Saturday, April 28, 2012

Sprint Cup Series From Richmond On FOX

It's a cold and rainy night in suburban Richmond, Virginia. The Richmond International Raceway has the jet dryers going and it looks good to get the race in tonight. Nothing official yet, but things look like they will be delayed a bit.

Chris Myers has Michael and Darrell Waltrip in the Hollywood Hotel. Mike Joy calls the race with Darrell Waltrip and Larry McReynolds. Matt Yocum, Steve Byrnes, Krista Voda and Dick Berggren are on pit road. Jeff Hammond is the roving reporter.

Richmond is fun to watch when TV viewers can see the field and the racing. Keep an eye on just how tight FOX decides to shoot the race and how much of a "zoom-in" factor we will see tonight. ESPN had a rough outing last night with "hyper-tight" shots and blown coverage at the finish.

We will be running the  #TDP1 live stream on Twitter beginning at 7PM ET. There will be a post up immediately after the race for your full-length comments. Thanks.


  1. geez, another horrible camera angle

  2. I'm glad FOX let Mike Joy do the first 10 rows of the starting lineup. He's actually done a lot of play by play so far. The shots were wide and beautiful from the pace laps until lap 3. Then FOX zoomed in the cameras and used every incar he could.

    They did the right thing asking pit road why Jeff Gordon was sliding backwards rather than DW reading minds or making assumptions.

  3. I like their new approach to pit road. It's better than TNT's Kentucky failure because we are told about the adjustments right before the stops, not 15 minutes later. The only problem was they did not have the camera at pit exit. The camera all the way in turn 2 is a little late for the battle off pit road.

  4. Got fans screaming at me from all angles. In-car cams for no reason, tight shots have missed all the racing and incidents shown on replay! Oh boy.

  5. At least FOX is driver hopping in position order rather than ESPN randomness. I'm trying to be positive.

    It's a shame that my brother is already bored of this and left lap 75 to watch hockey. He's watched the sport as long as I have!

  6. They're doing a good job showing the racing throughout the top 20. They just need to zoom out a tad, a little less pointless in-car cameras, and then I'm content.

  7. Restarts have the best racing, and Fox resorts to incar cameras, bumper cams, and a replay. They were doing so well!

  8. Holy cow. Now they put a camera in the front bumper? How useless is that? Only seeing 1 or 2 cars in a shot, cut to useless in-car, zoom in on another single car. I'm glad Hammond can see all the way around the track, because those of us forced to watch on TV certainly can't.

  9. I'm considering joining Twitter just to join in the conversation...but while I don't have an account, let me just suggest something here before I forget it. Create a petition listing everything wrong with NASCAR TV, biggest items first. Get #fixnascartv trending on Twitter. If people elsewhere are as upset by the coverage as the readership here, it'll spread like wildfire.

  10. I gave up & finally turned on MRN to find out what happens with the rest of the field...they were describing how Tony caught Carl....and FOX was showing 'crank it up' and Digger cam. They finally went to the shot just as Tony passed. Ugh.

    It was like 10 *seconds* into the race when they went to the in car. Just awful.

  11. Just turned on MRN Radio for the first time ever. The difference is incredible. My God. I was never all that perturbed by the FOX commentary, but the difference in the amount of information on things like lines, distances between drivers, who's running where, etc. is shocking.

    I'm generally not that offended by the quality of the TV broadcasts, but that doesn't mean they're good. They can be so very much better.

  12. This has been a really sluggish 100+ laps. Besides the battle for the lead, the ticker intervals show everyone spread apart. Pretty sad that FOX has to resort to watching Jeff Hammond watching the race to stay entertained.

  13. Cant seem to get the twitter account to show tweets--

  14. Wow, I'm just lost. Joy didn't set up the lead lap cars heading to the green flag very well. This is chaos.

  15. Carl must have got laid at the restart

  16. Zetona...welcome to our world!

    ah, I see the children are up late.

  17. It really seems like NASCAR rushed that restart and caught everyone off guard. Can't blame Mike Joy for that. Fox did a good job following up on that story.

  18. The director caught the 22/42/55 battle just in time. This weekend FOX has done a much better job than ESPN.
