Monday, April 23, 2012

Day Two: NASCAR On FOX From Kansas Speedway

The weather was the story in Kansas as cold temps and a green track from rain Saturday night made things pretty interesting. Teams were fooled on gas mileage and set-ups early on, while favorite son Clint Bowyer suffered engines woes and ultimately retired.

NASCAR on FOX began with a pre-race show that featured a focus on the promotion of the speedway, the sport and the series. It was a tough sell. The truck series race on Saturday showed fans exactly the issue facing the Sprint Cup Series today. Passing was going to be at a premium and "aero" was a word that was going to dominate.

Michael and Darrell Waltrip are exactly what FOX ordered. They invite controversy with their statements and together on the pre-race show are a walking conflict of interest. It gets TV viewers riled up and that is what the FOX executives enjoy doing.

The downside of all this pre-race gushing about the sport is that the kind of content presented by Jeff Hammond is missing. Darrell and Michael are from different eras, but both speak primarily from a driver's perspective. What has been lost is the crew chief perspective. Michael cannot provide this even when speaking as a current Sprint Cup Series owner.

Hammond once again tried to present a variety of interesting reports from different locations, but since there were few caution periods it was awkward at best. This new role has proven to be tough to integrate into a telecast. Surprisingly, Hammond is rarely seen in the garage following up after a key competitor has engines woes.

Mike Joy had an opportunity to flash the magic he used to show regularly on the older FOX telecasts. His calls of the restarts were stellar, but eventually the familiar routine of Waltrip dominating in the booth returned. TV commentary is now conversational instead of exciting, it's just the nature of the beast.

The pictures told the story. Tight shots were so frequent that when one aerial shot was used on a restart it was almost shocking. FOX has a style, they are going to stick with it and once again they did. Pit reporters were stellar, but again not used down the stretch. That is Waltrip time.

FOX continues to use the wideshot at the finish and ended the coverage with some of the lead lap cars finishing the race. There were no technical problems and once again the pictures and sound were solid. In many ways, this was just a repeat of a familiar formula that is being used for the TV coverage of this series.

We invite your comments on the NASCAR on FOX coverage of the Sprint Cup Series race from the Kansas Speedway. To add your opinion, just click on the comments button. Thank you again for stopping by.


  1. I stopped watching at 2:15 to do more productive things. FOX, your broadcasts are just awful right now. The last Cup race I have watched from start to finish was over a month ago at Bristol.

    From what I saw, I missed nothing. Every week feels like the same long green flag parade interrupted by debris cautions. The only places to make up ground are pit stops and restarts. This isn't a great formula for FOX to work with, but they can do a much better job than they are doing now. They know everything they need to change.

  2. Mr Editor -
    Surprised to see producer actually hit the 'aerial shot' button least some racing was shown then, otherwise 'hyper-tight' ...mute button on FOX to block Waltrip ad nauseum ...MRN professional race call as usual ...twitter supplemented race call

  3. The Waltrip Network is getting old. I think it violates the 8th. Amendment and should be stopped. The oversaturation of the Waltrips kills any hope that the end product will be good and the lack of good racing being shown on the TV insures a bad product for the public. Points racing in similar cars at similar tracks with the object being a "good points day" is not condusive to entertaining the audience and it causes viewership shrinkage.

    If Richmond produces similar results, we are in the a long long summer.

  4. I am a big Krista Voda fan, but today when Hamlin got out of his car in victory circle, her first question was some convoluted statement about Bubba Watson winning the Masters and Earth Day, and the "payoff" of "Was green the difference today?" It was so nonsensical and an attempt to be cute, but at the end of the day, it was just a really sloppy moment. How about just ask the driver about his win without the lame attempt to show us how clever you are?

    Also, I have just about had it with these "clean air" tracks where the leader checks out and the physics absolutely prevent any passing, faster car or not. There have been a lot of races this year... But so far very little racing.

  5. Everything this afternoon was predictable. These big wide tracks produce the most boring, drawn out parades. Nothing changed in the booth. When I tried to listen, I'd hit the mute within a minute and just watch. I agree, Krista's comment was just dumb. Richmond should at least have some on-track passing. We can hope, can't we? We have two DVR's and I'm retired, but I haven't re played a Nascar race in a LONG time. The races are horribly boring.

  6. Same old same old. Lousy shot selection - the aerial shot was a mistake I'm sure. He meant the terrestrial in the ground cam - those buttons are next to each other probably.

    I have already posted to the Fan Council exactly how awful todays "coverage" was from some one who had the sound card die on computer late last night. Tomorrow I will hock Hubby's TV if needed to get a new one & put it in. NEVER again will I "watch" a race without MRN/PRN and all the other requirements of the 'net.

    @OSBORNK - it also violated the treaty ( Geneva?) about treatment of enemy combatants not being subjected to torture.
    We fans are treated like the enemy ( by Fox) & today was torture

  7. Well, i didn't even follow on Twitter today but deleted the race when I clicked over to see who won. Same old, same old.

    Also disgusted at the dumb question I read a female asked to the winner!? I'd expect that from BSPN.

    This new SPEED boss continues to insult race fans. Pathetic and sad. I miss loving NASCAR but decided to leave that abusive relationship.

  8. OOps not SPEED, but Fox same thing. Like ABC/ESPN :(

  9. I'm with Sophia. I'm Waltriped and Fox'ed and ESPN'ed out. I remember when I liked it. It was good. Pretty damn good. Not now. How long ago was that? Goodbye, Nascar and your 'presenters'. Incredible teamwork in violating the canine.

  10. Why don't the Waltrip brothers take their schick on the road and let some professionals in the booth so we can once again enjoy the races. DW gets worse each year, and now with Michael added it has become a dual to see who can have the most idiotic, loudest, self-promoting crap to say. FOX may want and like this drivel, but I daresay most of the fans are just disgusted. I sincerely hope NASCAR can find some other network to sell the product when their contract with FOX is up. Either that or have a binding contract that forbids the Waltrips, Wallaces, and Petty's from ever broadcasting again.

  11. I could only watch from about laps 45-100, which may have been the best time of the race coverage-wise. The first round of pit stops reminded me of the good aspect of DW, watching action all around the track and pointing it out well before the camera crew or the rest of the booth could. The coverage of the first restart was much, much better than anything last week, in that it actually focused for a few laps on battles outside the top 10. Mike Joy was very good on that restart as well.

    My impression from what I watched is that FOX made somewhat of an effort to listen to the fans and improve the coverage, though comments from those that watched the whole thing seem to say otherwise.

  12. Surprised that Krista asked such a bone-headed and convoluted question after the race. Maybe the crap she has to do on Trackside has gotten to her.

    When I watch The Tennis Channel I expect to see tennis. It would be a shame if Speed started showing UFC or other crap rather than racing.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. I didn't watch (had to support my Pittsburgh Penguins... even though they got eliminated), but a LOT of people were whining 'bout it being "boring". Every time I checked in, the leader had a huge lead, and I guess that was "boring" to some.

  15. If you wanted to drive fans away from watching Nascar what would you do.
    I think FOX knows how.

    If you wanted to make the telecast worse, what would you do.
    I really can't think of anything.

    It is a shame Nascar is just letting the Tv networks ruin what was once a Great sport to watch.

  16. Let's call a spade a spade--the coverage seems worse than it truly is because nothing is happening in the races. These races are terrible. I have always noticed Fox step up their game when the action is compelling. Unfortunately the action on the track has been horrible.

    I heard a rumor that the reason for all the tight shots is because Brian France and Mike Helton don't want empty seats shown. It would make sense to me because Daytona usually has much wider coverage and of course people go to Daytona. Can the editor find out about this? Maybe it would be productive to find out why the networks choose to show tight shots, instead of just complaining about it all the time. What is their reasoning behind it? The editor used to work in NASCAR TV, maybe he can use that experience and his contacts to figure this out for us. It would be very enlightening to all of us I'm sure.

  17. Not a new issue. Both FOX and ESPN have said this is the style of coverage they both choose.

    The ESPN statement was tight shots look better in HD. You may have seen Jeff Hammond in a recent race report from the TV truck on how the FOX cameras show only two cars at a time.

    Anytime cars are running at high speed, it's the choice of the TV production team to either chase the excitement and stories or to sit back and wait.

    We had races won by laps, not lengths years ago. TV went to the racing, regardless of position, and worked it hard. Tracks, crowds and weather are just excuses IMHO.

    How I wish Mike Joy would just call the race and signal DW and Larry Mac to speak when he wanted them too. Let's start somewhere.

  18. I was dismayed at Krista's poor attempt to be clever. "Was green the difference today?" Denny apparently had to take a second to figure out just what she was on about.

    A shame, because she's better than that.

    I do not think the racing is boring. TV is choosing to portray it that way.

    They are either hiding the empty seats, or someone promised the sponsors that their logos would be clearly visible on TV.

  19. I could only take about 20 laps. DW needs to shut up, or better yet, go away. nascar is not guiltless in this matter, but do they not even care about what is shown on tv? Silly question, where is the money. MC

  20. nothing new to say. another sunday, another boring race (yes, i think races that have limited passing or lead changes only during pit stops are boring). add in the booth drivel with the obvious conflict of interest w mikey in the booth, single car shots and i have run out of reason to watch nascar on tv. it may look better to the producers, but to me trying to watch at home, its a waste of time. weather is getting better and i'm going to start spending nice wkends outside, not wasting it watching stupidity

  21. Listen, I get that FOX needs to do a better job of showing more of the actual racing, but I just do not get how people can just switch off the race because of the TV. How can you call yourself a NASCAR fan when you do that?

    JD, this is not a knock at you by any means and I believe you have done a lot for the media side of NASCAR, but are there really any younger NASCAR fans that take part in your blog?

    I'm asking this honestly, because the focus is always on getting the younger audience, but perhaps what your group wants to see is not part of what the younger audience needs.

    Curious on your thought of this.


  22. The new NASCAR drinking game, take a shot Everytime DW Starts a sentence, uses a phrase, stops and completely loses his train of thought. You would be drunk before the Green flag drops.. Mike Joy was non existant during the end of the race, DW, I think, I like, I know, I want, I hope, this is gonna be good.

  23. @ Anon 9:32

    I'm 19. I've never switched off a race just because the coverage was bad, though I have tuned out if the race was uneventful, rewinding the DVR every 30 minutes or so to see what I missed.

    Honestly, if I hadn't discovered this blog, I don't think I'd notice most of the problems with the TV broadcast. My main issue with the broadcast used to be atrocity of the ESPN crew with Jerry Punch and Co. in the booth. Nothing else really bothered me too much, although I have undoubtedly changed as a race fan since then.

    In all honesty, this blog strikes me as something of a haven for those who don't like the coverage. Someone like me stumbling on this blog for the first time would begin to notice things in the broadcasts that hadn't bothered them before. Ignorance is bliss, right? Never know what a "good" broadcast is, and you'll never be bothered by the problems.

    To be clear, JD, I agree with a lot of what you have to say, especially regarding commercials this season and the FOX coverage style, even if I think you're occasionally slightly reluctant to give credit where credit is due (see my earlier comment on this post). However, I've been watching a lot of 1990s-early 2000s-era races on Youtube recently (or at least skimming through them because I don't have much free time). Camera shots are generally wider, but the productions back then were guilty of the same poorly-timed cuts to in-car cameras and that sort of thing. Commentary back then was less excited to my ear (at least, comparing 1997 Mike Joy to 2012 Mike Joy), and was often slower to pick up on incidents on the track. DW was making DW-isms back in 2001, contradicting himself and silently retracting previous statements. My point being, if this blog could have existed back in 1999 or whenever, we'd be raising several of the same points, although maybe they wouldn't be quite as glaring and frequent in the broadcasts.

    One last thing: the coverage can definitely, definitely, definitely get worse. You know how in European racing broadcasts they LOVE to cut to the team celebrating after their driver's made a pass, or looking on in worry after a crash? THAT would make the broadcasts significantly worse.

  24. Sophia said...

    I miss loving NASCAR but decided to leave that abusive relationship.

    It makes me both sad and glad to read that...sad because there's yet another long-time fan that is about to give up, but glad because I also used the "abusive relationship" comparison a few months (or years?) ago so now I know it's not just me feeling that deeply about it.

    I'm about to fully throw in the towel myself. Yes, I've felt a little weird on all of these Sundays I have been skipping this season feeling like I'm missing something. Then I come here in the evening and see I missed nothing but irritation.

    If ESPN is also going to insist on remaining with "hyper-tight" coverage after half a season of Fox forcing it on us, I see no reason to tease myself with anything good that might come out of TNT.

    I will close with this for any NASCAR, Fox, or ESPN employee that just might read this. If you think it is only the short-time, casual fans leaving that are causing dropping ratings and poor attendance, you are sadly mistaken.

  25. Kohoso

    I was just telling my housemate I'm not even into Wind Tunnel anymore.

    I don't' know if it's me, the show, my feeling the bad vibes at S(PEED)s new boss or what :-(

    If I know an Indy winner is on, or Robin Miller or one of the F1 booth guys, I will watch. But something's diff on WT unless it's the time change. I miss him on later so I would log on for the 30 minute online show.

    But that commercial free 30 minutes is an insult to those w/o broadband so I just don't support the online show.

    I'm rebelling but it's painful.

    I will watch TNT or DVR & watch their races, unless I read they go to the HYPER TIGHT shots.

    Until then, I will enjoy more baseball, golf, Indycar & F1 highlights, since housemate Loves F1.

  26. Anon 9:32PM,

    Most of the younger fans interact with me on Twitter and my Facebook page.

    Blogs are old school and not immediate enough. It's very much the 35+ group here but split evenly between men and women.


    The commentary pre-FOX was totally different. ESPN, TNN and TBS used totally different styles.

    FOX branded DW and Larry Mac as homespin hillbilly boys bringing NASCAR to the mainstream.

    Prior to that, it was just left to be what it was....personalities in the sport who functioned in the various roles on the TV team.

    The groundrules for NASCAR TV were simple. Try to show the people at home the same thing the fans in the stands were watching.

    That took all the 2nd guessing and sales features and political agendas out of it. Just look for the best racing and show it.

    In-car cams were not used regularly live. They were often used as a unique replay angle. CBS loved the bumper cam for Daytona, but it made sense in the big pack with the bumping and pushing.

    The overall sense is that there was a pure passion back then, not one driven by conflicted announcers involved in car dealerships, NASCAR team ownership or promoting sponsors for compensation.

    It's clearly NASCAR TV at a crossroads, but I think the digital side of the business is going to open up so many video and audio options that the "TV feed" will lose the dominance it now has.

    Ever since MRN and PRN began streaming online for free, we have a growing group of fans choosing to watch the FOX pictures, but listen to the radio.

    The next two years before the current TV contract expires are going to be very interesting.


  27. I will say the FOX production team is right about the cars looking good on HD when the camera is in tight. They do! Why, I can read all the sponsor names on all the stickers; even the little mandatory stickers! My favorite, just in case you're curious, to look for the MOOG sticker.

    Oh, about the race. Um, I bailed a bit after halfway. Threw a comment I was leaving up onto #TDP1 add JD replied that the "race" kind of had a "final practice vibe". His observation was spot on.

    But, golly, could I ever see those sponsor stickers! … And perhaps my ability to do that is the greater point.

    I still am not a bot. :)

  28. Stupid decision to keep the Waltrips past this year. The race was boring as usual. And I don't want to hear about a "safe good race." I don't want wrecking either, but the term "race" is when two or more cars are close to each other, not 27 seconds apart. Oh, and Clint Bowyer spun out intentionally. It's been Waltrip's m.o. for years, and as a car owner, he cannot be put in the booth to call a race or add input, because he shows bias. Someone please make the madness stop. Soon.

  29. This comment was deleted by the author, due to high obscenity rate, anger, hatred, and plain dumbfoundedness. This author will repost when FOX/ESPN quit televising races. This author reserves the right to continue to bash the Waltrips, whenever/however necessary. Any future positive posts will be placed in high regard when the Waltrips are fired, and banned forever from television. At such time, Hell should have an ice pond, therein to skate upon, in cold temperatures...

  30. Whatever I said about last week's race, just copy and paste it here.

  31. Anonymous said...

    Listen, I get that FOX needs to do a better job of showing more of the actual racing, but I just do not get how people can just switch off the race because of the TV. How can you call yourself a NASCAR fan when you do that?

    In my case, it's not worth wasting time sitting in front of the tv frustrated and disappointed as the sport I loved isn't what it used to be. I'd rather spend the time completing my to-do list and reading the highlights online. I'm still a fan, but I'm not going to force myself through the misery of watching DW constantly think he is right when he is wrong or listening to MW praising the next move NASCAR makes or Jeff Hammond reduced to advertising the attractions of Kansas City.

    But I still watch every Truck race on SPEED. The energy of the broadcasts and races matches the energy of the sport I fell in love with.

  32. I was busy doing other things so did not have the radio on...just the blathering DW. It's gotten to the point where every time he speaks I want to yell back at him. Honestly, I *liked* him when he first started. I can't say if he was doing those things back in the day as Zetona says, but perhaps it was less annoying because the coverage was better in general, and he hadn't taken over Joy yet. I really don't know. But now, I trust nothing that he says even when he speaks the truth. That's just sad. I find I don't really miss our live blogging as much as I thought I would, but it's because we've been doing it a long time and it seems like nothing changes; no one listens or cares. I *know* the races are more exciting than what we are seeing, and it's just so frustrating. I leave the TV on, but I no longer sit and watch much of the race.

  33. The irony is that Cali, Texas, and Kansas seemed to be the kind of races that racing purists crave. There were basically no wrecks, hardly any fake debris cautions, and arguably the strongest car won each race.

  34. I spent most of the afternoon watching other sports, but checking back on the merry go round from Kansas. Hammond parts
    would be laughable if they did not
    interrupt. I knew they had pushed him out, but that long shot from the casino yesterday told the story. DW was all set to celebrate brother's win and almost lost it when the 11 won. TV ratings will be interesting.

  35. We still think Fox and Speed are happy to have the Waltrips annoy us because they get them dirt cheap.These guys would probably work for free just to hear themselves talk.

  36. I've thought a lot about this and have the following general comments about FOX coverage.

    When I go to a race, I don't focus my binoculars on a single car or a couple of cars and follow them around the track. I put the binoculars away and watch groups of cars, especially as they come through the corners. I may use the binoculars on a pit stop, but not on the racing.

    I have a favorite driver - Tony Stewart - and I sometimes follow his car for multiple laps at a time. However, I do it with my eyes, taking in his position relative to other cars on the track. This tells me if he is gaining or losing on those he is racing.

    The FOX coverage is directly opposed to the way we watch races live. I really don't understand why this is the case.

    How many novice NASCAR fans tune in to qualifying or practice? What does FOX think is so gripping about showing single cars, or two cars, making laps? If new fans tune in on Sunday, they aren't going to stick around to see the racing that FOX is showing, and they sure won't come back next week.

    Wouldn't it make sense to show a race the way that a race is watched in person? Heck, I can't imagine that the booth guys are watching the race through binoculars (or a telescope). They are using their eyes and checking out racing in "wide view" all over the track. We want the same. We deserve the same.

    DW (especially) keeps telling us how great the races are this year. If that is the case then, darn it, show it to us. Dump the in the ground cam, the bumper cams, the single car shots and show us the racing.

    It should be simpler than this.

  37. Twitter says it all! They don't have a clue

    Darrell Waltrip‏@AllWaltrip

    the "Digger" shots were amazing, I bet he has a headache after todays race, this was another record setting day, fastest race at Kansas

    Darrell Waltrip‏@AllWaltrip

    if you watched our telecast today I hope you enjoyed the coverage, thought we did a really good job of finding the action all over the track

    Larry mcreynolds‏@LarryMac28

    Nice job by our pit reporters yesterday on FOX in less than ideal conditions! Hope S Byrnes and D Berggren get to feeling better

  38. Darrell Waltrip on social media outlet Twitter:

    "If you watched our telecast today I hope you enjoyed the coverage, thought we did a really good job of finding the action all over the track."

    "The Digger shots were amazing, I bet he has a headache after todays race, this was another record setting day, fastest race at Kansas."

    "Our entire team, director, producer, pit reporters, worked hard today to be sure we didn't leave anything on the table, emptied the bucket!"


  39. I was at the race yesterday, so I didn't catch Fox's TV coverage yet (I DVR'd it). The crowd was pretty full, so I doubt that was the reason for tight shots. Yes, there were empty seats, but it wasn't significant.

    It wasn't a fantastic race, but it was solid. 5-Time and Truex were going at it for the race lead for a while in the middle of the race, but Truex was too strong. Denny and Truex then had a little battle for the lead, and at the end, Truex made some strong runs at Denny. Not a lot of lead changes, but there were some exciting battles at the front, as well at throughout the field.

    The biggest problem NASCAR faces right now is aero. Clean air and being out front is just too important. Hopefully things will change when the new body styles come in, opening it up for more passing. Until then, we're not going to see many fantastic races.

  40. JD and OsbornK: And Jimmie Johnson is complaining on Twitter about viewers complaining about the races and only wanting to see wrecks.

    I told him and DW (via twitter) that I don't want to see wrecks, but I DO WANT TO SEE THE RACING THAT THEY ARE SEEING AT THE TRACK. Sorry to shout. But it doesn't matter how "good" the racing is if FOX isn't showing it to the viewers.

  41. Darrell Waltrip Monday at noon ET on Twitter:

    "If someone says we covered the race yesterday like we do all the time, they didn't watch the race, from top to bottom we did it differently!"


  42. JD

    Re: DW's Tweet on Race Coverage

    It appears what DW said is true. The guys in the booth did ditch their Blazers and called the race in shirtsleeves -- and that was different :)

  43. JD, that tweet (and the others) from DW is just like politician now of either party. Just stick to the talking point no matter how false it is, demonize the other side, and, somehow, enough people believe it so he or she can continue to hold power.

    It's sickening. I don't appreciate being lied to like this by one of the major voices of NASCAR regardless of whether or not it is a case of DW being so deluded as to believe any type of hyper-tight coverage is any better than any other version. This type of party-line rhetoric sure doesn't fit well with a sport that has so often draped itself in "family values" which I always thought included the Ten Commandments, especially that one about not bearing false witness.

  44. West Coast Diane said:

    Thanks for posting Twitter comments from DW & Larry. I was going to post them, too.

    Here is one from Mike Joy (who I like)in response to someone who only saw last 15 laps, if it was a fun race to call.

    Mike: Yes it was. Lots of side-by-side racing.

    My comment...just not on TV. I watched HotPass, but kept my eye on the box with Fox. Still saw a like of single/2 car shots. Or if groups, camera switching before you could focus on who was where and what was happening

  45. @jeff_Gluck Just summed up the last 3 weeks of coverage with his latest dear diary on His story seems eerily like a mirror of these comments, he watched the race from home this week.

    Is there a secret mandate to bash the fans from folks inside the media and sport, who are bored by the races?? Everyone keeps tweeting the same thing we all just wanna see wrecks, we keep saying we just wanna see the race not the Waltrips.. I think NASCAR is pressuring them to say the racing is good..

  46. Please do not try to post links here, they do not work.

    If you want to read Gluck's story, go to and click the NASCAR tab.


  47. David,

    I think everyone is just feeling the same frustration. How to make things better and save the sport.

    Some very tight tempers going on right now. Trust me.


  48. egads, how can these guys tweet that crap with a straight face?

    KudzuCarl, I watch the track the same way you describe and that's why I get so annoyed with the TV broadcast. Show me the race!

    about Johnson's complaining -- he's another ivory tower dude who's out of touch with the fans. It's not wrecking I want to see - it's racing. Yes he and truex did have some side by side efforts, but for the most part, what we saw on TV was sadly lacking.

  49. JD, THEY are frustrated? Sorry I don't feel sorry for any of NASCAR's management or Fox/ESPN. They are the ones who have control of things and have screwed the pooch.

    It's an example of bad management and going too far in the wrong direction. Sometimes you find that "tipping point" and fall off the edge. IMO, they have waited too long.

  50. Jimmie didn't watch the race on TV, so no, he's not going to see it that way. To be honest--there is a segment of fans who are easily bored & do want to see wrecks. I think (hope) they're a minority, but we can't deny that every time there's a wreck, a giant cheer goes up in the grandstand. And the 'good old days' as other have pointed out, had some real clunkers where guys lapped the field. In general, I don't think the races are the problem, it's the coverage. I have yet to go to a race that didn't have some highlights, like Tango described.

  51. It was hard to pick, but this quote from Jeff Gluck's excellent column should be reproduced and posted in LARGE LETTERS in every TV Production Truck:

    "Overall, watching the race at home reminded me how I'm spoiled by being able to see it with my own eyes on a weekly basis. At the track, I control my own viewing destiny; at home, the race director in a TV truck shows me what he thinks is important."

    It makes me feel somewhat vindicated. Not all of the people who visit or post here are just Waltrip-hating complainers.

  52. From Darrell Waltrip to Jimmie Johnson on Twitter 4PM:

    "Some of the best driving, racing I've seen in years, just wish fans appreciated the skill you guys have to make it happen!"


  53. Wow, I just read the article by Jeff Gluck. He completely ripped apart all the main issues bringing down the FOX broadcasts. I'm glad some media members are starting to notice the grief fans have to deal with watching these broadcasts.

  54. "Our entire team, director, producer, pit reporters, worked hard today to be sure we didn't leave anything on the table, emptied the bucket!"

    Must of been a themble then.

  55. With regards to DW's tweet...

    Like I wrote already, I saw some improvement in what I watched. It didn't last, and it wasn't comprehensive, but it was an improvement. If I was on Twitter, I'd tell DW that it's a step in the right direction but they need to go farther.

    Perhaps a way to explain this to DW: DW's strength has always been watching the racing all over the track and pointing out things before other people notice them. When TV cameras zoom in all the time, the viewers get none of that. Let us see the race like YOU see it, DW, from high above.

  56. Not only are the Waltrip brothers annoying, but other NASCAR TV shows seem to enhance their sound tracks with sha-zam sounds effects that annoy the heck out of me. From attending numerous stock car and open wheel races over 65 years, I have developed tinnitus. These loud background noises playing while the program plays means I can't understand but maybe half the words they say. I tried watching NASCAR Performance on my "good TV" and they had all kinds of transitional noises in it. Last season, they did not do that! Guess I'll listen to MRN and PRN on streaming audio on the computer. I have a good imagination. Last Sunday I only watched the last 18 laps and got annoyed by Mikee. Guess I'm getting cranky but the TV advertisers are missing me and the wife's buying potential in our golden years!

  57. If I was Mike joy I would have reached over and punched D.W. in the head with about 20 laps to go. I thought he was going to fall out of the booth because "the racing was so exciting". And if he boogidy boogidys again next week i'm going to drop kick my 52 inch flat screen off the wall!

  58. At this point in time, does it really do any good to keep saying the same things? I don't think so.

    For any driver and for the broadcaster, I double dog dare you to watch the entire FOX broadcast and tell me that it was an exciting race that was televised.

    The racing on the track may be wonderful, but the TELEVISION AUDIENCE DOESN'T GET TO SEE IT! We may hear about it, but we don't see it..and until we see it, it doesn't exist.

    And no, I am not spending upwards of $1,000 for a two hour show, where th drivers are continually point racing.

    Until Fox goes away, I'll continue to turn in right when the flag goes down, mute the tv and listen to MRN.

  59. FOX has been difficult to watch for sure this year. Haven't been keeping up with the comments on here because I figure at this rate it has become predictable since the product we are being shown is so lackluster. I have been a fan of the green flag racing this year, not so much of the commentary up top. DW has had an almost infectious effect on Joy and Larry as he has become this cheerleader instead of an analyst. Not a fan of that approach. Mikey is an owner, I fully expect that from him.

    I do however want an explanation about why we seem to have stopped interviewing drivers during the race anymore. Bowyer falls out, can't recall any interview with him. Mark Martin falls out, as does Gordon (who limped to the finish) and we receive no follow-up on their engine woes. Instead we are going to be strung along to either Internet sources or forced to wait until Richmond to find out the problems.

    Byrnes trying to talk all weekend was painful for me as well. I love the guy, LOVE the guy but c'mon! His voice was shot on Friday! Two more days and green flag stops just drove the point home.

  60. I've long felt that the pit reporters are useless. They listen to their scanners for what the teams will change at the next pit stop and that's about it. Maybe an interview at the Infield Care Center. But when there are serious problems with the cars, you often get nothing more then what us fans saw on the TV screen. Often, this black hole will extend through mid-week on Race Hub. If Kansas had improved TV coverage, I didn't detect it. I'm thoroughly tired of the 3-4 amigos in the booth. California, Texas and Kansas have been total failures if you're looking for on-track passing and racing. This is really getting old. And we have Pocono coming up soon.

  61. We're heading to Richmond this weekend, so it'll be interesting to compare the TV coverage with live racing. I've taken to using the DVR for the races, then skimming through them quickly. Fox has lost me as a fan, I hate to say.

    I think a lot of the bored fans are turned off by the IROC cars and the racing it engenders. I am ALL for safety, but teams are in such a box now, the racing is not the way it was in years gone by.

  62. I agree with what many have said here and I definitely think that Jeff Gluck was right on the money with his comments. I know I am among the lucky few these days, but I do get the opportunity to go to 5-6 Cup races a year and can relate to exactly what Jeff is saying. I guess that's why I get so frustrated watching on TV at home - I *KNOW* there is a lot more action on the track than we're being shown and it drives me absolutely NUTS!

    Funny thing happened last year - I had a friend and fellow longtime fan join me for a race at a track she claimed to hate (having only seen TV coverage of said track). When we left after the race, she proclaimed it had become one of her favorite tracks and she couldn't wait to come back. (I should note she lives several states away from me and she has to hop a plane to visit.) Why? Because she finally got to see what I kept telling her I saw when I was trackside there - RACING! ACTION! (Novel concept to the TV crew these days, obviously...)

    The TV folks are missing a golden opportunity to win more fans to the sport by denying new viewers the opportunity to see the "big picture", aka a similar view to what they might see sitting in the stands, once in a while.

    I can understand why people don't get those of us out there who scrimp, save, and plan to get to the racetrack every year, sometimes in lieu of other vacation spots/experiences/etc. when all they see is what TV shows them. A lot (maybe all) of the tracks are being done a serious disservice with the current TV coverage. Such a shame...

  63. For those asking about TV ratings, you can click over to and then click on TV and then ratings to see the chart.

    Lower overnight numbers, final numbers should be in later this week.


  64. Moving between appointments today (Tuesday) I have been busily looking at racing sites; something I normally do not have the luxury of doing.

    What I can conclude is the Mikey/DW/FOX "thing" is not only a topic all over, but that it is widely disliked.

    It is direct proof of the truth of the cliché saying that it does not matter how well you attempt to package and promote dog food if the dogs will not eat it.

    That is all.

  65. There is a new post up recapping some of the fundamental TV issues fans raised last season.

