope ESPN is paying attention to whats been going on lately. Lot less complaining when AB is calling the race. Marty just drags down the broadcast and Im glad hes on vacation. He should have invited DW.

  8. Too bad we did not get qualifying for this race on TV. Heard it was fun and they did it in groups.

  9. What was so important that they couldnt show it? Womens professional billiards was on espn and documentaries on the deuce. Dont make much sense

  10. I was told it was a possible final game of the College World Series eliminations. Was not needed.

  11. Bestwick is just awesome at this. I like the 3 booth guys on pit road.

  12. Get that lady some oxygen!

  13. Finally at home to watch the races this weekend! Like the guys on pit road instead of the booth...nice feel. LOVE that AB is doing PxP. Even a decent anthem, for a change! Off to a good start.

  14. Fun fact, Bucyrus is in the process of being purchased by Caterpillar.

  15. Again NO SCANNER!!

  16. Probably the worst explanation of a road course layout in history? Why are they in such a hurry?

  17. The beginning of the Countdown Show and their first interview is a cup guy. C'mon ESPN.

  18. No scanner on these standalone races. Poor Rusty is just a mess.

    His conflicts of interest just kill the credibility of this telecast.

    So, he is taking a "regular" to win over a "ringer."

    Come on man....

  19. The broadcast started at 5:00 pm. At 5:09 pm, they were interviewing Steve Wallace! Didn't take them long to get their priorities right did it? All kidding aside, I then got called away from the TV and have just now been able to join the Planeteers. This should be a good race. Too bad we have to listen to Crusty!

  20. Man, that is a pretty track. Love the helicopter coverage!

  21. Interesting contrast between the green around Road America and all the brown around Sears Point. (Sorry, but it will never be infineon to me)

  22. Sally, you mean the Jeff Gordon payback track? That guy might be a pinball tomorrow!

  23. Sally my twin lives in Northern Califonia and they call the color golden not brown! LOL

  24. Jamie just gave the worst pit report, ever. Heaven forbid she actually report or talk to the crew cheif to see what adjustments they were making.

  25. Vince wasnt any better

  26. Yes, I wonder how many drivers plan to take advantage of payback opps tomorrow? Wow! Great shot of the S?F line, showing just how hilly it really is there! Looks like Cedar Point!

  27. @VickyD..they may call it 'gold' in Cali, but here in Michigan it's definitely BROWN! I can see why they have so much trouble with fires there, though!

  28. Told by the guys that these standalone NNS races do not have the equipment to get the scanners online.

    Teams are complaining today they have no TV monitors on pit road.

    Looks like a bargain basement weekend in WI.

  29. Papis kicking it old school. Good coverage so far, hope it stays green.

  30. A good variety of camera shots.
    Hope they don't get stuck on just a few and keep this flow going.

  31. It may be bargain basement, but they are really giving a great sense of the elevation changes here...much more than I get from Sears Point.

  32. I'm getting tired of the word - ringer - I think we need to see more NW drivers it's either showing cup guys or roadcourse ringers.

  33. These "hot rods" look pretty freaking cool flying through the trees heading down the Canada corner in HD. These cars look so much better in road course configuration than the cup car. Sonoma just looks like a desert.

  34. I agree Sally, the giant hill on the frontstretch looks incredible.

  35. Whale of a fight for the lead here!

  36. So is showing tailpipes more of an ok thing to do at a road course.
    I know tailpipes camera shots are a no no at a circular track.

  37. Trying to watch a really neat pass and the big window is showing a pit stop by the 66.

  38. Great scenic track. Good camera work. Interesting cast of characters.
    I was looking forward to enjoying a nice afternoon in front of the big screen
    HD with surround sound. But it’s not worth it with Rusty on the air. Not only because of
    his conflicts (plural) of interest, but IMHO he adds absolutely nothing to the broadcast.
    All he does is repeat what has already been commented on by others, offers inane
    observations, and butchers the English language. I’m done.

  39. Boy,McDowell isn't the least bit intimidated by a F1 Champ is he? He seemed to be saying, "I'm coming through, how do you want it, a pass, or do you want me to dump you?"

  40. Great, battle for the lead shoved aside so we can watch the ESPN company car make a pit stop.

  41. That split screen was not cool. Guess they have to take care of their special interests.

  42. What was that? Talk about blowing the action on track, have they realied on the replay so much they now just gasp as it happens?

  43. You might think that Ricky would eventually get the nod over Rusty.

  44. Daly Planet Editor said...
    You might think that Ricky would eventually get the nod over Rusty.

    June 25, 2011 6:39 PM

    I'm holding my breath

  45. Im all for Ricky over Rusty but Rusty has a pretty big contract. It would be kinda cool to have a road course ace in the booth for these races. Scott Pruett would be a good choice.

  46. Still pretty good coverage. Like to see the racing in the big box and the pit stops in the little one.

  47. "I'll tell ya what.."

  48. Face it, Rusty is ESPN's version of DW. They are both pretty hard to take thru an entire race telecast. Do much better in a more limited role. FYI, the latest Nascar fan council survey was about Trackside nad the cast of 'characters'.

  49. PROS: Bestwick & Petree are fantastic in the booth. The camera work is great so far.

    CONS: Pit road is terrible without Dr. Jerry Punch. Dave Burns sounds like the only one that did his homework.

  50. Did anyone else's coverage freeze as the broadcast went to commercial? It's been frozen for like 5 minutes here.

  51. I hope the folks at Watkins Glen took note of the "Cherry Picker" they're using today to pull cars out of the Kitty Litter. At the Glen, it would take 15 minutes to clean up the mess! Pretty track. The Cup cars would put on a Hell of a show there!

  52. Zetona, no freeze up here in Houston!

  53. Not liking the Bucyrus commercial with the Adam Rich looking kid saying "Being number 2 sucks"...


  54. No tech problems here in lovely Florida. All around me is burning down, but wildfire smoke is a lovely scent.

  55. @ Buschseries - It used to be "I'm telling you what..."

  56. Why show a tech thing about shifting when the car we are watching, that won't start, has nothing to do with shifting.

  57. Take care of the transmission and keep it cool Tim says otherwise it won't run. Back to you AB.

  58. JD, off topic a bit, we finally received some rain here this week after a 5 month drought. Wildfires in Brenham/Navasota area but not near Houston, lucky for us.

  59. I like how they are zoomed out and their not afraid to show the crowd and surrounding area.

  60. Oh Shannon...

  61. I'm wondering if the segments with Brewer are pre recorded. The piece had nothing to do with a broken shifter. Unless I miss him mention it.

    Rusty's COI's are worst every week.

    Nice job by whomever is in charge if the scenery they look fantastic, espically on the restarts.

  62. Do we have a pit reporter to tell us what is going on!

  63. "that's annoying and very unfair" - hahaha. Really bizarre stuff today.

  64. ESPN is doing a nice job today. Am enjoying their coverage.

    I wonder how much say AB has over how the race is covered when he does pxp. I'm thinking a lot.


  65. Nothing like watching JV coming through the field with something to prove.

  66. As long as we have AB I won't complain about anything.
    Tks.JD Ron Il.

  67. I had to laugh at AB with the #60 car. He was obviously confused for a bit. The camera cut to the #60 sitting still with spectators walking by it. AB said that it looked like the #60 was off the course(?). Reminded me of something Jimmy Spencer once said. He said you knew when you were in a very bad accident if the the first people that come up to your car have a can of beer in their hands! The last 10 laps should be furious.

  68. Its a good thing this track is four (4) miles long, or they would never have enought time to get things straight!

  69. It's rare that I LOl at a race, but JV response to the rule he broke had me doing just that!! Friggin' classic!!

  70. That Billy Johnson is a cute kid was hoping he could have a really good finish!

  71. Big difference between Billy Johnson losing oil pressure vs. fuel pressure as earlier reported

  72. These new cars look good racing through the woods.

  73. Why is Steve Wallace in the big box yet again? Hearing Rusty's frustration with the pit crew was worth it - haha!

  74. Did we have any S&P's? I haven't heard and what about Jeremy Clements what happened to his car that caused the caution?

  75. Hey everyone, sorry been helping my dad clean outside and such but did get to see the start and now watching this is such a cool race track... A nice change of pace.

  76. Vicky - 03, 40, 42, 44, 46, 55, 75, 89 were today's S&P participants.

  77. Thanks Buschseries. I hadn't heard and it takes so long for the scroll to go through.

  78. I really enjoy the road courses...drivers have to show real versatility. And, they have more input as to how they finish instead of the computer guys. Wish they had one in the final 10 races. (I refuse to mention the stupid not a playoff).

  79. Just when you think Rusty couldn't be any worse, he's on another telecast and proves that he can be. Wow he's brutal. For once I wish ESPN would listen to the fans.

  80. This could be interesting toward the end.

  81. Hello??? Mike Wallace is 3rd right now! At least Andy tried to direct the production truck.

  82. Had dinner, came back--still frozen (at the same place) here in NJ. Other channels work fine. Resort to streaming.

  83. That's it, show split screen with a huge image of J-V toddling along at 35 mph for half a mile while Papis/McDowell are fender to fender! Nice job folks!

  84. The split-screen and the commercials just kill it!

  85. Rusty has been useless today. Really start to feel the bias with him anytime an RWI car is shown.

    Camera work has left a bit to be desired but the bigger issue has been production decisions/quality.

    Showing the #66's stop in split when the race for the lead got intense was a HORRENDOUS decision.

  86. I thought RW & AP were going to have a fight about whether it's long or short time to go before the end of the race. I wish the truck would accidentally turn off RW's mic.

  87. Those shots from the Blimp remind me of an F1 race or Le Mans. Regardless of how the race ends, McDowell drove one hell of a race!

  88. Commercials and single car shots are slowing the flow down.

  89. I noticed the tension too, Vicky. Just as awkward as Allen Bestwick's hockey joke that Andy & Rusty didn't get.

  90. lol Allen seemed happy to prove Rusty wrong.

  91. Rusty's pronunciation is as bad or worse than Larry Mac's or DW's. "Fuel conversation"? "Jason Boils"?

  92. Rusty loves to talk about that wheel hopping. That's a drinking game right there.

  93. Take a drink Jerry.

  94. anon 6:54, I had the same thought. We need a few of those cherry picker things up at the glen.

    Good race. Coverage not so much. Had to run some errands, and the radio was better.

    Love to see Fellows pull it out. At least it'll be someone different (it would appear.)

  95. My favs don't have a chance today!

  96. Zetona, RW can't pronounce Matt's last name either!

  97. I thinking it is asking a little much to expect the drivers to not wreck on a restart on a 4 mile road course on a GWC.

  98. There for a moment, it looked like Brad was back in the #22!. Seriously, J-V pulled areally stupid move!

  99. Nice to see someone in the booth without a agenda call it as they see it.

    Thank you Andy

  100. From Kevin Harvick: That is why Villeneuve should just quit driving NASCAR no sense..i hope max papis punches his dumbass in mouth..

  101. Yeah,Rusty never could master French....much less English! He's been a real downer all afternoon. Rusty, its Jacques not Jock

  102. Moments like this make the 3 GWC rule really stupid.

  103. Well guys, Allgaier is a full time NW driver, so you weren't showing or paying any attention to him that's why you were suddenly soooooooo surprised that he was up front!

  104. The next wreck means it's over. Thank goodness. Otherwise, this could go on all night.

  105. Oh come on Rusty, really aggressive driving, you're a tool. Andy call Rusty's kid out, please.

  106. Now its turned into a joke. You can always count on Steve Wallace to wad up a bunch of cars. Now cars are going to pit for fuel. What a cluster...

  107. Rusty: It's just hard racing.
    Allen: The driver & crew chief of the #66 have been called to the NASCAR hauler.

    Their interaction is hilarious.

  108. AP sounds like he's got some edginess in his voice he's not believing what RW is saying!

  109. Looked at my laps to go post and it has been an hour since I posted 12 laps to go.

  110. I would love to see JA win this but surely someone will try to take him out.

  111. WOW....should have just done 1 GWC.

    WTF is going on?

  112. I think "Jerry" is being a bit harsh. Was Marcos Ambrose a "choke artist" at Montreal last year when he bobbled against Carl Edwards just before the finish line? Having done some racing myself, its easy to sit in ones living room and take cheap shots.

  113. This just seems like a manipulated mess. Wasn't the "winner" behind the "2nd" place car at the caution?

  114. Gotta give Andy Petree credit. He brough his A+ game today.

  115. I don't care what you think "anonymous". When it was time to win the race he chocked it away.

  116. Congrats to Reed Sorenson & #32 team!

  117. Jamie Little is terrible in Victory Lane interviews.

  118. How could she not ask Reed about the cool down lap?

  119. Well, this race was a 10/10 for entertainment. The extra GWC attempts were really dumb, it's something NASCAR should look at for the roadraces.

    ESPN's ride was just as wild. The wide shots and ariel shots were amazing. But some shots, such as the #66 pit stops, were questionable.

    Allen Bestwick did a great job with the pre-race, keeping up the excitement in the race, & explaining complicated rule infractions.

    Andy Petree had his best telecast ever, unbiased and unafraid to question Rusty Wallace & NASCAR. In the end, he was right with everything.

    Dave Burns was the star on pit road, he was the only one to actually report. Shannon Spake did a decent job. But the lack of information from the pits hurt this broadcast.

  120. Buschseries61 I agreen with you about AP.

  121. I just replayed the tape after the sixth caution to make sure I heard what I thought I heard. Steve Wallace and his crew chief WERE called to the Nascar hauler after the race. I didn't want to comment until I replayed the tape. It all makes you wonder why Rusty keeps the teams going. The prize money is pathetically low and sponsor dollars are really scarce. Stephen really hasn't been able to run up front for a long time. Up to the end, this race was really exciting. I enjoyed the aerial shots. Great feedback from the Planeteers too! Tomorrow should be more of the same....without the grass and trees!

  122. Jerry-"Chocked it away"?????

  123. Andy Petree like he was today is what I want EVERY week. That was an A++ effort by him despite little support around him. AB even seemed a bit off.

    Weird race. Weird ending. Gotta look at the GWC policy as it refers to road courses IMO.

  124. I will follow up on why ESPN left the air for a taped show after four hours of live coverage and a short post-race.

    Pretty awful TV at the end, pretty good racing and coverage before.

    Have a great night, see everyone Sunday for Sonoma.


  125. Pretty pathetic that ESPN has downgraded Paul Page to this level of motorsports......especially since its scripted. Paul belongs with a real racing series.

  126. This race was too long. If there had been more cautions, then they would have finished the race in the dark. Andy Petree did do a great job at calling the race today. Usually, he's just dead weight.

  127. Andy Petree and AB were outstanding. There were a few times when AB fell behind on the action (such as the fracas where Allgaier took the lead from McDowell), but he gathered himself up much quicker than Marty Reid would have, and his voice and style are just more authoritative and fun to listen to than Marty's. Andy was faultless from what I watched, on top of every incident.

    The lack of post-race was lamentable. So many stories to follow up on, like how Villeneuve got up to third, his thoughts on wrecking Papis, etc.

  128. We enjoyed every minute except for Algier running out of gas. Any Nascar race without a Waltrip in the booth is just beautiful. We should all count our blessings.

  129. I thought AP did his BEST job in a long time, I hope he continues in this roll! Rusty, is as useful as ol' DW and it shows just how much a conflict of interest he brings with him to the booth. AB finally got to call a race and the camers work was exceptional at times, but the most glaring things were the lack of the useless backward shots and bumper cams. THE LONG SHOTS OF THE FIELD WHERE GREAT!

    You have to wonder WTH are the officials thinking about this finish? It was the most unprofessional thing I ever saw from NASCAR! AP had it right and called it in the correct way the rest of the talking heads where LOST! They really blew it at the end.
