Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year! TDP Will Return On Tuesday

Hope it is a very happy and safe New Year for everyone. We will be on a brief holiday and return with updated TV schedules, media news and opinions on Tuesday.


  1. About time you took some time off! Thanks for providing a lot of new news and reactions in the offseason when 80% of the NASCAR media is on vacation or reviewing old 2011 stories.

    I hope this blog is just as strong in 2012 as it was in 2011. Happy New Year to all my friends here!

  2. So in other words racing has now gone totally dark for the next few days.

    Guess there is nothing left to do but drink.

    Happy New Year to all ... even BZF. ;)

  3. JD

    Thanks for the blog & ability to interact with other savvy, NASCAR loving fans here & on Twitter.

    I hope 2012 is a better year. Housemate out of work 6 months even though he has a Master's degree.

    And my 91 yr old mom died on 11/29/11. Yes, I know parents die but was close to her & miss her something fierce! :-(

    My wish for 2012 is for NASCAR to have better broadcast so it can be a nice distraction from the daily struggles in life. Many of us would love to enjoy NASCAR instead of griping.

    Yes there are more important things than sports/NASCAR but it used to be a fabulous enjoyment on tv before it became video games.

    If not for folks I've met on this blog, might have gone nuts.

    Happy New Year Planeteers.

    May it be peaceful & happy for all.


  4. Thanks for being such a great host. I know that some of us push buttons sometimes but it's all in fun.
    Thanks for working so hard on having this forum for us to chat about TV. It is much needed in the sport.
    Happy New Years!

  5. So sorry to hear about your mom, Sophia.

  6. Thanks for all your work here John.

    Sophia - I am sorry to hear about your loss and will keep you and your family in my prayers.

    Happy New Year to all and best wishes for a prosperous and checkered-flag-filled 2012.

  7. Happy New Year to all that want some sanity in their Nascar news and this is the place to go! I'm hoping everyone has a properous 2012. Please don't drink and drive.

  8. To JD & the Planeteers, A very happy and safe New Year. Love to all of you.

    JD, I want to thank you for your hard work on your column and providing a place for fans to vent. I also want to thank you for the friendships your column has provided me. Many from here are my friends on Twitter.

  9. Sophia-

    I'm sorry about your loss. I've been there and done that, unfortunately, and I remember how it feels. Strength and courage to you as you mourn and heal.

    JD, thank you for a very entertaining year, and hopefully my observations will get more useful as I continue to learn.

    Looking forward to the New Year myself, and hope that all has a Happy one.

  10. I agree w/AR-nothing left to do but drink...; Thanks again JD for an oasis in the insanity that is the Nascar media world these days. Happy New Year to all the Planeteers-hoping 2012 brings good things to all.

  11. @Sophia

    Je vous prie d'accepter mes condoléances les plus sincères sur votre perte de votre mère sur la terre et mon pleausre de son paradis'bienvenue. Dieu vous bénisse.

    Nous être racing à nouveau prochainement. Bien sûr!

  12. The very best of everything to you and yours JD in 2012 and beyond.Thanks for having this source of info and a spot for all of us to vent. It is quite apparent that Nascar and the various networks have no interest in what the fans have to say anymore, but it does give us a place to spout off. We will enjoy your blog even more in the new year as our resolution is to quit both facebook and twitter. Far too much time actually just being wasted on a lot of silliness.

  13. A very Happy and Healthy New Year to everyone.

    Here are my New Year's wishes for our NASCAR favorites.

    To Jimmie Johnson--Better rapport with Cheatin' Chad
    To Danica--For Go Daddy to Go Bankrupt, and a new
    Sponsor like Betty Crocker
    To Jr---A win, A win, and A win
    To Kyle Busch---Membership in the Kevin Harvick Fan Club
    To Kurt Busch---A mute button on his in car radio and a
    week at a relaxation spa
    To Tony Stewart---The book "Media Relations and You"
    To Waltrip, Waltrip and Wallace--Nice pink slips, and not the
    lingerie kind, either.
    To Carl Edwards---The roll of Eddie Haskell on the Leave It
    To Beaver reunion, it'll keep him off
    ESPN, hopefully.
    To Matt Kenseth--A more reserved personality. Oops, that's
    for the Busch Bros. Matt gets a
    Cup Championship.
    To Jeff Gordon---More wins than JJ.
    To Brian France---Early retirement to Namibia
    To Speed--A head of programming who gives a rat's patoot
    about NASCAR.
    To ESPN---The boot, or a director who understands the
    concept of a 43 car field. Also, a major failure of
    bumper cams, cut away cars and all useless
    To Kasey Kahne--A closed Twitter account and membership
    in La Leche League.
    To the Start and Parks--The ability to start and stay.
    To Fox and TNT--On air personalities who don't hack us off.
    To Denny Hamlin---Great luck with his new crew chief so
    they can flip off T. Stewart.
    To Brian Vickers---Maybe a ride in ARCA.
    To Kevin Harvick--A strong left hook---direct to KyBu's face.
    To Mark Martin---A nice rocking chair.
    To JP Montoya---A copy of " How to Win Friends and
    Influence People".
    To the NASCAR Wives---A ban on Pit Lizards.
    To NASCAR---No more Lucky Dog, Top 35, fake debris
    cautions, IROC cars, tandem racing, rules
    made up as you go, muzzles on drivers,
    Brian France, The Chase and general idiots.
    To NASCAR Media Group---Intelligence.
    To John Daly---A very Happy New Year and another 5
    years go The Daly Planet.

  14. Sophia, I feel your's especially hard at holiday time.

    JD, there are not words to express my thinks for giving tru race fans a place to air our opinions. I've made som of my best 'racing friends' here, and they have helped me thru the mess that Nascar has become. Hope all have a safe and happy new year as we count down to Daytona.

  15. @ Darcie

    You go Girl!

  16. Happy New Year to all and Thanks for all you do JD.. Darcie, you're in my head, you Rock!

  17. Darcie, you're a hoot. Loved every one of your New Year Wishes.

    Sophia, prayers for your peace and serenity. So sad about the loss of your mother. May God's grace surround you.

  18. Happy New Year, JD and all of the planeteers!

    Wishing you all a happy healthy prosperous 2012 (and me too).

    thanks JD for all that you do and I very much hope you'll keep the site going for us to have things to think about that we'd never have another opportunity to do it.

  19. Sophia, so sorry to hear about your Mother. It doesn't matter when it happens or how "grown up" we supposedly are - it is a terrible loss.

  20. Darcie, that is one awesome list. Good job.

  21. Have a wonderful weekend off, JD. You've certainly earned it.

    Sophia, I share your pain.

    Even though I've not posted as much this year, I've been a faithful reader. My husband's health issues have come into play this year.

    Next season should be better. As someone once said, "I'll be baack!" LOL

  22. Fellow Planeteers
    Be thankful for health and happiness of friends and family this eve of a New Year.
    I just learned that one of the true, rare good guys at FOX Sports died suddenly over the holidays at the unreasonable age of 55.
    Doug Sellars was playing hockey in Los Angeles when he was sruck down.
    Doug was a fair, open minded and honorable gentleman. Something very rare in sports tv, particulalrly at the company he worked for.

    God Bless Us, Every One, and Godspeed, Doug.


  23. Bray, Doug was only 50. Really tough situation, he had so much going on professionally and had a strong family life.

    The hockey community especially is still in shock.


  24. I would like to add some thoughts about Doug Sellars. When "Totally NASCAR" started in 2001, it's sole home was FOX Sports Net. Doug Sellars made many trips to Charlotte, NC to make sure the network was supporting those of us who worked on the show.

    Doug was indeed a calming influence, and a guiding force to the producer, Ryan McGee, and to me. He never rose his voice, and had a great sense of humor. He truly was a phone call away when he was back in LA and it wasn't unusual for him to send a complimentary email about an interview, segment, and show.

    I was so pleased that Doug received a big promotion this past summer. He was named Executive Vice President of Production at FOX Sports. I spoke with him as recently as December 12th at our NASCAR on FOX meeting here in Charlotte.

    His passing is a tragedy personally and professionally. I share these thoughts here, because it pains me to read so many negative comments about the executives at SPEED and FOX. I'm not going to be a hypocrite and pretend that I don't read this site. I do. None of the executives need me to fight their battles, but I will tell you, that just like NASCAR, their jobs are extremely complex. "Totally NASCAR" was David Hill's idea as a way to spin the story forward from Sunday to the next weekend, and in many respects, NASCAR RaceHub fills that bill today. Doug Sellars, Patti Wheeler, Hunter Nickell, and now Scott Ackerson are charged with delivering products people will watch.

    To say they "don't care" is grossly unfair and inaccurate. I don't agree with all the decisions they make either, but I know for a fact they all care about the product you see.

    Doug's passing struck me in many ways. All of you are entitled to your opinions. Doug Sellars cared very deeply about his job, which means in turn, you, the fans/viewers.

    On this New Year's Eve, I celebrate Doug's life, and mourn his passing.

    Steve Byrnes

  25. Thank you. Doug was in fact a gentleman, and very commited to his work.

  26. Thanks to all on the comments about the loss of my mom. . . Most difficult holiday season & New Years Eve . . still call her house to hear her four words on answering machine..pitiful I know. :-(

    Steve Byrnes,

    Sorry for the loss of your friend. Tough to lose a peer and somebody you really appreciated that did well for Fox. Sorry if you take any criticism of Fox to heart. For me it's ONLY about the bad camera work...NEVER you..least not for me. You are one of my fave Fox/Speed persons :)

    I hope 2012 will be a happier year for many people.

    New Years Eve is depressing so we are spending it watching House Hunters on HGTV...Auld Lang Syne has always made me weepy so avoiding it this year.

    I look forward to hearing from drivers & the sound of car engines soon!

  27. Mr. Daly, thank you for this blog and all you do to inform and educate...May 2012 bless us all with better racing, less aggravation, and an answer to all our questions that nascar and ESPN refuse to address....

  28. @SByrnes
    Happy New Year!

    (whispering) Dude. We have actually arrived!

  29. happy latest "New Year" to all Planeteers! been a long, tough year, filled with many doubts that i'd even be here now but i am and i am humbled and grateful for that gift. right now, i'm in that medical "sweet spot": between diagnosis/treatment and the inevitably negative consequences of said treatment. not quite remission, but i can see it from here! so, many, many thanks to all my Planeteer buds who kept me moving forward in 2011 and encouraged me to look to 2012 -- which comes tonight!

    JD, a special thanks for all your hard work, keeping this site going. although i rarely mustered the energy to comment, please know that not a single race weekend went by without me checking in. more than a mere diversion, TDP reminded me that there's a world of racing television out there that needs fan comments and input in order to (eventually) make changes. what's being said may not be liked and so it's easy to attack the "face" of the frustration. but you've hung in another year and i know we all respect that decision!

    so! here's a better 2012 and to the friendships that TDP has started. i will raise my glass tonight in your honor, one and all!

    and if i may add just two more wished to Darcie's list? great jobs for @Dustin Long and @Ttiana!!

  30. Happy New Year to all.
    As always, Thanks JD.

  31. JD,

    Happy New Year , and to all the planeteers. just like tex rac lady , do not post much but since 2007 a daily read. Thank you JD for your time and effort.

    If ok JD, a shout out to Red and Dot , happy new year

  32. Steve,

    Thanks very much for sharing your thoughts about your colleague Doug Sellars.

    Broadcasting is riddled with individuals whose ambition is fueled by sharp elbows rather than talent. How fortunate you were to work with someone like Mr. Sellars who built his career with teamwork, generosity, and kindness.

    Many of us criticize the decisions made by executives and producers from each of the networks, but most of us realize that while we might disagree with some decisions, we know that these decisions are not made on a whim and they are based on a foundation of decades of experience.

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

    Kenn Fong aka WCK

  33. I agree with WCK's comments and know that everyone in the tv industry works hard at televising races and Nascar shows. Steve, you and Hub are fan favorite too! Happy New Year, can't wait for the new season to begin!
