Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Mayfield Media Mayhem A Vivid Memory (Updated)

Tuesday noon ET statement from Allmendinger: "I have informed NASCAR that I have requested that the 'B' sample be tested, following the steps according to NASCAR's 2012 rule book regarding this situation. I fully respect NASCAR's drug usage policy and the reasons they have it.

I am hoping this can get resolved as quickly as possible so that I can get back to driving the No. 22 Penske Racing Dodge. I am sorry that this has caused such a distraction for my Penske Racing team, our sponsors and fans.

Obviously I would never do anything to jeopardize my opportunity here at Penske Racing or to my fellow drivers. I am very conscious about my training and health and would never knowingly take a prohibited drug."

Tuesday AM Update: "We're standing behind (AJ) until we understand the results," said Roger Penske to the SiriusXM Radio's Morning Drive show. Still no timetable on results of "B" sample.

Anthony James Allmendinger is a health conscious professional athlete. He is a feature reporter for ESPN's NASCAR Now TV program. He is a media darling because of his polite manners and infectious smile. Now, he is a poster boy for NASCAR's infamous and secretive substance abuse policy.

On Monday Allmendinger made the move and formally requested that the "B" sample of his Kentucky Speedway urine test be analyzed. This is a big step. Instead of quietly meeting with NASCAR to address the violation, Allmendinger's actions make the statement that he believes the original analysis was wrong.

This move opens the door once again to a reaction from the mainstream media that will put NASCAR's procedures under a microscope. The painful memories of the Jeremy Mayfield fiasco included confusing policies, too many spokesmen and NASCAR shooting itself in the foot time and time again.

These days NASCAR has the new Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) department that handles this type of situation. While not in place for the start of the Mayfield mess, the IMC has quietly handled the announcement and subsequent actions that came from drug policy suspensions of other NASCAR license holders without incident.

SPEED's Danielle Trotta reported on the Race Hub show that Allmendinger left town early Monday in a private plane from the Concord Airport. The most recent statement from Penske Racing again contains nothing but a confirmation that no information will be released anytime soon. NASCAR is silent.

All of this is in stark contrast to the Mayfield situation which quickly turned into a media sideshow. It made that transition because information from all the parties involved was made public in chunks. Just like dominoes, a statement from one party seemed to then require the next party to immediately respond. While it made for great entertainment, it really served no useful purpose for the sport.

At this time, only the motorsports media is chasing this story. Should Allmendinger choose to remain silent until his "B" sample results are in, the next few days should be calm. It will then be up to Allmendinger to set the tone. If those subsequent results cause him to be released from Penske, the situation may become quite different in a hurry. Especially if he feels victimized, the media may become his outlet for that message.

NASCAR's substance abuse policy has been in place since 2009. Click here to review Jayski's page on violations and updates of that policy. The ultimate question raised every time is whether or not the actual violation should be made public. Click here for an opinion on that topic from AP motorsports reporter Jenna Fryer. She believes that information should be announced along with the violation.

Dietary supplements, sleep aids and no alcohol 12 hours before a race are just three of the more interesting items that would cause the same policy violation announcement as sinister drugs like heroin and methamphetamine. The argument for making public the actual violation at the time of the original suspension certainly holds some weight.

Just as we did with Mayfield, we will be keeping an eye on the TV and media coverage of the Allmendinger situation. Monday, both ESPN's NASCAR Now and SPEED's Race Hub passed along timely news using Charlotte area reporters assigned to the story.

The fastest information source to date has been social media text service Twitter. Before stories are written or TV segments recorded, Allmendinger information has been made public as the rush to be first online continues. Both Allmendinger and his wife Lynne have not used their Twitter accounts since the violation was made public.

We will see what Tuesday brings and update those news items right on this post. In the meantime, feel free to offer your opinion about the media coverage of this topic. Comments may be moderated prior to posting.


  1. I have formed no opinion about AJ. The issue has not matured. However, I will say what I dislike, aside fom the secrecy which caluses all of us to, in Jenna Fryer's words, engage in "gossip" and "guesses" once a suspension is announced.

    What I dislike, though I have no way of stopping its use, is the word "drug". The word is so loaded with unfortunate baggage including its oft unspoken but nevertheless present in peoples' minds companion word "illegal."

    "Substance" would be, though it has its share of baggage too, a better term.

  2. Lessons learned from the Mayfield deal for sure.I think that Allmendinger's approach is right in being silent. For now. Deactivating the Twitter accounts are a good thing in this day and age. The Trolls would be out in force, and you can bet NASCAR has eyes on their accounts...While I agree on one hand that NASCAR keeps silent on what exact drugs, etc. are coming up in these tests, it certainly opens up the door for criticizm from the fans and media alike, that NASCAR is too secretive. I believe that initially the policy was created so as not to publicly
    humiliate the accused any further than what has already taken place. But if this process is ran by the same people that are behind the penalty appeals process, then it's easy to see why it can be a massive joke. Out of touch with reality, and clueless individuals would make me uneasy no matter what. I'd be afraid to take Advil with those people in charge.

  3. I had the impression they modeled their system after the other sports, since they were pretty much last to the table. I am uncomfortable with saying much before we know the facts. I understand & agree with some of what Jenna said--but is it really our business if someone is taking a legal prescription (ie, Hope Solo) that somehow runs afoul of the rules, but rather accidentally, and with little advantage? Or a dietary supplement they didn't realize had 'substance A' in it, which has happened in other sports. It would appear if you get paid to play professional sports, you give up your right to medical privacy. From what Fryer said about allowing the driver to give an 'acceptable' explanation, and the testing people contacting the physician (if possible, which could be difficult on a weekend) it would not look favorable to the driver. Or...it could just be a false positive. In any case, when SPEED Center covered this with Sam, they missed some of those critical parts (or chose not to mention them, ditto on RaceHub.) But that could be just a fear of jumping the gun, so to speak, making someone look more guilty simply because we are 'aware' that they've had the chance to explain and apparently could not; if that makes sense. But still--there is too much unknown and I don't think the media needs to engage in too much speculation. Fryer had about the best description of the process I've seen so far. I don't think this will be like the Mayfield situation because Allmendinger is not Mayfield. Being silent is better than 'protesting too much'. But I'm not going to be one clamoring for NASCAR to give the media answers when they don't yet have them. More than anything, people need to understand the process & be patient.

  4. I, too, am withholding any opinion about AJ's situation. Unfortunately now that an accusation of this type is out there, it can quickly become ugly.

    I've been reading a lot of articles about very common items including soaps that can apparently come up with a positive result in a lab test.

    Do I trust NASCAR? No, they have not demonstrated that they are able to manage issues. Heck they can't even get their own PR right and we should trust them with something this important?

  5. Unlike some of the others here, I have formed some strong opinions about AJ's situation. I think someone in NASCAR is trying to railroad him. I think J Mayfield whizzed in someone's Wheaties, and was severely punished by someone who had the power.

    As for media coverage, I noticed that one reporter (blogger?) has characterized AJ's October 2009 DUI as "a problem with substance abuse". Really? One or two glasses of wine with dinner is now substance abuse? Get real.

  6. I'd prefer to wait to see what the second test outcome is, but I hope that sample B went to an independent lab for further analysis.

    If sample B comes back positive, then and only then should the actual substance be named.

    If AJ wants to keep his career alive, go along with whatever Nascar dictates. From the Mayfield case (and it was ONLY terminated due to his signing the loss liability waiver) its clear that Nascar will ultimately win due to the liability waver, even if they haven't followed proper procedure.

    I hope that AJ doesn't have a problem with substance abuse, but if he does, I would recommend that he seek help immediately. Good luck to AJ, regardless of the outcome. I only hope that his team, Penske, stands behind him when the time comes.

  7. I am reading now that it was mentioned on the broadcast that some in the garage had been afraid to say something about AJ, and that a couple of spotters tweeted that it "explained everything." Have you heard anything like that from anyone, John? It's scary if it was suspected and no one did anything. That puts everyone in danger. Or it could just be an example of piling on.

    NASCAR creates this air of secrecy that is just unhealthy, but they will never be convinced they are doing anything wrong.

  8. I did not know there was even a test that could tell without a doubt a person had consumed alcohol within a certain timeframe. I could understand a BAC above X being a problem, but 12 hours? Seems like NASCAR just picked a random number and ran with it.

  9. to Glenc1, RaceHub didn't say "failed drug test," NASCAR did.
    Steve Byrnes

  10. Nascar is all about putting on a show, does anyone truly believe that Nascar was going to pull AJ from the car a handful of hours from the race for Human Growth Hormone or Steroids?

    If it was that they would have waited until Monday and either put him on probation and or suspended him for New Hampshire. Nascar isnt the business of pissing off billion dollar sponsors like Royal Dutch Shell. Lets be real.

    Who knows, maybe he actually did have some sudafed and or cold medicine that showed it was meth? We all know allergy medicine doesnt work unless it has sudafed in it at this point...

    My point is that Nascar isnt going ruin their "show" over nothing, and hopefully for AJ's sake he isnt flying high while manning a 200mph missile.

  11. No alcohol 12 hours before a race is a violation? Surely this is incorrect wording.

  12. Frank,

    It is not incorrect. Same for NHRA and other motorsports organizations.


    NASCAR botched the terminology with Mayfield and is doing much better this time. It is a substance abuse policy, not an illegal drug test. Ambien and other common prescription meds would trigger the same announcement.


    Thanks for the info. Great Monday update on this topic from Danielle.


  13. Two things jump out at me.
    A) Use of the word "knowingly" suggests he knows that the substance is in his system but wants to lay the groundowrk he didn't know it was illegal when he took it.
    B) Very rare for a Cup driver not to mention his aponsor. Apparently Shell wants to limit collateral damage which doesn't speak well to his return to the seat.

  14. The garage guys were afraid to say anything until announcement made public. They were preparing the car for another driver but afraid to say so until public.

  15. Looking at the calendar, I wonder: 8 days to get results back? I have taken hundreds, if not thousands of drug tests over the last 26 years, and they are 24 to 36 hours to get results back.And I'm Joe Citizen working for a private enterprise. NASCAR is a multi-billion dollar maga machine, and it takes 8 days? Then to pull the plug within hours of a race? I guess if I had egg constantly baked all over my face, I couldn't see the forest through the trees either. I agree with one of the other posters here, in that why would NASCAR make such an announcement publicly within hours of the race, with sponsorship dollars at stake? Shell would have to have known almost at the same time as the average fan, and that, my friends, is irresponsible. Unprofessional as well. It's too bad that the drivers aren't subjected to the same treatment as BZF, where you can crash your car into a palmtree in Florida, and it gets swept under the rug. Well, I could point out the differences between Scott Wimmer and Michael Waltrip.

  16. The "no alcohol" wording in this column is such that it refers to taking no alcohol 12 hours before a race as a violation. The inference here is that (taking) Dietary supplements, (taking) sleep aids, and (taking) no alcohol is a violation. That's how I read it.

    1. And thats how it should be read. None Zero and thats why everyone saying he is a stoner or druggy, is really ticking me off.

  17. I hope the NASCAR media does a better job this time when it comes to putting this positive result in context. For example, I don't think it was clear in the Mayfield case that NASCAR has nothing to do with the testing. They have hired industry leader Aegis Labs, a federally accredited lab, to handle all the testing. I also hope that they report on the facts about the science behind the testing. There are no false positives on Aegis' tests - these are not simple positive/negative tests they run. They evaluate, identify, and measure the exact drugs in his system. Mayfields drug interaction alibi didn't hold up because Aegis was able to identify the d-methamphetamine that isn't present in adderall (which contains l-methamphetamine). There such a thing as scientific proof, and Aegis has never had a drug test result overturned. They test literally thousands of athletes and federal employees. They use the most scientifically advanced testing available (so advanced that most labs don't have the same methods). And because they are federally accredited, any monkey business with results (ie. trying to railroad a driver unfairly) would not on result in the closure of their HUGE business, but also federal criminal tampering charges as well.

    I hope MartySmith hightails it up to their labs and produces a segment showing how they do the testing and explaining why the results are so solid. Dr. Black always does media interviews - it is time for the NASCAR press to start asking for one.

  18. I'm sticking with AJ on this one. He doesn't seem like the type to jepordize his whole carrer like this. Leigh Diffy who was on Wind tunnel the other night said that for someone who's fought as hard as him to make something of a carrer in racing he would never put himself in this position. I agree a hundred percent. AJ has gotta be clean. And if so NASCAR needs to reexamine its drug testing methods. Course that's a lot of ifs

  19. Just a little food for thought. Last week I read an article, don't remember where, which a hospital was test about 40%ish of newborns, and aside from obvious probable cases, many turned up positive for one of those suspect drugs they were looking for and finally found the suspect link was baby bathing products by three or four manufacturers. They were quite surprised. I need more information, we all need more info.

  20. This is going to get interesting if they there's nothing illegal in the Sample B and also reminds me of Mayfield's issues with his results and OTC and prescription combos. We just had to terminate someone at work here who tested positive we don't give any 2nd chances here.

  21. Colorad,

    Workplace testing is often done locally. These samples are shipped, evaluated and then the results are communicated.

    Depending on the number of tests for various substances requested, the testing could take up to 48 hours I was told.


    That is a great point. Since NASCAR cannot deliver the message and the team and driver have a predetermined point of view, it is up to the media to get the real news out on this issue.

    That was a huge struggle for the Mayfield issue.


    Sounding very much like a supplement issue rather than a dangerous illegal drug. Even Penske said they need to understand the real issue when the B sample results are done.

    This is a big mystery for sure.


  22. Whoa, just to be sure no one misunderstood my comments, I'm re-reading and I can see how I might not have phrased it right. I know that they test for everything, not just illegal things--my issue is with the privacy of it all if it is prescription or OTC. But the critical part of the process explanation that was missing for me (until I read Jenna's piece) was the part that the medical review officer supposedly tries to contact the physician to clarify anything and that the driver may give an 'acceptable' explanation that would cause them to forego the suspension. At least I don't remember either programming mentioning that part, I apologize if I missed that. I do see it as important in that, if it was one of the simple things we're hoping it is, knowing that those things could have been dismissed right away might indicate it is something more serious--although it could be as simple as, they couldn't reach the doctor (it is a weekend, after all). Hopefully that makes more sense.

    Again, all of the criticism of NASCAR for being secretive just makes me uncomfortable with the athletes having to completely lose their privacy (to us as fans or media, not NASCAR or their owners). If Driver Smith takes non-drowsy dramamine or something, it doesn't seem fair somehow that I should have to know that; and when we don't know the facts it seems wrong to assume anything, really. I'm guessing they think it is best not to say anything lest they lead people astray.

    I didn't see/hear anything wrong from Speedcenter or Racehub's discussion (in fact I thought they were doing a good job) except in that they missed that one aspect which I thought was important to detailing the process. As drivers, I thought both Sam (who had an especially hard task being involved) and Elliott did a good job explaining their feelings while trying to keep it very 'theoretical'. I think it's very hard to discuss without accusing. My main criticism of the media would be TNT giving *no* explanation of the process, which they easily could have done in prerace, especially as Raceday had already broken the story, and ran out of time to really 'cover' it. It made them look as if they (TNT) were either incompetent as a news source or that they were trying to sweep it under. You need caution, but detailing the process was a minimum requirement.

    As for the conspiracy theories...really, still? A guy who's likely going to prison for theft to support his habit no longer has the benefit of the doubt from me. And I can see no benefit to NASCAR for 'railroading' anyone. I know they are the 'bad guys' sometimes, but in this case, as Jimmie48fan said, Aegis is a well recognized company; it's not like they hired some insider group to do this.

  23. I found it interesting that you can't even take sleeping aids?? Really? I can see that being the case for 12 hours or under before a race, but what if a driver truly suffers from some sort of sleep disorder or basic insomnia? You're saying Tylenol PM gets a driver an immediate suspension?? Wow....

    This policy needs a MAJOR overhaul. At the very least, they should give some sort of classification "level" like opiates = level 1, something in sleep aid = level 3. Geez...

    regardless, I hope he didn't do anything wrong. Would be such a waste. We all saw how Mayfield pissed everything away...

  24. It's obvious that there is much more information that needs to be found before anyone can pass judgement. The media doesn't seem to have any hesitation about determining AJ's future. Most of them already have him out of the car and out of Nascar. 'Banned Substance' covers a lot of territory, not necessarily including 'illegal' substances. Until the 'B' sample has been tested, I suggest everyone hold off on drawing conclusions.

  25. Anon, the sleep aid that is banned is Ambien and others of that type.

    The substance abuse policy has illegal drugs and alcohol only as a small slice of the pie.


  26. Why isn't the Media asking NASCAR to explain why it took 9 days and hours before the race to notify Roger Penske? It's a kick in the stomach, lack of professional courtesy, embarrassing, and has the appearance of being malicious. There are careers, sponsors and reputations on the line here. It is inexcusable to wait 9 days. It was a 3 wring circus on Saturday. And Brian France says "he's ok with the criticism." How about instead of being "ok with the criticism" you swallow your EGO and apologize
    on behalf of NASCAR for NOT notifying Mr. PENSKE sooner. Bill France Jr. would have handled this with dignity and respect.
    James Cory

  27. Where are these people getting 8 and 9 days before notification from? AJ took the test on Tuesday. 48 hours to get results. And then once they have results they give him another 48 hours to respond/explain why the stuff was in his system (perscription, alibi, etc). 96 hours from Tuesday is Saturday afternoon. I don't see what the big deal is. The bottom line is that whatever they found was a safety concern. We don't need people on uppers, downers, hallucinagens, or whatever it was driving in a pack at 200mph.

    AJ = Another Junkie

  28. I am very happy to see by far most of the comments today are moderate and that really no one wants to rush to judgement. This is far too serious for that as it regards this young man.

    I am also pleased with most of the media reaction as well with the exception of a piece in The Bleacher Report which simply appalled me.

    1. I too Ancient Racer was disgusted with the blog in Bleacher Report. It was an appalling teardown of a human being by someone who obviously had too much time on their hands, but not enough time to make an accurate and fair argument. No matter what AJ was busted for, he deserves more respect then what the kind reporter wrote in her scathing column. And folks say redneck fans cast a pall on NASCAR ... I think the media does a better job of disgracing NASCAR then any fan or driver ever could.

  29. Maybe they should take 3 samples. "A" & "B" tested separately at first and the "C" sample tested later. It wasn't that long ago that the FBI's DNA test lab had all kinds of problems. It does happen.

    I'd like to think that nascar is sure about the positve test results. I don't think they want to mess with Roger Penske, unlike J Mayfield.

    It will be interesting to see how this plays out.

    @Ancient Racer, I agree with you about the Bleacher Report article. I was appalled too. I would hate to be that writer if Dinger prevails.

  30. Ancient and Dot, I was very upset with the Bleacher Report article. As a matter of fact, it will be the last article by Hang'em High McWatters that I will read.

  31. We've been down this road before & as a sport and as a fan base, we've learned some important lessons. So...

    Before going any further, I strongly suggest folks read "Drug Testing FAQ" column from Dr. Diandra's Building Speed site (buildingspeed.com). She answers many of the questions that folks here and across the Internet are asking. She also shoots down many of the rampant misconceptions out there.

    If you want to be an educated fan, make time to read this.

    For me, as Ancient racer put it: "I have formed no opinion about AJ." I need to know the result of the B sample test, first and foremost. I'll ponder what comes after that when/if that time comes. I am not ready to assume AJ has been "caught" but neither will I accept that NASCAR is "out to get" him.

    The science will tell the tale. Not claims made by some media entity about what other materials that are not banned can lead to a positive result at this level of testing (*cough* nonsense! *cough*.) Not speculation about how "everyone in the garage" knew something was up. Not a several years old DUI. Not factual errors about timelines and who knew what, when and what is actually tested for by Aegis.

    I will wait on the science because I know the science is solid. It was solid for Mayfield, it was solid for the many other men who were suspended for an illegal substance in their tests. (And before anyone brings it up yet again: It was NOT solid for the Tim Richmond case because no science was involved, not even the existing testing science of the day.)

    But TDP is a media discussion site, so let me stick to that aspect of this moment. Unlike the Mayfield fiasco, irresponsible speculation among most of the NASCAR media has, in my opinion, been practically non-existent -- at least among the folks I read. Perhaps that's because this situation is being handled far more professionally than the previous one. Perhaps it's because no one wants to put anything "out there" that might end up in a court case. Perhaps it's as simple as folks just like Allmendinger more than they liked Mayfield.

    Whatever the reason, the tone has been relatively subdued and professional. There has been an amazing effort by NASCAR media to explain the process & address the inaccuracies. What frustrates me is fans who continue to ask the same, basic questions even though they've been addressed by many different reporters. I would like to see fans do some work in this and become educated before forming an opinion.

    I disagree with Jenna Fryer's position about revealing what the substance was that led to the positive test result. Let's be honest here, folks: that's nothing more than flat out curiosity speaking. For me, that information should remain private: it is up to the individual involved to release it if he/she chooses to do so. Otherwise, it's just prurient curiosity.

    I want NASCAR to be transparent about the process, the timeline and the personnel involved. I have had that information provided to me as a fan. If I have that AND I have confidence in it -- which I do -- than what substance was involved is, for me, irrelevant.

    Finally, I was disappointed that the pre-race show didn't cover the story better on Sunday. It was a great opportunity to educate fans as the situation was unfolding. That being said, I believe the media is doing a strong job this time around.

    It appears that some lessons have been learned by all of us.

  32. Waiting for the outcome but so far I respect Allmendinger's response and reaction to what has happened.

    When Randy LaJoie (tested as a spotter) tested positive for weed, he readily admitted it and said he would abide by NASCAR's program for reinstatement. Within a few months NASCAR reinstated him but I don't know if ESPN ever gave him his job back since I'm not around at 3:00 in the afternoon to see their show.

    When Mayfield tested positive and was suspended and told to leave the racetrack, did he? No, he came back into the interior of the track in street clothes - even though his immediate suspension barred him from the infield - and sought out an ESPN reporter so that he could start playing the victim. Claims Brian France has something against him even though just a few months earlier on Media Day at Daytona Brian France was hailing the fact that small, underfunded teams like Mayfield's and Nemechek's (mentioning them by name) coming into the sport were good for the sport, brought more fans into the sport, and game employment to crew members and others who had been victims of the mass 2008 NASCAR teams' layoffs. Then on Monday he has Charlotte TV stations out at his house salivating on his every "I-am-a-victim-of-NASCAR-and-Brian-France" word.

    Based on his response, I have more respect for Allmendinger's reaction and will take a wait-and-see on this. I do sincerely hope that if true, it is related to dietary supplements and not hard drugs and that it all gets straightened out in a timely manner. As for Mayfield, when are we ever going to see that supposed documentary on him from the film crew following him around?

  33. Thanks for the link to the Drug Testing FAQ, red... but it is buildingspeed.org, not .com

  34. AJ is done. The caught him. The science used is very complex, Aegis Labs has a sterling reputation and uses the most advanced science available, and as a federally accredited lab, they are held to a higher standard.

    On the same day Mayfield was busted, two crew members from different teams were also busted. Those crew members followed the prescribed rehabilitation/education program set forth by NASCAR and are now back in the sport. The problem for AJ is that even if he fesses up and goes through the NASCAR process for reinstatement, no sponsor will touch him. If Penske/Shell won't tolerate Kurt Busch for swearing (and remember, Shell specifically requested Busch when they signed the Penske deal, which is why he left Miller Lite), then they aren't going to tolerate a guy who was busted for prohibited substances. So, AJ is looking at a future either with a start-and-park level team on the Michael McDowell-level of the sport, or else racing in another serie. So sad.

    Here is my prediction: Matt Kenseth to the 20 car. Joey Logano to the 22 car. Sam Hornish back to obscurity. (Hornish will have a solo spin out at NH - that has become his trademark). AJ Allmendinger to Rolex Series (if he's LUCKY).

  35. I'm not ready to pass judgement on AJ just yet. I'll wait for the results of the B Sample and the disclosure of what banned substance was detected. AJ quite possibly could have taken a supplement that had a banned ingredient or on the opposite end of the spectrum he could have taken Meth. Right now, we know nothing and there's a big difference in how I view those results.

  36. @anon 11:29 -- Thanks for the correction. I claim a momentary case of, well, let's be charitable & call it a brain fart! I suspect it's because I have it bookmarked & so didn't pay as much attention to the address as I should have before posting it.

    Thanks again!

  37. Perhaps Aegis Labs is above reproach, but all it takes is one person in the chain of custody. Someone has to manipulate the sample into an "A" half and a "B" half. It's remarkable what you can get people to do when you either bribe or threaten them.

  38. Before going any further, I strongly suggest folks read "Drug Testing FAQ" column from Dr. Diandra's Building Speed site (buildingspeed.org). She answers many of the questions that folks here and across the Internet are asking. She also shoots down many of the rampant misconceptions out there.
