Saturday, May 26, 2012

Nationwide Series From Charlotte on ABC

It might be ABC for the television, but a nice story from Saturday afternoon's Nationwide Series race is Wendy Venturini co-anchoring the PRN radio coverage with Doug Rice.

Meanwhile, Dale Jarrett has the weekend off. So, Allen Bestwick will be joined by Rusty Wallace and Andy Petree in the TV booth. There is 100% local TV station clearance today, so the race will not be delayed.

ESPN has an agenda that is drive by celebrity and popularity. NNS driver Johanna Long had none of her qualifying laps show and was not interviewed while driver Danica Patrick had extensive coverage and her qualifying effort shown from start to finish before a live interview. It's just today's nature of sports TV.

As usual, it will be the Cup cross-over drivers vs. the Nationwide regulars. ESPN has been rough on the series with fundamentally bad coverage featuring Cup drivers and Danica Patrick. The network believes the connection with Cup drivers will keep viewers interested. It's been awful for the full time NNS teams.

Sponsorship within this series has been directly affected by the fundamental refusal of ESPN to update the full field or even the cars on the lead lap. The disconnect between the teams in this series and ESPN is huge. Often, ESPN is only on the air for the race and SPEED covers practice and qualifying.

It should be interesting to see how Wallace handles being back in the TV booth on such a big weekend, especially after a week where he was chosen for the NASCAR Hall of Fame in what even he admits was a shocker. Wallace's Nationwide Series team is closed down and his son has not found a full time ride.

The weather is hot, but it will be very interesting to see if the action in the race mirrors that of the Cup Series with long green flag runs and the emphasis on pit stops and fuel mileage. There was a "Global Rallycross" race done as an exhibition and a small jump on the frontstretch caused gouges in the track. Keep an eye on that issue as the NNS cars are going to be the crash test dummies for this potential problem.

Twitter is the place for live Nationwide Series race chat. My account is and I urge you to sign up and check it out for free. We will live blog the Indy 500 Sunday on Twitter as well.

As always, happy to have your TV comments before, during and after the NNS race today right here. Thanks for taking the time to stop by The Daly Planet.


  1. Yikes it looks like that place is empty

  2. not gonna lie: that was a sad command from "Pawn Stars."

  3. Replies
    1. About to lose one more due to R. Wallace's inability to put together a cogent comment

  4. ESPN has already been all about hyping personalities instead of covering the sport. Pastrana got attention for starting 42nd, a pre-taped hype piece and pace lap interview of Joey Logano took preference over the starting lineup.

  5. This is some good racing, but we have no play-by-play. Andy & Rusty have the long green flag runs to yap all they want.

  6. is it just me or did that in-car of Pastrana make him look terrified in that car?

  7. My lord, ESPN is obsessed with Pastrana. The director is using the in-car shot of his face as much as possible. Andy & Rusty immediately blamed the spin on the team for making the car too loose instead of the inexperienced driver that lost control of the car.

  8. The pictures are pretty good, the toy cameras need a purpose though. Using a bumper cam for no reason only limits the viewer perspective.

  9. Tired of watching the Cup driver lead, but before I go...ESPN has done an ok job with this race.

    ESPN needs to let Bestwick set the tone of the race and call the action. The racing is there, it's just framed in a boring way. More play-by-play and less booth conversation.

    Rusty has actually been better than Andy today. Andy's constant defense of Pastrana surprised me.

    The camera work was pretty good until now, the field has spread out and we just see one car at a time.

  10. Nice to read your prerace comments today JD.
    Just as many watching on TV as at the track?

  11. Boring race, gas mileage told the tale. Cup guy won. You were right to be on vacation.


  12. Glad to see Wendy getting a chance to do something else away from the circus on Speed's Race Day show. I've always felt Wendy is an excellent reporter when given the chance.

  13. I thought the sponsor of a certain Green car got its money's worth before the race started. Every time they cut to pit road, this green car filled the screen. The race was not only boring, but the two lengthy cautions broke what little momentum their was. I'm no fan of Rusty, but he did make several valid technical points when Andy completely dropped the ball. If you think this race was a stinker, wait until tomorrow.

  14. Sorry gang, left the door open a little too wide.


  15. I saw most of the race on TV since the weather has been keeping me inside this weekend more than I wanted.

    I thought the camera work was good - nice wide shots and Allen did his usual great job, along with Andy. Rusty didn't even annoy me as much as usual. It's better without a car he owns in the race.
