Saturday, September 1, 2012

TV Timeout: The Orange Gloves Are Back

Lou Cappi and his magic orange gloves are back. Lou crosses his arms on the sidelines when the TV network covering his NFL game needs a timeout. The officials then stop the game. Lou keeps his arms crossed until the commercial is over and then the game rolls on. In his world, calling a timeout is simple.

I am happy to inform TDP readers that I am making a career change this holiday weekend and will be starting down a very different road next week. A TV timeout is needed for a couple of days as I work to get things arranged over in the real world. My new position is not NASCAR or media-related.

Over the next few weeks I will be working to determine my availability to interact on NASCAR TV and media topics. There certainly may be some changes on the way, but I hope to be able to continue to discuss the topics that make NASCAR fans passionate about how the sport is presented on TV.

Update: We will have a #TDP live stream on Twitter for the Cup race from Atlanta that I will moderate. Chatting for trucks and NNS as possible. Let's hope the weather cooperates!

I appreciate your patience. There will be a new post up after the Sprint Cup Series race in Atlanta is over. Have a safe and happy holiday weekend.


  1. JD,
    Good luck in your new career. I wish you well!

  2. JD, good luck with your new career. I hope it goes great!

    Obviously all of us long time posters hope you will be able to continue, but understand that the demands of new work may make that difficult. I'll keep my fingers crossed since I would miss your discussions and all the planeteers.

  3. Good luck on your new opportunity! Hope you still get to spend some time w/us Planteers.

  4. Hope your new avenues go smoothly!You worked hard and payed your dues,and helped many,many of us fans voice our feelings about the media topics where it could actually be heard and without any spin,and we are forever grateful for it!

    Without your work here we would stil be stuck in the mud on many issues(Imagine if the digger cam thing was still going on).And as i said last week,you are a perfect class act.We will be praying for you.Thanks for all you have done and are doing.

  5. What???? You state that it is a different career path, but the end of your article says you hope to continue to bring us commentary on NASCAR... Please tell me ESPN hired you back to Tweet during the races about the coverage? Now I have to resort to the "brick" that we used to throw through the tv at Howard Cosell when he used to down the Broncos in the 70's...

  6. All the best to you JD. I hope to still see you on Twitter. XOXO

  7. Good Luck man, hope to see you back soon..

  8. Good luck J.D., however it works out I have enjoyed this site and the conversations over the years.

  9. Thanks all, just to clear up some things.

    I am changing jobs, but staying in the South Florida area.

    Time schedules are going to be a bit rough for me, but I am working toward figuring out a schedule for weekly NASCAR media news and columns.

    The blog is down for a couple of days and will return with the post-race post from the Cup race on Sunday.

    Please follow me on Twitter by signing up and searching for The Daly Planet. Twitter is easy, fast and packed with NASCAR personalities from drivers to TV folks. Hope to see you there.


  10. Next to "Inside (Winston, Nextel, Sprint) Cup going off the air, this news has made almost as sad. Your blog is the only real breath of fresh air (I am not a twitter)that was left in the world of Nascar. Good luck with the new opportunity and I hope you can find a way to keep this going.


  11. Best of luck JD. Real life sometimes has to take priority over things like our TV coverage. Will certainly still be around for the time you can devote to this going forward

  12. From the great White North, all the best as you begin your new job, great news that you will continue on twitter, now about becoming a Ottawa Senator fan

  13. JD, we're definitely going to miss you, but can't thank you enough for giving us all a place to voice our opinions and keep our sanity. Don't tweet, but wish you the best with the new gig.

  14. Mr Editor -
    When one door closes, another opens wishes for a smooth transition and future successes ...looking forward to your comments when available

  15. Best wishes on your new opportunity outside of Nascar but so glad we can still "see" you on twitter!

  16. Congrats JD! Love the blog and wish you all the best. One request: don't leave us hanging... Give us a hInt as to what you're doing next.

  17. Hope the career change allows you to continue the blog. Miss the live blog chats. I'm watching the truck pre race as I type and I'm already sick of SPEED turning the race into The Kyle Busch Show. The booth would already give him the trophy if they could.

  18. May you find the next chapter of your life as fulfilling as this endeavor has given many the chance to understand and grow. Your efforts have made a difference to many and your presence has been profound. I wish you well.

  19. Best of luck on your new adventure! I have been reading your blof and following you on twitter for a long time! I hope you keep things going, but if not, I hope that whatever you're doing instead makes you happy!
    All the best.

  20. JD, Congratulations on your new job opportunity. Finally gave in and signed up for twitter last week so I've been missing in action this season. Really miss the live blogging and have been an avid follower of yours since the beginning.

    As others have said, I hope you'll still be able to spend some time with your Planeteers.

  21. JD -
    Good luck with the new job. Hope it turns out to be what you want.

    I will continue to read any future blog posts. Since I watch all races delayed these days, I won't be joining on Twitter.

  22. Best of everthing JD. Whatever you do ,we are sure it will be successful for you.We will not be joining you on twitter as we found it too time consuming to sort out all the nonsense.

  23. Congratulations!!!!! Once things get settled, I'm sure there will be time for at least a little bit of NASCAR writing!!! : ) (Hey, I'm a total optimist! :D)
