Thursday, April 30, 2009

Busy TV Friday In Richmond

This may well be an outstanding Friday to record the daytime shows on SPEED. NASCAR is coming to this race after the amazing finish at Talladega and the tragic death of a media legend.

It will be Mike Joy front-and-center as SPEED comes on at noon ET with early Sprint Cup practice. There is little doubt that the topics mentioned above will dominate the early portion of the telecast, as perhaps they should.

Darrell Waltrip and Larry McReynolds will be on-camera for the first time reacting to the passing of their friend David Poole. Also involved as reporters for this session will be veterans Dick Berggren and Matt Yocum. Their thoughts and the interviews they conduct will set the tone for the remainder of the day.

This is a marathon Friday for Joy. He will also handle the second Cup practice session at 2PM with his Fox crew and then join Hermie Sadler and Phil Parsons for Nationwide qualifying at 4PM. To conclude his day, the NASCAR on Fox gang returns and Joy hosts Sprint Cup qualifying at 5:30PM.

When ESPN2 steps into the picture at 7PM for the Nationwide Series race, it will be Rusty Wallace up in the booth calling the action as Dale Jarrett has the day off. Wallace will be joined by Andy Petree and play-by-play announcer Dr. Jerry Punch.

Pit road reporter Vince Welch is also off, so Dave Burns, Shannon Spake and Jamie Little will handle all the action from pit road.

Once the Nationwide Series race is over, Trackside appears on SPEED at 11PM. Brian Vickers, Sam Hornish and Kurt Busch are the scheduled guests. Steve Byrnes hosts this hour with Waltrip, Jeff Hammond and McReynolds as the panel.

This is a very long day and in the early portions of practice there should be several opportunities for various NASCAR personalities to address both the passing of Poole and the mood in the garage after the Talladega accident. On this Friday, there is certainly plenty to talk about in NASCAR.

The full Richmond weekend schedule with all the TV details is posted on the right side of the TDP main page.

This post will serve to host your comments about the Friday TV coverage from Richmond. There will be a new post up for comments on the Nationwide Series race.

To add your TV-related opinion, just click on the comments button below. There is nothing to join and we do not want your email address. We just want to know what you think of the SPEED coverage on Friday. This is a family-friendly website, please keep that in mind when posting.

Thanks for taking the time to stop by The Daly Planet.


  1. I'll be cheating here again tomorrow from the office.

    JD, do you have an approximate time for the green flag? I won't get off work until 5pm (8pm to you). Roommate may have to pause the start.

  2. Taking off tomorrow for the track! Will let you all know later what it was like "in real life."

  3. I bet they they show the Busch-Earnhardt get-together from last year much more than the Carl crash. No doubt we'll see the Carl crash, but I think they will be trying to pump the 18-88 rivalry.

  4. @ Tracy, have fun.

    @ Anon 11:02, I bet you're right. The script has been written.

  5. enjoy Tracy!

    Another busy busy day for the boyz and us fans.

    See everyone in a few hours :) Happy Friday :)

  6. I am also going to the track today! Up early and getting ready now! Should be a great day! I'm looking forward to seeing DW on trackside tonight......I have never gotten to go to one where he was there, as I always go at Talladega at the END of the year when Elliot Sadler is in that seat (love Elliot too!). So...since I live local, I am taking this opportunity to go see DW!

  7. Dot,

    The green flag will be around 7:43PM ET.


  8. Don't want to be a wet blanket (pun intended) but rain may be a factor in the weekend which is a real bummer cuz I'm headed to the track for the Cup race on Saturdy. Rain, rain, go away - at least for the evening races.

    I'll have to listen to qualifying on the radio since it will start before I get home but I'll tune in for the rest later in the evening.

    I love the track at Richmond, but I think Anon 11:02 pm may be right, they will replay the Jr-KyB get together. Gotta pump up Jr Nation!

  9. Thanks, JD.

    I selfishly hope there is a rain delay so I can get home and not have to catch up. I am more bummed at not being on TDP at the GF than seeing the race. See JD? You are addicting.

    See you guys when I get home.

  10. Have fun Tracey! I would love to go to that track someday.

    BTW heard a stat yesterday that the top 12 coming out of this race have gone on to be the ones in the chase 80% over the years.

  11. Heads up to those going to the track. Trackside will tape at 4:15 pm during Nationwide qualifying.

  12. Nice job SPEED for missing Nationwide practice. You guys can care less about that series. I know Pink reruns are more important to you.

  13. JD, do you happen to know why they don't draw on the screen or whatever the correct term is on replays? It's often hard to know which car is which when they replay a spin using a distance camera shot so it would be nice if they marked it with an X or something so you'd know which one to watch.


  14. Anon, I am sure you meant to say that ESPN dropped the ball on NW practice, since they do have the rights to it.

  15. That was me (haus) who made that last post as Rhonda...evidently, my wife has a blogger account now and it logged her in automatically.

  16. I must say, I am a little suprised that not a peep has been said about David Poole.

  17. JD said There is little doubt that the topics mentioned above will dominate the early portion of the telecast, as perhaps they should.I'm kind of doubting it since Dega was only talked about briefly and Poole hasn't really been mentioned.

  18. Are you guys surprised about the lack of a David Poole discussion/tribute?

    Two words come to mind...John Madden.


  19. Hopefully they'll touch on it the half hour between practices. Shameful if they don't.

  20. Or maybe they'll wait for the race tonight or tomorrow night. Surely, Trackside will say something.

  21. Didn't Poole get a nice tribute earlier this week on NASCAR NOW ??

    The majority of that show remembered Poole.

    He'll get a moment of silence prior to the race(s) this weekend....what more do you want ?

    I respect the work he did and his dedication to the sport, but for people who don't have Sirius radio or read the Charlotte Observer or go to Facebook.... enough is enough.

  22. says rain late in the afternoon and tonight, tomorrow and tomorrow night. May be a long weekend for racers and fans.

  23. Rhonda,
    ESPN just has the rights to the races. For practice and qualifying, they are all up for grabs. Since SPEED airs a late practice session and qualifying, logic says they could have had the rights for the early session as well, which they refused to show.

  24. Finally a mention of David Poole.

  25. Ken-Michigan... you make it sound as if that's a small chunk of the NASCAR fan population--I just think the *numbers* of people who read That's Racin, or read articles Poole wrote linked directly at Jayski would be a pretty big number--especially since he's been doing it for many, many years. I suppose the number of fans with Sirius may not be that large; I don't know. But plenty of times under these circumstances, with people a lot less known than Poole, mention would have been made on a broadcast just out of respect. Sounds like they finally got to it.

  26. I would like to make a comment as to Speed not covering the Nationwide practice. I know many people who work in the TV compound and I know their schedule this weekend. IF Speed had covered that practice the TV crew would have had to be there at 6 am. Those people then would have to stay through the taping of NASCAR Performance and are hoping to leave the track by 9:30 pm. Speed would have to pay each person for 4.5 hours of overtime. I know that everyonee wants to see all of the coverage they can (I know I do!) BUT it isn't fiscally responsible to cover that practice. I don't want to see other stuff get cut just to show this practice. The TV compound has had to make many cuts to stay afloat so I think we can cut Speed a break for not covering the practice this morning.

  27. I know they're doing nothing wrong according to NASCAR's rules, but I still feel it's completely wrong take a 43 car Nationwide race and replace four legitimate racecars - 09, 31, 42, 52 - with cars that are presumed to have no intentions of running more than 10 or so laps tonight (90, 91, 0, 49, maybe the 73 as well?).

    I sure would like to see NASCAR make efforts to nip the start-and-park in the bud before things evolve to the point where the number of legitimate teams being sent home in favor of start-and-parkers grows from 4 to 6, then from 6 to 8, then to 10, then to 15, then to 20, and then perhaps to the point where every race track becomes nothing more than a 43 car parking lot.

    I'm still very surprised that (as best as I can remember) no one on the TV side has chosen to publicly voice their concerns over something I perceive to be a very big problem for the integrity and without a doubt a huge problem for the future health of this sport's on-track product.

  28. Ken,

    What was that about? Did you see Mike Joy, Darrell Waltrip or Larry McReynolds on NASCAR Now?

    Little confused about your issues.


  29. There is a new post up for your comments on the Nationwide Series race on ESPN2 that goes on the air at 7PM ET.



  30. stricklinfan82- The #73 of Derrike Cope has a sponsor for the race and will attempt the distance. The #49 I'm not sure. You can expect the usual M$RP parks (typical) and the JD Motorsports #0 to park (to pays the bills and keep the #01 racing)

  31. NASCAR should hand out severe penalties to teams that fail to run 15%-20% of the scheduled laps, including lifetime bans on anyone involved in the team operation if it happens repeatedly.

  32. If SPEED employees value their jobs in this economy, they'd do any and all work necessarly to bring us all practice sessons 'off the clock' if thats what it takes without overtime. There are plenty of people out there that can easily replace them.

  33. Stricklin, I respect and value your comments, I just have to disagree about the S&P's.
    It's not only in racing, if you want more out of "whatever you do", you have to work harder and be better than everyone else.
    I just don't think "big brother" needs to save the day for the ones who can't keep up. (assuming the health of the person is not an issue)

    Anonymous said...
    If SPEED employees value their jobs in this economy, they'd do any and all work necessarly to bring us all practice sessons 'off the clock' if thats what it takes without overtime. There are plenty of people out there that can easily replace them.

    I assume you will work a 60 hour week for 40 hours of pay?

  34. Glen,
    Yep, if it means I can keep earning a paycheck, I'd be happy earning 40 hours for 60 hours of work. Beats unemployment and a $0 paycheck anyday.

    SPEED employees just need to suck it up and work a bit harder.

  35. Anonymous said...
    Yep, if it means I can keep earning a paycheck, I'd be happy earning 40 hours for 60 hours of work. Beats unemployment and a $0 paycheck anyday.

    SPEED employees just need to suck it up and work a bit harder."

    late to the comments here but, with all due respect, i can't let this comment stand uncontested, anon.

    as a mgr, i will NEVER allow my employees to work off the clock for any reason. it is wrong for the following reasons (in order of importance to me as a mgr):
    1. it is unethical and immoral to ask people to work without pay. basic fact of my managerial life for over 30 years: if you work, i have a responsibility to pay you and despite all the best intentions, i can't allow you to offer your talent to me for free.

    2. it is illegal according to most state laws and federal labor laws and a company found to be in violation will be heavily fined.

    3. if i can't manage the workload to get it done within the labor/payroll budget, then i need to dink with the task load. in this particular instance, speed has no control over what happens when and so had to make a payroll decision based on what they could and couldn't cover. i cannot fault them for that decision from a business perspective.

    bottom line for me is that an ethical company doesn't allow employees to work "off the clock" and a smart company minimizes OT and monitors payroll aggressively so that all employees will be paid and the company can survive.

    if the decision was to sacrifice part of the coverage in order to meet that goal, then i'm ok with it. and that being said: speed historically does seem to be ambivalent about covering "all things n'wide" and so this latest example, altho' explained by anon@4:49, just seems like a continuation of that pattern.
